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Sunshine Coast - transport improvements

Started by ozbob, March 21, 2023, 09:34:42 AM

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On behalf of RBoT, I spoke to Ch7 Sunshine Coast today about Sunshine Coast Mass Transit which has now been narrowed down to two options, Bus Rapid Transit or Light Rail.


I think they need both. Either a route with LRT but with BRT as a ramp up or stop gap measure. Or LRT fed by BRT feeders.
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


Quote from: Fares_Fair on November 02, 2023, 11:45:48 AMOn behalf of RBoT, I spoke to Ch7 Sunshine Coast today about Sunshine Coast Mass Transit which has now been narrowed down to two options, Bus Rapid Transit or Light Rail.
What did you say?


It is a bit annoying how the route will have to dogleg into Birtinya/Kawana but there's no avoiding it - preferable to have this than having to have a branch and ending up with separate routes.
Ride the G:


Sunshine Coast News --> Summary gives insight to public feedback over Sunshine Coast Major Projects

QuoteThe state government has released a snapshot of community feedback it received regarding four major projects on the Sunshine Coast.

The Department of Transport and Main Roads undertook consultation between July 19 and August 20 on the Direct Sunshine Coast Rail Line, Sunshine Coast Public Transport, Kawana Motorway and Mooloolah River Interchange Upgrade.

Now TMR has released the Sunshine Coast Major Projects Consultation and Engagement Insights Summary, which reveals 1660 contributions were made during the consultation period. ...

Sunshine Coast Major Projects Consultation and engagement insights summary
October 2023

> https://hdp-au-prod-app-qldtmr-yoursay-files.s3.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/9516/9870/9382/23_0028Q_SC_Major_Proj_Cons_Report_FA_WEB.pdf
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... and they will change nothing or minor fiddles here and there.  The Motorway feedback is damning but it will go ahead.  They have used a poor and dangerous current MRI to justify an utterly over engineered replacement.  Induced Demand? What Induced Demand???


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Sunshine Coast News --> Funding for two projects cut by federal govt, but heavy rail planning continues

QuoteTwo planned Sunshine Coast infrastructure projects have had their funding axed, while the future of the Direct Sunshine Coast Rail Line remains up in the air, after the federal government revealed the outcome of its infrastructure spending review.

The Mooloolah River Interchange Upgrade and Nicklin Way-Third Avenue Connection at Caloundra have had their federal funding pulled entirely and their future is unclear.

"The review process found that there are projects that do not demonstrate merit, lack any national strategic rationale and do not meet the Australian Government's national investment priorities," the review's final report says.

"In many cases, these projects are also at high risk of further cost pressures and/or delays." ...
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Nicklin Way - Third Avenue Connection is a good local project, bu there is no rationale for the fedral government to get involved in its funding. It is a 'congestion busting' project, not a 'nation building' project. The local state MP might have to lobby harder with Minister Bailey to keep this project 'live' for the Caloundra electorate.

Caloundra will get a passenger rail service, with the help of the feds, to the town and electorate has not been abandoned.

As to the Mooloolah River Interchange ... a dog's breakfast of lack of thinking and uncoordinated road upgrades and patches on patches, with a good bit of population growth thrown in resulted in a spaghetti junction solution that sprung to the fore because a good bit of federal funding would go towards what was a state government's solution to find. A big mess is not a grand solution in the making.

There are other more important national projects to be funded around the country (the feds don't just have a state perspective).


Sunshine Coast News --> Business survey reveals transport infrastructure is barrier to growth ahead of council elections

QuoteSunshine Coast business leaders say the region's next mayor will need to address a lack of transport infrastructure to avoid a growth gridlock.

The Caloundra Chamber of Commerce's Regional Competitiveness Survey revealed Sunshine Coast employers and potential employees identified a lack of transport infrastructure as a key barrier to their growth. ...
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Sunshine Coast News --> 'We need improvements urgently': community's bridge concerns taken to minister

QuoteCommunity concerns about the state of a local railway bridge are set to be aired with Queensland's Transport Minister.

Noosa Council will seek a meeting with Bart Mellish, the newly appointed Minister for Transport and Main Roads, to discuss the Cooroy railway overpass.

Mayor Clare Stewart said councillors regularly received phone calls and emails from residents worried about the condition of the state-controlled thoroughfare.

"We know it's an issue for our community and while we were hopeful the recent repairs – carried out by the state with overnight lane closures – would improve the road, unfortunately the potholes are already opening back up," she said.

Cr Stewart said the situation had become more urgent with the state's plan to upgrade the Lake Macdonald Dam.

"Such a major infrastructure project will place significant construction traffic impacts on the Cooroy road network, further compounding the current traffic issues along this key corridor, which the state is responsible for, so we need improvements to this road urgently," she said.

The mayor has written to Mr Mellish seeking improvements to the bridge and a meeting to discuss residents' concerns in detail. ...
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Sunshine Coast News --> Major interchange project in serious doubt after another setback

QuotePlans for a significant interchange upgrade in the heart of the Sunshine Coast have been cast into further doubt, after the state government confirmed it will cost more than twice as much as expected.

The Sunshine Motorway, Mooloolah River Interchange Upgrade (Stage 1) is expected to have a price tag of almost $750 million instead of $320 million.

Plans for the project have been plagued by troubles for months. ...
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Quote from: ozbob on February 12, 2024, 11:10:34 AMSunshine Coast News --> Major interchange project in serious doubt after another setback

QuotePlans for a significant interchange upgrade in the heart of the Sunshine Coast have been cast into further doubt, after the state government confirmed it will cost more than twice as much as expected.

The Sunshine Motorway, Mooloolah River Interchange Upgrade (Stage 1) is expected to have a price tag of almost $750 million instead of $320 million.

Plans for the project have been plagued by troubles for months. ...

Good riddance and don't come back.  Best news!!


Quote from: ozbob on February 12, 2024, 11:10:34 AMSunshine Coast News --> Major interchange project in serious doubt after another setback

QuotePlans for a significant interchange upgrade in the heart of the Sunshine Coast have been cast into further doubt, after the state government confirmed it will cost more than twice as much as expected.

The Sunshine Motorway, Mooloolah River Interchange Upgrade (Stage 1) is expected to have a price tag of almost $750 million instead of $320 million.

Plans for the project have been plagued by troubles for months. ...

Wow, how can an interchange cost close to a billion dollars? If this is true, it's going to put basic busway and bus lane construction out of reach, as well as other transport projects.


Quote from: verbatim9 on February 12, 2024, 18:24:23 PM
Quote from: ozbob on February 12, 2024, 11:10:34 AMSunshine Coast News --> Major interchange project in serious doubt after another setback

QuotePlans for a significant interchange upgrade in the heart of the Sunshine Coast have been cast into further doubt, after the state government confirmed it will cost more than twice as much as expected.

The Sunshine Motorway, Mooloolah River Interchange Upgrade (Stage 1) is expected to have a price tag of almost $750 million instead of $320 million.

Plans for the project have been plagued by troubles for months. ...

Wow, how can an interchange cost close to a billion dollars? If this is true, it's going to put basic busway and bus lane construction out of reach, as well as other transport projects.

This isnt a mere interchange. It's a monstrosity. Extremely overdesigned for ludicrous levels of traffic which are only expected because there is little to no alternative.


When another level of government (the feds) is on the hook to pick up 'half the cost', you pile a whole lot of design elements in that the state normally would be liable for 100 per cent of the cost -- for no other reason than the state can defray 50 per cent of its costs to Canberra.

The Brisbane Live fizzer is a case where the feds would pay 100 per cent of the costs, except that it is a mirage.

The state government needs to look to more realistic options, even if Queensland picks up the tab. Taxpayers would be better off.

What's the bet some bean counter has been tasked to identify that portion of the  MRI that can be attributed to the DSCL, with a part of the MRI duckshoved to that budget (to which the feds are still contibuting).


It was an obscene project.  All that is needed is connecting the East-west to the north-south freeways and a simple traditional interchange to Niklin Way!!

Traffic evaporation project in the making.


Queensland Parliament Questions on Notice


Question on Notice
No. 160
Asked on 6 March 2024



With reference to the Mooloolah River Interchange—
Will the Minister advise (a) changes made to the design of the project since the business case
was completed and lodged with Infrastructure Australia at a P90 level, (b) the cost forecast for
land acquisition as contained in the project business case and the current budget for land
acquisition, (c) the construction cost as contained in the project business case and the current
forecast construction cost and (d) how the department plans to address growing traffic congestion
should this project not proceed?


I thank the Member for Maroochydore for the question.

I refer the Member to the Question on Notice 114, tabled on 18 March 2024.
On 22 December 2023, I announced a revised indicative total cost of $743.6 million for the
Mooloolah River Interchange (MRI) Upgrade project – as part of the Queensland Government's
renewed plan for transparency with Queenslanders.

It is acknowledged that since preparation of the project's business case and cost estimate in
2020, significant labour and materials cost escalations and unprecedented property market
conditions in the Sunshine Coast region have impacted the project budget.

Additionally, detailed site investigations conducted during the project's design phase identified
technical refinements were required. Changes in road, bridge and rail standards since the
finalisation of the MRI Upgrade business case have further contributed to the cost escalation.

Collaboration with interfacing projects, such as the Direct Sunshine Coast Rail Line, has also
been undertaken to ensure the project aligns with the broader multi-modal network solution
desired by the community.

As I have stated publicly, the challenge to deliver this project has been significantly compounded
by the outcomes of the Australian Government's Independent Strategic Review of the
Infrastructure Investment Program, announced in November last year, which has seen the
Australian Government cancel funding for the project. Without federal support, the MRI simply
cannot be delivered.

The Miles Government is delivering its eighth record transport and roads infrastructure program
in a row, as detailed in the Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program 2023–24 to
2026–27, which outlines $32.1 billion in investment over the next four years and is estimated to
support an average of 25,200 direct jobs over the life of the program. Of this, $3.147 billion is
committed across the Department of Transport and Main Roads' North Coast Region, estimated
to support an average of 2460 direct jobs over the life of the program.
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Queensland Parliament Questions on Notice


Question on Notice
No. 205
Asked on 7 March 2024



Will the Minister apologise to the hundreds of Sunshine Coast residents who have lost their
homes or who are going through a process of selling their homes to the State considering the
Labor State Government has now cut the vital Mooloolah River Interchange Project?


I reject the premise of the Member's question.

The Sunshine Motorway, Mooloolah River Interchange Upgrade remains a priority for the
Queensland Government and design work is progressing. Following the Australian Government's
decision to withdraw its share of the committed funding, the Department of Transport and Main
Roads is investigating impacts, alternatives and funding options.
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Queensland Parliament


Question on Notice
No. 401
Asked on 17 April 2024



With reference to the 2022 Infrastructure Australia's evaluation report on the Mooloolah River
Interchange (MRI) project which said this area had a 'high risk' crash rating and that congestion
and safety related issues were valued at $76m per annum (in 2022) and without intervention were
anticipated to grow to $220m by 2031 and $401m by 2041—
Will the Minister advise, in light of the State Government's cancellation of the project after the
Federal Government withdrew their funding contribution on the basis of cost blowouts (a) what is
being done to address the cost of safety and congestion identified in this report at this location
and (b) when will this occur?


I thank the Member for Maroochydore for the question.

As previously advised in answer to Question on Notice 306 tabled on 19 April 2024, the
Sunshine Motorway, Mooloolah River Interchange Upgrade project remains a priority for the
Queensland Government and design work is progressing.

(a) In response to the Australian Government's withdrawal of funding, the Department of
Transport and Main Roads (TMR) is actively undertaking assessments to identify viable
solutions and alternative funding strategies to address the safety and congestion concerns
highlighted at this location. The aim is to develop a responsive plan that aligns with the
financial constraints while retaining the core objectives of the project.

(b) These assessments are instrumental in shaping future actions and will inform the timeframe
for addressing the identified issues. TMR is dedicated to managing these developments
and will provide updates on the progression and scheduling of solutions as more information
becomes available and the assessments conclude.

The Miles Government is delivering its eighth record transport and roads infrastructure program
in a row, as detailed in the Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program 2023–24 to
2026–27, which outlines $32.1 billion in investment over the next four years and is estimated to
support an average of 25,200 direct jobs over the life of the program. Of this, $3.147 billion is
committed across TMR's North Coast Region, estimated to support an average of 2460 direct
jobs over the life of the program.
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LNP: "We are better at doing the wrong thing than the ALP"

ALP: " We stand behind our track record of being better at doing the wrong thing"


Sunshine Coast News --> Review of e-transport trial underway: locals urged to have their say

QuoteLocals can now have their say on whether e-transport is suited to the Sunshine Coast, before an 18-month trial comes to an end.

Sunshine Coast Council is exploring whether permanent electric scooter and bike hire services could be further utilised in busy areas.

A trial, with Neuron Mobility, is providing people with opportunities to test e-scooter and e-bike hire services. ...

Sunshine Coast e-bike and e-scooter trial > https://haveyoursay.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/sunshine-coast-e-bike-and-e-scooter-trial
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Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Sunshine Coast News --> Key words cut from correspondence amid uncertain future for interchange

QuoteA Sunshine Coast politician has scolded the Department of Transport and Main Roads for removing references to safety and congestion from a letter about a neglected intersection.

Member for Maroochydore Fiona Simpson highlighted the "doctoring" of a message to her regarding the Mooloolah River Interchange Upgrade.

A Right to Information search revealed the government made several changes to the correspondence before it was eventually sent to Ms Simpson, including the removal of key words 'safety', 'congestion', and 'priority'.

But a TMR spokesperson has told Sunshine Coast News the junction remains a "priority" and officials were investigating alternatives and funding options "to address safety and congestion concerns at the interchange". ...
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Record of Agenda -
Monday 11 March 2019 meeting with Minister Mark Bailey MP and the Director_General of TMR Neil Scales.

The Honourable Mark Bailey MP
Member for Miller
Minister for Transport and Main Roads

Monday 11th March 2019 Ministerial Meeting 4:30pm
Sunshine Coast Transport Agenda

North Coast Line Rail Duplication (17km Beerburrum to Landsborough and works north of Landsborough)
Funding for this $780m project is $230m short (30%). Will construction start this 2019/20 financial year?

Long haul rail commuters: 20Mb insufficient.
Businessmen say it prevents them making effective use of the time on their long commute.
May I suggest 120Mb limit for Nambour to Brisbane commuters (i.e. 1Mb/minute of travel).

Significant communication blackspots occur between Caboolture and Palmwoods railway stations.
Could Queensland look into seeking Federal funding (Round 4 has just closed) to eliminate these?

Palmwoods Bus Services
Woombye Population    3,246*    42 services per day:    610, 636 and 638 Loop Bus
Palmwoods Population    5,676*    4 services per day:    638 Loop Bus
May I suggest a trial bus service from Palmwoods to Woombye to meet the 30min. daily / 60min. weekend buses?

9 Extra Trains promised for the Sunshine Coast for October 2016
When will the Sunshine Coast get the nine extra services (4 southbound, 5 northbound) it was promised for when the Redcliffe Peninsula Line was opened in October 2016?
Ref: https://www.sunshinecoastdaily.com.au/news/ghost-trains-no-clues-about-missing-new-trains/3564895/
Ref: https://www.sunshinecoastdaily.com.au/news/trains-to-run-every-hour-govt-reveals/2630998/
Weekday bus connections at Landsborough railway station to meet trains
605 Bus arrives Landsborough:    No connections 3 GAPS, 6:20, 6:45, GAP, 7:22, 8:41
615 Bus arrives Landsborough:    No connections 2 GAPS, 5:45, 6:16, 6:40, 6:56, 7:17, 7:44

Trains depart Landsborough:    5:00, 5:29, 5:54, 6:24, 6:48, 7:06, 7:27
Sunday bus connections at Landsborough railway station to meet trains
605 bus arrives Landsborough: 7:27, GAP, 10:26,  11:56, GAP, 14:56, 16:26, 17:56, 19:31, GAP
615 bus arrives Landsborough: 7:11, 8:41, 10:01, 11:41, 13:11, 14:31, 16:11, 17:41, 19:11, 20:41

Trains depart Landsborough: 8:06, 9:35, 11:06, 12:36, 14:06, 15:36, 17:06, 18:36, 20:06, 21:36

Sunday train connections at Landsborough railway station to meet buses
Trains arrive Landsborough: 8:28, 9:58, 11:28, 12:58, 14:28, 15:58, 17:28, 18:58, 20:28, 21:58

605 bus departs Landsborough: 8:33, GAP, 11:33, 13:03, GAP, 16:03, 17:33, 19:03, 20:33, 22:03
615 bus departs Landsborough: 8:33, GAP, 11:33, 13:03, 14:33, 16:03, 17:33, 19:03, 20:33, 22:03

Smarter Commuter Ticketing Options
Under the next generation ticketing system, regular commuters are asking for discounted Weekly, Monthly, Three-monthly, Six-monthly and Yearly tickets like we used to have before the Go card. Other state authorities allow variation/customisation of discount tickets e.g. 3 days per week over a year etc. for part time workers.

Gympie North Rail Shuttle Services
Can we please provide shuttle trains between Nambour & Gympie North to connect with Nambour trains?
I requested this in a 3rd February 2016 meeting with the Hon Stirling Hinchliffe MP, member for Sandgate.
Gympie – Yandina is currently serviced by 2 trains per day (each way).
Their last new (mid-day) service was added 8 years ago, in June 2011.
Only services northbound from Nambour are at 11:26am and 7:34pm
Only services southbound from Gympie North are at 5:56am and 1:24pm
In past 2 years: 414 delays over ~730 days = 414/730 = ~57% chance of a delay on a given day.
32% of those delays are due to rollingstock issues.
SUGGEST: Depart Gympie North (southbound) 5:30am, 8:30am, 11:30am, 2:30pm and 5:30pm.
SUGGEST: Depart Nambour (northbound) 7:00am, 10:00am, 1:00pm, 4:00pm and 7:00pm.

Nambour has a population of 17,500, but the prediction is this will grow by 5845 (34% growth) to reach 23,150 by 2026. A School of Creative Music will inhabit the Council Chambers once staff are relocated to the new Maroochydore Town Centre in about 2-3 years' time. Hundreds of students will train there. Nambour also is the location of a large TAFE campus and the Nambour Railway Station is the terminus of buses taking students to the University of the Sunshine Coast Campus at Sippy Downs.
Nambour is the service town for the Blackall Range towns of Flaxton, Mapleton and Montville. These towns' populations (excluding Maleny, which has Caloundra as its' main centre) would be of the order of 5000.
Yandina-Traveston:  Together, these hinterland towns have a population of 28,000, but the influx of people swells on Wednesdays and Saturdays when the Eumundi Markets are held and when the Yandina Markets attract large crowds. Noosa Council has agreed to plan for an extra 10,000 people under the SEQ Plan, with about 7000 of those being accommodated in infill residential housing around Cooroy and Pomona.  (Population planning figure is 35,000).
Gympie: Population 22,000, with a population growth above the state average.  The total population in Gympie Regional Council area, including the Mary Valley and Tin Can Bay / Rainbow Beach is 50,000.
It should be noted that Gympie has a campus of the University of the Sunshine Coast in recognition of the lack of connectivity between its Gympie and Sippy Downs campuses, it subsidises the operation of four return bus services a day (Gympie - Sippy Downs), via Cooroy and Pomona.
Ballpark figure: Adding in the populations of Nambour and Gympie, overall, a population of more than 85,000, with the Nambour population taken out of the equation - more than 62,000 in 2026.
Additional info: Gympie Regional Council's total population (including outlying areas) will be 67,373 in 2031

$1.16b AMT offer to build Mag-Lev Train from Maroochydore to Beerwah via CAMCOS Corridor
AMT (American Mag-Lev Technology Co.) have offered to build, at NO capital cost to the State Gov't, an elevated rail service along the CAMCOS corridor, utilising proven technology. It made application under a MLP (Market Led Proposal) in December 2015 and has struggled to get approval to proceed to Stage 2. The company has offered to profit share if the business exceeds their expectations. The company have offered to prepare a business case at a cost of around $5m if their proposal made it to stage 2. It would integrate entirely within the TRANSLink pay per service/Go Card system. Construction of the 40km would take 2 years. It would link Maroochydore, Mooloolaba, Sunshine Coast University, Sunshine Coast University Hospital, Caloundra, Caloundra South, Aura and Beerwah.
It utilises solar panels on vehicles and at Mag-Lev stations. It operates with near zero noise, near zero emissions and consumes 60-70% less energy than comparable rail systems.
It is around 50% cheaper to build than light-rail.
Why would the State not consider or encourage this generous offer which poses no risk to the State?

I would like to thank you Minister for the opportunity to present these issues for your consideration and response.

Source: * Australian Bureau of Statistics 2016 Census QuickStats
      New subdivisions in Palmwoods in 2018 and 2019 are increasing its total.

Ministerial response correspondence to follow.


Correspondence received 31 May 2019 from Transport Minister Mark Bailey MP, Member for Miller.

Dear Mr Addison

Thank you for attending Governing from the Regions on the Sunshine Coast and meeting with me
on 11 March 2019 to discuss public transport. I appreciate the time you have taken to detail your
concerns and suggestions. The following information responds to the enquiries you raised.

Since our meeting the Palaszczuk Government has announced up to $7.5 million to develop a joint
Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) and Sunshine Coast Council (SCC) business
case for the first stage of an integrated urban public transport solution for the Coast. The study will
consider priority routes, preferred modes and costs, for public transport to meet the travelling
needs of people living on the Sunshine Coast.

The business case will be informed by current passenger transport planning being undertaken by
both TMR and SCC and will consider rail, light rail and bus solutions.

In relation to the Beerburrum to Nambour Rail Upgrade Project, the LNP Federal Government has
failed to deliver for the Sunshine Coast. While Victoria is getting more than $27 billion in roads and
rail infrastructure investment, the LNP is underfunding the Sunshine Coast by $250 million. They
are funding rail projects in Victoria on an 80/20 basis but have refused the same deal for the
Beerburrum to Nambour project.

Even though the Federal LNP is taking the Sunshine Coast for granted, there has been no delay
by the Queensland Government, with design already well underway. The Queensland Government
will continue to lobby the Australian Government to get Queensland's fair share of funding for this
project. However, if Federal funding commitments are not increased to a fair share, we will need to
look at staging delivery of the project.

I would also strongly encourage advocates such as yourself to raise the issue with your Federal
Government representative.

In relation to specific project plans, TMR will update the project webpage as information becomes
available. In the meantime, TMR is working closely with impacted property owners, and queries
can be emailed at B2N@tmr.qld.gov.au or telephone on 5451 7055. Details will be published on
the project webpage which is available by visiting www.tmr.qld.gov.au by clicking on (1) 'Projects',
(2) 'Projects by name' - 'B' and (3) 'Beerburrum to Nambour Rail Upgrade Project'.

I am advised that to ensure Queensland Rail's free Wi-fi service runs smoothly and fairly for all
customers, each customer is allocated a limit of 20mb data usage per session.

There is limited bandwidth available from trains and this data limit gives each customer a fair
usage capacity. Queensland Rail has also limited access to websites that either require large
capacity of bandwidth or that contains material that could be regarded as inappropriate.


On occasion, websites with heavy image content or customers who have background applications
running. for example, emails are downloading at the same time, can use the data limit quickly.
The current complimentary offering can assist customers with using the service to access
information for a short session during their journey, for example, checking details of their service.
Queensland Rail regrets to advise that Wi-Fi data usage limit will not be increasing at this time.

With regard to your comments about black spots of communication, the Australian Government is
improving mobile phone coverage and competition in regional and remote Australia through the
Mobile Black Spot Program. For more information regarding this, please refer to the Australian
Government's Department of Communications and the Arts website at

In relation to a trial bus service from Palmwoods to Woombye, the current level of service to
Palmwoods is commensurate with demand noting the 638 service receives on average, seven
boardings per week day. Palmwoods residents travelling to Woombye and Nambour have access
to direct rail services which make bus travel in this corridor less attractive.

I acknowledge that Woombye with a lower population does have a higher level of service,
however, this is because Woombye can be efficiently serviced by the 610 and 636 services due to
the relatively short diversion required by these routes from the Nambour Connection Road.

As a result, TMR is not considering a trial bus service from Palmwoods to Woombye at this time.

With regard to extra trains for the Sunshine Coast, Queensland Rail currently has a high focus on
increasing train crew numbers following the Queensland Rail train crewing practices commission
inquiry. These efforts currently focus on returning service to the overall Citytrain network. On 13
May 2019, 32 new train services commenced adding 14,000 seats to South East Queensland's ra

Once we have returned to a full service timetable we would consider future service upgrades whe
our capacity increases.

The New Generation Rollingstock project has delivered significant additional vehicle capacity into
our fleet, however, while Queensland Rail works to recover the Citytrain network, we are unable to
currently commit their limited resources to providing any additional increase to service levels on th
Sunshine Coast.

In relation to weekday bus connections at Landsborough station to meet trains, TMR operates a
large and complex inter-linked network and seeks to design an efficient system that transport
customers throughout the network. However, it is not possible to connect to all rail services due to
the significant levels of investment that would be required to deliver this outcome. Therefore, som
journeys need to be planned based on availability of connections to a customer's final destination.

In relation to ticketing, revenue from fares falls short of the funding requirements to provide public
transport services, with the Palaszczuk Government subsidising around 80 per cent of public
transport costs.

TransLink currently offers a range of discounts and incentives for customers travelling on public
transport including 30 per cent discounts when using go card, 20 per cent discounts when
travelling in off-peak, and the '8 and 50 per cent' frequent user scheme which provides half price
travel after eight paid journeys in a week. This is in addition to a range of concessions to improve
affordability and connectivity for some of our most vulnerable customers.


The government is focused on improving affordability for customers and in late 2016, implemented
the Fairer Fares Program which, among other factors, included a reduction in zones and fares
resulting in most customers travelling further for less. In addition to this, sustainable CPI-based
annual fare adjustments mean fares continue to be lower than 2014 levels.

In relation to introducing shuttle trains between Nambour and Gympie North to connect with
Nambour trains, the Sunshine Coast line north of Nambour offers a number of challenges to
operate increased levels of Citytrain service.
The operation of multiple service types through this section of the network (intermodal freight and
long-distance Queensland Rail Travel services) puts additional constraint on operations.
Even a limited frequency shuttle service such as you suggested, requires sufficient platform time
(approximately 30 minutes under the nominated service times) at Nambour and Gympie North
stations to change vehicle ends and meet other train crew relief requirements. Both stations only
have one platform that is suitable for this purpose, which is also required by travel services
operating in both directions on timetables that vary by day, and heavily relied upon to support peak
operations in morning and afternoon periods.

Adding in crossing and overtaking requirements for freight services, which can often be time critical
due to carrying refrigerated or dangerous goods, means that provision of any additional service on
this line would require significant timetable overhaul and negotiation with several businesses.

As a result, and given the low expected demand for such a service, there are no plans to introduce
a Gympie North rail shuttle at this time.

In relation to the American Maglev Technology (AMT) proposal, the Queensland Government does
not disclose details of commercial proposals being considered. However, I can confirm that recent
media reports regarding a private proposal to deliver a Maglev public transport solution on the
Sunshine Coast at no cost to government, does not accurately reflect the proposal or the
govemment's assessment process.

Based on the current proposal, there is no compelling argument to warrant government negotiating
with AMT directly or to justify the Maglev project being funded ahead of other government

AMT has been offered assistance from government, through the provision of relevant information
on public transport operations in the Sunshine Coast region, to continue to develop its business
case at its own cost. This offer is consistent with assistance provided to other entities currently
progressing transport projects in the area. At this time, AMT has not taken up this offer, however
this offer is still available, should AMT wish to progress its proposal further.

I trust this information is of assistance.

Yours sincerely

Minister for Transport and Main Roads




QuoteAMT (American Mag-Lev Technology Co.) have offered to build, at NO capital cost to the State Gov't, an elevated rail service along the CAMCOS corridor, utilising proven technology.
Which AMT built systems are up and running in regular revenue service?


Queensland Parliament


Question on Notice
No. 472
Asked on 30 April 2024



With reference to the cancellation of funding for the Mooloolah River Interchange (MRI) project,
which included new Mooloolah River crossings—
Will the Minister advise what impact this has upon the $15m Sunshine Coast Public Transport
Project Business Case investigating public transport options to link the hospital at Birtinya to
Maroochydore CBD?


I thank the Member for Maroochydore for the question.

As previously advised in my answers to Questions on Notice 205, 306 and 401—tabled on 8 April
2024, 19 April 2024 and 17 May 2024 respectively—the Sunshine Motorway, Mooloolah River
Interchange (MRI) Upgrade project remains a priority for the Queensland Government and design
work is progressing.

Following the Australian Government's decision to withdraw its share of the committed funding,
the Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) is unable to deliver the project at this time.
However, TMR is investigating impacts, alternatives and funding options. Close collaboration with
interfacing projects, such as Sunshine Coast Public Transport (SCPT) and Direct Sunshine Coast
Rail Line, is also being undertaken to ensure the projects align with the broader multi-modal
network solution desired by the community.

As part of this, improving public transport on the Sunshine Coast is a key focus for the
Queensland Government and will help ease congestion and improve the efficiency of the broader
transport network.

TMR is working through the detailed business case for an integrated urban public transport
solution which builds on work completed by Sunshine Coast Regional Council. The change
relating to funding for the MRI upgrade does not impact the delivery of the detailed business case
for the SCPT project.

The Miles Government is delivering its eighth record transport and roads infrastructure program
in a row, as detailed in the Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program 2023–24 to
2026–27, which outlines $32.1 billion in investment over the next four years and is estimated to
support an average of 25,200 direct jobs over the life of the program. Of this, $3.147 billion is
committed across TMR's North Coast Region, estimated to support an average of 2460 direct
jobs over the life of the program.
Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Sunshine Coast Council lobbies State Government for improved transport services.


State Cabinet meeting in Caloundra on 7 August.


Sunshine Coast News --> Council calls on parties to prioritise region's transport, innovation and housing

QuoteThe Sunshine Coast mayor has called on Queensland parties to pledge their support to the rapidly-growing region ahead of the state election.

Mayor Rosanna Natoli has urged candidates to support the local council in efforts to address the needs of the area.

She wants commitments for more efficient, accessible and reliable public transport, easing of traffic congestion, investment in innovation and social housing support. ...
Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Couriermail --> Noosa Council's evaluation on parking trial suggests enforcement measures, car park boom gates $

QuoteAn evaluation into the Noosa Council's holiday parking trial has recommended "enforcement measures" and boom gates be installed to ease traffic chaos during peak season.

The Car Park Tech Trial involved eight signs, positioned on the main roads into the Noosa Heads precinct, informing drivers on the vacancy levels in each of the popular car parks, including Main Beach and The Woods.

The signs were operational for 38 days, from December 9 to January 21, and aimed to reduce the number of drivers circulating full car parks creating high levels of congestion.

The trial did not involve paid parking. ...

Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Quote from: CourierMailThe trial did not involve paid parking.

Trial paid parking then perhaps?  :is-
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.

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