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Olympics Games for SEQ 2032

Started by ozbob, February 27, 2015, 15:22:32 PM

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While some seats will be expensive in prime positions for the swimming and athletics, I reckon you still will be able to pick up affordable tickets for other events. I also remember with the Sydney Olympics that local residents got priority through an online bidding process.

Like at the Sydney Olympics there are many other events other than sport that people can also attend that involves the arts and entertainment which were free during the Sydney Olympics.


In Queensland --> How a lick of paint and (slightly) shortening the 100m track can save our Games

Quote... Sloppy language is so unforgiving. One lousy line can break a career, shatter an illusion and, every now and then, reveal a simple truth.

The suggestion that the Gabba just needs a lick of paint rather than a $2billion-and-rising upgrade to host the Olympics and Paralympics for a month in 2032 is such a line.

Trouble is that it has the ring of truth, particularly to those of us who drive, walk or bus by the Gabba most days and are dreading the years of disruption to our journey that its upgrade will cause. ...


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Gold Coast Bulletin --> Inside story: Why the Gold Coast and not Sunshine Coast will get rail upgrade before Olympics $

QuoteDespite speculation the trams have stalled, light rail Stage 4 to the airport is on track to be delivered by the 2032 Olympic Games.

Despite speculation the trams have stalled, light rail Stage 4 to the airport is on track to be delivered by the 2032 Olympic Games.

Confidential documents and political sources support this. Adding fuel to the delay rumour was Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk sidestepping a recent question about whether the Sunshine Coast's planned rail project would be delivered on time. ...

DSCRL has no chance, which is why the Sunshine Coast line must be duplicated through to Landsborough.
TMR is a huge problem, they are anti-rail, anti-Sunshine Coast and have had a large part to play in the Inland Rail fail as well no doubt. 

Run to your leaders little weasels ...  :lu:  :lu: Run, rats, run ....
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Transport options data for the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games has begun to be compiled.


And here is how we will be getting about:

"Dedicated Olympic and Paralympic lanes will be created on major roads to ensure smooth and efficient travel for Olympic and Paralympic vehicles. This will also help to alleviate traffic congestion and improve the overall transportation experience for attendees.

"There will also be a designated drop-off and pick-up area for private vehicles near the venues to make it easier for attendees to access the venues.

"Parking options will also be available for those who choose to drive to the venues. There will be designated parking areas for private vehicles near the venues, as well as shuttle services to and from the parking areas.

"It's important for the attendees to plan their transportation in advance to make their trip comfortable."



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Meanjin Games 2032 News

Accessed 12th April 2023


The 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games, set to take place in Brisbane, Australia, will bring in thousands of visitors from all around the world. With such a large influx of people, it is important to have a well-planned transportation system in place to ensure that attendees can easily and efficiently get to and from the venues and other parts of the city.

Brisbane Olympics Transportation Options

The transportation options for the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Brisbane will be diverse and include both public and private options.

Public Transport at The Brisbane Olympics

Brisbane already has a well-established public transportation system that includes buses, trains, and ferries. During the Games, additional services will be added to increase the capacity and frequency of these services, particularly for the venues and other popular areas.

In addition, dedicated Olympic and Paralympic lanes will be created on major roads to ensure smooth and efficient travel for Olympic and Paralympic vehicles. This will also help to alleviate traffic congestion and improve the overall transportation experience for attendees.

Private Transportation to Brisbane Olympics

For those who prefer private transportation, there will be several options available including car rental, ride-hailing services, and taxi services. There will also be a designated drop-off and pick-up area for private vehicles near the venues to make it easier for attendees to access the venues.

Bicycle and Walking

Brisbane also has a well-developed network of bike paths and pedestrian walkways that will be utilized during the Games. These options will be especially convenient for attendees staying in close proximity to the venues. The city will also have bike-sharing services and bike rental facilities available for the attendees.


Parking options will also be available for those who choose to drive to the venues. There will be designated parking areas for private vehicles near the venues, as well as shuttle services to and from the parking areas.

Transportation Planning For The Brisbane Olympics

The transportation plan for the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Brisbane has been carefully developed to ensure that attendees can easily and efficiently get to and from the venues and other parts of the city. The transportation options will be diverse and include both public and private options to cater to the needs of all attendees.

In addition, the transportation plan also includes measures to alleviate traffic congestion and improve the overall transportation experience for attendees. The dedicated Olympic and Paralympic lanes on major roads, bike-sharing services, bike rental facilities, and pedestrian walkways will ensure smooth and efficient travel during the Games.


The 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Brisbane will be a major event that will bring in thousands of visitors from all around the world. With such a large influx of people, it is important to have a well-planned transportation system in place to ensure that attendees can easily and efficiently get to and from the venues and other parts of the city. The transportation options for the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Brisbane will be diverse and include both public and private options to cater to the needs of all attendees. So, it's important for the attendees to plan their transportation in advance to make their trip comfortable.
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Where are the sky-taxis? 

Ha ha ... they are on a mission to gridlock and transport failure.

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Brisbanetimes --> Hockey body blasts Brisbane's Olympic Ballymore plan

QuoteThe selection of Queensland's home of rugby union as Brisbane 2032's Olympic hockey venue has come under more fire, this time from Australian hockey's governing body.

Ballymore's selection had already been criticised for its lack of public transport options.

Now, hockey has blasted the plan for its lack of legacy for the sport.

Hockey Australia chief executive David Pryles said his organisation, along with Hockey Queensland, was "adamant" the state needed – and deserved – a new facility that could host national and international hockey events. ...
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Gold Coast Bulletin --> Alan Patching says Queensland is lagging behind when it comes to delivery of key infrastructure for 2032 Olympic Games $

QuoteFears are growing that Queensland is lagging behind when it comes to the delivery of key infrastructure needed to ensure the 2032 Olympics leaves the legacy the state deserves.

In recent weeks we've heard from Construction Skills Queensland and Hutchinson Builders expressing their concerns about how the state would deliver key Olympic projects alongside renewable energy and transport infrastructure amid a massive skills shortage.

That aligns with our recent research at Bond University, which found two-thirds of senior construction industry experts surveyed said Queensland's progress on Olympic infrastructure planning and delivery was unacceptable. ...

" ... Echoing fears by the Sunshine Coast mayor, all but one respondent strongly agreed or agreed that improved rail services should be prioritised with a dedicated express rail line from the Sunshine Coast to the Gold Coast via Brisbane, but many felt it was already too late to deliver this in time for 2032. ... "

No great surprise is it?  Look at the transport / rail shambles we are faced with ...
DSCRL not happening, fuk, they cannot even manage to duplicate the line from Beerburrum to Landsborough, cutting it back to Beerwah. 

They are failures sadly. No surprise that a body of professionals can also see through the spin and hype.

See Be honest Premier Palaszczuk and Minister Bailey - DSCRL deception
> https://railbotforum.org/yourls/5d

For more background on the con that is the Direct Sunshine Coast Rail Line (DSCRL). 

[Good morning lurkers!  Good you are around hey  :lu:  :lu:  :lu::-*
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Couriermail --> Brisbane 2032 Olympics and Paralympics will benefit entire Pacific region $

QuoteAs the epicentre of the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games, Brisbane will change in ways we can't even begin to grasp yet. But the benefits will extend way beyond the city limits, writes the editor.

The boss of the Organising Committee for the Brisbane 2032 Games Andrew Liveris will today tell representatives from Oceania's Olympic committees that it is his hope that a "rising tide will lift all boats" – in that the entire region will benefit from the world's biggest event being held here.

It is a solid point, and one that is often forgotten when it comes to the debate over the benefits and legacy of hosting the Games here.

Yes, the Games are a perfect way to provide the catalyst for the delivery of necessary transport infrastructure for the southeast of our state earlier than otherwise. And yes, the fact that the Brisbane Olympic and Paralympic Park will essentially be the central business district means its transformation over the next nine years will be immense. ...

^ " ... the Games are a perfect way to provide the catalyst for the delivery of necessary transport infrastructure for the southeast of our state earlier than otherwise.  ..." 

errr ... it is?
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How about it being a catalyst for bus and train service reform?  :fo:

You know, finally match Perth train frequency and simplify the BCC bus network.

Imagine finally getting rid of Route 198, Route 161 terminating at Upper Mt Gravatt and a simplified GCL.  :o

We could even call it a "Transformed" bus and train service.


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I would call it "Not Out of Touch" Bus and Train Services.


Good Different perhaps, Jonno?

Having 10 different bus routes down Coronation Drive is like having too many pasta sauces to choose from.

You reading this BCC?  :lu:

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Couriermail --> Brisbane 2032 Olympics and Paralympics: Bold ambition to connect major precincts with tree-shaded walking trails $

QuoteBrisbane must use the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games as a catalyst to become the "world's most walkable city", with advocates pushing for universal support to make the event the most accessible Games ever held.

With the revamped $2.5bn Gabba stadium able to be linked via a 9km loop with South Bank, Suncorp Stadium and the $2.7bn federally-funded Brisbane Arena, experts say investing in connecting the major Games precincts will be a vital legacy opportunity.

A new concept map unveiled to more than 200 stakeholders at a Committee for Brisbane event on Tuesday revealed the major walking and rolling opportunities the location of the venues offered – with advocates calling for immediate investment to ensure the key loop was developed with full accessibility, shade, lighting and safety features. ...

How the 9km shaded walking loop between major Games precincts would look.
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Queensland Parliament Hansard


Questions Without Notice

Olympic and Paralympic Games, Infrastructure

Mr ANDREW: My question without notice is to the Treasurer. Concerning supply chain
constraints and skyrocketing building costs and cost blowouts on nearly all Queensland key
infrastructure projects, will the Treasurer advise what extra cost increases this will have on the 2032
games and has Treasury obtained updated business cases on the financial viability of the games'

Mr DICK: I thank the member for Mirani for his question—the One Nation member in this
parliament. He would be better paying attention to getting rid of Mark Latham from his party as we got
rid of him rather than worrying about building costs. He is the most disgraceful politician in this country
who you found a home for in the New South Wales parliament—the most shameful politician in this
I will say this to the member for Mirani: we have a long path to building the Olympics. I know the
member for Mirani does not support the Olympics. That is completely inside that question. This is a
person who will not support the most transformative event, along with our Energy and Jobs Plan, in the
history of this state. The Olympics will transform this state like no other event in the history of this state.
The truth of the matter is that everyone in the world will know the word 'Queensland' by the time those
games are finished.

It is no surprise that the cost of construction has increased in this country. One only has to look
at the most basic Australian Bureau of Statistics data to tell us that. Construction steel has gone up
70 per cent in the year. Timber products have gone up 40 per cent. The cost of fuel for construction
companies has gone up by multiples—I think more than 60 per cent in the last year. That is going to
have an impact.

I will give the member for Mirani a guarantee: our government will back in and build every single
infrastructure project we have promised to the people of Queensland, unlike the Leader of the
Opposition, who we know has an infrastructure hit list. We are not going to cut projects. Maybe that is
One Nation's policy. I do not know what One Nation's policy is. Perhaps the member for Mirani can
address the parliament on whether he will cut or whether he will build.

Mr Lister interjected.

Mr ACTING SPEAKER: Member for Southern Downs, you can leave the chamber for one hour.
You were already warned. It is not a laughing matter, members. From the member for Southern Downs'
experience, he should know that when you are warned you should maintain decorum.
Whereupon the honourable member for Southern Downs withdrew from the chamber at 11.10

Mr DICK: Maybe the member for Mirani could make a statement to the House on whether he
supports infrastructure or whether he would cut infrastructure. There are all of those projects we are
building in the north of our state. There is CopperString, which will benefit his constituents who will be
working on the single biggest transformative project for the north of our state since the arrival of the
steam locomotive—a 1,100-kilometre powerline that will transform the north of Queensland. Maybe he
could tell the House whether he supports it or not. We know the LNP will cut. They do not support
royalties, so all those projects will go.

Mr ANDREW: Mr Acting Speaker—
19 Apr 2023 Questions Without Notice 1025

Mr DICK: We know the member for Chatsworth wants to cut payments to workers. He wants to
cut proper pay to workers in this state—construction workers. That is what he wants to do.

Mr ANDREW: I rise to a point of order, Mr Acting Speaker.

Mr DICK: That is the LNP plan but—

Mr ACTING SPEAKER: Pause the clock. Apologies. I was taking advice from the Clerk. What is
your point of order?

Mr ANDREW: I just wanted to know did we do a business case on the expenditure going forward.

Mr ACTING SPEAKER: No. That is not a point of order. That is an additional question.

Mr ANDREW: Sorry, on relevance under standing order 118, did we do an actual business case?
Can we go back to the question that was asked?

Mr ACTING SPEAKER: Order! Taking points of order is not an opportunity to debate or add to
the debate. I am listening to the Treasurer's response. He is being relevant to the question asked. I call
the Treasurer to complete his answer.

Mr DICK: We will build roads and rail and energy and the Olympics and we will be proud to do
so. We will not back one step away from doing that for Queensland.
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QuoteThis is a person who will not support the most transformative event, along with our Energy and Jobs Plan, in the
history of this state. The Olympics will transform this state like no other event in the history of this state.

Transformation is a process, means, or journey to an end state. In itself, transformation has no value. The value is in the end state.

If the end state contains projects that add value over and above their construction costs, all is well. If the end state contains projects that net destroy value, then that is not good. It would be more beneficial to society to have not approve whatever project and spent it on something else or kept it in savings.

Just repeating the words transformation or transformational does not say anything about the merit or utility of the project in the end.

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Couriermail --> Queensland enthusiasm for 2032 Brisbane Games wanes in exclusive YouGov poll $

QuoteMore than half of Queenslanders doubt the state government will deliver the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games "on time and on budget", shock new polling can reveal.

The results show just a fraction of voters – six per cent – were "very confident" the government will stick to the Games budget, while a further 19 per cent were "fairly confident".

But 58 per cent of those polled were not confident, with a staggering 32 per cent confirming they were "not at all confident" and a further 26 per cent were "not that confident".

The state's enthusiasm over hosting the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games has also seriously waned, with more than half of the 1000 people polled by YouGov not excited about the upcoming global event. ...
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When the electorate starts thinking they can't deliver, they will likely choose an alternative at the ballot box that will.


Couriermail --> Connecting Brisbane CBD could change city and leave lasting legacy $

QuoteThe gurus behind one of Brisbane's hottest precincts have urged the city to "dream big" in the lead-up to the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games, saying iconic walkways could be one of the event's greatest legacies.

Howard Smith Wharves' founder Adam Flaskas and chief executive Luke Fraser have sensationally backed-in ideas to both extend South Bank's famous Grand Arbour and create a fully walkable 9km loop connecting the Games major venues.

But they say thinking even bigger, and designing the concept so all of Brisbane's major precincts and the CBD were fully connected would alleviate traffic congestion, accelerate the city's green goals and create a lasting legacy for locals to use for work and play. ...

A proposed bougainvillea pedestrian link through Brisbane. Picture: Supplied
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This is actually good thinking... and because it is walking it will be very affordable as well.

Let's hope that they sort out an Olympics High Frequency Bus Network too...
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What I don't get is that there is an extra great direct path from Gabba to City (aka Captain Cook Bridge) but we just won't dedicate any space to active transport.  On and off ramps at Vulture and Stanley St need to be removed to stop cars flooding a pedestrianised precinct as they do today.  Then turn inbound and outbound outer lanes into into bike and pedestrian paths!!


The plan to make Brisbane one of the world's most walkable cities | 7NEWS

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Annastacia Palaszczuk releases her long-awaited [drum roll and trumpets please] Brisbane 2032 OLYMPIC Transport Infrastructure Vision

Can You Feel the World Class.....

SEQ, where our only "fast-track" is in becoming the rail embarrassment of Australia!   :frs:


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Brisbanetimes --> School axed for Gabba upgrade wants new building in prime spot

QuoteThe Queensland government considered building a new state school above the Woolloongabba train station for the students and staff displaced by the $2.7 billion Gabba redevelopment.

But while members of the East Brisbane State School community insist they should have priority, given that they will be forced out in December 2025, the Cross River Rail site will likely remain vacant until after the 2032 Olympic Games. ...
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Ipswich: Our city's Olympic legacy off to a golden start


QuoteThe Ipswich 2032 Legacy Working Group got off to a golden start as it met to discuss opportunities for Ipswich in the lead up to the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Ipswich Mayor Teresa Harding said the working group's main aims were to identify, inform, shape and bring boldness to legacy opportunities and outcomes in the lead up to, during and beyond the 2032 Games.

"This group will inform and shape the Ipswich 2032 Legacy Roadmap which is intended to define the highest priority opportunities for our region, to influence local investment and shape the contribution that Ipswich can make to the event," Mayor Harding said. ...

... "We all have a great chance to advocate for things that will leave a legacy for decades to come.

"One example of Transport Connectivity and the importance of securing funding is the Ipswich to Springfield Central Public Transport Corridor, which is crucial for future growth and development in the city.

"This is truly a meaningful and lasting investment that will affect housing and affordability and reduce congestion and emissions for decades to come." ...

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Quote from: Jonno on April 24, 2023, 07:45:05 AMWhat I don't get is that there is an extra great direct path from Gabba to City (aka Captain Cook Bridge) but we just won't dedicate any space to active transport.  On and off ramps at Vulture and Stanley St need to be removed to stop cars flooding a pedestrianised precinct as they do today.  Then turn inbound and outbound outer lanes into into bike and pedestrian paths!!

How will buses via CCB then operate? We know there isn't enough capacity on the inner section of the SEB to hold them all.


Quote from: achiruel on May 07, 2023, 18:01:31 PM
Quote from: Jonno on April 24, 2023, 07:45:05 AMWhat I don't get is that there is an extra great direct path from Gabba to City (aka Captain Cook Bridge) but we just won't dedicate any space to active transport.  On and off ramps at Vulture and Stanley St need to be removed to stop cars flooding a pedestrianised precinct as they do today.  Then turn inbound and outbound outer lanes into into bike and pedestrian paths!!

How will buses via CCB then operate? We know there isn't enough capacity on the inner section of the SEB to hold them all.
They don't so we need to increase capacity on the SEB...aka not the BCC bi-artic electric buses!


Couriermail --> Albion Park Paceway Olympic transformation confirmed $

QuoteAlbion Park Paceway will be the site of a new major indoor sports centre ahead of the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games, with the state government confirming the site.

Speculation over where the new Breakfast Creek Indoor Sports Centre would be built had been rife, with a concept plan released by the Brisbane City Council mid-last year showing the sports centre being built on the Brothers Rugby Club site at Crosby Park

But Deputy Premier Steven Miles told The Courier-Mail the current Albion Park Paceway had now been confirmed as the location, and said the venue would be a "a great new sporting facility that will service the Queensland community for decades to come". ...
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Couriermail --> Concerns over Sunshine Coast hosting Brisbane 2032 Olympics events $

QuoteA Sunshine Coast politician has revealed concerns about a crucial heavy rail line from Brisbane falling short of the Maroochydore CBD as the state and federal governments continue to scrutinise the project.

The comments come as some of the region's businesses and residents question how prepared the Sunshine Coast would be for the 2032 Brisbane Olympic and Paralympic Games if infrastructure, accommodation and marketing projects do not start now.

Member for Kawana Jarrod Bleijie's concerns have been revealed as the Sunshine Coast Rail project comes under federal scrutiny as part of Labor's review into the $120bn infrastructure pipeline.

When in power, the Morrison government had committed $1.6bn to fund heavy rail from Beerwah to the Maroochydore CBD and the project still needs a commitment from the state government.

A state government spokesman said the state and federal governments were working on a $6m jointly funded costings study, which was "on track" for completion later this year. ...
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The Australian --> IOC stumps up $1bn to honour Brisbane 2032 Olympic Games pledge $

QuoteThe International Olympic Committee will put up nearly $1bn for Brisbane to stage the 2032 Games, locking in a key tranche of the operating budget.

The advice was given to the Organising Committee for the Olympic Games and comes as the federal government this week committed $1.07bn over budget forward estimates to develop venues.

The IOC funding is from the Olympics' broadcast rights and honours its pledge to cover $950m in 2021 dollars of the estimated $4.94bn running costs of the tournament.

"The IOC has confirmed its financial contribution of broadcast-related revenues to the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Organising Committee which is consistent with the amount specified in the Olympic host contract," an OCOG spokesperson said.

The agency, headed by international businessman Andrew Liveris, is charged with delivering the regionalised Brisbane Games but has no role in developing the required transport infrastructure and venues. Oversight of this rests mainly with the Queensland and federal governments. ...
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Brisbanetimes --> Redland ponders whitewater wonderland for Olympics and beyond

QuoteA detailed assessment of a proposed whitewater centre on the Redlands Coast is now underway, with the state government spending almost $900,000 for private contractors to complete a project validation report.

The whitewater centre is one of 16 venues that will need to be built or upgraded as part of a multibillion-dollar deal between the state and federal governments ahead of the Brisbane Olympics in 2032. ...
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Brisbanetimes --> Axe the Gabba rebuild and cap the Olympics budget, crossbenchers say

QuoteQueensland's seven crossbench MPs have made a rare joint call for the state government to cap the Brisbane 2032 Olympics budget and scrap the planned Gabba rebuild.

The group, spanning the state's political and geographic breadth from Brisbane-based Greens MPs to north Queensland Katter's Australian Party and One Nation members, will table a statement in parliament on Tuesday. ...
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Quote from: ozbob on May 13, 2023, 23:42:57 PMBrisbanetimes --> Redland ponders whitewater wonderland for Olympics and beyond

QuoteA detailed assessment of a proposed whitewater centre on the Redlands Coast is now underway, with the state government spending almost $900,000 for private contractors to complete a project validation report.

The whitewater centre is one of 16 venues that will need to be built or upgraded as part of a multibillion-dollar deal between the state and federal governments ahead of the Brisbane Olympics in 2032. ...

I wish there had been a way to host the whitewater rafting in Tully rather than build a venue.

The Olympics are all about selling your state and city. Imagine if the live cross to the venue had shown shots of the rainforest, would have been superb.



Queensland Parliament

Question on Notice
No. 429
Asked on 19 April 2023

Ms F Simpson asked Premier and Minister for the Olympic and Paralympic Games
(Hon. A Palaszczuk)―


Will the Premier advise how much was paid to Deloitte to undertake their report on the
coordination and delivery of the 2032 Olympic Games together with the date that they were
engaged and the date that the report was provided to government?


Deloitte was engaged in May 2022 through a competitive procurement process and was
paid $788,317 (GST inclusive) for this engagement.
Deloitte provided their report on Brisbane 2032 Governance Arrangements in February
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Couriermail --> Brisbane 2032 Games: Top ideas from Legacy Forum revealed $

QuoteA legacy forest, First Nations cultural centre and inclusive mass transit solutions are some of the bold proposals from almost 14,000 submissions on how the city can be transformed as a result of the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

The government will on Friday release a consultation paper named Elevate 2024, detailing multiple key ideas that emerged from the 500-strong Legacy Forum held in March, as well the Hopes and Dreams survey. ...
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