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RBTU - 'Hands Off Our Buses" Facebook Page

Started by #Metro, January 17, 2015, 00:17:32 AM

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Quote from: Fattious on January 29, 2015, 05:24:27 AM
The movement has a rally on today at Queens park, might drop in and educate a few of them. Is there any evidence that private operator drivers get a worse deal then BT drivers?

I've actually found Logan Bus Services drivers seem to have higher job satisfaction and a more healthy approach to passengers than BT.

Your generalising there.....there are many fulltime/semi-retired BT drivers who think they have the best job in the world...i speak to many of them....from former business owners to policeman and rail workers....some of them will talk your ear off if you hop in the front passenger seat...talkative means happy....had a driver recently who asked me what i got up to first for xmas...then asked me about new years and he was genuinely intersted...and how bout the carindale depot driver who tips his hat to passengers as they board? He is popular on facebook...
Yes some BT drivers get stressed and are potentially unhappy in their job...but ive also seen stressed logan/hornibrook/surfside drivers as well who occasionally take their frustrations out on passengers....usually its because they are running late...


Quote from: Fattious on January 29, 2015, 05:24:27 AM
The movement has a rally on today at Queens park, might drop in and educate a few of them. Is there any evidence that private operator drivers get a worse deal then BT drivers?

I've actually found Logan Bus Services drivers seem to have higher job satisfaction and a more healthy approach to passengers than BT.

I will likely go along, I am more inclined to educate on the network side of things and fact correcting - e.g. the buses aren't being sold, nor is TransLink being sold.
Is it really that hard to run frequent, reliable public transport?


Quote from: Fattious on January 29, 2015, 05:24:27 AMI've actually found Logan Bus Services drivers seem to have higher job satisfaction and a more healthy approach to passengers than BT.

I do know from my personal experience that the LCBS drivers, on the whole, are a lot more cheerful and helpful that BT drivers seem to be. There's a lot of camaraderie between them as well, always waving to each other when units cross paths.

A good friend's father is actually a LCBS driver, and on the occasions I've spoke to him, he hasn't had a bad word to say about the job.


good on LCBS....but have seen plenty of BT drivers from ALL depots waving to each other as well....on the odd occasion they will even flash lights/beep horns...comraderie at its best.....theres happy drivers right accross the enitre SEQ network.....to single out BT as the worst simply shows that you have an inherant bias against them...and/or you simply dont use BT buses enough to get a wider picture of their driver workplace satisfaction levels....


Same applies for Sunbus drivers across both Sunshine Coast depots.  There is the occasional flash of the lights and/or some arm/fist bump in the air when certain younger and the occasional older drivers pass each other.

Unless stated otherwise, Opinions stated in my posts are those of my own view only.


Quote from: techblitz on January 29, 2015, 09:28:28 AM
good on LCBS....but have seen plenty of BT drivers from ALL depots waving to each other as well....on the odd occasion they will even flash lights/beep horns...comraderie at its best.....theres happy drivers right accross the enitre SEQ network.....to single out BT as the worst simply shows that you have an inherant bias against them...and/or you simply dont use BT buses enough to get a wider picture of their driver workplace satisfaction levels....

I'm inclined to agree with techblitz. You often notice it on major 2-lane corridors more than anywhere else - South East Busway, Hawken Drive, Latrobe Tce are a few which spring to mind. Roads like Old Cleveland/Gympie Road and Coro Drive are too busy and wide for drivers to wave to each other. It also only tends to happen between drivers based out of the same depot.

There are still bad apples in BT though, there can be some drivers who are friendly, but don't seem to have a care in the world about running to timetable...
Is it really that hard to run frequent, reliable public transport?


Quote from: techblitz on January 29, 2015, 09:28:28 AM
good on LCBS....but have seen plenty of BT drivers from ALL depots waving to each other as well....on the odd occasion they will even flash lights/beep horns...comraderie at its best.....theres happy drivers right accross the enitre SEQ network.....to single out BT as the worst simply shows that you have an inherant bias against them...and/or you simply dont use BT buses enough to get a wider picture of their driver workplace satisfaction levels....

In no way was singling out BT as the worst. They're your words, not mine. I am simply making the comment that, based on my experience, the LCBS drivers in general come across as friendlier and more helpful to me as a bus user than BT drivers do, which backs up Fattious' opinion.


I don't think it's fair or reasonable to single out drivers as being a significant source of problems.  All operators have good and bad sorts.

I am prepared to allow that the standard of driving, personal presentation and customer service from Surfside drivers is immeasurably better now than it was 10 years ago.  A lot of that probably comes from the fleet being comprised of proper buses instead of a good proportion of sewing machines on wheels...
Ride the G:


Can I just clarify my statement with regard to perceived observations of BT drivers.

I did not intend to convey a halo effect or single bad apples.

The reference was that private operator schedules and service delivery are more favorable to passenger movements.

This results in less confrontations and better driver satisfaction, which is measurable in their customer approach observations.


Here is a Quick Quiz!

Question: When is a contestability NOT a privatisation?

Answer: When you lose the contract to another government owned corporation that is "in public hands".

How is this possible???  :-w  :yikes:

There is no law that says a public, government-owened corporation cannot trade outside the location of its parent government. A public corporation can do business interstate or overseas if it is authorised to do so. The former QR Freight (now Aurizon) was one such company, operating outside Queensland. Emirates Airlines is also a GOC that operates outside of the UAE doing international flights.

Consider MTR Hong Kong, the operator of Melbourne's train network. While it is a private corporation listed on the stock exchange it is actually better characterised as a Government-owned company, like Energex. Why? 80% of the shares are held by The Government of Hong Kong, and hence if it wins a contract for rail services, it is more suitable to call this a nationalisation (the opposite of a privatisation), than a privatisation. The Government of Hong Kong is a State and public body.

It gets even more interesting...

Keolis, the partner in Melbourne tram and international bus operator is NOT a private company. In fact there appears to be NO private shareholders. Why? Keolis is owned between The Government of France (via state passenger rail operator SCNF) and The Government of Quebec, Canada (through their public pension fund scheme). This is similar and comparable to the Queensland Government owning Energex. So if Keolis wins bus contracts, this is actually a Nationalisation NOT a privatisation as the bus operations will still be in "public hands", just not the hands of the Lord Mayor at Brisbane City Council.

Head spinning yet?

And now for the icing on the cake -  there is NOTHING other than BCC council approval preventing Brisbane Transport from not only defending its market share but also extending it. Brisbane Transport can go on and put in a tender for Clark's Logan City if it likes or run bus services on the Gold Coast, Ipswich or Sunshine Coast. If the French and Quebec Governments can do it, Brisbane City Council can do it too.

Hence, Contestability IS NOT Privatisation.  :hg

Relevant Links

MTR Corporation Hong Kong

"Owner - Hong Kong Government (The Financial Secretary Incorporated) 76%
Shareholders 24%"


"Parent   SNCF (70%), Quebec Deposit & Investment Fund (30%)" <--- Both Government
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


Sorry if I missed it but would the City of Brisbane act that gives council exclusive rights over buses need to be repealed?


Brisbane City Council's powers are powers loaned to it from The State of Queensland. These are coded in The City of Brisbane Act. Transport functions were given to BCC by the Queensland Government in 1925 when control for trams was handed over to BCC.

I don't think there is anything there about buses, though there is something about ferries. If BCC does not want to separate it's bus operations, amendments to The City of Brisbane Act can be introduced in the Queensland Parliament causing separation. It could be simple as a one line sentence such as "Brisbane City Council shall not be an operator of bus public transport".

If BCC does not want to pay its contribution, provisions could be inserted into the act compelling a proportion of the BCC budget to be directed towards bus services or a particular levy.

These of course are last resort measures, one would thing reason would prevail well beforehand!

Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


I haven't read the Act from front to back, but I don't recall anything about Council having a monopoly on anything to do with buses, or indeed any mention of buses at all.

Section 91 gives them a monopoly on public passenger ferries along the stretch of the Brisbane River within the council boundaries, so Transdev's contract would be with BCC and not the State.  My preference would be for this to fall away, but it isn't exactly doing badly.

BCC is just a bus company with a lot of air-headed directors who have no idea how a public transport system should actually be operated.  With a fleet of 1,200 buses we should have closer to 120 million passengers per year or more, not 80 million.
Ride the G:


"My Commitment to BCC bus drivers"
"I pledge to fight the LNP's plan to privatise our BCC buses and commit to support retention of all these services into the future."

If I am right, Jackie Trad (on the ALP's behalf) has just signed a contract saying that they refuse to reform the BCC bus network in any way.

oh. fuking. dear.
Is it really that hard to run frequent, reliable public transport?


Oh wow, Brisbane Transport is now hopelessly politicised now. Notice the words 'POLITICAL Pledge', nothing to do with frequency, reliability, network reform, affordable fares etc.

Signing a pledge or signing the death warrant? Failure to accept the competitive contracting component of bus reform means that the competition is effectively banned, and why does the competition need to be banned? Its like running the Melbourne cup with one horse in it.

Where is the pledge for low fares?

Where is the pledge for bus services extending to Yeronga, Centenary, Albany Creek and Bulimba?

Where is the pledge for general network reform?
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


Well james and LDT i guess your hoping BaTman will come and save the day.....well thats another story isnt it  ;)


Even The Green Team have sensible policy, and while The Green Team don't want competitive tender, they will press ahead with the network reform component.

Blue Team is out doing LX, LRT extensions, and bus reform (the lot). A bit surprising for an area that is not their traditional forte (their forte is roads, roads, roads and toll tunnels galore).

Public Transport is supposed to be Red Team forte. This election, as last election, it is not. What the electorate has been offered is a complete bus and train wreck on a silver platter.
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


Someone should photoshop guaranteed fare increases on the thing she is signing  ;D ;D


Here is the wrap from Brisbane Times:



LNP: If voters deliver a mandate for the LNP to lease assets which is expected to raise $37 billion, there will be $1 billion for the Bus and Train project in Brisbane as well as $1 billion earmarked for public rail infrastructure. The first project from this fund would be the duplication of the Sunshine Coast rail line between Beerburrum and Landsborough.

Labor: There were no public transport policies announced by Labor during the campaign. Opposition leader Annastacia Palazczuk alluded to projects being included in Labor's infrastructure plan Building Queensland, but that will not be released before the election. Shadow Treasurer Curtis Pitt said if Labor wins the election the LNP's plan for the Brisbane's underground bus and rail project (BaT) will go to Labor's Building Queensland infrastructure team for "independent" assessment.

:-w  :yikes:  :o
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


Sent to all outlets:

30th January 2015

Privately Operated Buses, Ferries and Trams Already on TransLink Network


Below is a list of government owned and private operators that are already working to supply public transport services.
The current debate ignores basic facts that private buses, private ferries and private trams are already running all over the public transport network.

List of Government Owned Operators on the TransLink Network

Brisbane Transport (Brisbane City Council)
Queensland Rail (State of Queensland)

List of Private Operators on the TransLink Network

Gold Coast Light Rail (GoldLinQ)
Brisbane City Council CityCat & Ferries (TransDev)
Airtrain - Private (but operated by QR staff under contract)

Bay Islands Transit - Private
Bribie Island Coaches - Private
Brisbane Bus Lines - Private
Buslink - Private
Bus Queensland Lockyer Valley - Private
Caboolture Bus Lines - Private
Cairns Sunbus - Private
Clarks Logan City Bus Service - Private
Hornibrook Bus Lines - Private
Kangaroo Bus Lines - Private
Mt Gravatt Bus Lines - Private
Park Ridge Transit - Private
Southern Cross Transit - Private
Sunshine Coast Sunbus - Private
Surfside Bus Lines - Private
Thompson Bus Service - Private
Transdev Queensland - Private
Westside Bus Company - Private

Reference: http://translink.com.au/about-translink/who-we-are/who-we-work-with

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org
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No PT announcement from Red Team. Green Team has better policies!

There is a video here where Shadow PT minister Jackie Trad clearly says that there will be a PT policy announcement and that there are two days left to go to the campaign. Well there is still no official PT policy announcement from red team and no policy on their website.

Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.

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