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Labor’s review into the $120bn infrastructure pipeline.

Started by ozbob, May 05, 2023, 23:41:30 PM

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Couriermail --> Fears congestion-busting Qld projects could be delayed or cut $

QuoteAs many as 130 major infrastructure projects across Queensland, including highway upgrades, the Sunshine Coast Rail and Rockhampton ring road could face the chop.

More than 130 Queensland projects worth a combined $15bn – including the long-delayed Sunshine Coast Rail – will be in the crosshairs as part of Labor's review into the $120bn infrastructure pipeline.

There are fears congestion-busting projects could be delayed or cut as part of the process, risking gridlock during the Brisbane 2032 Olympics and damaging the nation's reputation.

Infrastructure Minister Catherine King, who announced the 90-day independent review on Monday, was quick to stress there was no target for the number or dollar value of projects to be cut. ...
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News.com.au --> Hundreds of Coalition government's infrastructure projects under scrutiny in new review

QuoteProjects big and small will be probed, and some potentially scrapped, as part of a 90-day independent review announced by Infrastructure Minister Catherine King.

The 10-year, $120bn infrastructure pipeline has blown out from 150 projects in 2013 to nearly 800, including many "press release projects" announced by subsequent Coalition governments without adequate funding.

With Australia's core inflation rate now sitting higher than any G7 country, and infrastructure projects routinely suffering cost blowouts, the Prime Minister said his government was committed to being a party of nation building. ...
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The Hon Catherine King MP
Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government


Transcript - radio interview - ABC Gippsland (Sale), Breakfast with Mim Hook
Tuesday 02 May 2023

MIM HOOK [HOST]: Let's bring Catherine King, Minister for Infrastructure for the federal government, into the conversation. We're speaking today, you're on ABC Gippsland with Mim at 17 minutes past 7 about the infrastructure review that's been announced by the federal government. Good morning, Catherine King.

CATHERINE KING [MINISTER]: Good morning. Good to be with you.

MIM HOOK: Now, our local member here, Mr Darren Chester, has said that he's tried to contact your office. He's written you six letters without response and the content of those letters was wondering about this $60m for Princes Highway upgrade in Gippsland. Are you ready to give a response now, Catherine?

CATHERINE KING: Sure. Well, I actually have responded to Darren, so I'm not sure where those letters have gone astray, but I have signed letters, I've seen them across my desk and I've signed them. So, we'll chase that up for him today. And he's also, I run clinics every Wednesday of sitting weeks and Darren's welcome and has come to one of those. He's welcome to come to any single one of those. I make myself available to National Party members, Liberal Party members, crossbenchers and Labor Party members every second Wednesday of sitting weeks. So, I sit there with my department secretary and we go through that. So, Darren's always welcome and the door is open for that and we'll chase down where those letters are. But really, what is identified is actually part of the problem that I am dealing with, these sort of unallocated buckets that were largely given to Liberal and National Party seats to say, "right, you can have some money for these particular projects". State government, 80 per cent funded by the Commonwealth often. State governments reluctant to put their hands in their pockets as well on some of the projects and they've been sitting in the budget for often years and are simply unable to be delivered, or by the time we get the actual bill from the state governments who are of course responsible for building these, they are often triple the amount of money that's been allocated.

And the problem I've got is that we've got $120bn 10 year rolling pipeline that has been actually over promised and underfunded. And in order to actually deliver projects, I've got to be able to create headroom in order to actually find the extra money needed to build these projects, but also get rid of some of those projects that are simply never going to be delivered. Now, I'm not particularly targeting small or large projects. What I am saying is that from the Commonwealth's point of view, we've got to be able to look at what are those nation building projects that the Commonwealth needs to be responsible for; keeping our freight moving across the country, making sure our freight rail network is upgraded properly, making sure we can get goods and services to the regions and from the regions into our ports and out into the international market. I've got to make sure that the roads between our great capital cities and our great regions are safe and our rail networks are available -

MIM HOOK: Would include the $60m for the Princes Highway upgrade in Gippsland.

CATHERINE KING: I'm not actually going to speak about any specific project because that's the very nature of the review, is it's to look at every project that is not currently under construction, and that wasn't an election commitment in the last election campaign to actually look to see whether it's delivered, whether there's enough money available to work closely with state and territory governments to make sure we can actually get on with them. Part of the problem Darren, in fact, has identified of the delays is that we've got projects that were underfunded, they were announced before they were actually designed or there were any business cases for them or any cost benefit analysis done. And that is why you see years and years of inaction or sometimes failure of delivery of projects. This is a problem, frankly, that the National Party created by deciding they would use the infrastructure investment pipeline as an election announcement, as for election announcements, which is exactly what Darren has done in this case. Might be important projects, but he was very happy to, I'm sure, stand by those road intersections and pop those of that information in brochures and put media releases out. But when you don't do a business case, when you don't plan them properly, that is why these projects take so long.

MIM HOOK: We can't verify that at all. I'm sure Mr Chester would have something to say about that around the planning -

CATHERINE KING: Oh, I'm sure I've got some things to say about what Mr. Chester had to say as well.

MIM HOOK: Yeah, the planning he may have put into that. Look, when I look at what projects are happening for Gippsland with federal funding, there's a lot of funding going to wind farms here in Gippsland. It's really exciting for us, there's lots of jobs, people have questions as well. What about the basics just like having a really good Princes Highway and, and a really safe road to drive on.

CATHERINE KING: Exactly. That is the issue that I'm talking about. So, if the Commonwealth, so if you think about the levels of government and responsibilities of each of the levels of government, surely we want the Commonwealth government to be investing in those large highways, making sure that they are accessible and safe for both passenger cars and for our great important freight network.

MIM HOOK: The Princes Highway is our main road -

CATHERINE KING: Exactly. And that is what I'm saying. So, at the moment, there is no headroom. If you came to me and said, and the Victorian state government came and said they wanted a substantial amount of money to upgrade the Princes Highway, the previous government has left no money, no room in the infrastructure pipeline to fund any of those new projects. And that's what the review is looking at, is trying to make sure we get projects that are simply not able to be delivered out of the pipeline, so, we can do those big significant projects, like projects on the Princes Highway, like projects on the Hume, like projects on other highways and other freight networks across the country.

But having been left with a pipeline that has been frankly, if you look at it, when we last left office, there was 150 projects, big projects of national significance. We've now got a pipeline that is absolutely full of over 800 projects, some that were announced way back in 2016 that have simply not got a funding partner, not got any additional money to be able to actually build them. And that's what we've been left with. So, the review is to get independent advice right the way across the pipeline of projects to have a look at what can be delivered, what do we need to cancel. Because it simply cannot be delivered, or it's not got enough money to be able to be delivered so that there's headroom to fund those big scale projects that the Commonwealth should be funding rather than projects that local councils or state governments should be responsible for.

MIM HOOK: We look forward to hearing about the Princes Highway in the review. Thank you very much. Catherine King, Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development.
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I thought the whole infrastructure australia process was supposed to stop this thing from happening
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Quote from: #Metro on May 06, 2023, 06:50:15 AMI thought the whole infrastructure australia process was supposed to stop this thing from happening
Former government politicized it too!!


Couriermail 13th May 2023 page 26

Roads and rail on track


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Brisbanetimes --> What's happened to Albanese's infrastructure agenda?

QuoteAnthony Albanese is fond of telling people he is an infrastructure nerd.

So much so that ahead of the last election, he singled out infrastructure when talking about his five key priorities for growing the economy.

"The fifth pillar of Labor's platform for growth is one that is close to my heart: infrastructure," the then-opposition leader said in a speech on March 9 last year. "Anyone who knows me, knows I am an infrastructure nerd." ...
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He wasn't in 2011 when I tried to garner a meeting with him.. about our rail infrastructure.


Melbourne Age --> Freight hubs reviewed as industry urges authorities to 'make a plan and stick with it' $

QuoteThe future of two interstate freight hubs designed to help take thousands of trucks off Melbourne's roads remains unclear, with the state government accused of inaction and industry experts calling for a decision.

Federal Infrastructure Minister Catherine King's 90-day review of $120 billion of projects in the infrastructure investment program has again plunged into doubt funding for the terminals planned at Beveridge in Melbourne's north and Truganina in the west.

Victorian Labor's signature Suburban Rail Loop is the only state project funded in the program that is safe from the nationwide review, designed to scrap waste and determine priorities. ...
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Queensland Parliament


Question on Notice
No. 713
Asked on 25 May 2023

Ms F Simpson asked Premier and Minister for the Olympic and Paralympic Games
(Hon. A Palaszczuk)―


With reference to the Federal Government's announcement they will put on hold
committing funds to a number of promised Queensland projects until the end of this year
while they review these projects, reported to be worth $15b—
Will the Premier advise what the Premier is doing to lobby the Prime Minister to ensure
these key water, congestion-busting and safety projects, including the Mooloolah River
Interchange and the Rail To Maroochydore (Direct Sunshine Coast line) rail line go ahead?


I refer to the response to Question on Notice 672 tabled on behalf of the Minister for
Transport and Main Roads and Minister for Digital Services in relation to these matters.
The Federal Government commenced an Independent Strategic Review of its Infrastructure
Investment Program (the Review) in May 2023, to be completed within 90 days. I am
advised that the purpose is to deliver a pipeline of land transport infrastructure that is
sustainable, aligned to market capacity and comprised of nationally significant projects.
While the review is conducted, the Federal Government has deferred decisions on future
infrastructure investment for projects within the scope of the review.

We have a commitment that projects that are already funded and underway will continue.
I can also confirm that planning activities for the Direct Sunshine Coast Rail Line and
preconstruction activities for the Mooloolah River Interchange Upgrade are progressing,
and that both projects are a priority of our Government.

We will always continue to put Queenslanders first and fight for our fair share of Federal
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Couriermail --> $90bn infrastructure blowout threat to Australia's 'big build' $

QuoteAustralia's biggest infrastructure projects are facing collective blowouts of more than $90bn over the next decade, in a tidal wave of red ink that threatens the "big build" of governments across the country.

It comes as the Albanese government is expected to shortly finalise the outcome of the independent review of its $120bn infrastructure pipeline, announced at the start of May.

Governments across the country face a budgeting nightmare that may extend debts and stretch budgets as they try to make good on the infrastructure promises of their predecessors.

That $90bn blowout figure is an estimate based on The Australian's analysis of publicly available information on some of the country's biggest infrastructure projects, now worth more than $190bn – just a small portion of the massive state and federal government infrastructure packages on the horizon. ..."
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There is this wonderful thing called service... it's cheap and fast to get going.

It uses normal buses and trains that are usually stabled in the off-peak.

Might be about time state and federal governments gave it a go perhaps?

Not everything is an engineering problem. Pricing and planning approach solutions exist too.

  :bu  :tr  :lo
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Yet not a single word about the spending on projects that simply make the problem worse!  It's like an episode of Twilight Zone!!

"I drive to work therefore I must not mention anything about road projects creating an even bigger problem!! I must not! I must not!!"


QuoteThere is this wonderful thing called service... it's cheap and fast to get going.

It uses normal buses and trains that are usually stabled in the off-peak.

Might be about time state and federal governments gave it a go perhaps?

Not everything is an engineering problem. Pricing and planning approach solutions exist too.
Another diagram explaining the problem:


InQueensland --> As the days go by: Council questions Fed delays, review putting key projects at risk

QuoteMoreton Council is asking how a 90-day review into infrastructure by the Federal Government has stretched out to more than 130 days and put key developments in the region at risk.

Its planned works at Youngs Crossing Road has been delayed by the suspension of about $32 million in funding from the Albanese Government while it reviews all the commitments made by the previous Morrison Government.

That review was sparked by a swag of promises. According to Infrastructure Minister Catherine King the number of infrastructure projects in the pipeline blew out from 150 to almost 800 and there was inadequate funding, resources to cater to them. ...
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Maybe just maybe it is time for SEQ Council of Mayors to accept that their "big long list of mega road projects" are not solving anything and are in fact creating even worse problems to fix!! Thus they are the ultimate waste of money Cigarette anyone?????




There is a difference between appetite and capacity. Clearly, there is no way 800 projects are getting approval. Drop a zero to get a more realistic figure. And I wonder how much of the pipeline has been clogged with unfunded vote-bait?
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Brisbanetimes --> Audit unearths $33 billion in infrastructure blowouts $

QuoteA snap audit of 800 Australian infrastructure projects, including several in Queensland, shows their total estimated cost has blown out by $33 billion.

The overrun was identified in the recent 90-day audit of the federal government's 10-year, $120 billion Infrastructure Investment Program. ...
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Today is day 140 ...


Australian Financial Revew --> No new road, rail projects for 'next 10 years' without major cuts $

QuoteFunding for dozens of infrastructure projects will be axed or delayed by the Albanese government after a $33 billion blowout made the current pipeline and new projects "in the next 10 years" too expensive without major change.

The cost of 700-plus projects ballooned by $32.8 billion and continues to rise due to labour shortages and surging material costs, an independent audit delivered last month to Infrastructure Minister Catherine King says.

The blowout represents a 41 per cent rise in the $80 billion 10-year federal budget allocation to the Infrastructure Investment Program, which Ms King accused the Coalition of failing to properly fund. ...
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Just as predicted... the end of the big infrastructure era. Simply, priced out of existence!!

If the roads lobby don't change track, a competitive advantage will open up between PT and road expansion... pay to widen the road ($$$) or put a bus/bus lanes on it which is much cheaper and faster to do.

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Sent to all outlets:

Federal Government's Infrastructure Audit - Time to Rethink Transport Investment

19th September 2023

RAIL Back on Track says the  "Business as Usual" approach to infrastructure investment has broken the budgets at all levels of government.  The Federal Government's infrastructure audit found "$33 billion of known cost overruns – 41 per cent of the total budget for the infrastructure program – and a very high risk of more overruns in the future" (1).

It's time for the Queensland and SEQ local governments to get smarter on Transport Planning by sweating the infrastructure Queensland already has and prioritising projects that reduce congestion, not create an even bigger problem to fix in the future.

The audit presents an opportunity to focus on what we already have not what we don't have.

There are ample opportunities, highlighted by RAIL Back on Track regularly, for State and local governments to work collaboratively to maximise the value Queenslanders are getting out of past transport investments including:

1. Separated Bike Lanes - Physically separating bike lanes which are typically just painted lines on the road and/or placed on the road side of parked cars (the door zone) represents the single greatest return on transport investment (which is minimal if not over engineered) and results in not only significant increases in cycling but also increases in retail turn over in local communities

2. Bus Lanes - Separate bus lanes on all major roads as a single bus lane can moved 4 time the number of people as a car lane.  Buses stuck in traffic also increases running costs as more buses are need to cover peak services. If a bus can complete it's run in half the time it can be made available for another route rather than an having to us an additional bus.  That bus can be used on another route to increase services/frequency at no additional costs.

3. SEQ Bus Network Redesign - SEQ bus network is full of duplication, indirect and/or infrequent routes, is confusing and hard to understand and in many cases bus compete with rail lines and/or don't connect to the railway station. A complete redesign of the network using a BRT-style frequent service approach (building on the successful BUZ/Glider Routes) was urgently required in 2013. 10 years later is more than overdue.

4. Maximising Train Frequencies - The current rollingstock and network across SEQ can operate at much higher frequencies without additional infrastructure especially off-peak frequencies.  For the majority of the day/night the rollingstock should only be non-operational for servicing and cleaning.

5. Cycling Facilities at Train/Busway Stations and Major Bus Stops -  Integrating cycling and transit brings multiple benefits including, it puts mass transit within the reach of more people across a larger area  and provides users with greater flexibility including to adapt trips based on their individual needs

6. Children and Seniors Free Travel - Ever noticed during school holidays that congestion is no where near as bad. Making trips for children, students and seniors free (all day every day) should not bee seen as a loss of revenue but rather as maximising the investment already made in buses, trains, ferries, trams and drivers. Over 70% of students are being driven to school rather than walking, cycling or catching public transport. The services are already running lets just maximise their use.

7. Establish Public Transport Queensland (PTQ) - the above initiatives have been available to our governments for decades.  There is too much political name calling and not enough collaboration. It is clear we need a proper Public Transport Authority in Queensland to take over the administration and management of public transport in Queensland and work with local governments and to integrate and improve cycling infrastructure and facilities.

It is also time for all levels of Australian government to accept that widening roads to "bust congestion" is as futile as "smoking more to cure lung cancer".  It's the cause not the cure.  Engineers Australia noted in 2021 "This makes attempting to "bust traffic congestion" through road construction, self-defeating. In this context, Australia's past transport investment strategy may be seen as questionable."

So the next time a press releases starts with "This congestion busting project..." its time to question it and ask "Why are we spending money on making the problem worse?".

The tax-payer subsidies for driving is typically a minimum of 6 times that of walking, cycling or public transport (2).


1. Major projects in limbo, millions at stake as Government sits on review

2. What is the full cost of your commute?


Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track https://backontrack.org
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Federal Government's Infrastructure Audit - Time to Rethink Transport Investment 19th September 2023 RAIL Back on...

Posted by RAIL - Back On Track on Monday, 18 September 2023
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Couriermail --> Major projects in limbo, millions at stake as Government sits on review $

QuoteLocal councils are being kept in the dark about whether vital infrastructure projects are going to be canned as the Federal Government sits on the results of its independent review.

Local councils are being kept in the dark about whether vital infrastructure projects are going to be canned as the Federal Government sits on the results of its independent review.

Federal Infrastructure Minister Catherine King announced the 90-day review back in May would be finalised by August and while the review is indeed complete, the results have not been made public.

City of Moreton Bay Mayor Peter Flannery is fuming about the delay and said his ratepayers could be left to foot the extra $20-odd million the Youngs Crossing Road project is now expected to cost, on top of council's original contribution of $38 million due to consistently increasing construction costs.

The Federal Government had originally committed $32.75 million and the State Government $15 million.

He said it had been over 140 days since the project was plunged into doubt. ...
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Strong rumours that the State Governments have the list of projects that will be canned.

The Federal Govt needs to come out now and clarify the situation.  This stalemate needs to be ended.
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Couriermail --> Mega projects still in limbo as Qld sweats on federal review $

QuotePremier Annastacia Palaszczuk says she is eagerly awaiting the findings of the federal 90-day infrastructure review, as Treasurer Cameron Dick urges the federal government to remain committed to Queensland.

Federal Infrastructure Minister Catherine King has had the recommendations of the review – first announced in May – since August.

But both the Premier and the Treasurer said on Tuesday they were yet to see the outcomes, which had focused on a $120bn pipeline of projects partially bankrolled by the Commonwealth scattered across the country.

Ms Palaszczuk said she hasn't been briefed on the recommendations affecting Queensland, but said "we're eagerly awaiting to see the outcomes of that". ...
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Couriermail --> Qld industry 'frozen' as projects wait for axe to fall $

QuoteQueensland remains in the dark on how much of $14bn worth of infrastructure projects will be axed under a review by the federal government – with claims stakeholders are crying out for action.

The Albanese government announced an independent 90-day review – 150 days ago – in May, with federal Infrastructure Minister Catherine King handed the outcomes in August. State Opposition Leader David Crisafulli said 150 days was "unacceptable", and the industry was "frozen". ..."

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Sunshine Coast News --> Transport projects parked as government considers infrastructure review

QuoteSome of the region's biggest projects remain in limbo while the federal government considers whether they represent "value for money".

Five major transport proposals, including a coastal passenger rail line, were included in an independent 90-day review of Australia's infrastructure investment program.

The review started almost six months ago, and local and state politicians are calling for action, but a government spokesperson told Sunshine Coast News that decisions on the projects would be announced "in due course".

Local builds being examined are the Direct Rail Sunshine Coast; Mooloolah River Interchange Upgrade; Beerburrum to Nambour Rail Upgrade; Glass House Mountains Road (Steve Irwin Way) and Caloundra Street Intersection Upgrade at Landsborough; and Nicklin Way and Third Avenue Connection as part of the Caloundra Transport Corridor Upgrade.

They are in different stages of planning and works, with various levels of funding commitments from state and federal governments. Homes have already been marked for acquisition for some of the projects, by the state government. ...
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