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Fare evasion - articles discussion ...

Started by ozbob, January 24, 2013, 03:28:39 AM

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Why dont they focus the additional officers on buses alone? That's where the problem is.


Quote from: Gazza on September 14, 2020, 16:20:40 PM
Why dont they focus the additional officers on buses alone? That's where the problem is.
Because trains don't have a driver that will potentially check tickets and make an issue of it.

The real problem is that no one in politics has the balls to take a hard line, especially with the youth.  Legally, an approved School Travel Code of Conduct is enforceable. Outside of this, the no child left behind is only a policy.  The law only requires a duty of care.  Now I'm not saying leave a kid in the middle of nowhere at night by themselves. You have to be sensible. But when you have a group of 7 or 8 teenagers of high school age who are just riding around, then drivers should be able to tell them where to go. The problem with fare evaders is that not paying can be the tip of the iceberg as far as problems for the driver. Because challenging people is somewhat discouraged by bus companies (to keep the driver safe), the problem is that fare evaders can go on to be anti-social, disruptive or even do things like chroming. It puts the driver in a losing situation.

Ideally, a driver should be in an enclosed cab and not have to deal with fares at all. But... money.

Now all that being said, there are genuine people who are struggling for whatever reason and I think in broader terms, there needs to be better support in some areas for those doing it tough. Simply cracking down is not a sum total solution. Also overhauling certain aspects of the fare structure too (daily/weekly caps anyone?) would be helpful.  The way Go Card is set up is quite adversarial to the passenger in some situations.

One of the biggest problems though, which I am not sure is able to be overcome, is the Australian culture. We like to see what we can get away with amongst other things.
Schrödinger's Bus:
Early, On-time and Late simultaneously, until you see it...


A new Code of Conduct should apply Mon to Fri 6 am - 7pm for kids under 16. Saturdays from 6am - 3pm for Sport. The no child left behind policy has too many flaws and is exploited.


There is junior/youth sport on both weekend days so you may as well add Sunday to the list too. But then if you did, that would pretty much encompass all hours of the day that the majority of people (in particular, younger people) use PT. So you're then back to square one. Plus, you will find that hardly anyone travels by PT to weekend sport.

I agree that the policy is being abused but there are better ways to deal with it (more SNOs on suburban routes- their presence alone will be enough of a deterrent for most, the introduction of contactless payment methods, the introduction of a new fare structure, some sort of school fee that goes straight back to Translink so kids just show their ID card and jump on). I'm sure there are better suggestions that have been floated before, this is just what I could think of off the top of my head.


But Andrew, drivers cant/won't make a big deal out of it because of the risk of violence.

So officers, working in pairs need to be there to back them up more often.


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I think cracking down on fare evasion does save more than it costs.
The actual fines collected will be fairly small, but it's the risk of a fine that generates ticket sales.

Eg one fare inspector might catch 1 person, but there are 50 more that always go buy a ticket so the inspector leaves them alone.


Quote from: Gazza on September 14, 2020, 16:20:40 PM
Why dont they focus the additional officers on buses alone? That's where the problem is.

Seriously ?

Most times I actually ( in a blue moon ) get Sno's on board, They are just using my bus as a taxi to go from A to B, chat about their plans for the weekend, put notes in their book about checking that correct fares are paid ( which hasn't happened ) and then leave when they reach B. Maybe once in every 4 or 5 boardings, they actually do check pax.

Ever seen Sno's on a full standing load bus. I've never and I'm driving them.
As for fare evasion, TL's figures are wrong. Why ? Drivers are giving up pressing the button. We even get verbal abuse from some when they hear the evade button get pressed. Nothing ever gets done. We are over it ! It's worse than reported.

We will not say anything to evaders as we want to get home safely each night.

Yes, there are many pax who do the right thing who wonder themselves why they even bother paying fares. I would think they, as I, grew up in a world in which we had respect for one another. Unfortunately, respect is rarely given by many these days. May I thank those who do.

My estimate of pax who pay fares would be 60%. Much less on school trips or regular services during school hours or fri/sat nights. Greater percentage pay on peak hour rockets and other peak only services.

The Queensland Government needs a plan to fix the rot. Sadly, we lack a government with the balls to do it, and can't see the LNP being any better. Sad choice, eh ?

I've been driving full time since 1982, and never have I seen so much disrespect from certain individuals who frequent our services.

I see a theme here. DISRESPECT. That is the catalyst for our problems today. It's a sad situation we are in.

p.s. There are some who are genuinely unable to pay due to COVID wrecking livelihoods and I do sympathise with those people. They are not the persons I refer to.

( rant over )

Cheers !
7 years at Bayside Buses
33 years at Transport for Brisbane
Retired and got bored.
1 year at Town and Country Coaches and having a ball !


The current fare evasion data is about as useful as a paddle-pop stick to swat flies.....we clearly need more transparent data...

Hit/miss rates:
what percentage are actually being nabbed via SNO gocard scans on say the busway/inner city locations where transit officers are clearly seen the most vs the highest fare evasion corridors where they are sparingly seen....like the 100/110...
Fare evasion on a route by route basis would also be good...

We need more data from those SNO scanners to be made public...


Quote from: Otto on September 18, 2020, 16:16:50 PMSeriously ?

Most times I actually ( in a blue moon ) get Sno's on board, They are just using my bus as a taxi to go from A to B, chat about their plans for the weekend, put notes in their book about checking that correct fares are paid ( which hasn't happened ) and then leave when they reach B. Maybe once in every 4 or 5 boardings, they actually do check pax.

You are not the only one, I haven't seen an SNO in a long time, and if they are on board, it's on the INB corridor around QUT Kelvin Grove - never anywhere else.

Fare evasion is becoming a bigger problem since COVID and with all the associated precautions. Previously, drivers would catch fare evaders at the front door and make them pay a fare or get off and only sometimes let them sail through. With rear door boarding, fare evaders (particularly people with insufficient go card credit) just sail on through. I've only seen one driver make a big deal about it.

There's no reason why you couldn't have two SNOs on each major bus corridor who just hop from bus to bus checking fares.
Is it really that hard to run frequent, reliable public transport?


A letter to the Editor Couriermail 24th September 2020 page 54

Stop fare evasion on the buses

QuoteI DON'T know how Brisbane City Council's bus service can make a profit or even exist.

I took a trip from Loganholme to South Brisbane the other day to see my specialist.

Passengers had to use the centre door of the bus to get on and off as the front door was locked.

On my way home I sat beside the door and watched the passengers getting on and off, and the number of people who didn't use their Go cards was unbelievable.

The majority were but students there were also mothers with children.

The only way I can see to fix this problem is the old way. Have a ticket office at each bus station or have a ticket inspector on the bus.

As taxpayers the rest of us shouldn't be paying for their fares.

Ray Evans
Beenleigh South
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Sometimes I wish there was a high speed treadmill on the floor at the bus entrance, where, at the push of a button the driver could activate it, rapidly ejecting the offending passenger.


Quote from: Gazza on September 24, 2020, 08:51:39 AM
Sometimes I wish there was a high speed treadmill on the floor at the bus entrance, where, at the push of a button the driver could activate it, rapidly ejecting the offending passenger.

Sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen...


Quote from: Gazza on September 24, 2020, 08:51:39 AM
Sometimes I wish there was a high speed treadmill on the floor at the bus entrance, where, at the push of a button the driver could activate it, rapidly ejecting the offending passenger.
I always thought putting a spring on the wheelchair ramp would be great...

Schrödinger's Bus: Early, on-time and late, simultaneously, until you see it...

Schrödinger's Bus:
Early, On-time and Late simultaneously, until you see it...



Blog which covers fare evasion related issues....

QuoteTrainsfare is an initiative aimed to raise awareness about the global issue of fare evasion in public transport.

We publish articles regularly on the topics of fare evasion, ticketing, public transport finance, technology, and security. Our articles are sourced from transit operators and from recognised news sources and publications.

Trainsfare is a project managed by Awaait Artificial Intelligence, a startup from Barcelona that develops real-time video analytics software systems for industrial applications.


Had a chance to talk to a pair of snos at varsity lakes......they were checking both train and bus passengers moving between the station and robina town center which was good..

Couple of things they mentioned........10 snos covering Beenleigh to Cooloongatta.....main problem routes for them were 700/765/704....


Couriermail --> Fare evasion costing taxpayers about $30k a day $

Quote... Taxpayers are losing more than $30,000 every day to fare dodgers taking free rides on the southeast Queensland rail network.

New figures have revealed an estimated $45.42 million has been lost to fare evasion on the City Train Network in the past three financial years. ...

Bus fare evasion revenue loss would be higher ...   :-\
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Quote from: ozbob on December 12, 2020, 00:36:36 AM
Couriermail --> Fare evasion costing taxpayers about $30k a day $

Quote... Taxpayers are losing more than $30,000 every day to fare dodgers taking free rides on the southeast Queensland rail network.

New figures have revealed an estimated $45.42 million has been lost to fare evasion on the City Train Network in the past three financial years. ...

Bus fare evasion revenue loss would be higher ...   :-\

Yes, for sure.


That exemption in the law that allows people up to 16 to travel without a ticket is taken advantage of and should be amended to during school terms only and between 6am-7pm Mon to Fri. The need to wear a regular or sports school uniform to allow carriage if a person has not a valid ticket by off chance should be compulsary. The law was intended for 'that no school children be left behind' and wasnt intended to allow everyone to travel free up to 18 years old, which is occuring now.

Park and Ride should have a token charge of 2 dollars integrated into smart ticketing.


Couriermail --> Minors receive more than half of fare evasion warnings $

QuoteOver half the warnings being dished out for fare evasion on Queensland's public transport network are going to minors, with the state's Transport Minister claiming there is a culture of "entitlement" among some students.

The Sunday Mail can reveal 55.4 per cent of the more than 44,000 warnings given out to fare evaders last financial year went to minors.

It's up from 2017-18, when minors received 44.2 per cent of the 49,897 fare evasion warnings – but came amid a change in the definition of minors in February 2018 to include 17-year-olds. ...

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Queensland Times --> Serial fare evader told jail no longer an option $

QuoteAn Ipswich magistrate expressed concern that fare evasion was now a "fine only" offence, after state government legislation changes restricted the punishment that could be dished out.

Joseph Josea Paul Mast, 30, from Brassall, pleaded guilty in Ipswich Magistrates Court to evading a rail fare on May 15.

Police prosecutor Sergeant Paul Caldwell said Mast was a serial fare evader.

His latest offence was detected by officers checking tickets of passengers travelling a Brisbane to Ipswich train.

Mast had no ticket, telling the officers he was going to Booval.

Magistrate Virginia Sturgess told Mast that she had counted 53 previous charges for fare evasion on his record.

Ms Sturgess said she previously would have been able to sentence him to a maximum three months in jail, but the state government had changed the law, allowing magistrates only to issue fines for the offence. ...
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There's been something of a blitz in the south western suburbs over the past week or so. SNO's have been conducting regular checks at Inala station, Forest Lake and Richlands station. Was quite surprised to see a pair jump on and check the bus I was travelling on at around 10.30pm on Wednesday evening. It's been quite a few years since I'd last seen them on a bus I've travelled on.


Queensland Parliament E-Petition



TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House the amount of fare evasion occurring on our public transport networks and assaults on frontline employees – in particular drivers.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to implement further measures to protect drivers from assaults, increase patrols, increase the amount of Senior Network Officers and strengthen laws to hold those who avoid paying fares on public transport accountable.
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Fare evasion is utterly rampant on the #SunshineCoast bus network.
Never seen an SMO on a bus.
I estimate only 1 in 2 people actually pay.


Quote from: ozbob on September 07, 2021, 04:03:37 AM
Queensland Parliament E-Petition



TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House the amount of fare evasion occurring on our public transport networks and assaults on frontline employees – in particular drivers.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to implement further measures to protect drivers from assaults, increase patrols, increase the amount of Senior Network Officers and strengthen laws to hold those who avoid paying fares on public transport accountable.


Response to the Public transport fare evasion and driver assaults E-Petition presented to the Queensland Parliament


10 December 2021
Mr Neil Laurie
The Clerk of the Parliament
Parliament House
George Street

Dear Mr Laurie

I refer to petition 3603-21 lodged with the Legislative Assembly by Mr Mark Boothman MP,
Member for Theodore on 16 November 2021 about public transport fare evasion and driver

The Palaszczuk Government is serious about providing a safe work environment for bus
drivers and other frontline transport workers. A five-point safety package has been
progressively rolled out for bus drivers statewide. This included the Bus Driver Safety
Scheme, which allocated funding for driver safety barriers and anti-shatter window film.
Installations have been completed under the scheme, and most of Queensland's contracted
urban bus fleet now have a driver barrier and anti-shatter film.

An independent assessment of future driver barrier options has also been undertaken and
the Palaszczuk Government are now considering a best practice approach to take forward.
This work will support investment in fleet which meets high safety standards for drivers.
The Department of Transport of Main Roads (TMR) continues to work with industry and key
stakeholders on bus driver safety, including through the Bus Safety Forum.

Bus driver safety also continues to be supported through:
 the deployment of senior network officers in areas where incidents are occurring
 delivery partner-led enforcement trials using customer service officers, including in
Townsville and Cairns
 implementation of a smart ticketing system that will limit the driver's role in cash handling
 a de-escalation training resource for drivers, developed jointly with industry
 delivering a refreshed 'Step Up' initiative in schools to promote appropriate behaviour on
public transport to school students, which has recommenced following COVID-19
restrictions being relaxed for visitors in schools.

Reducing fare evasion is another key focus for the Palaszczuk Government and we are
committed to addressing this issue. It is critical that all passengers pay the correct fare when
using public transport to ensure the fairness of the system for everyone.

TMR's TransLink Division employs a frontline enforcement workforce of senior network
officers who work alongside Queensland Rail authorised officers, Queensland Police Service
rail squad officers and staff employed by light rail and bus delivery partners to undertake
targeted patrols across the public transport network. To deter potential fare evaders,
authorised officers have powers to issue Warning Notices and Penalty Infringement Notices.
It is not possible for officers to monitor all services across the south-east Queensland
network, however, TMR is working closely with its public transport delivery partners and
using data collected through the TransLink ticketing system to identify and target those areas
and services with high rates of fare evasion and antisocial behaviour.

TMR will continue to work with its delivery partners and other stakeholders to ensure that
Queensland's public transport system is fairly supported by all who use it and safe for all
passengers and staff.

I trust this information is of assistance.

Yours sincerely
Minister for Transport and Main Roads
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I had the circumstance recently where I was unable to pay my fare due to a malfunctioning top up machine at my local station (yeah, I should've been better prepared, I know, but to be fair, I knew there should be to up facilities available, and arrived in plenty of time). I took a photo of the malfunctioning machine. I topped up online and explained the situation to the porter at the gate, and he just used the special gate opening go card to let me through. Is there no way to pay a fare in reverse on the go card system like could happen in the old paper ticket days?

NB: FWIW, I pay my fare 99.99% of the time, outside the occasional system malfunction.


Quote from: achiruel on July 05, 2022, 16:21:02 PMI had the circumstance recently where I was unable to pay my fare due to a malfunctioning top up machine at my local station (yeah, I should've been better prepared, I know, but to be fair, I knew there should be to up facilities available, and arrived in plenty of time). I took a photo of the malfunctioning machine. I topped up online and explained the situation to the porter at the gate, and he just used the special gate opening go card to let me through. Is there no way to pay a fare in reverse on the go card system like could happen in the old paper ticket days?

NB: FWIW, I pay my fare 99.99% of the time, outside the occasional system malfunction.
I believe you can contact Translink through the GoCard website to have a missed fare added... however since it wasn't really your fault I don't think you should be too stressed about it.


Queensland Parliament E-Petition



TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland
Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House the amount of fare evasion occurring on our public transport networks and assaults on frontline employees – in particular drivers.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to implement further measures to protect drivers from assaults, increase patrols, increase the amount of Senior Network Officers and strengthen laws to hold those who avoid paying fares on public transport accountable.

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Queensland Parliament


Question on Notice
No. 863
Asked on 30 August 2022



Will the Minister provide the number of fines and warnings issued for fare evasion on the South
East Queensland Translink network (reported separately for each of the last four financial years)?


I thank the Member for Mermaid Beach for the question.

This government understands the importance of providing safe and comfortable public transport
services for the people of Queensland. For this reason, the Department of Transport and Main
Roads (TMR) Translink senior network officers (SNOs) assist with deterring fare evasion and
anti-social behaviour on the South East Queensland (SEQ) Translink passenger network.

These SNOs operate from offices located at key locations in the Brisbane CBD and on the Gold
Coast and operate alongside:

. Queensland Rail authorised officers
. Queensland Police Service rail squad officers
. G:link customer service officers (CSO)
. Bus Queensland CSOs
. Kinetic CSOs.

To deter potential fare evaders, these authorised persons have powers to issue warning notices
(warnings) and penalty infringement notices (PINs).

In the past four financial years, all officers across the Translink SEQ Network issued:

. 16,999 PINs and 55,501 warnings in 2018–19
. 15,916 PINs and 45,216 warnings in 2019–20
. 17,097 PINs and 57,315 warnings in 2020–21
. 15,241 PINs and 50,736 warnings in 2021–22.
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Queensland Parliament


Question on Notice
No. 1162
Asked on 26 October 2022



With reference to the Minister's statement on 29 March 2018 that a dedicated team of TransLink
Senior Network Officers (SNOs) would be permanently based at Morayfield in the northern region
of South East Queensland to cover areas of Moreton Bay region and the Sunshine Coast to 'help
act as a deterrent for anti-social behaviour and disrespect of public transport laws'—
Will the Minister advise (a) how much did it cost to establish the Morayfield SNO base, (b) when
was the base closed and (c) how often do the Brisbane-based SNOs patrol the Sunshine Coast
public bus network today compared to four years ago?


I thank the Member for Maroochydore for the question.

The Palaszczuk Government is committed to providing a reliable, affordable, and—most
importantly—safe public transport network for Queensland.

a) The cost to establish this facility was $191,000.

b) In September 2021, Translink closed the Morayfield office noting the number of
deployments from Morayfield was no greater than the number that could be managed from
Brisbane. Senior network officers (SNOs) are deployed on the South East Queensland
network based on the greatest need.

c) During 2017/2018 (October to September), there were 302 SNO deployments on Sunbus
services, and during 2021/2022 (October to September), there were 119 SNO deployments
on Sunbus services.

Translink's SNOs operate alongside:
. 27 Queensland Rail authorised officers
. 83 Queensland Police Service rail squad officers
. 5 Bus Queensland customer service officers.

These frontline staff operate across all modes of public transport and play an important role in
targeting fare evasion hot spots, providing customer service, and keeping our transport network
safe. Translink works with operators to deploy these officers to areas of greatest need.
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Saw ticket checking on a 545 for the first time ever this morning! There was actually a guy who boarded without a ticket, saw the officer and walked straight back out again. Will probably just wait half an hour for the next one though, so I'm not sure if any overall savings have been made.

Edit: interestingly although they're checking tickets, not issuing any fines or even warnings that I've observed. Seems to be more advising people about proper ticketing, e.g. tap on/off, where they can top up go cards etc.

Not Translink SNOs either, BQ Customer Service Officers according to their vests.


Queensland Parliament


Question on Notice
No. 1463
Asked on 1 December 2022



Will the Minister advise (a) the number of fines issued for fare evasion (reported separately for
each of the last four financial years) and (b) the number of these fines that remain unpaid
(reported separately for each of the last three financial years)?


I thank the Member for Coomera for the question.

The Department of Transport and Main Roads' Translink division (Translink) employs a frontline
enforcement workforce of senior network officers (SNOs) who work alongside Queensland Rail
authorised officers, Queensland Police Service rail squad officers and staff employed by light rail
and bus delivery partners to undertake targeted patrols across the public transport network. To
deter potential fare evaders, authorised officers have powers to issue warning notices and penalty
infringement notices.

The below table indicates the number of infringement notices for fare evasion issued over the last
four financial years.

Financial Year Fines for Fare Evasion
2018–19 15,432
2019–20 14,793
2020–21 15,773
2021–22 13,962

I am unable to advise the number of fines that remain unpaid as this information sits with the
Queensland Revenue Office and the State Penalties Enforcement Registry. This question should
be directed to the Treasurer and Minister for Trade and Investment.
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Queensland Parliament


Question on Notice
No. 1492
Asked on 2 December 2022



Will the Minister provide a breakdown of fare evasion fines issues by mode of travel (reported
separately for each of the last four financial years)?


I thank the Member for Lockyer for the question.

The Department of Transport and Main Roads' Translink division (Translink) employs a frontline
enforcement workforce of senior network officers who work alongside Queensland Rail
authorised officers, Queensland Police Service rail squad officers and staff employed by light rail
and bus delivery partners to undertake targeted patrols across the public transport network. To
deter potential fare evaders, authorised officers have powers to issue warning notices and penalty
infringement notices.

The below table indicates the number of infringement notices issued over the last four financial
years by all officers across the Translink South East Queensland network.


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Quote from: ozbob on August 27, 2022, 00:06:44 AMQueensland Parliament E-Petition



TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland
Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House the amount of fare evasion occurring on our public transport networks and assaults on frontline employees – in particular drivers.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to implement further measures to protect drivers from assaults, increase patrols, increase the amount of Senior Network Officers and strengthen laws to hold those who avoid paying fares on public transport accountable.

Response > https://www.parliament.qld.gov.au/apps/E-Petitions/Home/DownloadResponse/a5febdf5-dbb3-4320-a15e-a2a5f626cd28
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What a nothingburger response. Can we put in an RTI for amount of times the "Fare Evade" button is hit by drivers on their ticket machines? Break down by route and month
Schrödinger's Bus:
Early, On-time and Late simultaneously, until you see it...


^ The application fee for RTI is $53.90.  RAIL Back On Track presently has financial hardship status for RTIs, this means exempt from access and processing fees, but we still have to pay the application fee.

I might be able to get the information administratively rather than RTI.  We need to be specific on date range as well.  Also operators - all SEQ?  Or just TfB ?

Suggest we go for the last six months - September 2022 to February 2023. This is manageable.

I will put in an administrative request next week.

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Kinetic Queensland are employing more Bus Network Officers (BNOs) across their Queensland operations.  They are already employed on the Gold Coast (alongside the GC based TransLink SNOs) and recently across the Sunshine Coast.

Safe to say TransLink/TMR has given up on centralising fare enforcement across the entirety of Queensland by letting operators employ their own revenue protection officers

Job Link

Unless stated otherwise, Opinions stated in my posts are those of my own view only.


Brisbane Transport losing up to 37 million a year due fare evasion.

Apparently, up to 50% passengers on any bus service can be non payers ---> https://omny.fm/shows/bill-mcdonald/brisbane-transport-are-losing-up-to-37-million-a-y?in_playlist=podcast

^^I observe this all the time in Brisbane as well as from the Sunny Coast down to Gold Coast.

Can be blamed on embedded behaviours.

🡱 🡳