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19 Jan 2012: SEQ: Core Frequent Network: Legacy routes should give way ,,,

Started by ozbob, January 19, 2012, 03:24:58 AM

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Media release 19 January 2012

SEQ: Core Frequent Network: Legacy routes should give way to frequent feeders

RAIL Back On Track (http://backontrack.org) a web based community support group for rail and public transport and an advocate for public transport passengers calls for the second stage of rolling out of a Core Frequent Network to begin.

Robert Dow, Spokesman for RAIL Back On Track said:

"RAIL Back On Track would like to congratulate Translink on the recent reviews, and soon to be implemented, which were conducted in the Northern and Eastern regions of the network. These have involved the modification of some of the older routes to remove no longer necessary sections of routes that only still existed 'because they always have'. These reviews allowed TransLink to consult their passengers and find out what changes they preferred, and what they wanted from the network. This was a good effort all round."

"We would now like them to move forward with these consultations and start on regions within the greater Brisbane region. By breaking Brisbane into manageable chunks, and changing each as required, TransLink can breathe new life into some of the city's older routes, or scrap and modify those that are no longer suitable for their designed purpose.

By changing the route of bus services, Translink has a real opportunity to provide for the changing uses of our suburbs, and allow people to make the most of our cities public transport.

"There is a strong case for many 'legacy' bus routes to be simplified, consolidated and reviewed. Failure to review such legacy services leaves a legacy system that costs money while not providing decent service frequencies or service span. In a time when fares have increased to levels that are some of the highest in the world, it is only fair that efficiencies in the network be found."

"We don't believe that people won't or don't transfer.* The legacy of almost every suburb having a direct bus, plus multiple slight variations all running at low frequency to the CBD means that a lot of expense to carry air to the CBD and duplication occurs, while decent service frequencies that are attractive to passengers are not achieved."

"It is time to review all of these 'legacy' routes."

For example, take bus 416 (Toowong - CBD). This service duplicates everything that already runs down Coronation Drive plus runs straight past Toowong rail station. It is pure waste. There are just 7 services in total in an entire day. Why can't this service end at Toowong Rail station? Or bus 183 (Carindale, Griffith University and CBD) which runs hourly and duplicates frequent busway services. Services would be much more frequent in the suburbs where people are if this route were shortened to feed the busway rather than run air all the way to the CBD."

"And there are many more examples."

"With a bit of change and willingness to interchange, existing routes can be shortened and simplified but run at higher frequency for the same cost. We just can't afford to run large volumes of air to the CBD with this 'everything direct to the centre' philosophy."

"As RAIL Back On Track has always said, services must be frequent, bottom line!


1. Nominate deadwood routes for review! http://railbotforum.org/mbs/index.php?topic=7466.0

2. SEQ: Core Frequent Network: Interchange the ticket to ending bus nightmare http://railbotforum.org/mbs/index.php?topic=7403.0

3. Route 416 http://translink.com.au/travel-information/services-and-timetables/buses/route-416

* Table 2-1, 'Human Transit - How clearer thinking about public transit can enrich our communities and our lives',
Jarrett Walker, page 36 shows that waiting time penalties for connections can be reduced dramatically provided
frequent service, information, reliability etc are present.


Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org
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