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The Sunshine Coast Case : Rail duplication Beerburrum to Nambour

Started by Fares_Fair, August 31, 2011, 22:23:31 PM

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^ I expect that "freight" includes bulk commodities (minerals, produce and livestock), so those figures are going to mostly be coal.

What we would consider to be a more conventional concept of "freight" (ie intermodal / container freight) is likely to be in single-digits.  The breakdown would be interesting.
Ride the G:


It's quite simple. Costs. And it's not to do with just single track. Feds say rail is state. In the late 80's/90's the government started to stack yes people and getting rid of all the good railway blokes to run it as a corporation rather than as a public asset. A road based group now looks after rail projects. Operators are there for profits. Aurizon freighters are Linfox owned with Aurizon providing locos on a hook and pull contract similar to the old landers. Contracts is another problem. Aurizon left the game and took its rollingstock with it. New players need a massive upfront cost. Similar with Watco buying South African sold Aurizon/QR locos or PN using road freight for rail contracts because wagons from China failed tests/had construction delays. The network costs come into play. TMR don't want to fund projects and QR can't raise costs as it will shift to road forcing TMR to fund new road projects (western system for example). Even how the large supermarkets operate now is based on trucks acting as mini moving warehouses and company advertisements. Store storage areas has been traded for floor space with their business model heavily relying on a large network of trucks topping up supplies - which we saw during the floods this year where all the large supermarkets struggled for fresh produce and meat while the local butcher and market (next door mind you) just had stock up to the eyeballs. It's a vicious cycle that keeps repeating. I'll pm you FF.






Sunshine Coast News --> Beerburrum to Nambour railway upgrade gets on track to slash travel times and congestion

Early work on the realignment of a 1km section of Steve Irwin Way.

QuoteAn upgrade of the Sunshine Coast's congested and curvy hinterland railway line is finally starting to take shape, with new photos showing early works under way.

The Queensland Government says construction is on track on the $550.8 million Beerburrum to Nambour rail project (B2N) Stage 1.

Stage 1 focuses on the section of line between Beerburrum and Beerwah stations which will be duplicated from one track to two and straightened.

This stage also includes upgrading stations, building new park 'n' ride carparks and constructing overpasses at Barrs Road and Burgess Street (scroll down for more details).

The suite of improvements is designed to reduce congestion along the busy North Coast Line used by freight and passenger trains, and make trips quicker by around three minutes. ...
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This story has since been corrected.
There are no 'creating more passing loops' in stage 1.
That is stage 2 work (unfunded due to federal/ state squabble over funding).


I am getting really tired of the deceptive and misleading information that is fed to the media by TMR or the Govt.


A new 20km shared pathway and recreation trail between Glass House Mountains and Landsborough is part of the project.

It isn't. This is totally deceptive and misleading.

There is $6.5 million allocated for the recreation trail and $450,000 of that was for design fees.
This stage works are for a recreation trail from Beerwah to Glass House Mountains, a distance of 5.1km.


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I was invited onto Steve Austin's ABC Radio Brisbane Drive program at 5:45pm this afternoon to explain why rail duplication is needed to Nambour.
Thank you @radio_austin for the opportunity to talk #2tracks.



Interview 18th July 2022

ABC Brisbane Drive Host Steve Austin with Jeff Addison RAIL Back On Track Sunshine Coast Spokesperson

Topic:  Sunshine Coast Line - the real story

Interview --> https://backontrack.org/docs/abcbris/abc_drive_ja_18jul22.mp3 MP3 13.5MB
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Minister Bailey replied to Mr Addison during interview with Annie Gaffney (ABC South-East Queensland outside Brisbane) this afternoon about 3.50pm. Said Mr Addison tended to be a 'glass half-full person', but acknowledged money is not there for Stage 2 BtoN and that particular project was unlikely to be completed before 2031 (sailing close to Olympic Games). He said tenders were likely to be called before the end of the year for the rail component of the Stage 1 works (Beerburrum to Beerwah), with construction to occur over 3 years from early 2023.
Mr Bailey said he had written to Catherine King, new federal Transport Minister, seeking meeting and to discuss 80 per cent federal funding for rail track work between Beerwah and Nambour.


Both sides are as bad as each other. O'Brien going on about how wonderful it is that the previous Federal LNP government offered 70% funding when it should have been 80% as part of the NLTN. Bailey & the State ALP constantly delaying and making sh*t up. They both need a good slapping!


No, they are not.
The blue team have not broken multiple published commitments to the Sunshine Coast over the past decade.

Labor stopped the then $1.2 billion CAMCOS in 2007.
Labor stopped the then $300 million Landsborough duplication in 2009.
Labor did not provide the 9 trains that Deputy Premier Jackie Trad unequivocally promised would give us an hourly service for the opening of the Woombye Rail Stabling in 2017.

Red team remain silent on why they, in retropspect, have lied to us.

National Land Transport networks provide funding for projects in non-metropolitan areas.
The North Coast Line from Brisbane to Nambour is classified as metropolitan.

Happy for anyone to provide rail lies told by the blue team.
If they did, I would raise those also.

The tables have well and truly turned for us, it is red team who have stopped our Sunshine Coast rail projects (twice) and blue team who are trying to get them built.


Quote from: Stillwater on July 19, 2022, 16:41:02 PMMinister Bailey replied to Mr Addison during interview with Annie Gaffney (ABC South-East Queensland outside Brisbane) this afternoon about 3.50pm. Said Mr Addison tended to be a 'glass half-full person', but acknowledged money is not there for Stage 2 BtoN and that particular project was unlikely to be completed before 2031 (sailing close to Olympic Games). He said tenders were likely to be called before the end of the year for the rail component of the Stage 1 works (Beerburrum to Beerwah), with construction to occur over 3 years from early 2023.
Mr Bailey said he had written to Catherine King, new federal Transport Minister, seeking meeting and to discuss 80 per cent federal funding for rail track work between Beerwah and Nambour.

Thank you SW, I will try to source the interview.

(Update, no response required, interview was in response to the Steve Austin Drive program re: the re-announced, re-announced, re-announced funding - he referred to me as glass-half empty.)

Glad we now have a start date for the rail works to occur, 4-5 years after it was announced.
2025 (stated in IV today by Transport Minister) finish date subject to weather etc.

Red team abolished the 80/20 funding split last time they were in power - made it 50/50.

I put that question to the party via their official website Enquiry Form with answers provided within 7 days.

"When last in power, Labor changed the the 80/20 Federal/State infrastructure funding split back to a 50/50 split.
Will this situation reoccur under a Labor government?"

Needless to say, they did not reply.

(Updated in parentheses Tue 18 July 2022 at 6:09pm)
Date corrected to 2025 as per Transport Minister interview today.


You need to get a teal independent for the Sunshine Coast.
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


We had one who held the balance of power, was then made Speaker and did nothing for our rail.


In today's 3:50pm interview on ABC 90.3FM  #SunshineCoast radio with Annie Gaffney, the Minister accused me of misleading people about the announcements being new.
I never said they were new.
I merely answered the questions from the journalist who clearly thought they were new or rehashed. He also references a tweet that lists various projects and doesn't tell people I actually congratulated them on the Palmwwoods works and asked when we'd get our promised 9 trains.
Minister Mark Bailey is doing the misleading.
He fobs off the fact that his party have repeatedly pushed back the dates for rail duplication to Nambour and deflects the issue by blaming the federal govt for not funding 80% of the cost.
That is also misleading as there was no federal funding involved when the delays and push backs were made by his party.
I use the facts.
I make no apology for the truth of the facts.
If he is offended by the facts he needs to give me better ones to work with instead of a litany of broken promises that his party and govt excel in.
I will await his apology.


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QuoteWe had one who held the balance of power, was then made Speaker and did nothing for our rail.

That doesn't mean that all future independents will behave that way. And they weren't a teal independent either.

The teal ones actually have some clout as there are so many of them now, but at a federal level. Yet to see much of them appear at the State level but there isn't any reason why they can't and QLD has been coasting on being Red Team territory for the last 30 years.

QuoteIn today's 3:50pm interview on ABC 90.3FM  #SunshineCoast radio with Annie Gaffney, the Minister accused me of misleading people about the announcements being new.
I never said they were new.

People exist who aren't believing the Party Line and drinking the Party Kool-Aid. Good on ya Fares_Fair.  :is-
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


^ Thank you Metro.

I just publicise the facts about our rail and try to ensure that the public are very well and correctly informed with the whole story.
That's all I need to do.

He infers of me, "putting aside the political bias."
He conveniently forgets I attacked the LNP Treasurer Tim Nicholls in 2014, over what I called our infrastructure 'blackmail' and also the then Premier Campbell Newman as well, over their not getting the message about our rail.


Yes, don't get caught up in the politics of it. They are far more experienced at playing politics...  :is-

The reality is they just need the rail line built, no matter who funds it. The merit test applies.

I am not a fan of the 'alternative reality' field that some people seem to create around them, where black is white and up is down.

Those rail lines should have been built by now. Red team have just been cruising off the lack of political competition in Queensland and using filibustering to delay this for as long as possible.
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


Quote from: Fares_Fair on July 19, 2022, 17:37:47 PMLand Transport networks provide funding for projects in non-metropolitan areas.
The North Coast Line from Brisbane to Nambour is classified as metropolitan.

So why is Caboolture-Bribie Island Road to Steve Irwin Way Bruce Hwy upgrade funded at 80%, as per https://investment.infrastructure.gov.au/projects/ProjectDetails.aspx?Project_id=100039-18QLD-NP?

Either the area is metropolitan, or it is not. I don't believe it is. It shouldn't be done piecemeal depending on whether the relevant infrastructure is road or rail.



" On Monday 18 July, Sunshine Coast Commuter Advocate Jeff Addison was interviewed on
ABC Radio about rail upgrades and track duplication to Nambour. 🚊🚊
You can listen to the interview here: https://t.co/FpciMfZYx9
We are delighted to be having Jeff speak at our upcoming Drinks @ 5 event at Nambour RSL.
If you are interested in the historical and current status of rail to the Sunshine Coast,
and in particular Nambour, then this event is a must-attend.
Find out more via the event page and be sure to register for your free ticket via the link on the event page.
#backontrack #qldrail #nambour #nambourchamber "
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Quote from: achiruel on July 21, 2022, 01:09:26 AM
Quote from: Fares_Fair on July 19, 2022, 17:37:47 PMLand Transport networks provide funding for projects in non-metropolitan areas.
The North Coast Line from Brisbane to Nambour is classified as metropolitan.

So why is Caboolture-Bribie Island Road to Steve Irwin Way Bruce Hwy upgrade funded at 80%, as per https://investment.infrastructure.gov.au/projects/ProjectDetails.aspx?Project_id=100039-18QLD-NP?

Either the area is metropolitan, or it is not. I don't believe it is. It shouldn't be done piecemeal depending on whether the relevant infrastructure is road or rail.

Good question, I don't know.

When former PM Malcolm Turnbull refused to fund the M1 as an 80/20 split, instead offering 50/50.


But Mr Turnbull, speaking at a short press conference in Loganholme, reiterated his commitment to a 50-50 funding arrangement.

"We've offered a 50-50 split — it is a state government road after all — and the state government should come to the party," he said.

Road ownership comes into it maybe?

If it was under the former Red team federal government, it would only be 50/50. They abolished the 80/20 split last time they were in power.
I asked them in an official website enquiry if they would do the same if they gained power - they never answered.
That doesn't bode well.
It would have been so easy to answer it NO.

"The Australian government has reintroduced the traditional 80:20 funding split for new road and rail projects on the national network outside of metropolitan areas. Under Labor these networks would have been abandoned," Mr Briggs said in December 2014.

I met with Warren Truss MP, then Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development, in April 2013 to discuss getting federal funding for our rail.
We talked for an hour.
He was very receptive.
He told me that they wanted to run 1900m freight trains up the North Coast Line.

Under the previous red team government who did fund a rail project, it was the Gillard Govt in December 2010 who signed off an almost 60% contribution to the Redcliffe Peninsula line, in a 3 way split. State was ~30%, Local Govt was ~10%.


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JUST IN: A train carriage has caught fire near Old Gympie Train Station. No injuries have been reported. https://t.co/dSgFbin6LM #7NEWS https://t.co/97GlxO3zac


A fire has gutted two carriages from the historic Mary Valley Rattler train in Gympie. The carriages were not in use at the time. https://t.co/IUEPaLzmpn https://t.co/eJS5ZmAnu8


This is the National Land Transport Network road network in Queensland:


This is the National Land Transport Network rail network in Queensland:


Federal Government funding of transport infrastructure is based on that section of the Australian Constitution relating to the Commonwealth facilitating interstate trade and commerce. Interestingly, the Constitution does not mention roads and states made sure they retained control of the railways.

If Minister Bailey is thinking about pushing for an 80:20 funding split for the CAMCOS corridor, for instance, Beerwah-Maroochydore is not on the National Network (it does not carry freight). Beerburrum-Nambour rail is on the National Network and does carry freight (i.e. facilitates commerce).

Off the National Network, the 80:20 split normally does not apply, by convention. A 50:50 split is the usual fed offer for non National Network road and rail infrastructure, but this is not always the case. The ARTC 'network' is owned by a private company in which the Federal Government is the shareholder.


I understand that a 50:50 split has already been agreed to for 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games infrastructure.


Sunshine Valley Gazette --> Two tracks all the way to Nambour 'subject to negotiations', says Minister

QuoteTransport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey is keeping expectations low on the possibility of rail duplication (two tracks) all the way to Nambour.

The Minister would not commit to a time frame but reassured the community, saying progress was being made.

He hoped to do a deal with the new Federal Labor Government. 

"We are duplicating tracks between Beerburrum to Beerwah. And, beyond that, a stage two will be subject to negotiations between federal and state governments for an agreement which I am committed to doing with the new federal government."

Mr Bailey said the state would like to see a duplicated line all the way to Nambour. ...
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Sunshine Valley Gazette --> Rail expert details Coast & Nambour's great train robbery

QuoteThe Sunshine Coast, and Nambour in particular, was being dramatically under-serviced when it came to rail services for the region, according to Sunshine Coast Rail Upgrade Advocate Jeff Addison.

Speaking at a Nambour Chamber of Commerce meeting last week (Thursday, August 4) Mr Addison said the Sunshine Coast had been over-promised and shortchanged time and again by successive governments.

Mr Addison outlined a litany of raised expectations and inflated promises and said a duplicated track line to Nambour was an essential  part of the mix to bring rail infrastructure into line with other parts of Australia. ...
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For the record..
2022-2023 Budget Estimates
Volume of Additional Information
Report No. 20, 57th Parliament
Transport and Resources Committee
August 2022

Question on Notice
Question No. 1

Asked on 12 July 2022

The Transport and Resources Committee asked the Minister for Transport and Main Roads,
In relation to the Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program 2022–23 to 2025–26
(QTRIP), referenced on page 8 of Budget Paper 3, will the Minister outline steps that have been
taken to plan for a rail link connecting the North Coast Line to the Sunshine Coast?


I thank the Committee for the question.
The Palaszczuk Government is investing at record levels to deliver better rail services in South
East Queensland.
This includes a $550.8 million investment in the Beerburum to Nambour Stage 1 project, jointly
funded by the Australian Government and a further $6.25 million allocated to planning of further
stages of that project. The Australian and Queensland governments have also committed a
further $1.5 million to undertake pre-investment planning for the North Coast Line. The preinvestment
planning will develop a comprehensive corridor strategy and investment program for
rail between Brisbane and Gympie.
A new rail link to the Sunshine Coast is currently being investigated under planning for a Direct
Sunshine Coast Line. Formally known as the Caboolture to Maroochydore Corridor, or
CAMCOS, this largely protected corridor connecting the Sunshine Coast to the North Coast
Line is an important part of the Palaszczuk Government's longer-term vision for public transport
on the Sunshine Coast.
I note the former Morrison Government's pre-election budget announcement of $1.6 billion
towards a Sunshine Coast Rail extension. The former federal Minister for Communications,
Urban Infrastructure, Cities and the Arts, the Honourable Paul Fletcher MP provided a highly
redacted document as justification for a supposed $3.2 billion costed project.
It is unfortunate that the agreed inter-governmental process for considering this matter, a jointly
funded $6 million planning exercise, was ignored by the Morrison Government in its pre-election
Right now, thanks to that jointly agreed process, there are surveyors in the field collecting the
sort of data that is required to obtain a fully costed proposal.
It is important that we finish this planning work for both governments to have confidence in the
scope, timing, costs of such a significant and transformational project. This work is well
underway and will be finalised for the consideration of both governments well before the first
dollar of the Morrison Government's budgeted funds are scheduled to flow to Queensland in

In preparation for a future spur line on the Sunshine Coast corridor, protection activities were
undertaken in 2001. In 2009, the track between Caboolture to Beerburrum was upgraded and
duplicated to accommodate additional services on the line. Also in 2009, the open level
crossing at Beerwah was removed, ultimately providing for a future branch line from Beerwah to
The Beerburrum to Nambour Rail Upgrade project has commenced and will improve services
for passengers and freight between Beerburrum and Nambour. Stage 1 will improve the
capacity and reduce travel time of the North Coast Line between Beerburrum and Beerwah,
ultimately supporting future growth on the network north of Beerwah, including the future spur
line. Stage 1 has been jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland governments, with a
commitment of $550.8 million.
The Australian and Queensland governments have also committed $6.25 million towards the
Beerburrum to Nambour Rail Upgrade Duplication Study, which will inform Stage 2 of the
Beerburrum to Nambour Rail Upgrade project and progress planning for the future needs of the
north coast rail line between Beerwah and Nambour.



So now that Toowoomba, Maroochydore, Coolangatta, Beaudesert and Ripley are lines on a map, is there any going back now?

Particularly with the first 3 these are all solid LNP areas.
For example if the government ummed and ahhhed about a service to Toowoomba, they leave themselves open to an LNP government playing to their regional base and promising it instead.


I'd say Toowoomba is the most marginal chance of happening, by a long way.

I also think this is likely the high water mark of the crewed QR network in SEQ.  The only further bits I can see materialising would be:

- Ripley to Ipswich

- Cross River Rail 2 (which I would conceive of as a connection between the outer Cleveland line and the Springfield line, via UQ, the CBD and Morningside - separate from when we start to build metro lines through the inner city)
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Government flips, turns and somersaults re the North Coast Line duplication to Nambour and now the Direct Sunshine Coast Line to Maroochydore would be worthy of a Olympic Games gymnastics gold medal.

Interestingly, within the Australian Government bureaucracy, we have the National Faster Rail Agency, which now lists as Minister on its Internet page Ms Catherine King MP, the current ALP Infrastructure Minister and the website states:

"The Australian Government has committed $1.6 billion to deliver a new 37km rail line from Beerwah to the key regional centre of Maroochydore, including new proposed stations at locations such as Kawana and Caloundra."


Is this past tense (as is a commitment that has been and gone), or is it still current, given that the page has been updated to put ALP fingerprints on it?

Now, we also know that the Albanese Government is processing legislation to form the High Speed Rail Authority that will subsume the National Faster Rail Agency staff and operations, so the nameplates will be changed on the doors and employees will wear a different corporate jacket.


Interestingly, we have the ALP federal government acting all concerned about the Commonwealth Bureau of Meterology wanting to rebrand away from being called 'the BOM' or 'the Bureau' but is busily rebranding its fast choo choo unit (at what cost?)

As always, there is hypocrisy in government.

In her Second Reading speech, Ms King said:

"Whilst the National Faster Rail Agency will be ceased, its functions will be absorbed into the authority and the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts to retain the existing capability and expertise and ensure that both faster rail and high-speed rail are delivered."

The Bill says that the new Authority will supervise the development of a high-speed rail network that: "connects Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Canberra; and some regional centres on the east coast of Australia or in New South Wales, Victoria or Queensland."

The Bill goes on .... "The Authority has the following functions in relation to the high speed rail network, the high speed rail corridor, a faster rail network and additional rail corridors for a faster rail network ....

"If the Commonwealth obtains a State's consent, in accordance with paragraph 51(xxxiv) of the Constitution, to the construction or extension of a railway in the State for the high speed rail network or a faster rail network—to construct or extend the railway in the State for that network."

The big question ... Is the federal ALP Government committed to spending $1.6 billion on a railway line from Beerwah to Maroochydore and can this be inferred from the words to that effect on the National Faster Rail Agency website after that website has been altered to include reference to the new government and new Minister, Ms King?


Quote"If the Commonwealth obtains a State's consent, in accordance with paragraph 51(xxxiv) of the Constitution, to the construction or extension of a railway in the State for the high speed rail network or a faster rail network—to construct or extend the railway in the State for that network."

Queensland is not fair dinkum ... as evidenced with the failure north of Beerburrum.

High speed rail is fantasy I am afraid for now, particularly in Queensland.

Fast rail is too a fantasy.  Faster rail is really long overdue track amplifications that might take a minute or two off some journeys.  Faster rail is a political word con.  It is not fast rail.

QuoteThe big question ... Is the federal ALP Government committed to spending $1.6 billion on a railway line from Beerwah to Maroochydore and can this be inferred from the words to that effect on the National Faster Rail Agency website after that website has been altered to include reference to the new government and new Minister, Ms King?

The forthcoming Federal Budget might be a clue, but until the failings with the Sunshine Coast line are addressed Maroochydore rail is moot.
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Action will now likely be in the state government's jurisdiction... 

Sorry, wrong thread.

🡱 🡳