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The Sunshine Coast Case : Rail duplication Beerburrum to Nambour

Started by Fares_Fair, August 31, 2011, 22:23:31 PM

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Sunshine Valley Gazette Wednesday 18 August 2021 pages 1-2

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I guess the difference is the population along the 'yet to be funded' 2nd stage of the Duplication, from Landsborough to Nambour is about 45,000.


So there is probably more electoral advantage in providing fast rail to Logan and the Gold Coast given the population is in the hundreds of thousands, plus there is definitely some urgency given the 4 lane M1 is full and they are poised to build a 2nd parallel motorway  :fp:

And I know that the Nambour duplication has its freight benefits, but to what extent does freight network funding trump passenger network funding.....I'm not sure how to answer that question.
(On that last point, would Aurizon fund any of the duplication or benefit from higher track access fees given the time saving benefits them too?)


Beenleigh to Kuraby rail duplication funded 50/50 between the state and federal governments, yet the state government blusters and poses, screaming that the feds should pay 80 per cent of rail duplication on the Sunshine Coast. It is easier to contemplate how many angels can dance on the head of a pin than to make sense of the policy inconsistency.

In Olympic sporting terms, it is the political equivalent to a reverse 4½ somersault in the pike position.


Is it a policy inconsistency though?

The Kuraby to Beenleigh project is predominantly an urban /passenger rail project, and largely doesn't deal with freight, (Aside from the Holmview livestock siding getting very occasional use) so it gets less Federal funding.

The Beerwah to Nambour project is predominantly to benefit freight and is part of the national land transport network, hence the Feds fund a larger portion of that.


Here's how I think the decision making process is:


Trains in Nambour, Queensland. John Coyle video
19 Oct 2021

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There has been used on this site a quote from one of the numerous reports examining the feasibility and business case for duplication of the NCL to Nambour. It is this: "Doing nothing is not an option."

Scientific literature has coined another phrase in respect of conservation management and (in)action on climate change. That phrase is: "Doing nothing is a decision."

Might be useful in the discourse with government over inaction on the NCL north of Beerburrum. :)


I hope to meet with Nicklin MP, the Hon Robert Skelton to brief him on the multiple reasons for action on #2tracks rail to Nambour.


Landsborough to Nambour Rail Corridor Study  June 2009


Interesting side links to a number of projects on this page as well.  Be patient, can take a while to load.
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#2tracks construction delayed. Now 2025 to finish stage 1 funded works.

From TMR website updated 5 Dec 2021

The North Coast Line between Beerburrum and Nambour stations

Early works construction is expected to commence in early 2022. Construction of Stage 1 is scheduled for completion in 2025, weather and construction conditions permitting.



With all the tooing and frowing about this project, bring forward and push back, it always seems to be stuck in the timeframe for completion in 2029.


Both Gympie North trains cancelled today.
Replaced with taxis this morning from Gympie North to Caboolture and a rail bus this afternoon from Nambour to Gympie North.

Reason given was required crew replacement in both cases.


Couriermail Sunshine Coast --> Beerburrum to Nambour rail upgrade early works start as questions raised over delays $

QuoteWork has started on a long-awaited Beerburrum to Nambour rail upgrade but the announcement prompted fresh questions about delays to the $550.8m project.

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said work started on what was one of the state's most important rail projects.

The project is being delivered in stages and includes duplication of the North Coast Line between Beerburrum and Landsborough stations as well as station upgrades, new park 'n' ride facilities and rail passing loops between Landsborough and Nambour.

It is touted as a vital project that will reduce rail travel times between the Sunshine Coast and Brisbane.
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Queensland Parliament Hansard

Ministerial Statements

Sunshine Coast, Rail Infrastructure

Hon. A PALASZCZUK (Inala—ALP) (Premier and Minister for the Olympics) (10.00 am):

Delivering reliable public transport is also a priority of our government and it is crucial as we prepare to
host the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games. That is why over the last five years we have delivered
record funding for transport and roads, including $27.5 billion in the last budget.

Today I am proud to announce another major milestone for one of Queensland's most important
rail projects. I can confirm that work has begun on the $550.8 million Beerburrum-to-Nambour upgrade
at Landsborough. This project will: duplicate tracks on the north coast line, ease congestion on the
Bruce Highway, increase freight capacity, and improve services between Brisbane and the Sunshine

This will change the lives of thousands of people right throughout South-East Queensland,
improving services for commuters from Caloundra to Landsborough right through to Nambour and
Palmwoods. This major upgrade will ensure that we are ready to welcome thousands of visitors to the
south-east in time for the 2032 Olympic Games. Beerburrum to Nambour is also vital when it comes to
rebuilding our economy and creating opportunities for local businesses. I am advised that Hall
Contracting, a local company, will complete early works. Ten workers will start the job this week. This
number will grow over the next three months as we move towards heavy construction.

In total, the Beerburrum-to-Nambour upgrades will create more than 300 jobs for local workers
throughout the life of the project. Beerburrum to Nambour is just the beginning. We have Cross River
Rail, the Gold Coast Light Rail stage 3, works to progress a heavy rail connection on the
Beerwah-toMaroochydore section, our Logan-to-Gold Coast faster rail initiative and our historic train manufacturing
program in Maryborough. No matter where you look throughout the state, we are investing in important
public transport projects to cut commute times for Queenslanders. On this side of the House we are
delivering for Queenslanders. We are delivering for the Sunshine Coast because we have two
outstanding members on the Sunshine Coast who work hard.

Mr Dick: They go to committee meetings!

Ms PALASZCZUK: They go to committee meetings.

Mr Walker: They do their job.

Ms PALASZCZUK: They do their job.

Opposition members interjected.

Mr SPEAKER: Order! Premier, you have the call.

Ms PALASZCZUK: I was just starting, Mr Speaker. Our public transport system was hit hard in
the recent weather event. In the past two weeks alone—

Ms Simpson interjected.

Ms PALASZCZUK: Thank you, member for Maroochydore. I am talking about things that are
actually benefitting the Sunshine Coast.

Government members interjected.

Ms PALASZCZUK: That is right: delivering.

Mr Crisafulli interjected.

Mr SPEAKER: Order, Leader of the Opposition!

Ms PALASZCZUK: I was provoked, Mr Speaker. In the last two weeks alone, workers from the
Department of Transport and Main Roads have conducted 188 safety inspections on flood impacted
bridges, delivered 194 tonnes of plant mix to repair potholes and keep inland freight moving and helped
to reopen 1,000 roads. I can also confirm that today our rail schedules across the state are back to
normal following the devastating floods here in the south-east. Well done to everyone involved. That is
an outstanding commitment. I thank the thousands of engineers, tradespeople and labourers across
Queensland who worked around-the-clock to make this happen for our great state. We know that to
create jobs and rebuild our economy we must invest in new infrastructure. I will continue to fight for
Queensland's fair share of funding for roads and rail.
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Beerburrum to Nambour
Rail Upgrade Project


Watermain relocation works

The Department of Transport and Main Roads
would like to advise that watermain relocation
work is scheduled in Landsborough as part of
the Beerburrum to Nambour Rail Upgrade
(B2N) project in early March 2022.

More information > https://www.tmr.qld.gov.au/_/media/projects/b/beerburrum-to-nambour-rail-upgrade/construction-notice-watermain-relocation-march-2022.pdf
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This is not new.
The early works was already announced months ago with Hall Contracting being awarded the work.
This was announced last on 10 August 2021.
See: http://railbotforum.org/mbs/index.php?topic=6647.msg249803#msg249803

10 workers will start this week on a $550 million project - just WOW, NOT.

When does the heavy rail construction start?


The information the Premier read to the Parliament is an attempt by the government to fill up time with 'good news' announcements to prevent the Opposition asking more questions about government integrity issues etc.

If it's good news when you announced it, why not announce it again!

As the above posts explain, the 'major transport milestone' in reality is pushing some dirt around and relocating some pipes.


A song for the Premier and friends ... enjoy!


Very popular when it was first thought that a double line truly to Nambour would be good for the state ..

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Quote from: Stillwater on March 18, 2022, 12:58:42 PMThe information the Premier read to the Parliament is an attempt by the government to fill up time with 'good news' announcements to prevent the Opposition asking more questions about government integrity issues etc.

If it's good news when you announced it, why not announce it again!

As the above posts explain, the 'major transport milestone' in reality is pushing some dirt around and relocating some pipes.

I'm thinking the brisBANE olympics might be better off in Perth!   :fp:
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Courier Mail 19th March 2022 page 33

Questions over rail 'go-slow' $

QuoteWORK has started on a longawaited Beerburrum to Nambour rail upgrade but the
announcement prompted fresh questions about delays to the $550.8m project. Hall
Contracting was awarded the tender for early works, which Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk
confirmed had started.

She said delivering reliable public transport was a priority and crucial amid preparations for
the 2032 Olympics.

But the LNP's shadow transport minister Steve Minnikin said the project had been "on the
go-slow" for years. ...

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Given the proposal to, potentially, now advance CAMCOS - does not a Massive upgrade to the Brisbane/Gympie North inter-urban rail corridor become absolutely essential?  The existing corridor will surely fail, trying to cope with the pressure it will come under once [IF] CAMCOS becomes a heavy rail reality? 

Surely to ever "faster" rail, both the existing mainline and the proposed CAMCOS corridors means Massive enhancements to Brisbane/Gympie North required sooner, rather than later? The mainline corridor, becomes critical to acceptable delivery of services to BOTH it's own rapidly growing city and inter-urban passenger base - but also to what CAMCOS is proposed to achieve?

SEQ, where our only "fast-track" is in becoming the rail embarrassment of Australia!   :frs:


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Sent to all outlets:

Years of rail neglect are showing on the Sunshine Coast ...

15th May 2022

RAIL Back On Track welcomes the ' Train for the Games ' campaign launched by the Sunshine Coast Daily, however CAMCOS heavy rail is needed  with or without the 2032 Games (1).
We welcome the funding committment in the 2022-23 Federal Budget for the rail extension Beerwah to Maroochydore ($1.6 billion).

We urge all parties to commit to funding this project at the 2022 federal election. We wrote to the Federal ALP Party weeks ago asking if they too will support the rail extension to Maroochydore but have had no reply.

Heavy faster rail to Maroochydore will be a game changer. For years the Sunshine coast has seen proportionally less public transport investment than Brisbane or the Gold Coast. Currently the main rail stations on the Sunshine coast are a significant distance inland at Nambour, Landsborough and Beerwah, well away from the bulk of the population on the booming coastal strip. The rail project long known by the acronym 'CAMCOS' will thread right through the centre, putting new stations on the doorstep of hundreds of thousands of residents at places like Caloundra, Birtinya and Maroochydore. It will also support the growing Aura development, ensuring the new city grows sustainably around the rail line. The new line will be built to fast interurban standards, potentially achieving speeds of 140 km/h or more.

The Sunshine Coast has long been the 'poor cousin' for public transport investment in Queensland. The Sunshine Coast Daily recently revealed that for the period 2011-2021 only $151m was spent on rail and bus improvements for the Sunshine Coast compared to $1.38bn on the Gold Coast (2). This equates to about $439 per person for the population of the Sunshine Coast and $2146 for each of the estimated 643,000 people on the Gold Coast.

The upgrade and duplication of the Sunshine Coast line from Beerburrum to Landsborough is an essential pre-requisite for CAMCOS heavy rail but it is also essential for maintaining rail freight services to Central and North Queensland, as well as facilitating long distance passenger rail services, and improved interurban services to Nambour and Gympie North.  The Sunshine Coast Council has recently made the call " ...  the Queensland Government to resolve any funding deficit for the duplication of the North Coast Rail Line from Beerburrum to Landsborough, with a commitment to find a solution to facilitate the extension of the upgrade to Nambour. ... " (3).

Years of rail neglect are showing on the Sunshine Coast. Now is time to properly fund and get these projects into actual construction.


Jeff Addison
Sunshine Coast Region Spokesperson RAIL Back On Track

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track https://backontrack.org


1. Train for the Games

2. Sunshine Coast and Gold Coast public transport spending revealed

3. Sunshine Coast Council calls on all Federal election parties to commit to investing in the region
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Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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"The Sunshine Coast has long been the 'poor cousin' for public transport investment in Queensland. The Sunshine Coast Daily recently revealed that for the period 2011-2021 only $151m was spent on rail and bus improvements for the Sunshine Coast compared to $1.38bn on the Gold Coast (2). This equates to about $439 per person for the population of the Sunshine Coast and $2146 for each of the estimated 643,000 people on the Gold Coast."

NB. The Premier, the Honourable Annastacia Palaszczuk.. was Transport Minister in 2011.
Has been Premier since February 2015.
This majority of the massive rail and bus under-funding occurred on her watch.

During this period, the LNP were in power from March 2012 to January 2015.


These election pledges from Labor don't make sense. They should of matched or committed more for rail to Maroochydore rather than committing to widening the Bruce Hwy (M1) yet again.

The road widening can come later if necessary. Having the line straightened for faster speeds as well as duplicated to Landsborough with the branch to Maroochydore will provide many benefits to community, as well as reduced congestion on the M1, as people and freight will migrate to rail.


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Sunshine Valley Gazette 18 May 2022

Reminiscing, if only we got what we were promised

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^ Thank you Ozbob.

Found this interesting Question on Notice this afternoon.
Freight growth pretty well stagnating? crawling over the past 5 years.

I wonder why that could be?
No #2tracks to Nambour to remove the weakest link in the freight path network?

No. 212
Asked on 17 March 2022


Will the Minister advise rail's share of Queensland's freight market (reported separately for the years 2016 to 2020)?

I thank the Member for Glass House for the question.
Rail plays a critical role in meeting the state's demand for the movement of goods for domestic and export markets. On average from 2015–16 to 2019–20, rail accounted for approximately 32 per cent of total freight volumes moved and 41 per cent of the total freight task.
Queensland Total Freight and Rail Freight Shares
Year        Freight Volumes              Freight Task
              Total Tonnes (millions)    Rail Share      Total Tonne-km (billions)  Rail Share
2015–16      937.2                          33%              167.5                                   41%
2016–17      925.1                          31%              160.5                                   40%
2017–18      907.8                          32%              162.3                                   41%
2018–19      912.5                          32%              156.0                                   42%
2019–20      959.1                          34%              168.4                                   43%


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