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Queensland 2024-25 Budget

Started by ozbob, April 17, 2024, 07:56:46 AM

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Couriermail --> Qld faces $188bn debt bomb within four years $

QuoteQueensland's debt bomb will swell to a whopping $188bn in just four years, Treasurer Cameron Dick has revealed, as dwindling coal royalties and tough economic headwinds hit the state's finances.

Major new Treasury forecasts in the lead up to the June state budget have revealed government borrowings are set to double to $128bn between now and 2027-28, as net debt quintuples to $73bn.

The new preliminary figures have prompted Mr Dick to concede the next state budget will be difficult.

And he's warned the upcoming state election cannot be an unsustainable spending spree, signalling the campaign will need to have few big-ticket promises on both sides to keep spending in line. ...
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Since when is $73bn net debt a "debt bomb"? If even after all the infrastructure blow-outs, inflation and the entirety of the green jobs and energy plan we are sitting at $73bn in debt, we are absolutely cheering.

Not to mention, this debt is mostly being funnelled into infrastructure and public services that will grow the economy.

And the fact that public debt is not an indicator of economic management, it's how you use that debt that matters.


It's going to be about 25% of Victoria's net debt. 

The State's superannuation liabilities are also fully funded, which I don't believe is the case for any other Australian jurisdiction (happy to be corrected).  That is going to become an increasingly big problem for the other states and territories, and the feds.
Ride the G:


Couriermail --> Treasurer Cameron Dick vows to protect key projects and public service jobs despite looming debt bomb $

QuoteThe under-pressure state government is set to run a ruler across its spending ahead of a "difficult" state budget in what shapes as the last until the October election.

Ballooning infrastructure projects and public sector jobs aren't on the chopping block despite a looming debt bomb Treasurer Cameron Dick has vowed.

But belt tightening could hit public sector agencies, as the under-pressure state government runs a ruler across its spending ahead of the June budget. ...

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Brisbanetimes --> SEQ mayors unite to demand new state deal to pay for population growth $

QuoteSouth-east Queensland mayors want the Queensland government to return to a 2013 system where infrastructure funding is linked to population growth, saying they can no longer provide suburbs and new developments with adequate buses, trains and roads without financial help.

Frustrated mayors say bus and rail services in the fastest-growing councils around Brisbane are inadequate and, in some cases, non-existent.

With more people having to drive to and from the state capital, the mayors claim the government is allowing congestion to build while it focuses on rail upgrades to the Gold and Sunshine coasts. ...
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The 2024–25 Queensland Budget will be released on Tuesday 11 June 2024.

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The new deal should be ... your LGA is going to start contributing to 'top-up' PT operational costs similar to BCC.

The other part of the deal should be... you're going to approve more density in existing areas with existing infrastructure.

If you don't do this... you pay.

What is not sustainable will not be sustained. BCC also needs to lift its townhouse blocking rules.

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The new deal should be that the State raises levies itself from SEQ landowners without farting around with local governments, which in BCC's case would mean they don't have to be involved in funding anything.
Ride the G:


LGAs are State Government agencies.

New residents represent a future rates revenue income stream to an LGA.

Collection can be incorporated into the existing arrangements.
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So you'd rather have multiple agencies doing the job of one.
Ride the G:


^I cant work out if Metro likes or loathes the current BCC funding model.


We already do, Surfrail.

A interesting observation about the QLD State Govt is how and when it acts compared to other states.

They seem to be averse to acting alone.

In other places, it's just decide and execute. Here you need two or three levels of govt to align and contribute before things will move.

This was the case for MBRL, GC LRT, level crossings, Brisbane Airtrain etc. CRR this was not the case, but they did try to get Feds and possibly IIRC even BCC to contribute.

And so there is a little clue to how it might work in our context.

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We know that is the current situation of course.

The question is, do you think it should be changed, do you want it changed or do you think it should stay the way it is?


This is a cultural thing about how the QLD Gov chooses to 'do things around here'. How do you change that? Its not like building infrastructure or getting financing - it's an intangible.

While the ideal case might be single source funding, tweaking existing arrangements might just be more practical.

It will be interesting to see if the QLD budget raises the base funding level for PT significantly or changes the funding model currently in place. It's essentially an opportunity to adopt your preferred set of policies Gazza.

And if they don't do that, then there needs to be a Plan B, right? What is that plan going to be?

BCC already offered to upload the then BT to the State and they said no.

The other LGAs don't own bus operators like BCC does. As they won't be a party to a bus operations service contract or have their own in-house bus operator, they can't just put on their own routes.

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Couriermail --> Qld budget 2024: LNP to accept it in full to maintain 'stability' $

QuoteOpposition Leader David Crisafulli will honour the government's state budget to maintain "stability" if he becomes premier – despite not knowing what is contained in it.

Treasurer Cameron Dick next Tuesday delivers his fifth budget, the last before the state goes to the polls on October 26.

The razor-thin $122m deficit forecast in December has now deepened to $3bn, with significant housing and cost of living measures and the state's construction program blamed. ...

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Government Statement


72,000 reasons to back Miles Government Big Build


The Honourable Steven Miles

Deputy Premier, Treasurer and Minister for Trade and Investment
The Honourable Cameron Dick

Minister for State Development and Infrastructure, Minister for Industrial Relations and Minister for Racing
The Honourable Grace Grace

Minister for Transport and Main Roads and Minister for Digital Services
The Honourable Bart Mellish

.Miles Labor Government Big Build to deliver $107 billion of infrastructure projects over the next four years.

.More than $27 billion in capital will be invested next financial year alone (2024-25), which will support around 72,000 jobs.

. Big Build capital investments include better health and transport facilities and services, more housing and upgraded schools.

. Queensland's biggest decade of infrastructure investment continues to transform the state creating more jobs, new industries, better communities and stronger regions.

Deputy Premier Cameron Dick has today revealed the Miles Labor Government's mammoth $107 billion Big Build capital program, which will deliver new and upgraded hospitals, healthcare facilities, transport infrastructure, houses, and schools right around the state.

This investment reflects the ramping up of construction on the Miles Labor Government's Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan, rail and road upgrades and hospital infrastructure program.

Of the record $107 billion Big Build, more than $27 billion in capital works will be delivered next financial year alone (2024-25).

This $27 billion investment will directly support around 72,000 jobs.

 $18.57 billion of the 2024-25 capital program will be invested outside the Greater Brisbane region, supporting around 50,000 jobs.

This is the proportion of capital expenditure in regional Queensland ever, and biggest jobs creation program set to be delivered in regional Queensland ever.

The forward estimates reflects increases in construction activity, including:

. $7 billion increase in the Queensland Jobs and Energy Plan
. $2.1 billion for Direct Sunshine Coast Rail
. $1.365 billion for Homes for Queenslanders
. $1.7 billion from the Olympics and Paralympics

The Big Build also continues investment on major transformation infrastructure, including Cross River Rail, the Coomera Connector, the Health and Hospital Expansion Program, and Stage 3 of the Gold Coast Light Rail.

Quotes attributable to Premier Steven Miles:

"Queensland is growing, which means we need more hospitals, roads, rail, housing, schools, healthcare and energy infrastructure.

"That is exactly what our record $107 billion Big Build delivers.

"This investment will bring a generational change, creating more jobs, better communities, and stronger regions. It's about building the places and spaces that Queenslanders will enjoy for generations to come.

"Almost 70 per cent of this work is happening in regional areas representing the biggest investment in regional job creation in the states history, – supporting around 50,000 jobs outside of Greater Brisbane.

"As the economy slows, this level of investment and job creation is critical to Queensland's future success and economic prosperity.

"My first budget as Premier is delivering what matters for Queensland."

Quotes attributable to Deputy Premier and Treasurer Cameron Dick:

"Queensland's Big Build is all go.

"More people are moving to Queensland than ever before, and the Miles Labor Government is delivering the infrastructure this growing state needs.

"Our government made the tough decisions and right choices to make our budget the envy of the nation.

"This strong budget position has allowed us to deliver the Big Build and invest in the future prosperity of our amazing state."

"We're getting to work right across the state, as we roll out a 10-year plan to build more hospitals and upgraded schools, more social housing, better transport and more renewable energy.

"This includes almost 70 per cent of this financial year's Big Build being spent in regional and remote Queensland, supporting about 50,000 jobs.

"The Big Build is also powering the industries and jobs of the future and building the places and spaces that Queenslanders will enjoy for generations to come."

Quotes attributable to Minister for State Development and Infrastructure Grace Grace:

"Over the next 10 years our state will become home to over a million new Queenslanders.

"With Queensland growing, now is the time to future-proof the lifestyle we all love.

"Whether it's hospitals, schools, roads, rail, parks and precincts, sports facilities, or energy transition: building Queensland means a better Queensland – now and for future generations.

"The Big Build funding includes more than $300 million for new and upgraded sports facilities on the Sunshine Coast ahead of the 2032 Olympics and Paralympics, including upgrades to Sunshine Coast Stadium and a brand-new Sunshine Coast indoor sports centre.

"There's a lot happening and there may be some disruption, but it will be worth it to build a bigger, better future."

Quotes attributable to Minister for Transport and Main Roads Bart Mellish:

"The Big Build is a massive commitment to Queenslanders to build the infrastructure we need for our growing state.

"Investing in our roads, including the Bruce Highway, in our rail revolution for South East Queensland and improved public transport across the state means that Queenslanders will be able to get where they need to go, safely and reliably.

"In December, I committed to further enhancing transparency with the Queensland public, highlighting where the costs of certain projects had exceeded our forecasts and budgets as a result of challenging market conditions across the nation and internationally.

"It is critical that we keep managing these costs, and managing these projects, so that we can continue to deliver the infrastructure that we need across Queensland.

"The Miles Government will continue to build the infrastructure that Queensland needs."

To find out more about projects on the go near you, search Queensland Big Build / visit www.qld.gov.au/BigBuild

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Meanwhile the rail line in Rocky still runs down a main road in the centre of town!!

Back our Bruce!! What Rail line?


The announcement says that new initiatives announced in the 2024-25 Budget include an investigation into advance warning flood alerts and the development of a fatigue management strategy.

"The development of a whole-of-corridor fatigue management strategy including an audit of rest stops, with an advisory group to be established, drawn from road users and community representatives (including truckies and the heavy vehicle industry, tourism operators and drivers)."

This is after the government capitulated to approaches from caravan park owners insisting that rest stops close to towns and caravan parks be closed, because they were being used as 'free' overnight stops for caravaners travelling on the cheap. The caravan parks wanted the business instead.

There is an eternal debate between Main Roads and councils about who is responsible for the cleaning of toilets at rest stops. Toilets in remote locations subject to vandalism.

What is the status of rest stops that used to be staffed by Lions etc during school holidays, offering free cups of coffee under a sponsorship deal with Nestles? That made drivers and passengers stop for a break.

There needs to be a rethink about rest stop usage - they are frequented more by older Australians. Younger drivers prefer Maccas for a break. The research shows that rest stops work better when there is something to see, or there is a short walk to a lookout or creek spot etc.

What goes around comes around in the inevitable government churn of ideas that come into and out of fashion ... and the minds of voters.


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Government Statement  8th June 2024

More Miles for less: Government cuts rego by 20 per cent

> https://statements.qld.gov.au/statements/100526
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Minor impact and great opportunity to highlight just how much subsidy driving already gets


It's just the same pre-election handout/inducement approach done with PT, just happening now with motorists.

Surprised it was not 50c rego announced.
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Government Statement 9th June 2024

Cost of Living for Queensland first home buyers


. Miles Labor Government reduces costs for first homeowners

. First home owner concession threshold on transfer duty increased by $200,000 to $700,000

. Concessions expected to help 10,000 first home buyers a year

. Foreign property owners to offset loss of transfer duty revenue

More > https://statements.qld.gov.au/statements/100531
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Will just drive prices up!! No movement on supply what so every 🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🏽🤦🤦🏽🤦🤦


Brisbanetimes --> Budget green light for Gympie Road bypass tunnel to move to next stage $

QuoteThe Miles government has decided there is merit in a new Brisbane tunnel that could save motorists 32 minutes by avoiding 19 sets of traffic lights on a return trip between Kedron and Carseldine.

But with the proposed Gympie Road Bypass Tunnel likely to cost more than $7 billion to build, it will be up to a future government to decide whether to proceed. Labor believes construction could start as early as 2027.  ...
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Budget 2024-25 details > https://budget.qld.gov.au

Queensland's Big Build > https://budget.qld.gov.au/overview/queenslands-big-build/

https://budget.qld.gov.au/files/Budget_2024-25_BP3_Capital_Statement.pdf  page 97 for Transport and Main Roads.

Interesting that QR has " $272.4 million towards implementing the European Train Control System Signalling Program: Phase 1 in the Brisbane Inner City Network. "
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The transport winners according to the Courier Mail's 5 Minute Guide to the Budget (this has been copy and pasted and so is verbatim...) SC Light Rail and Beerburrum to Nambour Rail Trail!  :hg

– $4.869 billion for manufacturing 65 new trains.

– $5.750 billion for Logan and Gold Coast faster rail.

– $5.5 billion for new sunshine coast light rail line between Beerwah and Maroochydore.

– $1.004 billion for duplication of rail trail between Beerburrum and Nambour.

– $3.026 billion for Coomera Connector.



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Whoa ...

Fast growing Ipswich and Logan to reap benefits of public transport investment

11th June 2024


 ... Significant investment in public transport with almost $70 million to improve bus services.
The initial investment, as well as ongoing funding of more than $24 million per year, will grow the bus network to reduce congestion and improve community access to jobs, healthcare and education.
Greater access to the Miles Government's 50c public transport fares for fast growing communities.
A series of bus network upgrades across Queensland will deliver thousands of new weekly services to change the way people move around their region.

The $70 million initial investment through the Bus Services Investment Program is aimed at improving community travel options across the state through investment in new bus services and new bus stop infrastructure.

These upgrades will target Queensland communities experiencing significant population growth and will introduce bus services to many areas for the first time.

Ipswich and Logan residents will see significant investment in their regions, with a number of new services set for introduction.

Ipswich improvements will be delivered across three years and will include:

New services to growth areas of Redbank Plains, Collingwood Park, Augustine Heights and Bellbird Park, as well as Springfield, Deebing Heights and Karalee.
Improved service connectivity to the Ripley Valley priority development area.
The introduction of a new direct route linking Springfield and Ipswich, via Redbank Plains.
The extension of existing routes in areas north and south of Ipswich, Springfield Lakes, Camira and Spring Mountain.
Improved connectivity to rail services and to Ipswich Hospital.

Logan service improvements will be delivered across two years and will include:

New services to fast growing residential areas including Logan Reserve, Bahrs Scrub and Park Ridge East.
Services to the suburb of Berrinba for the first time.
Improved route 587 service levels linking to rail services in Loganlea, responding to ongoing population growth in Yarrabilba.
A new On Demand service within the Yarrabilba priority development area, improving connections to route 587, and local access to retail and other community facilities.
Improved service frequencies in Park Ridge.
Increased service frequencies on east-west corridors between Springwood, Loganholme, Woodridge, Loganlea and Browns Plains. ...
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Sounds Good  :-t

Will any of these be 15-min all day services?
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Quote from: #Metro on June 11, 2024, 15:38:48 PMSounds Good  :-t

Will any of these be 15-min all day services?

I'm hopeful that some of the Increased service frequencies on east-west corridors between Springwood, Loganholme, Woodridge, Loganlea and Browns Plains will be 15-mins services. Those east-west corridor locations suggest the routes 550 & 560 (and maybe the 552 & 545 as well), which already run at half hourly frequencies.


Beerburrum to Beerwah (#B2N) rail requires another $226.7 million (or $226.9 million according to Sunshine Coast News) to proceed from the state government.

That has to be in this budget.

Page 1 Budget Papers Capital Statement - 2024-25
Capital expenditure by the transport portfolio is budgeted to total $9.494 billion in
2024–25. This includes significant capital investment in rail, with $786 million towards the
Queensland Train Manufacturing Program, $513.6 million to continue construction work
on Cross River Rail, $500 million towards the Logan and Gold Coast Faster Rail project,
$115 million towards the Beerburrum to Nambour Rail Upgrade (Stage 1) and
$110.8 million towards the Direct Sunshine Coast Rail Line (Stage 1) funding

$115 million towards Beerburrum to Nambour Rail Upgrade (Stage 1), as part of a total commitment of $1.004
billion (jointly funded with the Australian Government)

I expect it will go ahead but we are still $111.7 million short of what is required.
Additional $111.7m funding is in future years I'd say.


National 858087 Beerburrum to Nambour
Rail Upgrade (Stage 1)  $1,004.191m  =  (Fed) $616.700m  +  (Qld) $387.491m


Government Statement

Miles Government budget driving big transport build

> https://statements.qld.gov.au/statements/100568


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Facebook ...

Queensland State Budget 2024-25 12th June 2024 Budget details:...

Posted by RAIL - Back On Track on Tuesday 11 June 2024
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Quote from: nathandavid88 on June 11, 2024, 15:57:31 PM
Quote from: #Metro on June 11, 2024, 15:38:48 PMSounds Good  :-t

Will any of these be 15-min all day services?

I'm hopeful that some of the Increased service frequencies on east-west corridors between Springwood, Loganholme, Woodridge, Loganlea and Browns Plains will be 15-mins services. Those east-west corridor locations suggest the routes 550 & 560 (and maybe the 552 & 545 as well), which already run at half hourly frequencies.

545 absolutely needs to be 4 bph. Not sure about 552 as it's a bit of a milk run route. I'd rather see those funds go into upgrading 553 to half hourly.


ABC News: Queensland budget is full of treats, but is it enough to entice voters?

QuoteCost of living — it's all anyone is talking about.

So, it's no surprise Queensland's Labor government has spent big on providing relief in Treasurer Cameron Dick's fifth budget.

Billions are being spent on relief measures, including transport, housing and health, in a bid to cope with the sunshine state's booming population.

Mr Dick said he's made tough choices, deliberately putting his government's books into a $2.6 billion deficit next financial year to pay for the measures.

Four months out from a state election, the Queensland government's budget is full of sweeteners and big on spending. But is it enough to entice voters? ...
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I think the bus service improvement announcement illustrates very neatly just how little you actually need to fix service provision.  A lot of the system just needs marginal extra funding to fill the gaps, get rid of services that run less than hourly (or not on every day), and get higher frequencies where clearly justified.

All the more reason for the State to just fund BCC's services outright so they can spend the $100m+ they tip in to buses to a more appropriate use.  I can think of plenty - fixing the eternal potholes I go over every single day and which seem to only get temporarily patched every 3, putting footpaths on streets that have existed without them since the 1920s, making the CBD something other than a perpetual trip hazard etc - or maybe not collecting quite so much in the first place.
Ride the G:


^I mean, with BCC I wouldnt even be mad if they spent $100m per year on LX removals on council roads.

Quote545 absolutely needs to be 4 bph. Not sure about 552 as it's a bit of a milk run route. I'd rather see those funds go into upgrading 553 to half hourly.
For me, the main routes that need to be improved are the 545 as you say #1.
but also 545 and 560 and 574.
That would mean most arterial roads are covered by a HF route, and when you consider the Beenleigh line upgrades, means people have at least something in spitting distance.

For 30 min frequency, it should be at least the routes to Flagstone and Yarrabilba, plus at least one in Eagleby, Holmview/Bahrs Scrub.

Rochedale needs a redesign in general based on the new station opening.

540 Hourly is ok for the moment, but needs to run 7 days so people from Beaudesert can get out on weekends.

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