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Olympics Games for SEQ 2032

Started by ozbob, February 27, 2015, 15:22:32 PM

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Couriermail --> Olympians, Paralympians tell Premier Steve Miles it's 'no' to QSAC stadium in open letter $

QuoteFourteen high-profile athletes have signed an open letter to the Premier urging him to reconsider the Queensland Sport and Athletic Centre as the main Games venue for 2032.

A group of high-profile athletes have signed an open letter to Premier Steven Miles urging him to reconsider the Queensland Sport and Athletic Centre as the main Olympic and Paralympic venue for 2032.

Mr Miles last month chose to ignore several recommendations made by independent reviewer Graham Quirk on which venues would best be suited for Olympic and Paralympic investment.

He instead pledged to spend billions on upgrading the grandstands and facilities at QSAC, formerly QEII, and an undisclosed additional amount on transport infrastructure needed for the site, claiming the option was of better value for Queenslanders.

The decision prompted negative and positive public response, but has particularly not sat well with athletes, who raised concerns over the Nathan venue not having enough capacity and lacking legacy beyond 2032.  ...

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Quote... A group of high-profile athletes have signed an open letter to Premier Steven Miles urging him to reconsider the Queensland Sport and Athletic Centre as the main Olympic and Paralympic venue for 2032.

But there (sic) plea has been rejected, with Mr Miles this morning saying he would not review the decision. ...
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Couriermail --> Multibillion-dollar windfall: Budget figures that prove we can afford stadium $

QuotePremier Steven Miles's claims the state cannot afford a new stadium is undermined by his own Budget figures, which show an unprecedented windfall as mining royalties and soaring house prices deliver more cash to the government than ever before.

The premier again on Tuesday refused to revisit his controversial decision to spend $1.6bn upgrading Queensland Sport and Athletics Centre, despite an independent review warning against it.

He used the financial struggles of Queenslanders to declare the state should also tighten its belt and issued an emphatic "no" when asked whether the pleas of high-profile Olympic and Paralympic athletes in an open letter published exclusively in The Courier-Mail would make him budge on the QSAC decision. ...
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Couriermail --> Editorial: Stadium hardly a blip in the budget $

QuotePremier Steven Miles says Queensland can't afford a new stadium, but the government is positively swimming in cash, writes the editor.

Don't believe it for a moment when Premier Steven Miles tries to liken his government's budget to your own household expenses.

Mr Miles has taken to doing just this when explaining why he thinks he cannot afford a new stadium to host the 2032 Brisbane Olympics and Paralympics (because, he says, he has to make a choice between that and schools and hospitals).

But the Miles Government is currently positively swimming in cash. Chances are your household feels pretty well the exact opposite.

To be fair, the government is facing similar cost pressures to the ones you are confronting at home. But on the revenue side, things have never looked better for a state government – quite literally. ...

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ouriermail --> 'Vital': The stadium feature in need of serious consideration $

QuoteMembers of Queensland's Olympic and Paralympic Legacy committee are anxiously waiting to hear how the government plans to deliver inclusivity requirements to Brisbane venues after the Quirk review found no stadiums could be properly accessed by those with disabilities.

The committee is slated to meet in the first week of May following months of delays with plans to immediately start developing an implementation plan based on the Elevate 2024 legacy report.

Chair of the Queensland disability and advisory council and legacy disability advocate Dr Sharon Boyce said there had been zero indication from government on how the QSAC revamp would meet accessibility requirements.

"We need to all sit in a room and work out what we need to achieve and how to get those outcomes," she said.

"It is a vital conversation. ...

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Couriermail --> Brisbane 2032: Sydney Games guru slams lack of vision over venues, calls for private sector involvement $

QuoteThe guru behind Sydney's 2000 Olympics has taken aim at the lack of vision over Brisbane's Games venue plans, pushing the politicians to partner with the private sector and take a "common sense" approach.

Speaking on 4BC, the chief executive of Sydney's successful bid, Rod McGeoch, said there was "no need to panic" – but also said key to Sydney's success was the "leadership was strong enough to keep the whole matter impartial". ...

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ABC News --> Protecting the Olympic brand was key to Coates stadiums plan for Brisbane, says Graham Quirk

QuoteJohn Coates and Graham Quirk have very different ideas on sporting venues for the 2032 Brisbane Games, but they seem to agree the ongoing debate has been "damaging".

Mr Quirk, former lord mayor of Brisbane, has revealed a conversation he had with veteran International Olympic Committee member John Coates during his review into Olympic and Paralympic venues.

The state government had commissioned Mr Quirk to cast "a fresh set of eyes" over its Olympic proposals after widespread criticism about its plan to tear down and rebuild the Gabba. ...
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Couriermail --> Li Cunxin AO calls for end to political infighting over 2032 Brisbane Olympics $

QuoteThe man who turned Queensland Ballet into an international powerhouse has called for an end to the war over the 2032 Olympics, urging politicians show courage and "think beyond the Games".

One of the state's most eminent cultural figures has declared it is "inexcusable" for politicians to have a "small vision" for Queensland's 2032 Games, urging leaders to build something "truly spectacular".

Li Cunxin AO, who as artistic director of Queensland Ballet sat on an influential committee that backed Brisbane's bid, said the state must "avoid white elephants" and embrace a long-term, legacy vision. The searing comments add another powerful voice of rejection to the current plan to invest mega-cash in Nathan's QSAC stadium. ...

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Couriermail --> Kylie Lang: Premier's small thinking no good for Qld's big picture $

QuoteSteven Miles should be ashamed of his small thinking when business heavyweights, Olympic greats and cultural visionaries can all see what's needed, writes Kylie Lang. If the big picture is beyond him, he should defer to those who get it.

Steven Miles might be proud to be a dad from the suburbs – and there's nothing wrong with that – but he should be ashamed of small thinking. And if the big picture is beyond him, then for heaven's sake defer to those who get it.

Business heavyweights, Olympic greats and cultural visionaries can all see what's needed, with the whip-smart Li Cunxin, former artistic director of Queensland Ballet, and Sydney 2000 Olympics guru Rod McGeoch the latest to call for enlightened leadership.

Mr Li tells The Courier-Mail today we need to end political fighting and build "something truly spectacular", while Mr McGeogh said on Thursday the key to Sydney's success was strong "impartial" leadership while partnering with private enterprise to help foot the bill.

Common sense abounds – except at One William Street.

Let me say this again: The Games go beyond October. They are not linked to the cost-of-living crisis. ...


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Brisbanetimes --> Why those losing faith in the Brisbane Olympics should look to LA $

QuoteThe spark of optimism ignited when Brisbane won the bid to host the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2021 has dwindled to a low-burning ember in recent weeks.

For some, Premier Steven Miles' decision not to fall in line with former Brisbane lord mayor Graham Quirk's recommendation to build a new stadium at Victoria Park has dashed hopes for a meaningful Olympics legacy and the once-in-a-lifetime chance to define the city. ...

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Sent to all outlets:

Olympic Bus Plan exposes BCC's 'Metro' Capacity Issue

6th April 2024

RAIL Back On Track members have noted the Griffith University's Cities Research Institute suggestion of extending a busway connection into the Griffith University Campus, to enable the so called ' Brisbane Metro ' electric bi-articulated bus services into the campus and service the nearby Queensland Sport and Athletics Centre (QSAC) a possible Games venue (1).

It is of course worthwhile to consider public transport improvements for Griffith University but the future of QSAC as a Games venue is still not certain. Even if QSAC is finally confirmed as the athletics venue for the Games, transport requirements will not be meet by the 'Brisbane Metro' electric bi-articulated bus services alone. The buses only carry 170 passengers in event mode, and even if there were enough to provide a 3 minute frequency this would only move a maximum of 3,400 passengers per direction per hour. Clearly inadequate to meet the transport demands of a stadium holding 50,000 or more. The 'Brisbane Metro' is not really a metro, it is bus rapid transit.  A true heavy rail metro operating at a 3 minute frequency can easily move 30,0000 plus passengers per direction per hour, ten times that of the so called 'Brisbane Metro'.

Further, these 'QSAC Metro buses' would then need to fit into the normal busway operations with the existing 'BCC Metro' buses running every 5 minutes as well as the other 100 plus buses per hour that still operate on the busway.   We cannot understand how this will physically work, let alone be an enjoyable/memorable experience for residents and visitors to the city.

For the 1982 Commonwealth Games, there were no busways.  The key transport was shuttle buses to and from Banoon and Sunnybank railway stations,  which are a few kilometres from the QEII stadium (now QSAC), and other bus routes (2).  Clearly, if QSAC is to be used, there will need to be similar shuttles and other possible bus routes to feed passengers to the stadium, apart from the ' Brisbane Metro ' electric bi-articulated bus services (3).

Lord Mayor Schrinner's suggestion that it would cost $500 million to build connections for QSAC is 'pie in the sky' nonsense.  No need.  We agree with Professor Matthew Burke " we save hundreds of million of dollars from what the lord mayor had suggested " (1).

We don't think the state would bother spending hundreds of millions of taxpayers dollars for an exclusive ' Brisbane Metro ' bus rapid transit solution for QSAC.  It will be pragmatic if QSAC is used,  and so for the two weeks of the Games shuttle buses from nearby railway stations, bus lanes can be set up, bus priority on arterial roads, and in some respects a repeat what happened in 1982. Not the best outcome in terms of the passenger experience. The State needs to plan very carefully before finally confirming QSAC as the Brisbane 2032 Games athletics venue.


1. Stadium Metro option to be considered in search for Games legacy

2. Transport Planning for the XII Commonwealth Games Brisbane 1982

3. RAIL Back On Track forum discussion thread: Queensland Sport and Athletics Centre (QSAC) - improved transport options

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track https://backontrack.org
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Olympic Bus Plan exposes BCC's 'Metro' Capacity Issue 6th April 2024 RAIL Back On Track members have noted the...

Posted by RAIL - Back On Track on Friday 5 April 2024
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Brisbanetimes --> Five Brisbane lord mayors oppose new stadium at Victoria Park $

QuoteFive former Brisbane lord mayors from opposing political parties back the Queensland government's decision not to build a $3.4 billion stadium in Victoria Park for the 2032 Olympics.

Premier Steven Miles ruled out the recommendation last month for a new stadium in the parkland, instead opting for the Queensland Sport and Athletics Centre at Nathan to host the Games' track and field competition. The decision sparked a blaze of dissent and derision.

Now the former mayors have united to call for an end to speculation and promotion of the stadium proposal ...
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Beams Road Motorway

In the 1870s, Roma Street was not the parklands it is today though.

If Suncorp is going to be used no matter what, surely it's better to only focus on the potential link through the Barracks, rather than have a whole new stadium a few hundred metres down the line.


Former Brisbane Lord Mayors band together to protect future of Victoria Park | 7 News Australia

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Are these the same Lord Mayors who delivered a driving mode share of 83% and a housing crisis?


AJ Transport

Victoria park stadium is dead. The Greens would fight park loss, as will locals. With former liberal mayors opposing it risks splitting liberals in northern Brisbane. Labor is fully backed in with QSAC. The Olympic movement wants QSAC because they can't tolerate more bad press. The Australian athletics federation wants QSAC because it will give them better training facilities.

There's no going back to rebuilding the Gabba.

Perhaps the private sector can replace the Gabba with a new stadium after the Olympics? If there is as much demand for a large events space as we've been told then private funding should be possible.


I agree Victoria Park is no longer in play.  No so sure about QSAC.  If the LNP come out and support it, well it would be locked in.  But they have this notion of conducting yet another infrastructure review should they win the election, and what they would do would not be known for 100 days post election.

Miles has said the Government will not sign any contracts for QSAC till after the election.

Maybe the LNP should be pragmatic and agree to support the present Government's plans, and get things happening.  At least the Brisbane Arena is proceeding. Suncorp stadium is fine for the opening and closing ceremonies.
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The $500 million for a metro station might not be unreasonable.

See the Gabba busway was quoted at $450 million and Stones Corner was $465 I believe ($2011).

They would probably want some sort of viaduct coming off the SEB too, going over mains Rd before exiting into Mains Rd.

Similar to the structures at RBWH. The corridor is heavily used by buses so it could be justified.

So that's what I think BCC had in mind.
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


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Quote from: #Metro on April 08, 2024, 20:31:03 PMThe $500 million for a metro station might not be unreasonable.

See the Gabba busway was quoted at $450 million and Stones Corner was $465 I believe ($2011).

They would probably want some sort of viaduct coming off the SEB too, going over mains Rd before exiting into Mains Rd.

Similar to the structures at RBWH. The corridor is heavily used by buses so it could be justified.

So that's what I think BCC had in mind.

It boggles the mind that it could cost this much. Aren't the metro vehicles just long buses? Why can't they just leave the busway exactly the way Mains Road buses (130, 140 etc) do now and then just turn right into QSAC and have a dedicate turnaround with at grade stops next to the stadium. Why would it need major civil works at all?

We just seem to make things so complicated and expensive.


QuoteIt boggles the mind that it could cost this much. Aren't the metro vehicles just long buses? Why can't they just leave the busway exactly the way Mains Road buses (130, 140 etc) do now and then just turn right into QSAC and have a dedicate turnaround with at grade stops next to the stadium. Why would it need major civil works at all?

We just seem to make things so complicated and expensive.
Because the indication is more 'legacy' infrastructure, I guess to make the project seem more worthwhile.

Yes no doubt a bus area at the station is a given.

But I think the idea is of an actual busway/metro extension, with a station at the uni, a station at QSAC and a station at QEII hospital. In which case, the busway at least needs its own road, and it would need to go on the western side of QSAC.


Quote from: Gazza on April 09, 2024, 12:35:50 PMBecause the indication is more 'legacy' infrastructure, I guess to make the project seem more worthwhile.

Yes no doubt a bus area at the station is a given.

But I think the idea is of an actual busway/metro extension, with a station at the uni, a station at QSAC and a station at QEII hospital. In which case, the busway at least needs its own road, and it would need to go on the western side of QSAC.

Wouldn't there be better long term benefit in extending the metro down Mains Road to Sunnybank Hills? This would not need much more than making the existing peak hour bus lanes apply 24 hours a day and modifying a few intersections to avoid right turns. Then a branch off this into QSAC for special events. Very low cost fixed infrastructure which would actually be very effective in serving one of the highest demand corridors in the city.


^^ There would be benefit in both, but it's probably a case of "we can either extend it down Mains Road to service that corridor (I would highly doubt such an idea would extend all the way to Sunnybank Hills - even up to Pinelands might be optimistic), or extend it westwards to service a major university and major (and expanding) hospital, but we can't do both."

I suspect the Mains Road option would require some substantial resumptions along the line for major stations at least, and have we gotten an answer yet as to whether the Metro vehicles would be able to operate along on-road bus lanes - and specifically ones which would have to be shared with general traffic in parts to allow turning into side streets.   


Brisbanetimes --> Olympic powerbroker needs to front Senate inquiry $

QuoteOther than Premier Steven Miles himself, nobody has shouldered the responsibility for the state government's bizarre decision to host the Olympic Games at a school athletics carnival venue more than John Coates.

Australia's Olympic supremo was front and centre of Miles' justification for knocking back a proposal to build a new stadium at Victoria Park, in favour of a temporary facility at the Queensland Sport and Athletics Centre at Nathan.

The Victoria Park option was the main recommendation of former lord mayor Graham Quirk, who Miles hand-picked to head a review into Brisbane 2032 Olympic venues.

The Quirk report was released early one Monday morning, just over three weeks ago. By lunchtime, Miles had kiboshed its flagship recommendation.

Agree or disagree with the decision – and my position is pretty clear – it needs to be fully understood by the Queensland public, which deserves better than Coates's refusal to answer questions before a Senate inquiry into Australia's preparedness to host the Games. ...

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Quote... The Infrastructure Minister also said the intergovernmental agreement to contribute to Olympic and Paralympic venues will need to be renegotiated after the Miles government's decision to move the Brisbane Arena away from above Roma Street station.

But Ms King insisted the $3.5 billion pledge for the Games was guaranteed.

"We've got the commitment to Brisbane Arena and we want to see that built," she said.

"We're just working our way through the business case of that which includes the moving of it from Roma Street station." ...
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Couriermail --> George Street Beat: Olympic heavy hitters won't front Senate grilling on 2032 farce $

QuoteQueensland's heaviest Olympic and Paralympic Games hitters won't front the latest Senate grilling on the state's contentious preparations for Brisbane 2032.

It has been confirmed Australian Olympics supremo John Coates - who convinced Premier Steven Miles to controversially ditch the option of a new stadium - won't front an Olympic Games preparedness Senate hearing in Brisbane on April 17.

And neither will Brisbane 2032 Organising Committee boss Andrew Liveris, with the body turning down the Senate committee's latest invitation. ...

For the inquiry into Australia's preparedness to host Commonwealth, Olympic and Paralympic Games see https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Senate/Rural_and_Regional_Affairs_and_Transport/PreparednessforGames

A broadcast will be available at https://www.aph.gov.au

State Development Director-General Graham Fraine and Transport and Main Roads DG Sally Stannard will be attending the hearing.

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Quote... Steven Miles has been busy telling punters the government has "no interest" in building new stadiums for the 2032 Games – despite the fact a few months ago his No.1 job was telling us how much we needed to knock down and rebuild the Gabba for $2.7bn.

While the Premier has a sudden case of amnesia, it appears someone forgot to tell the busy beavers currently building Cross River Rail.

Multiple signs around the brand new Woolloongabba station heavily spruik how it will link directly to a new Gabba, saying we're "getting ready for the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games and beyond" complete with an artist's impression of a brand spanking new stadium.

Whoops. Perhaps someone needs to smack a sticker of the 1982 Games at Nathan's QSAC stadium over the top? ...
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Couriermail --> Miles govt moves to establish independent Games delivery authority $

QuoteSteven Miles has set an ambitious target to appoint key players to the independent Olympics delivery body in the coming weeks, as the government moves to ease the political burden of Games decision-making.

State Development Minister Grace Grace will on Wednesday introduce legislation to set up an independent statutory body to manage the delivery of venues and legacy, with the government hoping to appoint an interim chief executive by the end of June.

The first direction for the Games Venue and Legacy Delivery Authority will be to develop a transport and mobility strategy within the first 18 months of operation.  ...

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Government Statement


Bill introduced for Independent Games Delivery Authority

17th April 2024

Minister for State Development and Infrastructure, Minister for Industrial Relations and Minister for Racing
The Honourable Grace Grace

. Miles Government delivering on promise to establish independent games delivery authority

. The Games Venue and Legacy Delivery Authority will deliver the new and upgraded venues that will be used during the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games (the Games) and beyond, and the legacy program

. Authority will be overseen by an Independent Board

. Authority due to be established mid-year including the appointment of an interim CEO, with Board recruitment to then commence

A new bill introduced to State Parliament today will establish an independent statutory body to ensure Queensland is ready to host a successful Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

The Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games Amendment Bill 2024 will see the formation of the Games Venue and Legacy Delivery Authority to deliver venues that will be used during the Games and by the community for the decades that follow, and a legacy program.

The legislation ensures the Authority's Board will be independent and have the skills and diversity required to ensure the authority performs its functions effectively and efficiently.

Establishing the Authority as a statutory body under legislation will enable it to operate at arms-length from government. It will have control over its own funds, have operational independence, operate within a flexible structure and be subject to public sector accountability regimes.

The Authority will also be immune from government election cycles and be charged to autonomously get on with the job of delivering new and upgraded infrastructure that will be used during the Games and beyond, and Games legacy projects.

Minister for State Development and Infrastructure Grace Grace introduced the Bill to the House, which honours the commitment made by Premier Steven Miles when he took office in December 2023.

An interim CEO is anticipated to be appointed once the Authority is established in mid 2024, with recruitment for the Board commencing shortly afterwards and appointments expected in September. The Board will have up to seven independent directors, including the chair, who will be recommended for appointment by a selection panel comprising chief executives of the Games Delivery Partners. The Board will recruit and appoint a CEO, after consulting with Games Delivery Partners.

As part of its role, the Authority will be legislatively required to develop a Transport and Mobility Strategy within the first 18 months of its establishment, in consultation with Games Delivery Partners.

The Bill will now be referred to a parliamentary committee which will report back next month.

Quotes attributable to Premier Steven Miles:

"Announcing the need to establish a delivery authority for the Games was among my first acts as Premier and I'm extremely pleased to see we are setting the path with the introduction of this Bill.

"As I said at the time, the Games themselves don't go for long, but the legacy for our communities will last for generations.

"But if we want to make the most of the opportunity, we need to have all the right people at the table taking a collaborative and cooperative approach.

"With an independent Board, recommended by Games Delivery Partners, to oversee the functions of the Authority, I'm highly confident we will have the best people and right model guiding the way."

Quotes attributable to Minister for State Development and Infrastructure Grace Grace:

"The establishment of the Games Venue and Legacy Delivery Authority builds on the extensive work our government has undertaken since being awarded the Games in 2021.

"We established the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games Organising Committee, signed an historic $7.1 billion investment agreement with the Commonwealth, and launched You for 2032, Australia's largest ever athlete talent identification program.

"Our Q2032 Procurement Strategy means businesses across Queensland are already getting match fit to win contracts - worth an estimated $180 billion - from our government, other suppliers, and the world market before, during, and after the Games.

"Elevate 2042, our 20-year legacy strategy, has laid the foundation for the Authority to immediately begin development on its Transport and Mobility Strategy.

"The Authority will follow a similar model to Sydney 2000 and London 2012 and will ensure we build the best value-for-money community sports infrastructure to create lasting benefits at a grassroots level.

"The Games are not just about four weeks of sport. They're about creating jobs and new industries, creating healthy lifestyles, and capitalising on the uplift in tourism and trade across the state."

Quotes attributable to the President of the Brisbane 2032 Organising Committee, Andrew Liveris:

"The Brisbane 2032 Organising Committee is supportive of an independent Games Venue and Legacy Delivery Authority to oversee planning and delivery of new and upgraded Olympic and Paralympic Games venues, supporting long-term sporting and community legacies across Brisbane and Queensland.

"Delivering an Olympic and Paralympic Games is complex and requires consistent stakeholder engagement to ensure planning is collaborative and timelines are met.

"The Games will be the biggest event in Queensland's history, and I have confidence that a Delivery Authority focused on both infrastructure and legacy will lead to positive and long-term social and economic benefits across Brisbane, Queensland, and Australia."

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Queensland Parliament Hansard


Ministerial Statements

Olympic and Paralympic Games, Delivery

Hon. SJ MILES (Murrumba—ALP) (Premier) (9.34 am): We are not only delivering a world-class
Olympic and Paralympic Games that is best value for money for Queenslanders but also delivering one
that will serve Queensland for generations to come. To ensure we are making the most of the
opportunity, we need to make sure we have the right people involved in the delivery. One of the first
things I announced as Premier was that my government would establish an independent games delivery
authority. Today we deliver on that promise with the Minister for State Development and Infrastructure
to introduce new laws to parliament to form the Games Venue and Legacy Delivery Authority.

As a statutory body, it will be independent of government and will be charged with delivering new
and upgraded infrastructure, not just for the games but for decades to come. It will follow a similar model
to Sydney 2000 and London 2012 and will ensure our infrastructure creates lasting benefits to our
communities. It is expected that the authority will be established by midyear and will feature a board of
up to seven members recommended by games delivery partners. We will ensure it delivers results
quickly with the legislation requiring the authority to develop a transport and mobility strategy within its first 18 months.
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Quote from: ozbob on April 17, 2024, 11:01:52 AMhttps://x.com/couriermail/status/1780381824486985828

In his address to the inquiry, Campbell Newman talks about using Boondall as a location for the Olympic Stadium

This is something I've been considering myself over the last few days, and I think it would actually have some merit.

- Level site
- Train station
- close to M1 (for freight access)
- northside (close to athletes village)
- With Brisbane LIVE being built, that will replace BEC's role as an entertainment centre long term, so you could potentially use the BEC site and lose next to no parking. but I don't think you'd even need to level it
- instead, build the Olympic Stadium over the south east carparks. Keep BEC as legacy community infrastructure, use during the games for Basketball/handball/whatever (drop in pool anyone?)
- if people are concerned over loss of parking (which they shouldn't be), you could just turn one of the other carparks into a multi storey
- if people are concerned about capacity of Boondall train station, you could add some extra platforms for terminating services, without too much hassle. There is ample room to the east of the statuon, just reconfigure the surrounding roads and station layout to prevent flat junctions
- if capacity on the Shorncliffe line is a concern, duplication to Shorncliffe should be addressed (EASY), and maybe grade SEP Northgate junction (hard, but not sure if necessary)
- Opportunity to rezone some of the houses to the west of Boondall station to mixed use to create a TOD and some dining/rec opportunities after events

Ultimately I think you could build at Boondall for way cheaper than Vic Park considering the easier terrain. Already has a train station AND another Games venue, and results in no loss of green space. I see this as a bit of a win


^ You'd need to lose some green space in order to do it properly. I don't really see that as an issue though - the BEC carparks have already sliced it up.

BEC is cut from the same cloth as QSAC, and while Boondall is better because it has a train station the challenges otherwise are similar. A stadium dropped in the forest in the suburbs is not a destination, no matter how nice it sounds on paper. You have to actually build something there (a la Homebush).


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Couriermail --> Analysis: Four words that laid bare state's shambolic Games 'preparation' $

Quote"Nothing has been done" – with those four words, Senator Bridget McKenzie summed up the feelings of a state that has been promised so much but seen so little delivered since it proudly won its bid to host the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Over nine hours of hearings, a federal inquiry found little evidence that Brisbane is on the right track.

What we did hear was concerning evidence into the actions of Premier Steven Miles – who went behind the back of his independent venues reviewer Graham Quirk. ...

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