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Competitive tendering - bus

Started by ozbob, April 20, 2014, 06:38:48 AM

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One of the differences (correct if I am wrong) between the Perth and London models is that the state owns and leases out the bus depots in Perth; this is only partially true in London.

Bus depot acquisition is one of the barriers to entry, and gov't ownership of the depot brings this barrier right down. A liquid leasing market by an independant third party might also have the same effect. At the current point in my thinking I would like to see TL own more depots.

Interesting the link by Brizcommuter did not consider a fare increase. In a London context, that would provide both more revenue, more services and encourage those with alternatives to use it (i.e. cycling).
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One Queensland regional bus operator has concerns about competitive tendering for bus services:



^ local operators will be very competitive  IMHO ...

If they don't like it guess they have to vote the LNP Govt out ...   :o
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Oooh, look, I found a goldmine! Just Copy Perth! Three reports into Perth Bus Reform from the WA Auditor General.  :is-


Bus Reform In Perth

Bus Reform: Competition Reform of Transperth Bus Services
Report 3 – June 1997


QuoteWhat the examination found....
Prior to public transport reform, Transperth's bus costs were rising, reaching $151 million in 1992-93. Since the reform program
commenced, annual bus costs have decreased by nearly $31 million in real terms, a 20 per cent reduction on the 1992-93

Competition Reform of
Transperth Bus Services
Report No 3 – June 1997
Performance Examination


QuoteThe results to date suggest that all operators are responding to bus
presentation monitoring with the private operators out-performing
MetroBus (Figure 10).

QuoteFigure 12: Examples of the elimination of waste and duplication
There is scope to better utilise existing resources by eliminating unnecessary waste and
duplication. The Department expects that the many changes, small as well as large, will
add up to global improvements in Transperth

QuoteA 40 per cent increase in patronage has been achieved using existing
resources on three routes in the Rockingham area.
Service frequencies have
been increased and some departure times adjusted to more regular
intervals. A modest redesigning of the 118 and 121 services and the
introduction of an additional 112 service, using freed-up resources, achieved

Although some complaints were received as a result of these changes, the
Department believes that examples such as this demonstrate that the long
term decline in bus patronage can be turned around.

QuoteThe cost of providing a similar level of Transperth bus services is estimated, in real
terms, to be $30.9 million less in 1996-97 than it was in 1992-93. This represents a cost
reduction of about 20 per cent made in four years as a result of public transport reform.

Source: The Department, MetroBus and the OAG

And to ABSOLUTELY make sure that the changes stuck, the auditor general revisitied the situation 7 years later in 2000....

Bus Reform: Further
down the road
A follow-on examination into
competition reform of Transperth
bus services

Performance Examination
Report No. 6 June 2000


QuoteAs part of Bus Reform, responsibility for the daily operation and maintenance of
buses was contracted out to four private sector companies through a process of
competitive tender. This occurred in two stages  about half being contracted out
in 1996 and the remainder in 1998. A previous 1997 report1 found that the initial
stage of Bus Reform had been successfully completed as significant cost savings
had been realised
, and service quality maintained, through the transfer of service
delivery to the private sector. This follow-on examination was undertaken to assess
developments since 1997.

QuoteThis analysis shows that
Bus Reform halted a long-term trend of increasing annual bus expenditure. Transperth
provided more bus services, for less cost, in financial year 1998-99 than it did
prior to Bus Reform in financial year 1992-93:

An additional 5.5 million bus service kilometres2 were provided in financial
year 1998-99
. This represents a 15 per cent increase in annual outputs since
financial year 1992-93. The annual output is projected to be 47.8 million bus
service kilometres (a 34 per cent increase on 1992-93) by financial year 2000-01.

◆ Total annual bus expenditure has been reduced.

◆  Cost efficiency, as measured by cost per bus service kilometre, improved substantially
after the contracting out of bus services to the private sector. Gains in cost
effectiveness, as measured by cost per passenger boarding, were not so large.

Bus reform is both organisational (getting operators competing, removing BT monopoly) and network planning (getting the routes organised in an efficient and effective 2D spatial layout for connections and growth)
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Personally, I don't think our private bus operators outside Brisbane have much to worry about ... change has already been implemented.

Brisbane City Council (Brisbane Transport)  does though IMHO ...

This competitive tendering for bus stuff is revenge by George St for stuffing up the TransLink 2013 review ...   :P
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New research out, one of the authors is from UQ:

The contracting of urban bus services - Recent Australian developments
Ian P. Wallis a, *
, David J. Bray b
a Ian Wallis Associates, New Zealand
b University of Queensland, Australia

Research in Transportation Economics 48 (2014) 48-61

QuoteSince 2011, very significant developments have occurred in the procurement and contracting of bus
services in major Australian cities. After many years of 'grandfathering' (continuing rollover of negotiated
contracts with long-established private operators), competitive tendering has been progressively
implemented for bus services in Sydney and Melbourne, and is also planned for Brisbane. All bus services
in Adelaide and some services in Perth, which were previously competitively tendered, have also been

The paper addresses the context for these changes, the events that have occurred and their outcomes.
The empirical evidence assessed shows that procurement through competitive tendering has reduced
the costs of service provision, very substantially so where the services were previously provided by
government monopoly operators, and rather less so, but still significantly, where contracts were previously
negotiated with incumbent private operators. In both cases, improvements in service quality and
delivery have also been achieved, resulting in increased patronage.
Our assessment reinforces the need
for robust operator procurement processes, and for mechanisms and incentives for operators to develop
their services to better match market needs.

The learnings from the recent experience are very relevant to further developments in procurement/
contracting policy for urban bus services, in Australia and also internationally.

© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


Media release 1st January 2015

Brisbane Bus Reform: New Year, New Bus Operators?

RAIL Back On Track (http://backontrack.org) a web based community support group for rail and public transport and an advocate for public transport passengers reaffirms its strong support for bus reform, including competitive bus contracting and bus network reform. Our members expect to see new bus operators announced for Brisbane in 2015.

Robert Dow, Spokesman for RAIL Back On Track said:

"In our opinion, bus reform will remove local government politics out of the equation so that Auckland-style network reforms can proceed and patronage falls and cost-explosive fares driven by hi-waste bus network design can be arrested and reversed. Reinvestment of all cost savings as new or improved bus services are an additional benefit for passengers."

"Brisbane City Council (BCC) was given carte blanche in 2013 to reform bus services.

"In our opinion, the problems still remain:

* Entire suburbs not properly serviced (Yeronga, Bulimba, Centenary, Albany Creek) or services not matching resident distribution (i.e. The Gap)
* High levels of network waste (SE Busway, Old Cleveland Rd, Gympie Rd, Coronation Drive)
* High levels of network complexity (too many bus routes with too many variations. i.e. 15 different bus services to Centenary Suburbs; none are frequent)
* High levels of inefficiency (50% air buses during peak hour through Cultural Centre, too many buses going to the destination 'Sorry Not In Service')
* Too many buses converging on the CBD leading to gross congestion and high costs
* Too few buses in the suburbs leading to long waits and loss of passenger revenue
* Major opposition to connections ('transferring') which leaves multi-destinational passengers stranded. For example, how are Centenary residents expected to reach jobs and services in Ipswich and Springfield if their bus does not connect to the local train station?
* Major opposition to driving buses across BCC boundaries where Brisbane's suburbs have sprawled and expanded outside BCC jurisdiction in response to BCC planning policies.
* Major unwillingness to implement bus reform
* Strong political, organisational and financial incentives for obstructionism.

"Perth underwent bus reform in the 1990s and New Zealand (Auckland) is undergoing bus reforms now. An extensive body of independent Australian research shows bus reform leaves passengers better off. We trust that the Queensland Government does its homework to identify basic 'design principles' necessary for successful reform in Brisbane."

RAIL Back on Track suggests a new operator should show:

* Strong support for implementing a new bus network (non-negotiable)
* Respect for integrated network planning
* A recognition for the need for bus reform
* Service livery united with the TransLink Network
* Customer service improvement, specifically, drivers knowing the basic rail and hi-frequency bus routes so as to recommend basic travel routes to passengers making 'bus door' enquiries.
* Moves to larger super-buses on high-volume corridors (150+ passenger capacity buses)

"Competitive contracting works by taking poorly performing operators out of service. This isn't a failure of the system, it is the system working. The Queensland Government must ensure bids that are too low are excluded, that clear roles, risks, expectations and responsibilities are defined, that transition arrangements are available in the unlikely event an operator is taken out of service, that monopolies do not redevelop, and that well performing operators can extend their contract without re-tendering for a limited period."

"As patronage is mostly influenced by government-controlled factors such as population density, network planning, service quality (frequency, span of service), service type (patronage or coverage), and transit corridor quality (speed, stop spacing, congestion), the inclusion of any 'incentive payment' for increased patronage needs to be rigorously justified."

"RAIL Back on Track looks forward to seeing new bus operators for the Brisbane area in 2015 and the problems listed above, resolved."

"Happy New Year!"


Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


1. The contracting of urban bus services - Recent Australian developments; Research in Transportation Economics 48 (2014) 48-61 http://www.worldtransitresearch.info/research/5426/

2. RAIL Back on Track - New Bus Network Proposal (Map available for Google Earth Download)

3. Bus Reform Media Releases Grouped

4. Competition Reform of Transperth Bus Services Report No 3 – June 1997 Performance Examination https://audit.wa.gov.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/report97_03.pdf

5. Bus Reform: Further down the road A follow-on examination into competition reform of Transperth bus services Performance Examination Report No. 6 June 2000 https://audit.wa.gov.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/report2000_06.pdf

6. Bus Reform: Competition Reform of Transperth Bus Services, Report 3 – June 1997 https://audit.wa.gov.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/1997-Insert-BusReform.pdf
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Sent to all outlets:

4th January 2015



How bus reform actually proceeds ...

http://www.gw.govt.nz/wellington-city-bus-network/ (p41)

4.3.1 Wellington City bus network development

The current operational bus network design for Wellington City was reviewed in 2011/12
for the fi rst time in more than 20 years. The review found that the network had become
complicated for users and inefficient, with duplicated services and under- and over-supplied
services to some areas.

Today, the Wellington City bus network is characterised by many overlapping, low-frequency
'point-to-point' bus routes that, while providing direct services to the Wellington CBD from
most areas, offer low service levels and in some cases do not offer evening and weekend
services. These many services converge in the CBD, causing significant bus congestion on the
Golden Mile and leading to delays and bus queues through the city.

The review's primary objective, as adopted in its terms of reference, was:
"to improve value for money by improving the effectiveness and effi ciency of the public
transport network within the study area. Other objectives include improved reliability, coverage,
connections, access, and service levels, and ensuring that capacity is matched to demand".

The review applied a three-layered approach to the bus network:

> Core services: high frequency (at least every 15 minutes, seven days a week) connecting
main transport corridors, suburban town centres and important destinations

> Secondary services: lower frequency (30-60 minutes, mostly seven days a week) covering
lower-populated areas, with some running into the CBD and some connecting to core
services at local town centres

> Peak-only services: supplementing the all-day routes that depend on suffi cient demand,
and providing the only public transport service to some fringe areas.

The review concluded that resources could be saved by 'hubbing' some services from lowerdemand
areas and reducing route duplication, redirected towards improving services to poorly
serviced areas.

Community consultation on the initial proposals took place in early 2012, with more than 6000
items of feedback received. After an analysis of the feedback and meetings with community
groups and stakeholders, the proposed new Wellington City bus network was adopted in
November 2012 by GWRC's Economic Wellbeing Committee.

You are most welcome!

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org

Quote from: ozbob on January 01, 2015, 05:44:46 AM

Media release 1st January 2015

Brisbane Bus Reform: New Year, New Bus Operators?

RAIL Back On Track (http://backontrack.org) a web based community support group for rail and public transport and an advocate for public transport passengers reaffirms its strong support for bus reform, including competitive bus contracting and bus network reform. Our members expect to see new bus operators announced for Brisbane in 2015.

Robert Dow, Spokesman for RAIL Back On Track said:

"In our opinion, bus reform will remove local government politics out of the equation so that Auckland-style network reforms can proceed and patronage falls and cost-explosive fares driven by hi-waste bus network design can be arrested and reversed. Reinvestment of all cost savings as new or improved bus services are an additional benefit for passengers."

"Brisbane City Council (BCC) was given carte blanche in 2013 to reform bus services.

"In our opinion, the problems still remain:

* Entire suburbs not properly serviced (Yeronga, Bulimba, Centenary, Albany Creek) or services not matching resident distribution (i.e. The Gap)
* High levels of network waste (SE Busway, Old Cleveland Rd, Gympie Rd, Coronation Drive)
* High levels of network complexity (too many bus routes with too many variations. i.e. 15 different bus services to Centenary Suburbs; none are frequent)
* High levels of inefficiency (50% air buses during peak hour through Cultural Centre, too many buses going to the destination 'Sorry Not In Service')
* Too many buses converging on the CBD leading to gross congestion and high costs
* Too few buses in the suburbs leading to long waits and loss of passenger revenue
* Major opposition to connections ('transferring') which leaves multi-destinational passengers stranded. For example, how are Centenary residents expected to reach jobs and services in Ipswich and Springfield if their bus does not connect to the local train station?
* Major opposition to driving buses across BCC boundaries where Brisbane's suburbs have sprawled and expanded outside BCC jurisdiction in response to BCC planning policies.
* Major unwillingness to implement bus reform
* Strong political, organisational and financial incentives for obstructionism.

"Perth underwent bus reform in the 1990s and New Zealand (Auckland) is undergoing bus reforms now. An extensive body of independent Australian research shows bus reform leaves passengers better off. We trust that the Queensland Government does its homework to identify basic 'design principles' necessary for successful reform in Brisbane."

RAIL Back on Track suggests a new operator should show:

* Strong support for implementing a new bus network (non-negotiable)
* Respect for integrated network planning
* A recognition for the need for bus reform
* Service livery united with the TransLink Network
* Customer service improvement, specifically, drivers knowing the basic rail and hi-frequency bus routes so as to recommend basic travel routes to passengers making 'bus door' enquiries.
* Moves to larger super-buses on high-volume corridors (150+ passenger capacity buses)

"Competitive contracting works by taking poorly performing operators out of service. This isn't a failure of the system, it is the system working. The Queensland Government must ensure bids that are too low are excluded, that clear roles, risks, expectations and responsibilities are defined, that transition arrangements are available in the unlikely event an operator is taken out of service, that monopolies do not redevelop, and that well performing operators can extend their contract without re-tendering for a limited period."

"As patronage is mostly influenced by government-controlled factors such as population density, network planning, service quality (frequency, span of service), service type (patronage or coverage), and transit corridor quality (speed, stop spacing, congestion), the inclusion of any 'incentive payment' for increased patronage needs to be rigorously justified."

"RAIL Back on Track looks forward to seeing new bus operators for the Brisbane area in 2015 and the problems listed above, resolved."

"Happy New Year!"


Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


1. The contracting of urban bus services - Recent Australian developments; Research in Transportation Economics 48 (2014) 48-61 http://www.worldtransitresearch.info/research/5426/

2. RAIL Back on Track - New Bus Network Proposal (Map available for Google Earth Download)

3. Bus Reform Media Releases Grouped

4. Competition Reform of Transperth Bus Services Report No 3 – June 1997 Performance Examination https://audit.wa.gov.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/report97_03.pdf

5. Bus Reform: Further down the road A follow-on examination into competition reform of Transperth bus services Performance Examination Report No. 6 June 2000 https://audit.wa.gov.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/report2000_06.pdf

6. Bus Reform: Competition Reform of Transperth Bus Services, Report 3 – June 1997 https://audit.wa.gov.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/1997-Insert-BusReform.pdf
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Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Sent to all outlets:

7th January 2015

Comment: Re: Skytrans' fate scares bus companies article


Some comments concerning this article: Skytrans' fate scares bus companies > http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/skytrans-fate-scares-bus-companies-20150106-12j0h8.html

RAIL Back On Track (http://backontrack.org) a web based community support group for rail and public transport and an advocate for public transport passengers reaffirms its strong support for bus reform, including competitive bus contracting and bus network reform. Our members expect to see new bus operators announced for Brisbane in 2015.

Competition causes profit margins fall. We don't blame bus companies one bit for not liking competition, but it is very good for passengers who have been hit with 15% fare increases. Historical privilege is no fair basis on which to choose bus suppliers.

Independent research from Perth's Auditor General into Perth's 1990s bus reform, and the latest research from The University of Queensland confirm that bus contracting is good for passengers and good for taxpayers alike. Competitive tendering does generate winners and losers. This is not a failure of the system, it is the system working. When a politician or political party is voted out of office, that is the electoral process working. It is the same concept in private business contracting. Competitive contracting is the private sector equivalent of an election.

The opening up of the bus industry to anybody able and willing presents a huge opportunity for bus companies to expand into Australia's most lucrative bus market - the Brisbane City Council area. For instance, we believe operators such as Clarks Logan City are well placed to expand service into Brisbane City Council's southern region.

The Queensland Government must guarantee open access to the Eleanor Schonell Bridge, Queen Street Bus Station, King George Square and any existing bus stop in the CBD, including Adelaide Street to private bus operators. RAIL Back on Track also supports rewarding well performing operators to have the ability to extend their competitive contracts for a limited period without re-tendering.

The Brisbane City Council area has a lot of problems. Our recent media release, Brisbane City Council's Bus Network - What Went Wrong? details these problems. We invite all bus companies to look at our Media Releases section and acquaint themselves with the issues in the Brisbane area to give them the maximum advantage for winning business there.

In our opinion, the single largest inefficiency within Brisbane City Council's bus network is the inefficient bus network routings that it cannot bring itself to change for political reasons. Brisbane City Council was given carte blanche in 2013 and didn't fix the problems. We say, bring on the private operators!

As private bus operators do not run in mayoral elections and are not divisions of local government, they are more than happy to drive buses across council boundaries. Queensland private bus operators could undercut Brisbane City Council by simply offering to do what Brisbane City Council cannot bring itself to do - run a new, more efficient, connected bus network and cooperate with bus network reform. As all private bus operators agreed to and implemented bus network reform in 2013, with the sole exception of Brisbane City Council, they are at a great and experienced advantage in this respect already.

Good luck and may the best bus operators win.

Only genuine reform of rail and bus networks, together with fare reform will guarantee  abundant and low cost public transport for all.

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


City's public transport will never improve while run by opposing sides Couriermail 11th April 2012 pages 18-19

Bus Reform: RAIL Back on Track Reaffirms Support For Competitive Bus Contracting

RAIL Back on Track Media Releases http://railbotforum.org/mbs/index.php?board=19.0

Brisbane Bus Reform: RAIL Back on Track Launches New Bus Network Proposal

Jan 2015: Brisbane Bus Reform: New Year, New Bus Operators?

Jan 2015: Brisbane City Council's Bus Network - What Went Wrong?

The contracting of urban bus services - recent Australian developments Wallis, Ian P. and
Bray, David J. (2014) The contracting of urban bus services - recent Australian
developments. Research in Transportation Economics, 48 48-61.

Redland company takes wheel of London's big red buses

New Bus Network Proposal > http://tiny.cc/newnetwork
New Bus Network Proposal Survey > http://tiny.cc/busreform
Current BCC Bus Network > http://tiny.cc/checkyourbus
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Brisbanetimes --> Renewed calls for Brisbane bus overhaul

QuoteBrisbane City Council should use the State Government's plans to put bus routes out to tender as a chance to completely overhaul its bus network, a public transport advocacy group says.

Rail Back on Track spokesman Robert Dow said changes made in 2013 following a review of the network didn't benefit passengers and a different approach to the network was needed.

After heavy criticism of the original Translink network review the State Government handed control of the review process to the council, which eventually axed five bus routes and changed nine others.

Mr Dow said the review was a missed opportunity.

"We didn't really get the change that was necessary to drive efficiency, to drive patronage increase and give more room for fare reform," he said.

"Fares in south-east Queensland are horrendously expensive and that's partly related to the inefficient network design.

"BCC has always seen rail as a bit of a competitor rather than a team player. The rail system has not been properly supported by feeder buses and often a lot of bus routes run in direct competition with rail."

A BCC spokesman said the council continually looked for ways to improve the quality and cost of the bus service it provided.

"Council will be contesting the tender process once the State Government announces the details of contestability and will be competing to win," he said.

The spokesman didn't comment on questions about the likelihood of a future network overhaul or the validity of RBT's proposal.

BCC Opposition Leader Milton Dick said he opposed the tender process but would support any overhaul that guaranteed an improvement to the network instead of cuts to services.

On Monday the Queensland Bus Industry Council voiced concerns State Government plans to put routes out to tender would lead to companies collapsing in a similar vein to Cairns-based airliner Skytrans.

But Mr Dow said he didn't think private operators had anything to worry about, instead calling for council to redesign its network in a way that would see more transfers but shorter trip times.

A spokeswoman for Transport and Main Roads Minister Scott Emerson has previously said the government was committed to providing affordable, frequent and reliable public transport.

"As announced in the commission of audit released in 2013, we support getting the best services and value for money for passengers through a competitive contract process," she said.
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FYI  - Kate Jones has joined the "Hands off our buses" campaign with some incorrect information from the RBTU if anyone is interested to chime in.


Unless stated otherwise, Opinions stated in my posts are those of my own view only.


Quote from: Arnz on January 18, 2015, 10:52:11 AM
FYI  - Kate Jones has joined the "Hands off our buses" campaign with some incorrect information from the RBTU if anyone is interested to chime in.


That's it Kate, continue to support a financially inefficient organisation, which bus routing dating back to the tram era,  and an illogical confusing bus network.



Media Release 18th January 2015

Queensland Election: Public Transport Privatisation: Fact Check

RAIL Back On Track (http://backontrack.org) a web based community support group for rail and public transport and an advocate for public transport passengers has said the Candidate for Ashgrove Kate Jones is currently circulating a petition which reads:

'We are gravely concerned that any such moves will lead to cutbacks and a reduction in much-needed public transport services..... Our State Government and BCC must do more to improve our bus services and increase routes, instead of putting those services at risk through privatisation.' (1)

Robert Dow, Spokesman for RAIL Back On Track said:

"In SEQ, bus routes are contracted out on a region by region basis. TransLink first determines where the buses are routed and how frequently they are run. TransLink then pays operators to run these packages of services. If they don't deliver they are subject to penalties."

"Already in SEQ the majority of public transport is run by Private operators, from G:Link and Surfside on the Gold Coast to Veolia in the Redlands. Even the CityCats are run by a private operator, Transdev.

"Currently, only Queensland Rail and Brisbane transport are the only publicly owned public transport operators in SEQ."

"Privatisation doesn't imply services will be cut back. A private company working for TransLink doesn't have the authority to slash services. They are obliged to run what the government dictates."

"If service cutbacks do occur (For example as happened in Nerang on the Gold Coast) it was a result of government decision making which flowed from the failed bus review for Brisbane."

"In SEQ, our high fares are a combination of successive governments increasing fares above the rate of inflation, and inefficient network design and operating practices that haemorrhage money."

"Outside of SEQ, all urban bus operations are run by private companies with qconnect (TransLink) responsible for setting fares and routings.

"In these regions the public has not been subject to these fare polices, so still enjoy low fares, despite buses being run by private operators (2, 3, 4)."


1. http://queenslandlabor.org.au/saveourbuses/

2. http://www.sunbus.com.au/documents/2013Fares_Townsville_001.pdf

3. http://www.sunbus.com.au/documents/2014Fares_Rockhampton.pdf

4. http://www.qld.gov.au/transport/public/transport/timetables/qconnect/

5. TransLink partners http://translink.com.au/about-translink/who-we-are/who-we-work-with


Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org
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BrizCommuter has written a blog post on the ALP's rejection of Brisbane bus privatisation.


Sent to all outlets:

19th January 2015


RAIL Back on Track's Response To Ashgrove Bus Scare Campaign Material

In response  "Save Our Buses from Privatisation". http://goo.gl/tfR24I

Bus Reform means more buses more often, and guaranteed abundant and low cost public transport for all.
We make actually available maps of new or improved bus services within the Ashgrove Electorate on our website.

Under our bus reform proposal:

* A new hi-frequency BUZ 380 The Gap via Payne Road coming every 15-minutes all day or better
* Better access to BUZ 385 The Gap via Waterworks Road for residents of Hilder, Kaloma and Settlement Road
* Direct access to The University of Queensland on our new hi-frequency 911 CityConnector cross-town buses servicing Brookside, Ashgrove, Bardon, Toowong and St Lucia.

Brisbane City Council refuses to implement proper bus network reform, hence there will be little or no improvement to buses in the Ashgrove Electorate under continued Brisbane City Council operation.

Anybody can see from their home computer the improvements in the Ashgrove local area under bus reform, and compare between Brisbane City Council's bus network and our new, improved bus network under bus reform.

New Bus Network Proposal > http://tiny.cc/newnetwork

New Bus Network Proposal Survey > http://tiny.cc/busreform

Current BCC Bus Network > http://tiny.cc/checkyourbus

Our research shows strong evidence that suggests Brisbane City Council is behind the escalating 20% and 15% fare increases. In 2013, it was revealed on ABC Radio that Lord Mayor Graham Quirk had asked for increased funding beyond the 4% annual provision - possibly up to 21% more funding from the Queensland Government. Higher costs like this means higher fares.

Without bus reform, we believe fares could increase by 20% immediately after the election, as they did in 2010.

RAIL Back on Track reaffirms our strong support for bus network reform, including competitive bus contracting should that be necessary.

There is a simple solution to the Brisbane bus mess.  BCC finally cooperate and direct Brisbane Transport to sit down with TransLink, fine tune the 2013 bus review and set about implementing it.

This would then turn around the patronage, provide a better fare box and allow more improvements, not only in the Brisbane region but also in all the other bus regions outside Brisbane that have had real cuts to prop up Brisbane.

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


1. Brisbane Bus Reform: Brisbane City Council's Bus Network - What Went Wrong?

2. Brisbane Bus Reform: Even More Buses For Ashgrove Electorate

3. Brisbane Bus Reform: More Buses, More Often For Ashgrove Electorate

4. QLD Election 2015: Will the punters be hit with 20% plus fare increases after the show?

Quote from: ozbob on January 18, 2015, 12:30:27 PM

Media Release 18th January 2015

Queensland Election: Public Transport Privatisation: Fact Check

RAIL Back On Track (http://backontrack.org) a web based community support group for rail and public transport and an advocate for public transport passengers has said the Candidate for Ashgrove Kate Jones is currently circulating a petition which reads:

'We are gravely concerned that any such moves will lead to cutbacks and a reduction in much-needed public transport services..... Our State Government and BCC must do more to improve our bus services and increase routes, instead of putting those services at risk through privatisation.' (1)

Robert Dow, Spokesman for RAIL Back On Track said:

"In SEQ, bus routes are contracted out on a region by region basis. TransLink first determines where the buses are routed and how frequently they are run. TransLink then pays operators to run these packages of services. If they don't deliver they are subject to penalties."

"Already in SEQ the majority of public transport is run by Private operators, from G:Link and Surfside on the Gold Coast to Veolia in the Redlands. Even the CityCats are run by a private operator, Transdev.

"Currently, only Queensland Rail and Brisbane transport are the only publicly owned public transport operators in SEQ."

"Privatisation doesn't imply services will be cut back. A private company working for TransLink doesn't have the authority to slash services. They are obliged to run what the government dictates."

"If service cutbacks do occur (For example as happened in Nerang on the Gold Coast) it was a result of government decision making which flowed from the failed bus review for Brisbane."

"In SEQ, our high fares are a combination of successive governments increasing fares above the rate of inflation, and inefficient network design and operating practices that haemorrhage money."

"Outside of SEQ, all urban bus operations are run by private companies with qconnect (TransLink) responsible for setting fares and routings.

"In these regions the public has not been subject to these fare polices, so still enjoy low fares, despite buses being run by private operators (2, 3, 4)."


1. http://queenslandlabor.org.au/saveourbuses/

2. http://www.sunbus.com.au/documents/2013Fares_Townsville_001.pdf

3. http://www.sunbus.com.au/documents/2014Fares_Rockhampton.pdf

4. http://www.qld.gov.au/transport/public/transport/timetables/qconnect/

5. TransLink partners http://translink.com.au/about-translink/who-we-are/who-we-work-with


Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org
Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
Ozbob's Gallery Forum   Facebook  X   Mastodon  BlueSky


Sent to all outlets:

19th January 2015

Re: RAIL Back on Track Responds To Ashgrove Bus Scare Campaign Material


Further to  "Save Our Buses from Privatisation". http://goo.gl/tfR24I RAIL Back on Track is pleased to release imagery regarding bus services in Ashgrove Electorate.

Bus Reform means more buses more often, and guaranteed abundant and low cost public transport for all.
We make actually available maps of new or improved bus services within the Ashgrove Electorate on our website.

Reading our maps is easy: Thicker lines mean higher quality services. Red lines are frequent services (every 15 min or better), black lines (30 min) and green lines (60 min or worse) as well as peak-only (thin blue lines).

Exhibit A shows the current Brisbane City Council bus network, the one that we are supposedly to "save" from "privatisation".

Exhibit B shows our New Bus Network Proposal, paid for by reorganising existing bus services to reduce the waste and inefficiency in the current bus network.

Passengers wishing to experience "privatisation" are directed to buy a ticket for Brisbane City Council's CityCats, which are already privately operated by TransDev; All other bus operators in South East Queensland are also private. It is therefore our opinion that this campaign material is scare campaign material and should be rejected.

Exhibit A: ASHGROVE ELECTORATE No Bus Reform (Current Brisbane City Council Bus Network)
http://tiny.cc/checkyourbus [CLICK TO ZOOM]

Exhibit B: ASHGROVE ELECTORATE Bus Reform (RAIL Back on Track New Bus Network)
http://tiny.cc/newnetwork [CLICK TO ZOOM]

Under our bus reform proposal:

* A new hi-frequency BUZ 380 The Gap via Payne Road coming every 15-minutes all day or better
* Better access to BUZ 385 The Gap via Waterworks Road for residents of Hilder, Kaloma and Settlement Road
* Direct access to The University of Queensland on our new hi-frequency 911 CityConnector cross-town buses servicing Brookside, Ashgrove, Bardon, Toowong and St Lucia.

Brisbane City Council refuses to implement proper bus network reform, hence there will be little or no improvement to buses in the Ashgrove Electorate under continued Brisbane City Council operation unless there is network reform.


New Bus Network Proposal > http://tiny.cc/newnetwork

New Bus Network Proposal Survey > http://tiny.cc/busreform

Current BCC Bus Network > http://tiny.cc/checkyourbus

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


1. Brisbane Bus Reform: Brisbane City Council's Bus Network - What Went Wrong?

2. Brisbane Bus Reform: Even More Buses For Ashgrove Electorate

3. Brisbane Bus Reform: More Buses, More Often For Ashgrove Electorate

4. QLD Election 2015: Will the punters be hit with 20% plus fare increases after the show?

Quote from: ozbob on January 19, 2015, 02:40:45 AM
Sent to all outlets:

19th January 2015


RAIL Back on Track's Response To Ashgrove Bus Scare Campaign Material

In response  "Save Our Buses from Privatisation". http://goo.gl/tfR24I

Bus Reform means more buses more often, and guaranteed abundant and low cost public transport for all.
We make actually available maps of new or improved bus services within the Ashgrove Electorate on our website.

Under our bus reform proposal:

* A new hi-frequency BUZ 380 The Gap via Payne Road coming every 15-minutes all day or better
* Better access to BUZ 385 The Gap via Waterworks Road for residents of Hilder, Kaloma and Settlement Road
* Direct access to The University of Queensland on our new hi-frequency 911 CityConnector cross-town buses servicing Brookside, Ashgrove, Bardon, Toowong and St Lucia.

Brisbane City Council refuses to implement proper bus netework reform, hence there will be little or no improvement to buses in the Ashgrove Electorate under continued Brisbane City Council operation.

Anybody can see from their home computer the improvements in the Ashgrove local area under bus reform, and compare between Brisbane City Council's bus network and our new, improved bus network under bus reform.

New Bus Network Proposal > http://tiny.cc/newnetwork

New Bus Network Proposal Survey > http://tiny.cc/busreform

Current BCC Bus Network > http://tiny.cc/checkyourbus

Our research shows strong evidence that suggests Brisbane City Council is behind the escalating 20% and 15% fare increases. In 2013, it was revealed on ABC Radio that Lord Mayor Graham Quirk had asked for increased funding beyond the 4% annual provision - possibly up to 21% more funding from the Queensland Government. Higher costs like this means higher fares.

Without bus reform, we believe fares could increase by 20% immediately after the election, as they did in 2010.

RAIL Back on Track reaffirms our strong support for bus network reform, including competitive bus contracting should that be necessary.

There is a simple solution to the Brisbane bus mess.  BCC finally cooperate and direct Brisbane Transport to sit down with TransLink, fine tune the 2013 bus review and set about implementing it.

This would then turn around the patronage, provide a better fare box and allow more improvements, not only in the Brisbane region but also in all the other bus regions outside Brisbane that have had real cuts to prop up Brisbane.

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


1. Brisbane Bus Reform: Brisbane City Council's Bus Network - What Went Wrong?

2. Brisbane Bus Reform: Even More Buses For Ashgrove Electorate

3. Brisbane Bus Reform: More Buses, More Often For Ashgrove Electorate

4. QLD Election 2015: Will the punters be hit with 20% plus fare increases after the show?

Quote from: ozbob on January 18, 2015, 12:30:27 PM

Media Release 18th January 2015

Queensland Election: Public Transport Privatisation: Fact Check

RAIL Back On Track (http://backontrack.org) a web based community support group for rail and public transport and an advocate for public transport passengers has said the Candidate for Ashgrove Kate Jones is currently circulating a petition which reads:

'We are gravely concerned that any such moves will lead to cutbacks and a reduction in much-needed public transport services..... Our State Government and BCC must do more to improve our bus services and increase routes, instead of putting those services at risk through privatisation.' (1)

Robert Dow, Spokesman for RAIL Back On Track said:

"In SEQ, bus routes are contracted out on a region by region basis. TransLink first determines where the buses are routed and how frequently they are run. TransLink then pays operators to run these packages of services. If they don't deliver they are subject to penalties."

"Already in SEQ the majority of public transport is run by Private operators, from G:Link and Surfside on the Gold Coast to Veolia in the Redlands. Even the CityCats are run by a private operator, Transdev.

"Currently, only Queensland Rail and Brisbane transport are the only publicly owned public transport operators in SEQ."

"Privatisation doesn't imply services will be cut back. A private company working for TransLink doesn't have the authority to slash services. They are obliged to run what the government dictates."

"If service cutbacks do occur (For example as happened in Nerang on the Gold Coast) it was a result of government decision making which flowed from the failed bus review for Brisbane."

"In SEQ, our high fares are a combination of successive governments increasing fares above the rate of inflation, and inefficient network design and operating practices that haemorrhage money."

"Outside of SEQ, all urban bus operations are run by private companies with qconnect (TransLink) responsible for setting fares and routings.

"In these regions the public has not been subject to these fare polices, so still enjoy low fares, despite buses being run by private operators (2, 3, 4)."


1. http://queenslandlabor.org.au/saveourbuses/

2. http://www.sunbus.com.au/documents/2013Fares_Townsville_001.pdf

3. http://www.sunbus.com.au/documents/2014Fares_Rockhampton.pdf

4. http://www.qld.gov.au/transport/public/transport/timetables/qconnect/

5. TransLink partners http://translink.com.au/about-translink/who-we-are/who-we-work-with


Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org
Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
Ozbob's Gallery Forum   Facebook  X   Mastodon  BlueSky


Sent to all outlets:

21st January 2015

"Privatisation" Scare Campaign - committment to reform needed not scare campaigns!



RAIL Back on Track does not support misinformation for political gain.

Passengers wishing to experience "privatisation" are directed to buy a ticket for Brisbane City Council's CityCats, which are already privately operated by TransDev. All other bus operators in South East Queensland and Cairns are also already private (19 different operators). It is therefore our opinion that certain campaign material appearing in Ashgrove this week is scare campaign material and should be rejected.

This extract below from one of Brisbane City Council's meeting minutes clearly shows Brisbane City Council itself engages in private bus contracting, signing on five private bus companies to operate special event services. Historically selected BUZ 140 services departing Queen Street Bus station were also privately contracted to Park Ridge Transit bus company.


Objectors to bus reform are well advised to take a ride on Brisbane City Council's "privatised" CityCat. They'll pay exactly the same fares and experience a high quality of service. Gold Coast Light Rail is also a private operation contracted to the State of Queensland and regulated by TransLink. Private bus operators provide all bus services outside of Brisbane. A one zone fare in Ipswich is the same cost as a one zone fare in Brisbane.

Ashgrove candidates should drop the scare campaigning and do something about Lord Mayor Graham Quirk who had asked for funding beyond the 4% allocation, possibly up to 21% more funding from the Queensland Government, which implies a very large 20% fare increase for passengers. Bus network reform is needed, not more ongoing mediocrity.  Will we see 20% fare increases immediately after the election as actually happened in 2010? Our members would like to know!

Enjoy the election!  Travelling free on the go this week yet?  The fare system is somewhat flawed to say the least ...

Best wishes,

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


1. Extract from Brisbane City Council Minutes 4403 Ordinary Minutes 14 May 2013 (also
contains much discussion about bus review as well)

2. TransLink - Who we work with http://translink.com.au/about-translink/who-we-are/who-we-work-with

3. QLD Election 2015: Will the punters be hit with 20% plus fare increases after the show?

A special election edition of our newsletter ' Public Transport Matters '  can be downloaded direct from:
>> http://backontrack.org/docs/ptm/PTM0115.pdf PDF 1MB
Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
Ozbob's Gallery Forum   Facebook  X   Mastodon  BlueSky


Sent to all outlets:


Bus Network Reform Required No Matter What


What an interesting political situation has developed concerning the Brisbane bus network.

Following the 2009 Queensland Election a punishing 5 year fare path was imposed for public transport in SEQ.  There was no real attempt at proper network reform  until 2013.

BCC resisted proper network reform, the 2013 TransLink bus review for Brisbane fell over. Worth noting is that for all the bus regions outside of Brisbane, they  have had network reform, sadly compromised because of the failure of network reform in Brisbane.  Why should the rest of SEQ suffer reduced services because of BCC's intransigence?

Competitive tender does not necessarily imply privatisation.  Will Brisbane Transport (BT) be competitive on an open tender process?  Certainly won't be on the present network as a basis.  They had an opportunity in 2012/13 but BT was not permitted to cooperate by BCC with TransLink in the review preparation.  BCC have brought it on themselves.  ALP or LNP or whoever the Government ends up being will need to proceed with network reform.  The present shambles simply is not sustainable.  The real enemy of the BT bus drivers is the BCC.

There is a simple solution to the bus mess in Brisbane.  BCC allow Brisbane Transport to sit down with TransLink and revisit the 2013 TransLink review..  Fix up the obvious issues and set about implementing it.

There will then be much more of Brisbane served by buses, more often.  More bus drivers will be needed, not less as patronage climbs on all modes. More money for the fare box, better fare reform possible.

Hysterical scare campaigns are working against the best interests of all.  At least we have the courage to say so.

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org

Quote from: ozbob on January 21, 2015, 02:29:33 AM
Sent to all outlets:

21st January 2015

"Privatisation" Scare Campaign - committment to reform needed not scare campaigns!



RAIL Back on Track does not support misinformation for political gain.

Passengers wishing to experience "privatisation" are directed to buy a ticket for Brisbane City Council's CityCats, which are already privately operated by TransDev. All other bus operators in South East Queensland and Cairns are also already private (19 different operators). It is therefore our opinion that certain campaign material appearing in Ashgrove this week is scare campaign material and should be rejected.

This extract below from one of Brisbane City Council's meeting minutes clearly shows Brisbane City Council itself engages in private bus contracting, signing on five private bus companies to operate special event services. Historically selected BUZ 140 services departing Queen Street Bus station were also privately contracted to Park Ridge Transit bus company.


Objectors to bus reform are well advised to take a ride on Brisbane City Council's "privatised" CityCat. They'll pay exactly the same fares and experience a high quality of service. Gold Coast Light Rail is also a private operation contracted to the State of Queensland and regulated by TransLink. Private bus operators provide all bus services outside of Brisbane. A one zone fare in Ipswich is the same cost as a one zone fare in Brisbane.

Ashgrove candidates should drop the scare campaigning and do something about Lord Mayor Graham Quirk who had asked for funding beyond the 4% allocation, possibly up to 21% more funding from the Queensland Government, which implies a very large 20% fare increase for passengers. Bus network reform is needed, not more ongoing mediocrity.  Will we see 20% fare increases immediately after the election as actually happened in 2010? Our members would like to know!

Enjoy the election!  Travelling free on the go this week yet?  The fare system is somewhat flawed to say the least ...

Best wishes,

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


1. Extract from Brisbane City Council Minutes 4403 Ordinary Minutes 14 May 2013 (also
contains much discussion about bus review as well)

2. TransLink - Who we work with http://translink.com.au/about-translink/who-we-are/who-we-work-with

3. QLD Election 2015: Will the punters be hit with 20% plus fare increases after the show?

A special election edition of our newsletter ' Public Transport Matters '  can be downloaded direct from:
>> http://backontrack.org/docs/ptm/PTM0115.pdf PDF 1MB

Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
Ozbob's Gallery Forum   Facebook  X   Mastodon  BlueSky



Robert Dow @Robert_Dow 1 hour ago

' Why should rest of SEQ suffer reduced services because of BCC's intransigence? ' > http://railbotforum.org/mbs/index.php?topic=10665.msg151756#msg151756 ... #qldvotes

Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
Ozbob's Gallery Forum   Facebook  X   Mastodon  BlueSky



Robert Dow ‏@Robert_Dow

Who has the courage to do the right thing? > http://railbotforum.org/mbs/index.php?topic=10665.msg151756#msg151756 ... #qldvotes #qldpol @scottemerson @jackietrad

Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
Ozbob's Gallery Forum   Facebook  X   Mastodon  BlueSky


Sent to all outlets:

23 January 2015


Brisbane City Council Bus Features In Privatisation Scare Campaign Ad

Image: Screenshot of video, showing BCC and QLD Gov't logos. Source "Hands Off Our Buses" facebook page.

RAIL Back on Track has become aware of fresh Privatisation Scare Campaign material today.

A Brisbane City Council bus, complete with Brisbane City Council and Queensland Government logos, appears in a new privatisation scare campaign ad.

A voice-over then reads:

"We all miss the occasional bus, but if Campbell Newman gets back in, you won't just miss the bus, you'll miss the buses. Because he wants to privatise them, and the new owners will cut the unprofitable routes, even though people rely on them. So you may not miss the bus now and again, but every day.

We should be investing in our public transport, not privatising it. On January 31st, tell Campbell Newman where to get off."

RAIL Back on Track classifies this material as scare campaign material, and rejects it.

Claim: "...the new owners will cut the unprofitable routes, even though people rely on them."

Facts: All bus operators in Queensland, with the sole exception of Brisbane Transport, are already private, as are the Brisbane CityCats and Gold Coast Light Rail. Almost all bus routes are unprofitable already and private bus operators run these unprofitable bus routes, some with cost recoveries as low as just 2%.

How is this possible?

* Bus operators private or public are paid for their work they do driving the bus by the agency TransLink;
* NOT on how many passengers they carry;
* NOT on how much fare revenue they take in;
* NOT on whether the service is profitable or not - almost all bus routes are unprofitable anyway
* Bus operators have NO authority to cut routes;
* Bus operators have NO authority to alter timetable schedules;
* Bus operators have NO authority to alter fares;

TransLink, a government agency, retains all fare revenue, pays bus companies for their work, retains any profits for cross-subsidy, and retains all planning powers, including powers adjust routes, timetables or fares. The one exception is of course Brisbane Transport, under the control of BCC  and not TransLink, that puts politics before a proper integrated network.

In our opinion, this advertisement is deliberate misinformation for political gain.

It is very sad to see just how politicised Brisbane Transport has become under Brisbane City Council's stewardship, how costs have exploded,  and how patronage has fallen. The advertisement claims that services would be cut - well, well, well, what are the facts? Did you know that the 'black holes' in Yeronga, Centenary, Albany Creek and Bulimba are the direct result of Brisbane City Council cutting proposed high frequency bus services to these suburbs? After insisting that all buses run to the CBD, there was no money left over for investing in public transport in these areas.  Areas outside of Brisbane, the rest of SEQ had cuts to bus service frequency and  hours to prop up the Brisbane bus network.  How about telling the public about that?

RAIL Back on Track members have had a gut-full of Brisbane City Council-fuelled 20% and 15% fare increases.

RAIL Back on Track calls for legislation to be passed through Queensland Parliament altering The City of Brisbane Act.

In our opinion, the sooner the Queensland Government's 1925 decision to hand public transport to BCC is revoked and Brisbane Transport is separated and depoliticised, the better.

RAIL Back on Track is a non-partisan organisation.  We call it as it is.

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org

Quote from: ozbob on January 21, 2015, 02:29:33 AM
Sent to all outlets:

21st January 2015

"Privatisation" Scare Campaign - committment to reform needed not scare campaigns!



RAIL Back on Track does not support misinformation for political gain.

Passengers wishing to experience "privatisation" are directed to buy a ticket for Brisbane City Council's CityCats, which are already privately operated by TransDev. All other bus operators in South East Queensland and Cairns are also already private (19 different operators). It is therefore our opinion that certain campaign material appearing in Ashgrove this week is scare campaign material and should be rejected.

This extract below from one of Brisbane City Council's meeting minutes clearly shows Brisbane City Council itself engages in private bus contracting, signing on five private bus companies to operate special event services. Historically selected BUZ 140 services departing Queen Street Bus station were also privately contracted to Park Ridge Transit bus company.


Objectors to bus reform are well advised to take a ride on Brisbane City Council's "privatised" CityCat. They'll pay exactly the same fares and experience a high quality of service. Gold Coast Light Rail is also a private operation contracted to the State of Queensland and regulated by TransLink. Private bus operators provide all bus services outside of Brisbane. A one zone fare in Ipswich is the same cost as a one zone fare in Brisbane.

Ashgrove candidates should drop the scare campaigning and do something about Lord Mayor Graham Quirk who had asked for funding beyond the 4% allocation, possibly up to 21% more funding from the Queensland Government, which implies a very large 20% fare increase for passengers. Bus network reform is needed, not more ongoing mediocrity.  Will we see 20% fare increases immediately after the election as actually happened in 2010? Our members would like to know!

Enjoy the election!  Travelling free on the go this week yet?  The fare system is somewhat flawed to say the least ...

Best wishes,

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


1. Extract from Brisbane City Council Minutes 4403 Ordinary Minutes 14 May 2013 (also
contains much discussion about bus review as well)

2. TransLink - Who we work with http://translink.com.au/about-translink/who-we-are/who-we-work-with

3. QLD Election 2015: Will the punters be hit with 20% plus fare increases after the show?

A special election edition of our newsletter ' Public Transport Matters '  can be downloaded direct from:
>> http://backontrack.org/docs/ptm/PTM0115.pdf PDF 1MB

Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
Ozbob's Gallery Forum   Facebook  X   Mastodon  BlueSky


Sent to all outlets:

23rd January 2015


Scare Campaign?: Falling bus patronage the real threat to bus staff job security

Exhibit A from the Rail Tram and Bus Union's (RTBU) own website suggests that if new bus operators set up in Brisbane, existing
bus drivers will transfer over and keep their jobs. (1)

Exhibit A


In our opinion, the greatest threat to bus driver's jobs is Brisbane City Council itself. Without bus reform, patronage is now
diving. (2) Accelerating passenger loss from the bus network threatens bus staff job security. Government ownership doesn't
guarantee job security, only strong and growing patronage does. (3) Empty buses don't need drivers, hence losing passengers
eventually means losing staff.

RAIL Back on Track has identified the causes and problems within the Brisbane City Council Bus network, including waste,
inefficiency, and the presence of 'black holes' within the network. (4,5)  Our members have developed a New Bus Network
Proposal to fix these problems across Brisbane at very low cost.(6) Anybody can view our New Bus Network Proposal from their
home computer and compare services to their own house to that of the current Brisbane City Council monopoly. (7,8) Bus reform
means more buses more often, not less.

TransLink attempted to reform the network under negotiated monopoly arrangements in 2013 but this was blocked by Brisbane City
Council, in our opinion, due to the politicisation of Brisbane Transport. All other private bus operators in SEQ participated
in the network redesign; Brisbane City Council did not.

Contrary to scare campaigner claims, independent research from The University of Queensland and Perth's Auditor General confirm
the merits and benefits of bus reform. (9,10) And private bus operators are more than happy to run unprofitable bus services -
indeed they already do so, with some private companies operating services with cost recoveries as low as 2%.

Claims about staff cuts don't stack up. Any bus - public or private - will require someone to drive it as the buses won't drive
themselves. Under bus reform, patronage will increase, leading to a demand for more, not less, bus operators over time. Passengers wishing to experience "privatisation" are directed to buy a ticket for Brisbane City Council's CityCat, run by private operator TransDev.

Only genuine reform of rail and bus networks, together with fare reform will guarantee abundant and low cost public transport for all.

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


1. RBTU Website http://www.rbtu.com.au/ Darwin Bus Service Privatisation.

2. Brisbane commuters abandon buses, choose cars instead

3. Full list of Queensland Public Service Redundancies http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/full-list-of-queensland-public-service-redundancies/story-e6freon6-1226471881372 "The Budget papers state that the total reduction in FTE positions is about 14,000"

4. Brisbane Bus Reform: Brisbane City Council's Bus Network - What Went Wrong? http://railbotforum.org/mbs/index.php?topic=11175.0

5. The Principles Of Bus Network Reform, Frequency is Freedom, http://backontrack.org/docs/bus/reform/bus_reform.pdf

6. Brisbane buses: Call for CityGlider in Centenary suburbs http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/brisbane-buses-call-for-cityglider-in-centenary-suburbs-20141104-11gxl3.html

7. New Bus Network Proposal > http://tiny.cc/newnetwork
8. Current BCC Bus Network > http://tiny.cc/checkyourbus

9. The contracting of urban bus services – Recent Australian developments Ian P. Wallis and David J. Bray, Research in Transportation Economics Volume 48, December 2014, Pages 48–61. http://doi:10.1016/j.retrec.2014.09.031

10a. Competition Reform of Transperth Bus Services Report No 3 – June 1997 Performance Examination

10b. Bus Reform: Further down the road A follow-on examination into competition reform of Transperth bus services Performance
Examination Report No. 6 June 2000 https://audit.wa.gov.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/report2000_06.pdf

10c. Bus Reform: Competition Reform of Transperth Bus Services, Report 3 – June 1997

11. http://www.brisbaneferries.com.au/ "Welcome to Transdev, Brisbane's iconic ferry company Transdev Brisbane Ferries operates
the world-class CityCat, CityFerry and CityHopper services on behalf of Brisbane City Council. A trip on the river is the
perfect way to enjoy Brisbane, so hop aboard one of our services that operate daily from 24 terminals along the Brisbane River."

Quote from: ozbob on January 23, 2015, 02:54:30 AM
Sent to all outlets:

23 January 2015


Brisbane City Council Bus Features In Privatisation Scare Campaign Ad

Image: Screenshot of video, showing BCC and QLD Gov't logos. Source "Hands Off Our Buses" facebook page.

RAIL Back on Track has become aware of fresh Privatisation Scare Campaign material today.

A Brisbane City Council bus, complete with Brisbane City Council and Queensland Government logos, appears in a new privatisation scare campaign ad.

A voice-over then reads:

"We all miss the occasional bus, but if Campbell Newman gets back in, you won't just miss the bus, you'll miss the buses. Because he wants to privatise them, and the new owners will cut the unprofitable routes, even though people rely on them. So you may not miss the bus now and again, but every day.

We should be investing in our public transport, not privatising it. On January 31st, tell Campbell Newman where to get off."

RAIL Back on Track classifies this material as scare campaign material, and rejects it.

Claim: "...the new owners will cut the unprofitable routes, even though people rely on them."

Facts: All bus operators in Queensland, with the sole exception of Brisbane Transport, are already private, as are the Brisbane CityCats and Gold Coast Light Rail. Almost all bus routes are unprofitable already and private bus operators run these unprofitable bus routes, some with cost recoveries as low as just 2%.

How is this possible?

* Bus operators private or public are paid for their work they do driving the bus by the agency TransLink;
* NOT on how many passengers they carry;
* NOT on how much fare revenue they take in;
* NOT on whether the service is profitable or not - almost all bus routes are unprofitable anyway
* Bus operators have NO authority to cut routes;
* Bus operators have NO authority to alter timetable schedules;
* Bus operators have NO authority to alter fares;

TransLink, a government agency, retains all fare revenue, pays bus companies for their work, retains any profits for cross-subsidy, and retains all planning powers, including powers adjust routes, timetables or fares. The one exception is of course Brisbane Transport, under the control of BCC  and not TransLink, that puts politics before a proper integrated network.

In our opinion, this advertisement is deliberate misinformation for political gain.

It is very sad to see just how politicised Brisbane Transport has become under Brisbane City Council's stewardship, how costs have exploded,  and how patronage has fallen. The advertisement claims that services would be cut - well, well, well, what are the facts? Did you know that the 'black holes' in Yeronga, Centenary, Albany Creek and Bulimba are the direct result of Brisbane City Council cutting proposed high frequency bus services to these suburbs? After insisting that all buses run to the CBD, there was no money left over for investing in public transport in these areas.  Areas outside of Brisbane, the rest of SEQ had cuts to bus service frequency and  hours to prop up the Brisbane bus network.  How about telling the public about that?

RAIL Back on Track members have had a gut-full of Brisbane City Council-fuelled 20% and 15% fare increases.

RAIL Back on Track calls for legislation to be passed through Queensland Parliament altering The City of Brisbane Act.

In our opinion, the sooner the Queensland Government's 1925 decision to hand public transport to BCC is revoked and Brisbane Transport is separated and depoliticised, the better.

RAIL Back on Track is a non-partisan organisation.  We call it as it is.

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org

Quote from: ozbob on January 21, 2015, 02:29:33 AM
Sent to all outlets:

21st January 2015

"Privatisation" Scare Campaign - committment to reform needed not scare campaigns!



RAIL Back on Track does not support misinformation for political gain.

Passengers wishing to experience "privatisation" are directed to buy a ticket for Brisbane City Council's CityCats, which are already privately operated by TransDev. All other bus operators in South East Queensland and Cairns are also already private (19 different operators). It is therefore our opinion that certain campaign material appearing in Ashgrove this week is scare campaign material and should be rejected.

This extract below from one of Brisbane City Council's meeting minutes clearly shows Brisbane City Council itself engages in private bus contracting, signing on five private bus companies to operate special event services. Historically selected BUZ 140 services departing Queen Street Bus station were also privately contracted to Park Ridge Transit bus company.


Objectors to bus reform are well advised to take a ride on Brisbane City Council's "privatised" CityCat. They'll pay exactly the same fares and experience a high quality of service. Gold Coast Light Rail is also a private operation contracted to the State of Queensland and regulated by TransLink. Private bus operators provide all bus services outside of Brisbane. A one zone fare in Ipswich is the same cost as a one zone fare in Brisbane.

Ashgrove candidates should drop the scare campaigning and do something about Lord Mayor Graham Quirk who had asked for funding beyond the 4% allocation, possibly up to 21% more funding from the Queensland Government, which implies a very large 20% fare increase for passengers. Bus network reform is needed, not more ongoing mediocrity.  Will we see 20% fare increases immediately after the election as actually happened in 2010? Our members would like to know!

Enjoy the election!  Travelling free on the go this week yet?  The fare system is somewhat flawed to say the least ...

Best wishes,

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


1. Extract from Brisbane City Council Minutes 4403 Ordinary Minutes 14 May 2013 (also
contains much discussion about bus review as well)

2. TransLink - Who we work with http://translink.com.au/about-translink/who-we-are/who-we-work-with

3. QLD Election 2015: Will the punters be hit with 20% plus fare increases after the show?

A special election edition of our newsletter ' Public Transport Matters '  can be downloaded direct from:
>> http://backontrack.org/docs/ptm/PTM0115.pdf PDF 1MB

Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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I wish to make the following comments on the legislative environment in 2015 that will hopefully enable BUS REFORM.  I feel I haven't contributed much to the forum, so hopefully this will generate some discussion. 

In September 2014 the parliament passed a bill called the Transport and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2014 (https://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/Bills/54PDF/2014/TransportOLAB14.pdf).  This bill made a number of changes to significant pieces of legislation/regulation that affect public transport.  I believe the changes describe the 'brave-new-world' foreshadowed by this article: Buses on one-way street Link: http://backontrack.org/docs/cm/sm_20apr14_p15.jpg

The acts and regulations – as they now stand, following the changes – set the scene for whichever mob manages to form government and could influence PT in 2015.  Assusming TMR-Translink is allowed to follow this through, we could see big changes by September.  I am not a lawyer, nor a TMR employee – so I hope my interpretation is broadly accurate and I invite others to correct me where I am wrong. 

The changes appear to have been designed with the intention of enabling an alternative way of getting the Translink review/PT reform implemented. As ozbob has said in the past: "bus reform will happen" – the asking nicely approach failed due to BT, so now the legislative route is being taken. 

The bill made changes to many things, firstly, the Transport Operations (Passenger Transport) Act 1994 https://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/LEGISLTN/CURRENT/T/TranstOpPasTA94.pdf.   

Section 41 which lists 'Other matters to be included in service contracts' has had an interesting addition:
"41(1)— A service contract may— (ja) require the holder to provide improved levels of productivity;

Section 51 has a line added that states (1) A service contract may require the holder to provide a concession to a class of persons.  But surely this has always been the case?   

Section 99 did, and still does, provide that the chief executive can prescribe Standards.  The changes that were passed apply to the Amendment of standards – by allowing amendments to be made without needing to: notify interested parties and the public, accept submissions, provide a draft, and accept submissions on the draft.  That's right the chief executive (CE) may now make changes to Standards, essentially without notice, if the CE considers the proposed amendment only provides for...

(ii) a matter that does not operate to the disadvantage of any person (other than a government entity) by decreasing the person's rights;
(iii) a matter that does not operate to the disadvantage of any person (other than a government entity) by imposing liabilities on the person;
(vi) a matter of a savings or transitional character;
(vii) a matter that is substantially uniform or complementary with legislation of the Commonwealth or another State;
(ix) a matter advance notice of which would enable someone to gain unfair advantage.

To me this appears to be a pretty clear attempt to prevent BT throwing any spanners in the works, while Translink  implements bus reform.

The other interesting thing I stumbled upon thanks to the QLS:

Changes were made to the Transport Operations (Passenger Transport) Regulation 2005 to "permit the use of people movers for general route services, school services, long distance scheduled passenger services, tourist services, accommodation transfer services, tourist transfer services and unscheduled long distance passenger services "in line with the department's policy" (Source: http://www.qls.com.au/files/958dcd71-9a81-4ee8-8df8-a3bd00c54ad9/doc20140930_Legislation_update_No_39_2014_FNL.pdf)

I think the thing to watch from here is: what sort of money is allocated in the budget for changes that presumably would take effect around September.  Forming a government would also be required – hopefully a certain Trad doesn't fall into a Transport portfolio  :-\

Shitty formatting and kinda dry, I know, but 2015 looks like an interesting year. 


Thanks for your contribution. We must get the network reform component of Bus Reform through. BCC does not want to change its ways, and the costs are going to spiral. Their solution is "just take more money" from TL, which is just going to send fares through the roof again.
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


Thank for picking up on this ezekial.

The QLS releases legislation updates every Wednesday, and I always read them but I tend to forward them to myself to read after hours, and generally I'm only looking for things that affect my area of practice - I suspect I would have just scanned right past this.

The best way of scrutinising this stuff is to track down the Explanatory Notes - https://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/Bills/54PDF/2014/TransportOLAB14E.pdf - in particular the bits which set out what the effect of individual changes are (see from page 52 onwards).

I suspect the changes are largely administrative.

Incidentally, read section 10 of the Act and judge for yourself whether they are complying generally.


Section 40 is also good reading.
Ride the G:


Is there anything in the law that says TL must contract BT??

Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


Nothing at all.  However, the financial and other arrangements in place between BCC, TransLink and QTC are fairly protracted and difficult to unwind.

You'd also need to come up with a significant number of buses and staff at relatively short notice if somebody was brought in - most would come from Council but a lot may be needed from elsewhere.

All academic now of course.
Ride the G:


BT's contract is still expiring in September.
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


And if the ALP can form government and retain it, a new one will be negotiated with the incumbent, same as every other TransLink operator.  That is their commitment and they have no reason to break it in the circumstances.
Ride the G:

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