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RBTU - 'Hands Off Our Buses" Facebook Page

Started by #Metro, January 17, 2015, 00:17:32 AM

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RBTU - 'Hands Off Our Buses" Facebook Page


* Buses are actually State Gov't buses and are on leaseback loan to BCC.
* Expect all the usual spin/misinformation memes etc to emanate from that page - just like 2013 with SOS (!)

Higher fares- wasn't it Quirk on ABC radio asking for possibly 21% increases?

The mind boggles.
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


I'm over it.  Nary a fact to be seen, just class warfare agitprop and FUD.

Wallow in mediocrity Brisbane.   :wi3

Ride the G:


QuoteI'm over it.  Nary a fact to be seen, just class warfare agitprop and FUD.

Campaigning isn't about facts. Facts died in media long time ago...

This is an extract from a BCC Minutes. As you can see BCC has no issue contracting out bus services itself.

Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


Oh dear there is some crap on this page! The rest of SEQ has contracted services and the sky did not fall in.

People talking about selling off the buses: that is not part of the plan. The buses will remain government owned, as they already are. The asset privatisation plan is dumb and a robbery of the people of Queensland. Competitive bus tendering should not be put in the same boat.

"Chris from Loganlea" uses buses to get to uni and would not be able to complete his degree. Good on Chris for his lifestyle choice. Thankfully he has nothing to fear as he will still be able to get a bus to uni.

IMHO I do not care who runs the bus network, I just want it to be the best it can be (e.g.route structure, fares, reliability, cleanliness, safety, etc...) I admire the work unions do but the RTBU are hardly ingratiating themselves in this instance with this scare campaign of misinformation. If the network and fares are reformed then patronage and fare revenue should go up and make the system more sustainable and make jobs more secure for union members and possibly even encourage investment in infrastructure and vehicles, thus creating more jobs for PT drivers. They need to look at the big picture.


ive had quite a few chats with BT drivers over the last 6 months (from when CT was first proposed)...they all share the same view on the welfare routes such as 124,220,112 etc...and say the same thing....."good luck having this service running inbound at 10pm weeknights...simply wont happen if BT loses the route"


I think it would be poitically toxic for drastic cuts like that to occur (See bus review Mk1)

What you could do is cut back services in ways that people wouldn't really care about (Eg Go from 7.5min frequency on OCR to something less, but still "frequent" late at night)


Quote from: techblitz on January 18, 2015, 12:34:27 PM
ive had quite a few chats with BT drivers over the last 6 months (from when CT was first proposed)...they all share the same view on the welfare routes such as 124,220,112 etc...and say the same thing....."good luck having this service running inbound at 10pm weeknights...simply wont happen if BT loses the route"

Maybe they shouldn't be running if they aren't viable.  There is plenty of waste in the network to be carved out, somebody has to do it.
Ride the G:


Quote from: techblitz on January 18, 2015, 12:34:27 PM
ive had quite a few chats with BT drivers over the last 6 months (from when CT was first proposed)...they all share the same view on the welfare routes such as 124,220,112 etc...and say the same thing....."good luck having this service running inbound at 10pm weeknights...simply wont happen if BT loses the route"

All of those run hourly or two-hourly at 10pm at night. Often the reason why these services run inbound at 10pm is to return to the City to do the final service. Case in point - 10:40pm inbound 411. Service is empty after Gailey Fiveways, but it forms the 11:10pm outbound 411, which can do well.

Of course, a proper transit agency would simply feederise these routes to increase the frequency. Some of those routes could possibly be culled at those hours due to low patronage.

James has been in Vancouver recently, and it is simply amazing to see the levels of patronage which exist on ordinary bus services - loadings only really seen on the 130s and 412s of Brisbane were the norm on many bus routes. Why? Integrated network, simple. Moving around by bus there was an enjoyable experience - I cannot say the same about my "best friend" Brisbane Transport!
Is it really that hard to run frequent, reliable public transport?


Quote from: James on January 18, 2015, 17:14:21 PM
Quote from: techblitz on January 18, 2015, 12:34:27 PM
ive had quite a few chats with BT drivers over the last 6 months (from when CT was first proposed)...they all share the same view on the welfare routes such as 124,220,112 etc...and say the same thing....."good luck having this service running inbound at 10pm weeknights...simply wont happen if BT loses the route"

All of those run hourly or two-hourly at 10pm at night. Often the reason why these services run inbound at 10pm is to return to the City to do the final service. Case in point - 10:40pm inbound 411. Service is empty after Gailey Fiveways, but it forms the 11:10pm outbound 411, which can do well.
112 is an absolute shocker.....9 out of 10 weeknight post 8pm inbounds are without a passenger by the time they hit annerley junction......


A fresh load of doo doo was uploaded to their FB page this morning, this time regarding "Sorry Not in Service Buses". This comes after the  "Chris from Loganlea"  - there ARE No BCC buses in Loganlea and private buses only operate in that area.

Funny that, BCC is one of the most inefficient at dead-running and has one the highest empty bus runs in Australia - from their own data!!


Full rocket bus services are actually 50% empty, because for every full bus going to the CBD, there is an empty anti-rocket being fired from the CBD in the AM peak. The reverse situation operates in the PM peak.

Source: AT Kearny Efficiency Report, Brisbane City Council Website.
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


I note David Tape from QBIC is also on the FB page supporting it.  :is-
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


Yeah, I don't agree with this scare campaign. Pity Kate is running it. Even The Greens support bus reforms.

Appeared on FB page. FB page is open so people can comment/upload images to the page if they wish.

Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


Transport mess in Moggill is getting some attention.  Heard a number of candidates on 4BC this morning (the breakfast mob have a bus and travelled out to the Moggill electorate)   Even the LNP candidate was talking about the need for better integrated public transport.  All candidates complained about the poor public transport options.

Well folks unless there is proper bus network reform, it will continue to get worse for all.
Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
Ozbob's Gallery Forum   Facebook  X   Mastodon  BlueSky


QuoteTransport mess in Moggill is getting some attention.
Apart from buses not feeding rail, I thougt Mogill had one of the best bus services in Brisbane considering its size?
What were they saying about?


I reckon someone should load up the extract from BCC minutes clearly showing BCC contracts buses out itself!!

QuoteApart from buses not feeding rail, I thougt Mogill had one of the best bus services in Brisbane considering its size?
What were they saying about?

Politicians have got BS down to an art form. I have noticed there is this technique they use when asked if they will do X they say, something brief and then go into descriptions like "We have seen X, Y, Z and that's hard for A, B, C etc etc' without actually spelling out what they are going to do or what their prescriptions are.

Description - saying what something is
Prescription -saying what should be done

So in somewhere like Moggill, they might say "Oh, PT is really bad! We'd fix this, there are all these problems with the buses with X, Y, Z etc" and then make no statement as to what they would actually do.

Moggill has excellent public transport. It would be even better if there were a bridge at Bellbowrie into Riverhills which would permit buses to access Darra Station (Express trains) and Mt Ommaney Shopping Centre.

Under bus reform Moggill would retain 444 BUZ and its rockets however interchange would be effected, with the 400 CentenaryGlider being the main route into the CBD from the West.
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


Quote from: Gazza on January 19, 2015, 10:46:44 AM
QuoteTransport mess in Moggill is getting some attention.
Apart from buses not feeding rail, I thougt Mogill had one of the best bus services in Brisbane considering its size?
What were they saying about?

Everything locked up on Moggill road.  Congestion is shocking.  Green bridge push is strong and wanted, will open up Darra etc.
Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
Ozbob's Gallery Forum   Facebook  X   Mastodon  BlueSky


Quote from: Gazza on January 19, 2015, 10:46:44 AM
QuoteTransport mess in Moggill is getting some attention.
Apart from buses not feeding rail, I thougt Mogill had one of the best bus services in Brisbane considering its size?
What were they saying about?

If they're looking at the Electoral Division of Moggill, you'll find some very low-frequency and confusing routes e.g. Chapel Hill buses, Kenmore/Lone Pine buses. The ridiculous thing is bus reform for routes like these could be done and implemented before the state election (or close to it).
Is it really that hard to run frequent, reliable public transport?


Quote from: LD Transit on January 19, 2015, 10:22:13 AM
Yeah, I don't agree with this scare campaign. Pity Kate is running it. Even The Greens support bus reforms.

If it wasn't that a lot of the public are probably fooled by the scaremongering drivel that Kate Jones has just come out with regarding bus privatisation, then she is making a very big mistake.

BrizCommuter will have to have a "chat" with her next time she is campaigning at Enoggera station.


What makes you think you'd be able to turn her mind versus all the thousands of dollars that must be flowing into her campaign by organised groups?

Its not illegal to spread mistruths and misinformation and scare people, particularly during an election. Facts don't count during elections.

CUTS CUTS CUUUUUTSSSS!!! <--- always gets u more votes :)
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


Quote from: LD Transit on January 19, 2015, 17:19:10 PM
What makes you think you'd be able to turn her mind versus all the thousands of dollars that must be flowing into her campaign by organised groups?

BrizCommuter does not think he'll be able to turn her mind (as he isn't a union paying into her coffers), but she needs to be told!


Politicians have strategies to deal with people just like you. Good luck with that.
You wouldn't even penetrate the hack/apparatchik mobs of either party IMHO.

She probably never even set foot inside a bus, like the mayor.

Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


Sent to all outlets:

19th January 2015

Re: RAIL Back on Track Responds To Ashgrove Bus Scare Campaign Material


Further to  "Save Our Buses from Privatisation". http://goo.gl/tfR24I RAIL Back on Track is pleased to release imagery regarding bus services in Ashgrove Electorate.

Bus Reform means more buses more often, and guaranteed abundant and low cost public transport for all.
We make actually available maps of new or improved bus services within the Ashgrove Electorate on our website.

Reading our maps is easy: Thicker lines mean higher quality services. Red lines are frequent services (every 15 min or better), black lines (30 min) and green lines (60 min or worse) as well as peak-only (thin blue lines).

Exhibit A shows the current Brisbane City Council bus network, the one that we are supposedly to "save" from "privatisation".

Exhibit B shows our New Bus Network Proposal, paid for by reorganising existing bus services to reduce the waste and inefficiency in the current bus network.

Passengers wishing to experience "privatisation" are directed to buy a ticket for Brisbane City Council's CityCats, which are already privately operated by TransDev; All other bus operators in South East Queensland are also private. It is therefore our opinion that this campaign material is scare campaign material and should be rejected.

Exhibit A: ASHGROVE ELECTORATE No Bus Reform (Current Brisbane City Council Bus Network)
http://tiny.cc/checkyourbus [CLICK TO ZOOM]

Exhibit B: ASHGROVE ELECTORATE Bus Reform (RAIL Back on Track New Bus Network)
http://tiny.cc/newnetwork [CLICK TO ZOOM]

Under our bus reform proposal:

* A new hi-frequency BUZ 380 The Gap via Payne Road coming every 15-minutes all day or better
* Better access to BUZ 385 The Gap via Waterworks Road for residents of Hilder, Kaloma and Settlement Road
* Direct access to The University of Queensland on our new hi-frequency 911 CityConnector cross-town buses servicing Brookside, Ashgrove, Bardon, Toowong and St Lucia.

Brisbane City Council refuses to implement proper bus network reform, hence there will be little or no improvement to buses in the Ashgrove Electorate under continued Brisbane City Council operation unless there is network reform.


New Bus Network Proposal > http://tiny.cc/newnetwork

New Bus Network Proposal Survey > http://tiny.cc/busreform

Current BCC Bus Network > http://tiny.cc/checkyourbus

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


1. Brisbane Bus Reform: Brisbane City Council's Bus Network - What Went Wrong?

2. Brisbane Bus Reform: Even More Buses For Ashgrove Electorate

3. Brisbane Bus Reform: More Buses, More Often For Ashgrove Electorate

4. QLD Election 2015: Will the punters be hit with 20% plus fare increases after the show?

Quote from: ozbob on January 19, 2015, 02:40:45 AM
Sent to all outlets:

19th January 2015


RAIL Back on Track's Response To Ashgrove Bus Scare Campaign Material

In response  "Save Our Buses from Privatisation". http://goo.gl/tfR24I

Bus Reform means more buses more often, and guaranteed abundant and low cost public transport for all.
We make actually available maps of new or improved bus services within the Ashgrove Electorate on our website.

Under our bus reform proposal:

* A new hi-frequency BUZ 380 The Gap via Payne Road coming every 15-minutes all day or better
* Better access to BUZ 385 The Gap via Waterworks Road for residents of Hilder, Kaloma and Settlement Road
* Direct access to The University of Queensland on our new hi-frequency 911 CityConnector cross-town buses servicing Brookside, Ashgrove, Bardon, Toowong and St Lucia.

Brisbane City Council refuses to implement proper bus netework reform, hence there will be little or no improvement to buses in the Ashgrove Electorate under continued Brisbane City Council operation.

Anybody can see from their home computer the improvements in the Ashgrove local area under bus reform, and compare between Brisbane City Council's bus network and our new, improved bus network under bus reform.

New Bus Network Proposal > http://tiny.cc/newnetwork

New Bus Network Proposal Survey > http://tiny.cc/busreform

Current BCC Bus Network > http://tiny.cc/checkyourbus

Our research shows strong evidence that suggests Brisbane City Council is behind the escalating 20% and 15% fare increases. In 2013, it was revealed on ABC Radio that Lord Mayor Graham Quirk had asked for increased funding beyond the 4% annual provision - possibly up to 21% more funding from the Queensland Government. Higher costs like this means higher fares.

Without bus reform, we believe fares could increase by 20% immediately after the election, as they did in 2010.

RAIL Back on Track reaffirms our strong support for bus network reform, including competitive bus contracting should that be necessary.

There is a simple solution to the Brisbane bus mess.  BCC finally cooperate and direct Brisbane Transport to sit down with TransLink, fine tune the 2013 bus review and set about implementing it.

This would then turn around the patronage, provide a better fare box and allow more improvements, not only in the Brisbane region but also in all the other bus regions outside Brisbane that have had real cuts to prop up Brisbane.

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


1. Brisbane Bus Reform: Brisbane City Council's Bus Network - What Went Wrong?

2. Brisbane Bus Reform: Even More Buses For Ashgrove Electorate

3. Brisbane Bus Reform: More Buses, More Often For Ashgrove Electorate

4. QLD Election 2015: Will the punters be hit with 20% plus fare increases after the show?

Quote from: ozbob on January 18, 2015, 12:30:27 PM

Media Release 18th January 2015

Queensland Election: Public Transport Privatisation: Fact Check

RAIL Back On Track (http://backontrack.org) a web based community support group for rail and public transport and an advocate for public transport passengers has said the Candidate for Ashgrove Kate Jones is currently circulating a petition which reads:

'We are gravely concerned that any such moves will lead to cutbacks and a reduction in much-needed public transport services..... Our State Government and BCC must do more to improve our bus services and increase routes, instead of putting those services at risk through privatisation.' (1)

Robert Dow, Spokesman for RAIL Back On Track said:

"In SEQ, bus routes are contracted out on a region by region basis. TransLink first determines where the buses are routed and how frequently they are run. TransLink then pays operators to run these packages of services. If they don't deliver they are subject to penalties."

"Already in SEQ the majority of public transport is run by Private operators, from G:Link and Surfside on the Gold Coast to Veolia in the Redlands. Even the CityCats are run by a private operator, Transdev.

"Currently, only Queensland Rail and Brisbane transport are the only publicly owned public transport operators in SEQ."

"Privatisation doesn't imply services will be cut back. A private company working for TransLink doesn't have the authority to slash services. They are obliged to run what the government dictates."

"If service cutbacks do occur (For example as happened in Nerang on the Gold Coast) it was a result of government decision making which flowed from the failed bus review for Brisbane."

"In SEQ, our high fares are a combination of successive governments increasing fares above the rate of inflation, and inefficient network design and operating practices that haemorrhage money."

"Outside of SEQ, all urban bus operations are run by private companies with qconnect (TransLink) responsible for setting fares and routings.

"In these regions the public has not been subject to these fare polices, so still enjoy low fares, despite buses being run by private operators (2, 3, 4)."


1. http://queenslandlabor.org.au/saveourbuses/

2. http://www.sunbus.com.au/documents/2013Fares_Townsville_001.pdf

3. http://www.sunbus.com.au/documents/2014Fares_Rockhampton.pdf

4. http://www.qld.gov.au/transport/public/transport/timetables/qconnect/

5. TransLink partners http://translink.com.au/about-translink/who-we-are/who-we-work-with


Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org
Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
Ozbob's Gallery Forum   Facebook  X   Mastodon  BlueSky


Sorry guys. I'm with the RTBU on this one. Keep your grubby hands off our buses  :pr :pr :pr

Wait a minute  :is- :is-

Just a sec guys.....  :is- :is- :is-

Quote from: HappyTrainGuy on December 10, 2014, 23:51:42 PM
Quote from: HappyTrainGuy on February 04, 2014, 21:37:53 PM
Quote from: HappyTrainGuy on January 02, 2014, 22:23:20 PM
Quote from: HappyTrainGuy on July 30, 2013, 19:30:39 PM
Quote from: HappyTrainGuy on June 25, 2013, 18:01:14 PM
Quote from: HappyTrainGuy on June 05, 2013, 13:40:23 PM
My bus will be coming along soon...

Any minute now.... Any minute now...
*stretches* Arrrrrrrrr---hhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Any minute now.
*Looks at watch* Still just a few minutes away. I wonder how many buses are going along Gympie Road??
My supervisor isn't going to be happy that I'm going to be a little late. Where is this damn bus? It has to be coming any minute now?

Yep. F*** this right off. I'm driving!

.....where the f*** are my buses already???


Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


Okay guys. You can cut it out now. Who put all the buses over there??

C'mon now...


It's not the time to start a conga line.

HEY! What did I just say!


I'm warning you!

Knock it off!



Just clicked the link from the first post. Is it just me or is that a photo of all the BT busses that have been sold considering all BT/rollingstock identification numbers/number plates have been removed??

red dragin

Wonder how the Albany Creek looked on the weekend.

"Hands of our busses (you'll have to imagine what one looks like)"  :-r


Quote from: James on January 18, 2015, 17:14:21 PM
James has been in Vancouver recently, and it is simply amazing to see the levels of patronage which exist on ordinary bus services - loadings only really seen on the 130s and 412s of Brisbane were the norm on many bus routes. Why? Integrated network, simple. Moving around by bus there was an enjoyable experience - I cannot say the same about my "best friend" Brisbane Transport!

Did you ride the SeaBus? You missed out if you did not! Such a fantastic service and they way the ferries are loaded and unloaded is brilliant.


Sent to all outlets:

20th January 2015

Ashgrove Bus Reform Funding Guarantee Sought from Kate Jones and Campbell Newman


RAIL Back on Track is asking candidates Campbell Newman and Kate Jones to explicitly affirm funding for the following bus service improvements in Ashgrove Electorate. Vague platitudes to "do more" are not good enough.

Will Kate Jones or Campbell Newman announce funding for:

* A NEW BUZ 380 The Gap via Payne Road coming every 15-minutes all day or better, along a new Payne Road alignment?

* IMPROVED BUZ 385 The Gap via Waterworks Road for residents of Hilder, Kaloma and Settlement Road, coming every 15-minutes all day or better?

* NEW HI-FREQUENCY 911 CityConnector cross-town buses servicing Brookside, Ashgrove, Bardon, Toowong and St Lucia giving direct access to The University of Queensland. Also coming every 15-minutes all day or better?

Guarantees are also sought that any improvements will NOT result in higher fares for passengers.

Kate Jones and Campbell Newman need to support bus reform!

The political party that offers genuine reform of rail and bus networks, together with fare reform, is the political party able to guarantee low cost and abundant public transport for all.

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org

Quote from: ozbob on January 19, 2015, 17:58:07 PM
Sent to all outlets:

19th January 2015

Re: RAIL Back on Track Responds To Ashgrove Bus Scare Campaign Material


Further to  "Save Our Buses from Privatisation". http://goo.gl/tfR24I RAIL Back on Track is pleased to release imagery regarding bus services in Ashgrove Electorate.

Bus Reform means more buses more often, and guaranteed abundant and low cost public transport for all.
We make actually available maps of new or improved bus services within the Ashgrove Electorate on our website.

Reading our maps is easy: Thicker lines mean higher quality services. Red lines are frequent services (every 15 min or better), black lines (30 min) and green lines (60 min or worse) as well as peak-only (thin blue lines).

Exhibit A shows the current Brisbane City Council bus network, the one that we are supposedly to "save" from "privatisation".

Exhibit B shows our New Bus Network Proposal, paid for by reorganising existing bus services to reduce the waste and inefficiency in the current bus network.

Passengers wishing to experience "privatisation" are directed to buy a ticket for Brisbane City Council's CityCats, which are already privately operated by TransDev; All other bus operators in South East Queensland are also private. It is therefore our opinion that this campaign material is scare campaign material and should be rejected.

Exhibit A: ASHGROVE ELECTORATE No Bus Reform (Current Brisbane City Council Bus Network)
http://tiny.cc/checkyourbus [CLICK TO ZOOM]

Exhibit B: ASHGROVE ELECTORATE Bus Reform (RAIL Back on Track New Bus Network)
http://tiny.cc/newnetwork [CLICK TO ZOOM]

Under our bus reform proposal:

* A new hi-frequency BUZ 380 The Gap via Payne Road coming every 15-minutes all day or better
* Better access to BUZ 385 The Gap via Waterworks Road for residents of Hilder, Kaloma and Settlement Road
* Direct access to The University of Queensland on our new hi-frequency 911 CityConnector cross-town buses servicing Brookside, Ashgrove, Bardon, Toowong and St Lucia.

Brisbane City Council refuses to implement proper bus network reform, hence there will be little or no improvement to buses in the Ashgrove Electorate under continued Brisbane City Council operation unless there is network reform.


New Bus Network Proposal > http://tiny.cc/newnetwork

New Bus Network Proposal Survey > http://tiny.cc/busreform

Current BCC Bus Network > http://tiny.cc/checkyourbus

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


1. Brisbane Bus Reform: Brisbane City Council's Bus Network - What Went Wrong?

2. Brisbane Bus Reform: Even More Buses For Ashgrove Electorate

3. Brisbane Bus Reform: More Buses, More Often For Ashgrove Electorate

4. QLD Election 2015: Will the punters be hit with 20% plus fare increases after the show?

Quote from: ozbob on January 19, 2015, 02:40:45 AM
Sent to all outlets:

19th January 2015


RAIL Back on Track's Response To Ashgrove Bus Scare Campaign Material

In response  "Save Our Buses from Privatisation". http://goo.gl/tfR24I

Bus Reform means more buses more often, and guaranteed abundant and low cost public transport for all.
We make actually available maps of new or improved bus services within the Ashgrove Electorate on our website.

Under our bus reform proposal:

* A new hi-frequency BUZ 380 The Gap via Payne Road coming every 15-minutes all day or better
* Better access to BUZ 385 The Gap via Waterworks Road for residents of Hilder, Kaloma and Settlement Road
* Direct access to The University of Queensland on our new hi-frequency 911 CityConnector cross-town buses servicing Brookside, Ashgrove, Bardon, Toowong and St Lucia.

Brisbane City Council refuses to implement proper bus netework reform, hence there will be little or no improvement to buses in the Ashgrove Electorate under continued Brisbane City Council operation.

Anybody can see from their home computer the improvements in the Ashgrove local area under bus reform, and compare between Brisbane City Council's bus network and our new, improved bus network under bus reform.

New Bus Network Proposal > http://tiny.cc/newnetwork

New Bus Network Proposal Survey > http://tiny.cc/busreform

Current BCC Bus Network > http://tiny.cc/checkyourbus

Our research shows strong evidence that suggests Brisbane City Council is behind the escalating 20% and 15% fare increases. In 2013, it was revealed on ABC Radio that Lord Mayor Graham Quirk had asked for increased funding beyond the 4% annual provision - possibly up to 21% more funding from the Queensland Government. Higher costs like this means higher fares.

Without bus reform, we believe fares could increase by 20% immediately after the election, as they did in 2010.

RAIL Back on Track reaffirms our strong support for bus network reform, including competitive bus contracting should that be necessary.

There is a simple solution to the Brisbane bus mess.  BCC finally cooperate and direct Brisbane Transport to sit down with TransLink, fine tune the 2013 bus review and set about implementing it.

This would then turn around the patronage, provide a better fare box and allow more improvements, not only in the Brisbane region but also in all the other bus regions outside Brisbane that have had real cuts to prop up Brisbane.

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


1. Brisbane Bus Reform: Brisbane City Council's Bus Network - What Went Wrong?

2. Brisbane Bus Reform: Even More Buses For Ashgrove Electorate

3. Brisbane Bus Reform: More Buses, More Often For Ashgrove Electorate

4. QLD Election 2015: Will the punters be hit with 20% plus fare increases after the show?

Quote from: ozbob on January 18, 2015, 12:30:27 PM

Media Release 18th January 2015

Queensland Election: Public Transport Privatisation: Fact Check

RAIL Back On Track (http://backontrack.org) a web based community support group for rail and public transport and an advocate for public transport passengers has said the Candidate for Ashgrove Kate Jones is currently circulating a petition which reads:

'We are gravely concerned that any such moves will lead to cutbacks and a reduction in much-needed public transport services..... Our State Government and BCC must do more to improve our bus services and increase routes, instead of putting those services at risk through privatisation.' (1)

Robert Dow, Spokesman for RAIL Back On Track said:

"In SEQ, bus routes are contracted out on a region by region basis. TransLink first determines where the buses are routed and how frequently they are run. TransLink then pays operators to run these packages of services. If they don't deliver they are subject to penalties."

"Already in SEQ the majority of public transport is run by Private operators, from G:Link and Surfside on the Gold Coast to Veolia in the Redlands. Even the CityCats are run by a private operator, Transdev.

"Currently, only Queensland Rail and Brisbane transport are the only publicly owned public transport operators in SEQ."

"Privatisation doesn't imply services will be cut back. A private company working for TransLink doesn't have the authority to slash services. They are obliged to run what the government dictates."

"If service cutbacks do occur (For example as happened in Nerang on the Gold Coast) it was a result of government decision making which flowed from the failed bus review for Brisbane."

"In SEQ, our high fares are a combination of successive governments increasing fares above the rate of inflation, and inefficient network design and operating practices that haemorrhage money."

"Outside of SEQ, all urban bus operations are run by private companies with qconnect (TransLink) responsible for setting fares and routings.

"In these regions the public has not been subject to these fare polices, so still enjoy low fares, despite buses being run by private operators (2, 3, 4)."


1. http://queenslandlabor.org.au/saveourbuses/

2. http://www.sunbus.com.au/documents/2013Fares_Townsville_001.pdf

3. http://www.sunbus.com.au/documents/2014Fares_Rockhampton.pdf

4. http://www.qld.gov.au/transport/public/transport/timetables/qconnect/

5. TransLink partners http://translink.com.au/about-translink/who-we-are/who-we-work-with


Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org
Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
Ozbob's Gallery Forum   Facebook  X   Mastodon  BlueSky


Quote from: pandmaster on January 19, 2015, 23:08:06 PMDid you ride the SeaBus? You missed out if you did not! Such a fantastic service and they way the ferries are loaded and unloaded is brilliant.

Yes, I did, was a nice trip across. Still frequent enough despite being 5pm on a Saturday too.

In general the services in Vancouver were fantastic. If you moved the kind of frequency people had in Vancouver to Brisbane (even just as far out as zone 3), people wouldn't know what hit them.
Is it really that hard to run frequent, reliable public transport?



"I often rely on buses to take my grandmother to the doctor.
Cuts to buses would make this impossible.

Stephen- Archerfield."

Looking at the New Bus Network Proposal,


* More buses more often for Archerfield - BUZ 100 diverted so that residents of Granard Rd get high frequency direct to the
Brisbane CBD from 6-am to 11pm every 15 minutes 7 days. This is a massive improvement on the current 110/115.

* The only other place is Desgrand St (archerfield is mostly industrial). These are the 117 and 122 (non-CBD), which are both hourly.

Under bus reform a new cross-town connector would run through the area, the 909 CityConnector from Richlands to Garden City, slashing waiting times for a bus by up to 30 minutes. Every bus would be your bus. This service would be placed at the end of Desgrand St on Boundary Rd.

There is also some discussion about whether Brisbane Transport even staffs the 122 bus service of whether this is a private operator using BT's buses on loan.
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


Lets also not forget that the granard rd  LDT diversion would directly service the border of south rocklea/archerfield...an area not tp be shunned...with not  only indistrial employment (balham rd) but 24h hungryjacks,coles express,mcdonalds....also bunnings and a retirement village....translinks proposals were dismal....creating more public transport black holes for archerfield than there currently are....


122 is operated by Hornibrook Bus Lines on behalf of Brisbane Transport, trading as South West Transit in Richlands. 

South West Transit provides the drivers and uses loaned BT buses.



Unless stated otherwise, Opinions stated in my posts are those of my own view only.


Quote from: Arnz on January 20, 2015, 12:57:30 PM
122 is operated by Hornibrook Bus Lines on behalf of Brisbane Transport, trading as South West Transit in Richlands. 

South West Transit provides the drivers and uses loaned BT buses.



This arrangement has to be questioned..when will they be upgrading these buses? Revenue for starters wouldnt be that hot due to most of those routes operating as welfare cross-towns with average frequency.....no real signiicant demand...they are deperately in need of a busier route....
meanwhile im currently tripping it 680 style on a near brand new hornibrook bus....


I would not be at all surprised if South-West Transit simply ceased to exist sometime between now and when the new contracts commence.  There must be virtually no advantage to running the service for them.

I expect we will eventually end up with one operator per contract region, no more than 10 separate operators and in all likelihood some will probably get more than one region.  Add to that 2 ferry operators, QR and GoldlinQ and it would become much easier to coordinate and administer.

The Northern Region will do the best out of this.  Currently its very Balkanised.
Ride the G:


The bus stop in the RBTU image is Desgrand St at Spowers Street, stop 50 at Archerfield which is served by the hourly 117 to the CBD and the hourly 122 to Garden City (privately operated staff).

Under bus reform, the 909 CityConnector would have stops placed at the end of this local road, and services would come every 30 minutes, slashing waiting times by 30 minutes at the bus stop TO ALL DESTINATIONS and also feeding passengers into Garden City, The Beenleigh line and the Springfield Line (at richlands).

THIS BCC 117 SERVICE ALSO TERMINATES AT WOOLOONGABBA FORCING TRANSFER so any argument that pax cannot transfer is a red herring! http://translink.com.au/sites/default/files/assets/timetables/131118-117,121,124,125.pdf

So in other words, not only does a "privatised" bus operator already serve that bus stop (who died?) but the BCC service provided there already forces transfer AND is infrequent. Bus reform would DOUBLE the frequency and cut waiting time in HALF.
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


I'm not intending on saying anything further over there.  The reality is that they won't pay any attention to the merits or otherwise of reforming the bus system.

Their primary concerns are employment conditions, job certainty and related matters.  I don't blame them for that at all.  That is the job of a trade union (although I note of course the name of the party behind the page does not appear once).

I do blame them for spreading falsehoods.  They could just be honest and say they don't want to face having to reapply for their jobs or the possibility of less favorable working conditions.  That of course reads less satisfactorily for somebody who actually doesn't care more or less who is running the bus operation, so it gets dressed up with alarmist nonsense about "our buses" being lost or services being cut back to have broader appeal for the majority of people who don't give a sh%t about the policy and the theoretical underpinnings (ie virtually everybody).

It's little more than a distraction.  The real battle will be:

- if the LNP wins, to make sure they go through with the tendering process properly
- if the ALP wins, to make sure they force through sensible reforms even if they don't change the contracting arrangements

In both possible cases I expect better progress than 2012-2015 because things will return to a happier equilibrium than these last 3 years.
Ride the G:



The Next Project!!


We need a CityCat one!! CITYCAAAT!!

Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


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