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On the Buses

Started by ozbob, August 16, 2007, 19:37:22 PM

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There is an element that is a problem on the 100s ( and elsewhere ), but many locals are really dependent on the bus services.  My missus catches the 100 from time to time and hasn't had an issue, but she travels during the day.
This is really bad stuff IMHO. Every time there are problems, the reaction will be kill the bus services.

There should be urgent action to increase security and patrols IMMEDIATELY and restore the services. I understand some bus drivers are not happy with safety screens but the RTBU has called for them.  If that is what it takes so be it.

Big problems!  Need proper solutions.
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On the Brisbane reddit, the latest issue was a rock attack after some people were apparently refused travel, and a passenger was injured.

I think this goes deeper than adding cages to protect the drivers.  Cages won't stop rock attacks.


But improved security/patrols might help.  It's a mess sadly ...

Really needs a multi prong approach.  Seems beyond the capabilities of BCC, Translink and TMR as well as our so called elected political representatives. 
Utter shambles now.

And wouldn't it be refreshing if they actually told the the public the details of why the services have been truncated.

I suppose there will be more reduced service timetables now that children are heading back to school as well.
Hope not!

Last 135 days there have been 10,795 reported bus service disruptions by Translink Qld.
( https://railbot.info/forum/index.php?topic=229.0 )

That is an average of 80 a day.  Simply not right at all.  And remember this just the reported ones, many are not reported.
Bit like the under-reporting of lift outages.  All a sad joke ..
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ozbob (or others) are you able to clarify re: routes 100/110, is the disruption only for outbound routes departing the city after 6:30pm? Timetables on Translink website seem to indicate inbound buses will continue to operate as normal, which doesn't make a lot of sense. This can be clearly seen from the screenshots below.


There is no mention of inbound disruptions which is a bit odd.

I have a meeting with Translink this week I will talk to them.


QuoteRoute 100 travelling towards Forest Lake will terminate at Blunder Road stop 67, Oxley Ridge and will not continue to Forest Lake shops.

Route 110 will terminate at Mortimer Road stop 59, Acacia Ridge North and will not continue to Inala Plaza station.

Route N100 travelling towards Richlands station will terminate at Blunder Road stop 67, Oxley Ridge and will not continue to Richlands station.
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Sent to all outlets:

Re: Route 100, 110 and N100 disruptions

22nd January 2023


Between 8 Sept 2022 and 20 Jan 2023 there were 10,795 reported bus service disruptions by Translink Qld.  This is an average of ~80 per day. Simply not right at all, and this is just the reported service disruptions, many are not reported simply due to the volume of disruptions.  Bit like the under-reporting of lift outages. Honest, timely data transparency is missing in Queensland.

School resumes this coming week in Queensland, will we see more reduced bus service timetables?

So many questions, so little clear clarifications.  I repeat, the public transport bus network in Queensland is presently best described as in a high state of failure.

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track https://backontrack.org

Quote from: ozbob on January 21, 2023, 05:36:15 AMSent to all outlets:

Re: Route 100, 110 and N100 disruptions

21st January 2023


Following on.  This is a photograph taken recently on the Transperth bus network in Perth by a RAIL Back On Track Member who is visiting WA.

Photograph:  Transperth Bus by RBoT Member #Metro January 2023

His comment: " This is a TransPerth bus. It has a fully enclosed wire cage around the driver's compartment.

TransPerth uses a very similar model of bus to what BCC uses. ALL TransPerth buses I have caught this week are like this. Some have an extra plastic panel that the drivers hang up (shown here). I can only assume that this is to block liquids being squirted into the compartment.

TransPerth has a very heavy security presence. I have seen guards at all major bus stations, train stations, driving around on streets doing patrols in their patrol car. They even catch the bus on roving patrols. In the evening and at night on weekdays they are everywhere.

In just one week, I have had my ticket on the train checked twice. Once was at 11 pm at night! There were also two separate occasions this week when guards boarded my bus as well.his is a TransPerth bus. It has a fully enclosed wire cage around the driver's compartment.

TransPerth uses a very similar model of bus to what BCC uses. ALL TransPerth buses I have caught this week are like this. Some have an extra plastic panel that the drivers hang up (shown here). I can only assume that this is to block liquids being squirted into the compartment.

TransPerth has a very heavy security presence. I have seen guards at all major bus stations, train stations, driving around on streets doing patrols in their patrol car. They even catch the bus on roving patrols. In the evening and at night on weekdays they are everywhere.

In just one week, I have had my ticket on the train checked twice. Once was at 11 pm at night! There were also two separate occasions this week when guards boarded my bus as well.

In Queensland we increasingly a public transport back water. The public transport bus network in Queensland is presently best described as in a high state of failure.

Have a look at the ongoing reported bus service disruptions here > https://railbot.info/forum/index.php?topic=229.0

I capture them, so you cannot deny it is in a state of shambles.

Action is needed, not more selfies please.

Have a great weekend now.

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track https://backontrack.org

Quote from: ozbob on January 20, 2023, 23:31:34 PMSent to all outlets:

Route 100, 110 and N100 disruptions

20th January 2023


We have noted that for ' safety reasons ' there will be disruptions to bus routes 100, 110 and N100.


As published by Translink, from 6.30pm on Friday 20 January until further notice Route 100 travelling towards Forest Lake will terminate at Blunder Road stop 67, Oxley Ridge and will not continue to Forest Lake shops.

Route 110 will terminate at Mortimer Road stop 59, Acacia Ridge North and will not continue to Inala Plaza station.

Route N100 travelling towards Richlands station will terminate at Blunder Road stop 67, Oxley Ridge and will not continue to Richlands station.

So citizens in the electorate of Inala will be denied bus services.  There has been a failure by the Minister for Transport and Translink to take more proactive action to avoid this denial of service.    We understand there have been safety and security issues with some citizens and the due to the lack of protective cabins in buses, drivers are no longer confident or are safe. We support the bus drivers, but also are seriously alarmed about the denial of service and impacts on the good citizens of Inala.  The lack of protective cabins in buses has been an issue for years, and nothing has really been resolved.  The non-solution?  STOP THE BUSES!

It is time the Minister of Transport and the Premier got on the ball.  This situation is NOT ACCEPTABLE.

As one of members has stated " Shame it has to come to this but fair enough. Safety is definitely the number one priority. It just sucks that it also adversely impacts the silent majority of people who are doing the right thing! Here's hoping a quick resolution is found and the services can resume as soon as possible. "

Please advise urgently DDG Translink and Minister Bailey what steps are being taken to reverse this denial of service.

Thank you.

Best wishes,

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track https://backontrack.org

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TransPerth Experience

Seems like Perth had similar issues going back to 2009. This video is from 2016.

State Government moves quickly on transport security funding (2009)

Quote"The PTA's own transit officers, which are responsible for security on our trains, will be increasing patrols at interchanges where bus and train stations are co-located.

"I have approved the installation of an additional 295 security screens for bus drivers, on top of the existing 495 buses that already have security screens.

"When it is completed, this program will mean that all bus drivers working after 6pm will have the extra security of a protected cab.

^ It is probably 100% these days, I haven't seen any buses without protection.

Was 96% in 2017

QuoteTransport Minister Bill Marmion said 96 per cent of Transperth buses were fitted with screens or cages.

Source: https://www.perthnow.com.au/community-news/stirling-times/transport-workers-union-calls-for-fair-go-for-bus-drivers-c-799832
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^ thanks muchly #Metro.  That's very useful information.  :ok:
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There's gonna be some squishy 555s on Monday afternoon! I've occasionally caught them in peak hour, and they're often very full.


TransPerth Bus Safety Measures (again)

Visited the beach today (Sunday).

TransPerth Safety & Security Number

Each one of TransPerth's buses have a sticker with a security number you can phone.
If this gets rolled out in SEQ a mobile number would be better. You don't want to be on a phone explaining the situation if the offender is on the bus with you/sitting next to you. It's safer and more discreet to text instead.

Photo: #Metro, Jan 2023

TransPerth Patrols

As I mentioned earlier, lots of patrols. Today, I saw a TransPerth patrol following right behind the bus to the beach. Yes, this happened in the middle of the day on Sunday, like I said it is 24/7 and everywhere.

Photo: #Metro, Jan 2023

The Powers of TransPerth Officers

TransPerth Transit Officers have the power:
- to detain persons
- to arrest persons
- to remove persons from PTA property, trains, and buses
- to conduct searches of persons

(So broadly similar to those for PSOs in Victoria, for comparison)


Legal Aid WA
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Cleveland Line

Quote from: #Metro on January 22, 2023, 19:46:45 PMThe Powers of TransPerth Officers

TransPerth Transit Officers have the power:
- to detain persons
- to arrest persons
- to remove persons from PTA property, trains, and buses
- to conduct searches of persons

(So broadly similar to those for PSOs in Victoria, for comparison)


Legal Aid WA

And most relevantly broadly similiar to the powers of Translink Senior Network Officers!

QuoteUnder the acts, SNOs have the power to:

require customers to produce a valid ticket
require customers to show evidence of concessional requirement
require customers to provide information such as name, address, age and evidence of these under certain situations
require customers to leave public transport infrastructure
use force to remove a person from public transport infrastructure.
They're authorised to:

direct a person to leave or not to enter a public passenger vehicle
issue warning notices and penalty infringement notices
detain a person who has committed a detainable offence.
With additional power to:

use handcuffs to detain a person
search a detained person
take and retain particular articles.

But TL promote the focus of the SNOs on revenue protection.

QuoteWe employ specifically trained officers—known as Senior Network Officers (SNOs)—to tackle fare evasion.


Even on the safety page of the TL website it comes second to fare evasion.

QuoteSenior Network Officers patrol the South East Queensland transport network. They're dedicated to decreasing fare evasion, and upholding the safety and security on our network.


You see that in action with SNOs focused on fare evasion on trains and even at gated stations, even though there are also QR Authorised Officers and QPS Railway Squard dedicated to trains.

Time for TL to take bus safety seriously.


Time for Translink/state gov to take public transport seriously.


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This morning so far as reported update:

BCC has having problems delivering their bus timetable, and still issues on the Goldie bus.

> https://railbot.info/forum/index.php?msg=49651

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Translink have removed the Route 100, 110 and N100 disruptions notice from the main web page.

Still there at https://translink.com.au/updates/223496

Last reviewed: Sunday 22 Jan 2023 at 1.23pm

 :lu:  :lu:
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The other thing with this ^ it appears that some drivers are not truncating and running through on the normal route.

Translink have suggested that pax ask the driver " Please talk to your driver about where your bus will stop and see below information about the disruptions. " https://translink.com.au/updates/223496

This is beyond high farce.  I understand there have been problems with some pax being stranded.

This is what passes as public transport in SEQ these days.  Completely unacceptable. 

Broom should go through all these pr%%ks!

Premier's electorate, she doesn't seem to be on the ball these days either.

She apparently is back from holidays today. Let's see if anything happens.

I doubt if Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk will finish out 2023 at this rate.

Bye bye !!

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Quote from: ozbob on January 23, 2023, 10:13:54 AMTranslink have removed the Route 100, 110 and N100 disruptions notice from the main web page.

Still there at https://translink.com.au/updates/223496

Last reviewed: Sunday 22 Jan 2023 at 1.23pm

 :lu:  :lu:

Ha ha, it has re-appeared on the main web page. 
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Journey Planner still showing outbound services departing the city after 6:30 pm at terminating Oxley Ridge. Does the left hand know what the right is doing?


^  apparently not.   :woz:

66 reported bus service disruptions yesterday  https://railbot.info/forum/index.php?topic=229.10830

This is most unsatisfactory.  It would appear that nothing much has been done.

The Minister for selfies & bikes appears completely disinterested, it is after all a key part of the portfolio.

Sad days for PT I am afraid, very sad. 
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37 reported bus service disruptions by midday ..  Goldie not having a good day ....

(would be more in actuality)

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Minister needs to be asked why the security staff option is a no-go......shortage of trained security so too costly??


24th January 2023 62 reported bus service disruptions.

Gold Coast in trouble, TfB unable to deliver its timetable.

So far Western seems to be doing OK. Hang in there Ippy  :2thumbs:

Record of service disruptions https://railbot.info/forum/index.php?msg=49996

A ditty for you all lurkers  :lu:  :lu:  :lu:  Enjoy!!

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Brisbanetimes --> More security and police bound for Brisbane buses amid safety concerns

QuoteBrisbane commuters can soon expect a boosted security presence on buses, with the state government unveiling an almost $65 million five-year investment to hire new public transport officers and fit more protective barriers for drivers.

Transport Minister Mark Bailey made the announcement on Wednesday after days of talks involving the government, council and unions to address issues that had pushed drivers on two routes to act under workplace safety laws until concerns were dealt with. ...
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Brisbanetimes --> Brisbane bus safety dispute makes stop at industrial umpire

QuoteThe union representing Brisbane council bus drivers has filed a complaint with the state's industrial umpire in an ongoing dispute about the nighttime safety of passengers and those behind the wheel along two southside routes.

Drivers have been threatened with disciplinary action for cutting their runs short for safety reasons, with some avoiding the routes altogether, as negotiations continue around temporarily halted union moves to force council to act. ...
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25th January 113 reported bus service disruptions, yes 113!


Transport for Brisbane is unable to deliver its timetable.

Gold Coast bus continues to have serious issues.

Sporadic problems all around the state's bus public transport.
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Well, when you show the pic of the TransPerth bus cabin fully enclosed for 100% of the TransPerth bus fleet, maybe the penny dropped at TMR?

Perth essentially uses the same models of bus from Volgren used by BCC and very similar trains used by QR.

It's very interesting to see essentially the same buses and trains Brisbane uses running around being operated much more effectively on half the infrastructure in the West.
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


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Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Interesting from the BT article that QPS haven't received any reports of assault from bus drivers in the area. I wonder if drivers are being pressure by TfB to not make police reports?


Quote from: #Metro on January 25, 2023, 23:31:24 PMWell, when you show the pic of the TransPerth bus cabin fully enclosed for 100% of the TransPerth bus fleet, maybe the penny dropped at TMR?

Perth essentially uses the same models of bus from Volgren used by BCC and very similar trains used by QR.

It's very interesting to see essentially the same buses and trains Brisbane uses running around being operated much more effectively on half the infrastructure in the West.

Yo, that is my impression when I visit Perth.  We are a backwater here ... really are.
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Saw a couple of double deckers at Coomera station today. Both were out of service at the time. Wondering if maybe they're being used to provide extra capacity for theme park runs.


^Yessir. Since COVID hit and destroyed any hope of patronage on the 777 (plus the service being suspended for a period of time), they have since sent the double deckers north to run TX7 services.


27th January 2023, 137 reported bus service disruptions!  There was a problem with a bus that had a mechanical failure and blocked the CC outbound, and further disruptions when recovered.  But still, 137 is a lot!

Quote from: ozbob on January 25, 2023, 23:28:20 PM25th January 113 reported bus service disruptions, yes 113!


Transport for Brisbane is unable to deliver its timetable.

Gold Coast bus continues to have serious issues.

Sporadic problems all around the state's bus public transport.
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Bus drivers deserve to be safe at work. That's why we're investing $4 million to roll out full bus driver barriers...

Posted by Mark Bailey MP on Tuesday, 31 January 2023



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^ That is very clearly not a full barrier, but anyway.
Ride the G:


I don't quite understand why they cannot do what TransPerth does and box in the whole cabin.

TransPerth are using the same model of buses as BCC does.

 :conf:  :bu
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