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BaT - Bus and Train project (was UBAT, was no CRR)

Started by ozbob, May 23, 2013, 09:09:30 AM

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25th June 2014

Will BaT actually be built?


Strong community action re the BaT and potential demise of Dutton Park Railway station, and politics means Dutton Park railway is to remain.

One wonders how rigorous transport planning processes are in Queensland and Australia.  Changes are constantly made for what are not necessarily the best outcomes overall.

The changes to BaT do beg the question.  How rigorous is transport planning in Queensland and Australia?

CRR is presented as the solution, validated by rigorous years of work by Infrastructure Australia.

BaT is changed, from a former position of no changes possible.  One wonders ...

The lack of UBaT connection at Park Road/Boggo now will be locked in by the looks of things.

A small win re Dutton Park.  The fundamental issues remain.  Now add into the mix the vacillation by the Greens to block the fuel excise increase.  This now means that less money will be made available to the states and the states will now probably be forced to further prioritise roads over sensible transport options.

Will BaT actually be built?

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org

Quote from: ozbob on April 14, 2014, 03:35:38 AM
Media release 14th April 2014

SEQ: BaT - it is just not cricket!

RAIL Back On Track (http://backontrack.org) a web based community support group for rail and public transport and an advocate for public transport passengers has cautiously reviewed the BaT design only to conclude the project is attempting fix a bus congestion problem that ought not exist.

Robert Dow, Spokesman for RAIL Back On Track said:

"The BaT Project seeks to fix the chronic bus congestion caused by BCC's refusal to adopt leading practice network design such as those operating in Aukland, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland - to name just a few 'world' cities. The design concessions such as no Park Road Station, no connection to the northern or airport lines and no feeder network capacity enhancement mean the BaT is more about the buses than rail."

"As we have said all along, the current bus network is unsustainable. It is operationally unsustainable because adding more and more buses to the system is causing huge congestion and delays in the city centre. It is financially unsustainable because we cannot keep paying ever increasing fares, amongst the world's highest, and also some of the world's highest taxpayer subsidies for services that leave some Brisbane Suburbs such as Bulimba, Centenary and the Northwest in the dark."

"The current bus system is anti-patronage and doesn't serve the needs of the city. A simpler, frequent and more reliable bus network as proposed in the Translink Network Review in 2013 would significantly reduce the current bus congestion problems, increase patronage, minimise waste and allow the BaT investments to maximise the benefits for the entire public transport network."

"We can sit back and let the same investment fix a problem that ought not exist and provide the network with a sub-optimal outcome or instead adopt leading practice bus network design and maximise the rail and overall network benefits."


1. SEQ: BCC Bus Cost Explosion Engulfs Community -   http://railbotforum.org/mbs/index.php?topic=10458.0

2. SEQ: Bus review shambles confirmed by RTI - http://railbotforum.org/mbs/index.php?topic=10146.0

3. SEQ: BCC Bus Review Fail a Raw Deal for Brisbane and SEQ http://railbotforum.org/mbs/index.php?topic=10285.0

4. Bus and rail tunnel all show and no substance: transport expert


Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org
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If transport planning like this is done on a whim of changes, then what the heck is going on in TMR?  This isn't transport planning, this is protecting one's political backside!  I still strongly stick myself to the CRR project, as it was tested, studied, and re-studied over many years.  This has the feeling that it was drawn up on a napkin to make the LNP seem like they are doing something knowing that they were not going to build CRR in the political catchcry of that the state is in debt and that we need to save money.  I'm sorry but with these sorts of projects, you've got to build them right and spend the money as required to build it, as you've only got one chance to build it - once it's built, it's too late.  If there's no money, you'd be better off holding off building it until the funding was available.

Basically in a nutshell - Cross River Rail was designed by Transport Planners and Engineers who know exactly what they are doing.  Bus and Train Project was designed by self interested politicians who don't know what transport planning really means and the impacts that it can have on a city.

Quote from: dancingmongoose on June 24, 2014, 21:03:32 PM
Quote from: STB on June 24, 2014, 19:49:29 PM
Quote from: dancingmongoose on June 24, 2014, 19:26:10 PM
I'm surprised, I thought the portals were as steep as they could be judging by the fact that only NGR trains could travel on that steep a grade.

Still doesn't solve the Cleveland connection issue. Unless we have some new service that runs Buranda to Dutton Park

That's probably not a bad idea, all you'd need to do is run it to say Yeerongpilly and have the connections happen there perhaps?  Alternatively, perhaps look at setting up an inner city loop service that say runs from Bowen Hills, through to Tennyson via Park Road and then back to Bowen Hills with an available path.

I was thinking along a similar path, Bowen Hills to Manly via Tennyson, with BaT trains stopping at Yeerongpilly. Cleveland line won't support 15 minute frequency without duplication beyond Manly, and Northgate will have 15 minute frequency as the Kippa Ring line will run through, although it could be extended where needed on the north side (maybe to the Airport considering it's pairing with the Gold Coast line will end). My only issue is the cross at Yeerongpilly interfering with BaT paths. You'd also need 4 platforms at Yeerongpilly I assume, along with quad to Yeerongpilly (well we need that anyway, and probably all the way to Kuraby)

I think the quadding of the Beenleigh line up to Kuraby is pretty much a given, it just may not happen for a number of years, and the CRR or Bat (whichever gets built), needs to happen first before any of that happens, so perhaps there may be a chance of some creative pathing to still enable connections?




Planning in QLD is done by Napkin Politics. Must be the same napkin used for the fare structures as well.

Will this steepness thing affect rail conversion of the bus tunnel?

Personally I think the alteration is a bit daft - PARK ROAD STATION CONNECTION is the main game and it is not there in the plans.
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


Quote from: Lapdog Transit on June 25, 2014, 03:48:19 AM


Planning in QLD is done by Napkin Politics. Must be the same napkin used for the fare structures as well.

Will this steepness thing affect rail conversion of the bus tunnel?

Personally I think the alteration is a bit daft - PARK ROAD STATION CONNECTION is the main game and it is not there in the plans.

I don't think TMR or the Government ever pictured that the bus side of things would ever be converted to rail.

Lets face the facts - the bus part of the tunnel is only really there to get BCC on side, and with their buses from everywhere fetish, to get BCC on side and get them to help out with the funding, is to throw in a bus component into the project.  Whoever in TMR thought this up was smoking some really whacky drugs at the time and the Government of both the State and BCC are idiots to take it hook, line and sinker, at the same time though I'm not surprised.

To have a project that has really only been in planning for two years that is supposed to assist the city for the next 100 years, only to have a quick change as the LNP was on the nose in that electorate is extremely worrying, this change was pushed on by politicians, not by the Engineers, I guarantee it!  How can I say that?  The LNP are losing the confidence of voters in SEQ in particular for a lot of reasons (not just transport) and Dutton Park just happens to be in a Labor electorate, you can see why the LNP wanted the Dutton Park station to stay - they needed to shore up support in that area and make it out as they are listening.  Not only that, the Engineers and Project Managers were ADAMANT that Dutton Park had to go in order to prevent housing having to be acquired (politically damaging to any party in power), and in order to get under the river with the max gradient possible.  Frankly what seems to have happened is that the LNP have overruled TMR, despite their expert advice at the time.

TMR is acting extremely weird as well, from this idea that they hatched and sold to the LNP, but also just how quickly things are happening with what seems to be very little science behind it.  To me, that's downright scary.  CRR seemed to be actually managed well in hindsight with the government of the time putting the resources and money in the right places - this has been more of a 'lets build this before the next election comes up so we can gain votes' feel to it.   Basically Napkin Politics as you pointed out.

Like I keep harping on - with this sort of infrastructure, you build it once, you build it right.  If you don't have the money for it at the time, hold off from building it until you have the funding secured - don't for the love of all that is sacred cut corners.


Lets face the facts - the bus part of the tunnel is only really there to get BCC on side, and with their buses from everywhere fetish, to get BCC on side and get them to help out with the funding, is to throw in a bus component into the project.  Whoever in TMR thought this up was smoking some really whacky drugs at the time and the Government of both the State and BCC are idiots to take it hook, line and sinker, at the same time though I'm not surprised.

A bus tunnel idea with rail was mentioned by the Divisional Manager of Brisbane Transport, so I suspect that is the source.
I would much prefer the bus alignment were a dive after Buranda then join BaT. I'm not opposed to the bus tunnel because it is a TUNNEL and the mode can be changed to trains.
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


Quote from: Lapdog Transit on June 25, 2014, 04:12:18 AM
Lets face the facts - the bus part of the tunnel is only really there to get BCC on side, and with their buses from everywhere fetish, to get BCC on side and get them to help out with the funding, is to throw in a bus component into the project.  Whoever in TMR thought this up was smoking some really whacky drugs at the time and the Government of both the State and BCC are idiots to take it hook, line and sinker, at the same time though I'm not surprised.

A bus tunnel idea with rail was mentioned by the Divisional Manager of Brisbane Transport, so I suspect that is the source.
I would much prefer the bus alignment were a dive after Buranda then join BaT. I'm not opposed to the bus tunnel because it is a TUNNEL and the mode can be changed to trains.

I actually thought that punching a hole at the intersection of Wollooongabba and building it over the river to the INB was going to happen - or at least something from Wolloongabba rather than Boggo Road.  Regardless, there are multiple ways of doing it, both cheaper and more expensive.  Frankly I'd prefer that the Victoria Bridge is converted to a bus only bridge with additional platforms at Cultural Centre and separate the North/West buses from the East/South buses - stick one half in Queen St, and the other half in KGSBS/Roma St - along with doing a review to reduce the number of buses coming into the city to regain capacity.

And like I said, I doubt that they were even thinking of turning the bus tunnel into a rail tunnel at a later date - if you were told that, then I suspect you were misled.


The Honourable Campbell Newman

Minister for Transport and Main Roads
The Honourable Scott Emerson

BaT changes to include Dutton Park rail station and Victoria Park

Dutton Park train station will remain open and families will continue to use and enjoy Victoria Park under the refined BaT project design released today.

Premier Campbell Newman said the design changes answer concerns raised by the community as part of an extensive five-week consultation exercise.

"We are a government that listens and the design changes reflect feedback from the community while still delivering a world-class public transport solution," Mr Newman said.

"We're delivering better infrastructure and better planning for Queenslanders, ensuring that mums and dads spend less time travelling and more time with their kids."

Transport and Main Roads Minister Scott Emerson said engineers have changed the design so the length of the tunnel to the existing tracks can be shorter and slightly steeper, which means Dutton Park train station can remain open without any surface property resumptions.

"Further changes to the design at the northern end of the tunnel will mean the majority of the project infrastructure will be contained within the existing transport corridor, preserving Victoria Park," Mr Emerson said.

"This is in stark contrast to Labor's earlier plan which would have seen more than 100 homes and businesses resumed.

"The $5 billion BaT project is a key part of our strong plan to deliver a brighter future for Queensland.

"Once BaT is operational, passengers will get to the city faster with only a six-minute train trip from Dutton Park train station into the CBD's new underground George Street Station."

Member for Brisbane Central Robert Cavallucci welcomed the changes to the Victoria Park end of the project.

"This is a fantastic outcome for Spring Hill residents, as access for local families, pedestrians and cyclists will be maintained throughout Victoria Park," he said.

"After working extensively with local residents, I am pleased as a government we have not only listened we have delivered better outcomes for the local community."

Lord Mayor Graham Quirk said the 5 kilometre north-south tunnel with new underground stations at Woolloongabba, George Street and Roma Street would also provide a key link for buses using the new Legacy Way tunnel via a connection near Victoria Park.

"This project is a great example of different levels of government working together to address the city's public transport capacity issues," Cr Quirk said.

"It will double the capacity of the rail and bus networks, take pressure off existing infrastructure and make way for future growth."

The community will have the opportunity to provide comment on the design enhancements following the release of the Environmental Impact Statement and the Final Reference Design expected in the second half of the year.

The BaT tunnel will run from Dutton Park in the south to Victoria Park at Spring Hill in the north. It includes three new underground stations at Woolloongabba, George Street and Roma Street.

The project is due to be completed in 2020 and operational in 2021.

For further information visit www.qld.gov.au/batproject.

Visual fly through of BaT: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/bbfhlzdvch2p86p/AACgnsCV5tJRBlkkvfl9w6Zoa
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"Rubber tyre metro" has been said to me a number of times by BaT folks as a future option for the bus tunnels ...

Personally, I don't think that will happen.  What will probably will be is bi-artics buses (electric) ...
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Quote"Rubber tyre metro" has been said to me a number of times by BaT folks as a future option for the bus tunnels ...

Personally, I don't think that will happen.  What will probably will be is bi-artics buses (electric) ...

It will be a large BCC triple arctic with the word 'TRAIN' spraypainted over the side of it.  :hg
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Hi all.
I like the proposed changes. Sure, Dutton Park retention is not as good as a park road interchange but it does serve two important purposes 1) as a local hub for the PA/ecosciences precinct which really should be a major node and 2) as a transfer point between GC & kuraby line trains just south of the tunnel. No, it's not perfect, but it's a big improvement.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk


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[off topic, how do you find the Nexus 5 phone Paul?  Reviews I have read rate it as very good.  Any comments?]
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Are there still tunnel stubs at the southern end?
Ride the G:


Quote from: ozbob on June 25, 2014, 05:29:08 AM
"Rubber tyre metro" has been said to me a number of times by BaT folks as a future option for the bus tunnels ...

Personally, I don't think that will happen.  What will probably will be is bi-artics buses (electric) ...

I think this is the future of the SE Busway. The way the portals are positioned means you can't convert the busway to rubber-tyred metro unless you convert the entire system to rubber-tyred metro (which with the Cultural Centre conflicts, means it will never happen).

BaT is still a flawed project and the fact that we can change "unchangeable" plans to service a poorly utilised station which is within the catchment area of a BUZ and another station with superior rail and bus access, and then STILL not provide a BaT connection for one of the most significant transport hubs in the inner south is shocking.

There is no "bus crisis" at all. A properly designed network with less P-rockets being fired everywhere and more buses being fed to rail will solve the problem. Since the fare hikes, the amount of air being carried in the BCC network is crazy. Near-empty P2xxs from Carindale, half-full 15x rockets and 3xx series routes in Cultural Centre which should have been removed yesterday. The crisis is the bus resources we have are being p%ssed  away into the wind like there are not only plans for a second bus tunnel, but a third in 5 years time!
Is it really that hard to run frequent, reliable public transport?


Quote from: SurfRail on June 25, 2014, 09:31:41 AM
Are there still tunnel stubs at the southern end?

If the stubs are illustrated as a little "flared out" section of the rail tunnel next to the bus portal turnabout, then yes I believe they are still there. Here's the revised map if you want to check:



Quote from: nathandavid88 on June 25, 2014, 09:58:59 AM
Quote from: SurfRail on June 25, 2014, 09:31:41 AM
Are there still tunnel stubs at the southern end?

If the stubs are illustrated as a little "flared out" section of the rail tunnel next to the bus portal turnabout, then yes I believe they are still there. Here's the revised map if you want to check:


Those 'stubs' appear to be completely useless - it's a very constrained area and you're not going to be able to launch a TBM from there. The stubs would have to be put on the eastern side of the junction as far as I can see.

[off topic reply - Ozbob - I really like the Nexus5. Great value]


I'm still betting, or rather hoping, that the uBATTY tunnel won't get built.

I'd rather the status quo and a focus on making the best of the infrastructure we already have, then a later chance to get it right, than for us to build this half baked monstrosity.

Unfortunately this kind of half baked nonsense seems to have spread from QLD and now be an Australia wide phenomenon, except just maybe in Perth (although even that city has seen some truly bizarre proposals in recent elections).


Yo Colin, NSW has gone the polytickal planning process, Vic currently has an overdose of the same, Qld ?  H E L P !   :bna: :bna:

The way things are playing out federally, and with the state con, 'you want BaT, then vote us in with the asset sales', not sure if this is all going to end well at all.

I would not be fussed if BaT is put on the back burner.  It is all going to depend on #qldvotes 2015 and how the Federal Fudget goes.
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I will be utterly amazed and somewhat dismayed if this project ever gets built in the currently proposed form.


if it is put on the backburner...we now know know that council intends to improve bus flow through the CC....should hopefully buy some time till 2016 before the new trains arrive...then the focus can be on getting passengers back onto rail 8).
Not all doom and gloom if it is...


ABC News --> Queensland Government not closing Dutton Park train station for Brisbane BAT tunnel

QuoteThe Newman Government's decision not to close the Dutton Park train station on Brisbane's southside to make way for the $5 billion Bus and Train (BAT) tunnel has fixed a problem of his own making, the Queensland Opposition says.

Opposition spokeswoman Jackie Trad said it would have been wrong to close a station that serviced the Princess Alexandra Hospital at Buranda and the University of Queensland at St Lucia.

"There were significant concerns raised by the community - really from the outset it was a silly decision for the Newman Government to think that closing the Dutton Park train station was a solution for public transport problems in Brisbane," she said.

Ms Trad says closing the station was never going to help ease public transport woes.

"This is a welcomed announcement, but quite frankly the Premier [Campbell Newman] is fixing a problem of his own making," she said.

However, Transport Minister Scott Emerson said the State Government had reacted to community concerns.

"[The Government said] we'd take a genuine effort to listen to the community and take on board their feedback and where we could, incorporate that into the refined design ... and that's exactly what we've done," he said.

"We've listened to the community and Dutton Park station is remaining.

"Parts of Victoria Park, which would have been lost, are being kept now as part of the refined design."

The BAT tunnel will run from Dutton Park to Spring Hill.
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QuoteThis is in stark contrast to Labor's earlier plan which would have seen more than 100 homes and businesses resumed.

lol...whats a media statement without the standard  jibe at labour :-r


So means we can do a refined #29 bus...one way loop from  UQ to annerley rd, along the bus link next to dutton park,  then park rd and back to uq lakes.  GC line pax get off at Dutton park for UQ.


And provides a connection between Dutton Park and Park Road for people wanting to connect to the Cleveland Line. Personally, I think a turnabout at the end of the Dutton Park busway extension would  be handy to have, as it would allow buses from Boggo Road to service the Dutton Park spur, turn around and continue on to PAH.


It'd be nice if they could just shift Dutton Park north a bit, thus "retaining" Dutton Park but putting it close enough to Park Rd/Boggo Rd to almost be considered part of the interchange (as long as it has a direct access pathway).

They might have to dive a bit sooner and put the station lower or underground.
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Oh my goodness, we sure are tying ourselves in awful knots all because the critical interchange is left out!

Out of interest, just how steep is the gradient going to be now the design has changed?

I'm somewhat confused by the assertion that the gradient will be such that NGR will be the only suitable rollingstock.

Surely it will not be so steep that the existing units cannot handle it?  After all, even the least powerful double deck units in Sydney use the 1:30 out of Wynyard onto the bridge (and indeed in the past it was not unknown for freight and loco hauled PAX to be diverted that way in the event of main north shutdowns).

red dragin

The CM said 3.25% (1 in 30.7) up from 3.00% (1 in 33.33)



Bus & Train Project ‏@BATProjectBris

Design refinements to BaT project. Permanent impacts significantly decreased in Vic Pk. Dutton Pk Stn remains open. http://www.qld.gov.au/batproject
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Quote from: techblitz on June 25, 2014, 11:19:51 AM
we now know know that council intends to improve bus flow through the CC....

Don't get your hopes up. All they are doing is widening the entrance to the tunnel slightly so that it is safer and buses can exit/enter simultaneously. Very marginal impact on capacity.


should be enough to handle for a couple of routes to be upgraded to buz.
heres looking at you route 300 and 230/235  ;)


Quote from: colinw on June 25, 2014, 13:44:14 PM
Oh my goodness, we sure are tying ourselves in awful knots all because the critical interchange is left out!

Out of interest, just how steep is the gradient going to be now the design has changed?

I'm somewhat confused by the assertion that the gradient will be such that NGR will be the only suitable rollingstock.

Surely it will not be so steep that the existing units cannot handle it?  After all, even the least powerful double deck units in Sydney use the 1:30 out of Wynyard onto the bridge (and indeed in the past it was not unknown for freight and loco hauled PAX to be diverted that way in the event of main north shutdowns).

Meh, in any case itll only be the SMUs which cant use the tunnels soon enough...EMUs will be gone a few years aftee opening.

Send all the EMUs to the Ippy line once the tunnel opens...I like the comfy seats thanks.


Quote from: Lapdog Transit on June 25, 2014, 05:44:27 AM
Quote"Rubber tyre metro" has been said to me a number of times by BaT folks as a future option for the bus tunnels ...

Personally, I don't think that will happen.  What will probably will be is bi-artics buses (electric) ...

It will be a large BCC triple arctic with the word 'TRAIN' spraypainted over the side of it.  :hg

There is so much facepalming with this project, it's almost comical of what the end results could be when they realise they underbaked it in the years to come assuming it is built.


Blog comments on the BT yarn > here  prove the old adage, you can't fool all the people all of the time ..


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Quote from: colinw on June 25, 2014, 13:44:14 PM
Oh my goodness, we sure are tying ourselves in awful knots all because the critical interchange is left out!

Out of interest, just how steep is the gradient going to be now the design has changed?

I'm somewhat confused by the assertion that the gradient will be such that NGR will be the only suitable rollingstock.

Surely it will not be so steep that the existing units cannot handle it?  After all, even the least powerful double deck units in Sydney use the 1:30 out of Wynyard onto the bridge (and indeed in the past it was not unknown for freight and loco hauled PAX to be diverted that way in the event of main north shutdowns).

Indeed ...

The real reason will have more to do with the trains that are able to operate through the BaT using ATP.  As is typical  half baked Queensland policy ATP will be confined to the BaT tunnel.

The entire network should be operating with ATP.  But hey, this is Queensland ...

The BaT grades will be 1 in 30 at the steepest.  Hardly a challenge for sparks ..   1 in 30 is commonplace on many lines in Oz and elsewhere.
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ATP already operates on the Western (Rosewood) and NCL (Gympie North).  The ICEs are the only city network units operating with ATP active.

Unless stated otherwise, Opinions stated in my posts are those of my own view only.


^ Yo!  I was  referring to the suburban network generally. 
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Sent to all outlets:

25th June 2014

Will BaT actually be built?


Strong community action re the BaT and potential demise of Dutton Park Railway station, and politics means Dutton Park railway is to remain.

One wonders how rigorous transport planning processes are in Queensland and Australia.  Changes are constantly made for what are not necessarily the best outcomes overall.

The changes to BaT do beg the question.  How rigorous is transport planning in Queensland and Australia?

CRR is presented as the solution, validated by rigorous years of work by Infrastructure Australia.

BaT is changed, from a former position of no changes possible.  One wonders ...

The lack of UBaT connection at Park Road/Boggo now will be locked in by the looks of things.

A small win re Dutton Park.  The fundamental issues remain.  Now add into the mix the vacillation by the Greens to block the fuel excise increase.  This now means that less money will be made available to the states and the states will now probably be forced to further prioritise roads over sensible transport options.

Will BaT actually be built?

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org

Quote from: ozbob on April 14, 2014, 03:35:38 AM
Media release 14th April 2014

SEQ: BaT - it is just not cricket!

RAIL Back On Track (http://backontrack.org) a web based community support group for rail and public transport and an advocate for public transport passengers has cautiously reviewed the BaT design only to conclude the project is attempting fix a bus congestion problem that ought not exist.

Robert Dow, Spokesman for RAIL Back On Track said:

"The BaT Project seeks to fix the chronic bus congestion caused by BCC's refusal to adopt leading practice network design such as those operating in Aukland, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland - to name just a few 'world' cities. The design concessions such as no Park Road Station, no connection to the northern or airport lines and no feeder network capacity enhancement mean the BaT is more about the buses than rail."

"As we have said all along, the current bus network is unsustainable. It is operationally unsustainable because adding more and more buses to the system is causing huge congestion and delays in the city centre. It is financially unsustainable because we cannot keep paying ever increasing fares, amongst the world's highest, and also some of the world's highest taxpayer subsidies for services that leave some Brisbane Suburbs such as Bulimba, Centenary and the Northwest in the dark."

"The current bus system is anti-patronage and doesn't serve the needs of the city. A simpler, frequent and more reliable bus network as proposed in the Translink Network Review in 2013 would significantly reduce the current bus congestion problems, increase patronage, minimise waste and allow the BaT investments to maximise the benefits for the entire public transport network."

"We can sit back and let the same investment fix a problem that ought not exist and provide the network with a sub-optimal outcome or instead adopt leading practice bus network design and maximise the rail and overall network benefits."


1. SEQ: BCC Bus Cost Explosion Engulfs Community -   http://railbotforum.org/mbs/index.php?topic=10458.0

2. SEQ: Bus review shambles confirmed by RTI - http://railbotforum.org/mbs/index.php?topic=10146.0

3. SEQ: BCC Bus Review Fail a Raw Deal for Brisbane and SEQ http://railbotforum.org/mbs/index.php?topic=10285.0

4. Bus and rail tunnel all show and no substance: transport expert


Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org
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