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Queensland Parliament - Hansard. items of interest

Started by ozbob, October 25, 2011, 17:48:33 PM

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Questions without notice


QuoteCaltabiano, Mr M
Ms PALASZCZUK (10.03 am): I refer the Premier to the Code of Conduct for the Queensland
Public Service, which states that chief executives have a responsibility to promote high ethical
standards of behaviour. By continuing his directorships with Innovate and LNP donor company
Infrastructure Delivery Australia, has director-general Michael Caltabiano breached this code and
misled the government about his private business interests?
Mr NEWMAN: I thank the Leader of the Opposition for the question. It is a very reasonable
question and I note the op. ed. piece in the Courier-Mail today, which probably attracted her interest in
the first place. My position unequivocally is that the director-general has done the right thing. For the
benefit of members opposite, who perhaps have not been involved in business before, I will provide a bit
of background. It is very easy in this country to actually set up a proprietary limited company. You can go
and buy one off the shelf and set it up. As I know myself after going through the process of restructuring
my affairs in the fulfilment of my commitment to the people of Queensland, it is really hard to shut them
down. It costs a lot of money, it takes a lot of time, you pay a lot of fees to lawyers and accountants—it
goes on and on. During the entire period I was the Lord Mayor of Brisbane I was a shareholder and a
director of a firm called Ultrex Consulting Services and yet for seven years Ultrex Consulting Services
did nothing at all. That is essentially where the director-general is.
In terms of the director-general's activities and actions, when he first started in the job he met with
the Integrity Commissioner and he sought that advice. On 22 May 2012, just to further clarify activities,
Mr Caltabiano wrote to the director-general of the Premier's department and stated that he had finalised
his activities in the companies Infrastructure Delivery Australia and Innovate. I have here a letter he
wrote on 22 May 2012 to the director-general, which I table for the information of all members and
particularly the Leader of the Opposition.
Tabled paper: Letter, dated 22 May 2012, from Michael Caltabiano, Director General, Department of Transport and Main Roads, to
Mr Jon Grayson, Director General, Department of Premier and Cabinet regarding the finalisation of his private interests.
So where are we at now? The DG ceased all direct involvement and billing activities on 26 March
2012 for both his companies, Infrastructure Delivery Australia Pty Ltd and Innovate Pty Ltd. Since 26
March both companies have ceased operating—Innovate at the end of April and Infrastructure Delivery
Australia. Since his appointment, the director-general has not used any departmental resources or work
time to bring his company interests to closure. I do point out, as I have before, that prior to his
appointment he had prebooked a trip to Germany. He had advised me and the director-general at the
very beginning and sought our permission for him to continue that for his personal career development
as a professional engineer. I think he has been completely open.
I hope that reassures the Leader of the Opposition. It is a fair question to ask in this place, but
those are the key points in this matter. I make one final point. If that were not the case, I can tell
honourable members right now that he would not be the director-general of the department anymore.
Caltabiano, Mr M
Ms PALASZCZUK: My question is to the Minister for Transport and Main Roads. Will the minister
advise whether Mr Caltabiano disclosed his potential conflict of interest and his overseas trip to him or
whether it was kept secret?
Madam SPEAKER: I call the Minister for Transport and Main Roads.
Government members interjected.
Madam SPEAKER: Order! Members on my right!
Government members interjected.
Madam SPEAKER: Order! I warn the members on my right. The minister is on his feet to answer
the question. I call the Minister for Transport and Main Roads.
Mr EMERSON: I thank the honourable member for the question. Obviously she was not listening
to that very comprehensive answer given by the Premier during which he tabled that letter. Very clearly,
when the director-general was appointed he spoke to both the Premier and the DG about his activities,
as the opposition would know. In fact, at that time I was not the minister. So, no, at the time of his
appointment he did not speak to me. You are obviously losing the time line here. Can I say—
Ms Palaszczuk interjected.
Madam SPEAKER: Stop the clock. Leader of the Opposition, please cease your interjections
while a question is being answered. All matters are to be directed through the chair. I call the minister.
Mr EMERSON: As I said, the Premier has given a very clear, very concise, very informative
answer to the previous question asked by the Leader of the Opposition—the same question that she
has basically asked again. The reality is that the director-general met with the Integrity Commissioner
and kept the Premier and the director-general of Premier and Cabinet fully informed of what he was
doing. He has been very up front. I back up what the Premier has just said: if he had done something
wrong he would no longer be the director-general. The director-general has done the right thing in terms
of informing the Integrity Commissioner, the Premier and the Department of the Premier and Cabinet.
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Questions without notice


QuoteCitytrain, Passenger Capacity

Ms TRAD: My question without notice is to the Premier. I refer to the report commissioned by
the Government members interjected.
Madam SPEAKER: Order! Members on my right, I ask you to cease interjecting when we have a
member on their feet asking a question. I call the member for South Brisbane to start again.
Ms TRAD: I will start again. My question without notice is to the grinning Premier. I refer—
Madam SPEAKER: Order! I ask the member to withdraw that.
Ms TRAD: I withdraw the comment that the member was grinning.
Madam SPEAKER: Order! Member, I will warn you again under standing orders. Please pay
respect to the chair and ask your question properly. I ask you to withdraw.
Ms TRAD: I withdraw unqualified. My question without notice is to the Premier. I refer to the
report commissioned by the transport minister outlining measures to increase capacity on the Citytrain
network, including the removal of train seats. Given the minister's refusal to provide further details, will
the Premier outline how many seats need to be removed from QR passenger trains to achieve the
government's five per cent capacity increase?
Mr NEWMAN: I am a little disappointed because I thought the question was going to be about the
statue in South Brisbane, and that is why I was smiling. The member for South Brisbane was smiling so
I thought it was going to be a humorous question. The statue is true, by the way; I am not making it up. I
know honourable members think I am making it up about the statue, but it is true.
I turn to trains. Who ordered trains that had air-conditioning units on top that meant the trains
could not go through the tunnels? The Labor Party, that is right. Who ordered trains that actually did not
have seats? The Labor Party. The seats were optional extras. When was the last time we had high
levels of trains running on time and graffiti-free rail corridors? That is right, a long time ago. I am not
going to mislead the House because I do not have the exact figure but it was a long time ago. In fact, I
do remember in the 1990s that there was a bit of a purge. Oh, that is right, it was the Borbidge
government that was serious about on-time running and had a huge push to deal with maintenance and
safety issues on the rail network. Then Paul Lucas took over. It pains me because I am very friendly with
Paul, as many members know, but it went down hill because he took his eye off the ball.
So what are we doing? We are going to fix it, we are fixing it and we have a plan to fix it. We have
a plan to buy trains with seats, which is more than the other side did. The minister has already
undertaken a review of the maintenance issues, and we are getting right into sorting out things that have
caused stoppages in the systems. These basic preventative maintenance mechanisms that they
neglected have been dealt with. There is also this paper that the minister is going to release which
shows all the things we are going to do to claw—
Opposition members interjected.
Mr NEWMAN: They have asked the question, Madam Speaker. If they keep interjecting on this
one, I will sit down if they do not want the answer. I say to them, through you, Madam Speaker, that they
should listen quietly and then they will hear the answer.
The minister will be releasing the little report that he has. It is a nice, short, brief report but it
covers really meaty things that will be done to get the extra capacity to get those trains across the river.
It will be about $200 million to $300 million, and we have asked Minister Albanese to give us a hand at
stage 1 of the inner city rail capacity enhancement project and then we will roll on and build the major
project. But it will not be a grandiose thing like those opposite were doing. It will be scaled and fit for
purpose and it will achieve the outcome; it will not be a gold plated, over-the-top, non-feasible project.
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Question not answered, but they are often not answered in Parliament ... it is just chest thumping and feel good stuff.  Probably all looking forward to luncheon in the Parliament Dining room ...
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Ride the G:





Hon. SA EMERSON (Indooroopilly—LNP) (Minister for Transport and Main Roads) (12.46 pm): I present a bill for an act to repeal the Transport Operations (TransLink Transit Authority) Act 2008, to amend the Transport Operations (Passenger Transport) Act 1994 and to make consequential or minor amendments of other acts mentioned in the schedule, for particular purposes. I table the bill and explanatory notes. I nominate the Transport, Housing and Local Government Committee to consider the bill.

Tabled paper: Transport Operations (Passenger Transport) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2012. Tabled paper: Transport Operations (Passenger Transport) and Other legislation Amendment Bill 2012, explanatory notes.

I am pleased to present this bill which will dissolve TransLink as a statutory authority by repealing the TransLink Act and allowing for the formal transfer of TransLink's functions to the Department of Transport and Main Roads. This is a very important bill as it forms part of this government's reform program aimed at returning prosperity, accountability and opportunity to Queensland. We need to lower the cost of living pressures on families by cutting waste, delivering better infrastructure and planning, revitalising front-line services and restoring accountability. This bill is aimed directly at achieving theseactions and is about getting Queensland, its finances and its public transport back on track.

Public transport service delivery across Queensland has been operating under two separate government bodies since 2008; doing essentially the same task but for different areas of the state. Dissolving TransLink as a statutory authority and making one division within the department, TransLink Division, accountable for passenger transport service delivery state-wide removes this wasteful duplication. It is a leap forward in restoring public confidence in public transport which was so heavily eroded under the previous Labor government. Under this approach, the department will be fully responsible for service delivery across various modes including urban buses, long-distance coaches, passenger rail, taxis, limousines, ferry and regional air services. Passenger transport users and the general community right across Queensland will benefit from this new delivery model aimed at eliminating duplication and waste and cutting red tape.

Our operators across the state have also been impacted by this role duplication and inefficiency. For example, some operators provide services both inside and outside the south-east Queensland region and currently have to deal with two government bodies on different contracts. I can understand how this interface with multiple areas has led to frustration for these operators.

The bill will benefit those operators by providing a single interface for any operator regardless of where they are in the state. Finding efficiencies in the state's public transport network is imperative if we want to maintain the viability, affordability and sustainability of public transport services across Queensland. This will also be critical if we want to improve the efficiency of networks regionally, particularly in key regional urban centres such as Townsville, Cairns and Mackay where the population is growing rapidly.

11 Sep 2012 Disability Services (Your Life Your Choice) Amendment Bill 1807 All Queensland government transport services will be integrated for the first time under the TransLink banner. TransLink is a widely recognised brand here in South-East Queensland and is known for delivering high-quality services. While TransLink will no longer be a statutory authority as a result of this bill, its brand will continue and be expanded state-wide. All Queenslanders will benefit from having a single organisation for public transport related issues and this will be housed and transitioned under the TransLink brand. Integrating TransLink into the Department of Transport and Main Roads will improve service outcomes for public transport users and providers. Whether it is a regional bus operator dealing with the department, a taxi driver renewing their driver authorisation or a member of the public inquiring about an everyday service important to them, there will be one entity and that entity, again, will be accountable to Queenslanders.

So what is my vision for the TransLink Division in the Department of Transport and Main Roads? It is simple: a real focus on service delivery with a five-year planning horizon, a strong customer focus and continual improvement in all aspects of public transport service delivery. I want to build on the positive initiatives delivered by the TransLink Transit Authority over the past few years to expand and improve service delivery state-wide.

This bill includes amendments that will provide that level of accountability in government that Queenslanders expect and deserve. TransLink was tasked with investigating commercial opportunities to generate revenue and reduce the overall level of government subsidy required to deliver public transport. Every dollar counts, so it is important these commercial aspects continue to offset public transport costs wherever possible. Under the new centralised structure, the department will continue these activities and continue to seek out opportunities for generating revenue from the network. This approach will help to minimise the burden on the Queensland taxpayer and help achieve one of this government's key objectives, addressing public transport affordability.

The bill includes safeguards to provide certainty for operators, contracted parties and TransLink employees. These safeguards ensure that any rights or entitlements owed by TransLink are preserved on its dissolution and transferred to the state. The bill also makes minor administrative amendments to the Transport Operations (Passenger Transport) Act 1994 to ensure the safe and efficient delivery of public passenger transport. Some key minor amendments include enhancing administrative processes for civil banning order applications and allowing transit officers to enforce offences at bus stops. The other amendments are administrative in nature. Civil banning orders were introduced in 2011 as a civil court based mechanism to deter troublemakers on the public transport network. I think I am safe to say that the original legislation was rushed and as a consequence we have seen some administrative issues emerge that impact on the deterrence value of those orders. Further amendments in the bill will assist our transit officers to deal with offenders at bus stops by broadening the meaning of public transport infrastructure to include bus stops.

In conclusion, the Newman government is committed to the delivery of affordable, reliable and frequent public transport. This bill will help achieve that by eliminating duplication and restoring accountability for public transport. This can only be a positive step for the state's public transport network. I commend the Bill to the House.
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Questions without notice

Budget, Queensland Rail

Ms TRAD: My question without notice is to the Minister for Transport and Main Roads. In relation to the $372 million cut from Queensland Rail, will the minister advise how much of the savings relates to job cuts, particularly in relation to track maintenance?

Mr EMERSON: I thank the honourable member for the question. I am always very pleased to talk about Queensland Rail because, as the member would know, very soon after we came to office we put in our rail reliability audit. Why was that? It was because under Labor we found that rail reliability hit a three-year low. When the audit came back, what did they detail about how Labor had been performing?

Let us not forget who was the transport minister at that time. It was the Leader of the Opposition. Under the Leader of the Opposition's watch, we saw that three-year low for rail reliability. What did the report say? The report said there had been a piecemeal approach to maintenance. But what happened? What was the Leader of the Opposition's—

Mr Newman: Did they maintain it at all?

Mr EMERSON: I take the interjection from the Premier because we saw those disasters on rail when the Leader of the Opposition was transport minister. That was her performance. Premier, you would be interested to know that she had a great focus on making sure more money went to corporate services, more money went to finance and more money went into marketing—that was the Leader of the Opposition's focus on Queensland Rail. I have to tell the House that I was surprised the other week when we had a request from the opposition office asking for a familiarisation for Queensland Rail. Given the fact that the Leader of the Opposition was—

Ms TRAD: Madam Speaker, I rise on a point of order. I ask you to rule on relevance. I have asked a question about job cuts in maintenance and he is talking about audits. Honourable members interjected.

Madam SPEAKER: There are too many interjections across the chamber. I ask the minister to address the question.

Mr EMERSON: So we had a request from the opposition office for a familiarisation for Queensland Rail. It was, I have to admit, for the member for South Brisbane but one would have thought that, rather than asking us for that, she could have lent across the table and spoken to her Leader of theOpposition who had been the transport minister in charge of Queensland Rail. One would have thought she could have asked the questions and got those answers. But do they talk? Did she actually—

Mr Newman: Do they talk at all?

Mr EMERSON: Who knows, Premier. Obviously, she— Mr Mulherin interjected.

Madam SPEAKER: Order! I warn the Deputy Leader of the Opposition under 253A. I call the minister.

Mr EMERSON: Maybe the Leader of the Opposition did not know what was happening on Queensland Rail when she was transport minister because we did see that three-year low on rail reliability. We saw 60 to 120 per cent increases in the corporate and marketing areas and those kinds of areas. That was the kind of performance we saw from the Leader


Minister failed to answer the question .... 
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Premier hates Queensland Rail as they would not do as he told them as mayor.  Got his revenge didn't he.  Also rail  was not covered in his Engineering transport planniny subjects so it is not relevant to transport!


Quote from: Jonno on September 13, 2012, 10:38:40 AM
Premier hates Queensland Rail as they would not do as he told them as mayor.  Got his revenge didn't he.  Also rail  was not covered in his Engineering transport planniny subjects so it is not relevant to transport!
What did he want them to do when he was mayor?


Result: Minister failed to answer a question on rail


Quote from: Simon on September 13, 2012, 10:42:16 AM
Quote from: Jonno on September 13, 2012, 10:38:40 AM
Premier hates Queensland Rail as they would not do as he told them as mayor.  Got his revenge didn't he.  Also rail  was not covered in his Engineering transport planniny subjects so it is not relevant to transport!
What did he want them to do when he was mayor?

Clean off graffiti! He holds grudges very well!


Consideration of 2012/2013 Portfolio Budget Estimates

18 October 2012
Estimates Hearing by the Transport, Housing and Local Government Committee (SO 178)

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Is it worthwhile starting another discussion thread for people to post possible Questions on Notice?  Maybe the Opposition could do with a hand.


Quote from: ozbob on October 08, 2012, 16:42:31 PM
Consideration of 2012/2013 Portfolio Budget Estimates

18 October 2012
Estimates Hearing by the Transport, Housing and Local Government Committee (SO 178)


Minister for Transport and Main Roads,  Department of Transport and Main Roads

9am to 10.30am, 11am to 12noon 18th October 2012

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Transport in estimates tomorrow, late appearance of the TransLink tracker Q4 2011/12, just a coincidence?

Must be  ' open data ' ....   

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Estimates can be viewed at the Parliament web site:

--> http://www.parliament.qld.gov.au/  from 9am ..
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Can Mr Emerson give a straight answer to questions, without the political invective?


Not sure if these have been posted.  Answers to Questions on Notice.

QuoteQuestion on Notice
No. 554
Asked on Thursday, 23 August 2012
MS TRAD asked the Minister for Transport and Main Roads (MR EMERSON)—
Will the Minister advise what steps Queensland Rail, the Department of Transport and Main
Roads and TransLink are currently taking to implement each of the interim measures
recommended by the Cross River Rail review conducted by Barry Broe, Mike Scanlan and Scott
Lennon, as well as the timeframe for completion for each recommendation?
I thank the Member for South Brisbane for the question.
The Independent Panel Review for Cross River Rail made some innovative recommendations
to enhance the rail network and deliver capacity benefits in the short to medium term prior to
the delivery of the core Cross River Rail project. The Brisbane Inner Rail Solution has been
developed as the government's 10-year plan for the rail network to address the problem of
capacity constraints in the inner Brisbane network and to unlock rail capacity across south-east
The department is currently analysing each option to assess its cost effectiveness in
conjunction with other agencies.
Some of the low cost initiatives could begin to roll-out this year and deliver immediate reliability
and capacity benefits. On the other hand, some initiatives will require further investigation and
consultation to ensure they can deliver the value-for-money reliability and capacity
improvements we are seeking for our rail network.
The Brisbane Inner Rail Solution, including the core Cross River Rail project, was submitted as
one of Queensland's priority projects in its 2012 Infrastructure Australia submission.

QuoteQuestion on Notice
No. 595
Asked on 12 September 2012
MR WELLINGTON asked the Premier (MR NEWMAN)—
With reference to the Premier's answer to my last question on notice about the need to continue the upgrade of the railway line from Landsborough to Nambour—
Will the Premier raise this project with the Prime Minister to see if new federal funding may be made available to assist with the construction of this project?
The Honourable Member continues to ask questions about this project, but has still not raised this issue properly with the State Government.
This Government believes that the Federal Government needs to fund its fair share of infrastructure projects in Queensland and we will continue to push the case for increased funding to the Prime Minister.
As a key supporter of the former Labor government, the Member for Nicklin must accept his fair share of the blame for the debt and financial problems of the Queensland Government. Because Labor lost the State Government's AAA credit rating and amassed a debt that was projected to reach $100 billion by 2018-19, the State Government has been forced to allocate ever increasing amounts to paying interest on its debt. The interim report of the Queensland Commission of Audit indicated that "interest costs to service this debt are running at $3.5 billion in the Total Government sector in 2011-12, climbing to $5.3 billion or 9% of revenue in 2015-16."
The interim report also said that "in recent years, the Government of Queensland embarked on an unsustainable level of spending which has jeopardised the financial position of the State. Queensland has moved from a position of considerable financial strength just six years ago to a position of weakness today. Its performance has been worse than the other states over that period."
These are all issues, which the Government I lead has been elected to deal with and that will require support from the Member for Nicklin to address. Given his interest in the Landsborough to Nambour rail upgrade project, I trust the Honourable Member now supports the hard decisions we have taken in the budget and will work with us to get Queensland moving.


What is the 'correct way to raise this matter' (SC Line duplication) with the State Government?  Mr Emerson states Mr Wellington is raising the matter incorrectly, yet fails to indicate what he believes to be the correct way.

Perhaps it is time for a private group, working through the SCRC, to put the issue of federal funding for the duplication to IA, completely bypassing the state government.

That is a 'correct way' to proceed, as IA allows private submissions.

If the state further protests, we will have the completely loopy situation where the LNP is arguing against their Sunshine Coast MPs who screached and petitioned in Labor days, declaring the Beerburrum-Nambour duplication as being a priority project that should be funded immediately.


Read the transcript of the Estimates Hearing.  It was very uninspiring.


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We are going to get 3 years of "We can't do anything because of you" Sickening.  Meanwhile money flowing freely for road expansions.  Sad Statte of Sffairs we should call ourselves. 


Ministerial Statements

QuotePublic Transport; Bruce Highway
Hon. SA EMERSON (Indooroopilly—LNP) (Minister for Transport and Main Roads) (9.54 am):
Queensland is a great state that deserves a great transport network. The Newman government has a
number of initiatives to improve people's transport options. A key priority is to make public transport
more affordable, reliable and frequent. The nine-and-free initiative is one way we are improving
affordability. This provides free travel after nine journeys taken each week. We are also lowering the
cost of living by halving Labor's planned 15 per cent fare increase. The Ferny Grove rail line now has a
train every 15 minutes during the day, Monday to Friday. These more frequent services are great news
for local residents. We are also seeing improvements to rail reliability. This is after falling to three-year
lows during the dying days of the previous Labor government.
We have also simplified the way public transport is delivered across the state. TransLink will now
have responsibility for passenger services across the state. This includes regional airlines, coach and
ferry services. Having one organisation means less duplication, better planning and better integration.
The Newman government is very focused on improving the Bruce Highway. We recently released
our Out of the crisis report. It identifies more than 50 capacity and flood mitigation projects and hundreds
of kilometres of safety treatments to be delivered during the next 10 years. These include wider centre
lines, audible edge lines, more overtaking lanes, intersection upgrades and upgrades to flood prone
areas. There are a range of projects up and down the coast. We have projects like the Ingham to
Cardwell deviation for flood mitigation and the Mackay Ring Road stage 1 construction which is a
capacity project. There are many more projects and I would urge people to have a look at the plan which
is available on the Transport and Main Roads website. Labor left the Bruce Highway in a crisis, with the
RACQ predicting between 300 and 400 road deaths occurring in the next 10 years if we do not take
action. The Newman government will honour its election commitment and contribute an additional
$1 billion over the next 10 years. We also need the federal government to come to the table with its
share of the funding.
If you are looking for a silver lining to 14 years of Labor, it would have to be that it gives you a lot
of opportunity to make things better. We are doing just that as we build a better future and a better
transport network for Queensland.

Would appear that they intend to proceed with the 7.5% fare increase, stand by ....
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Disallowance of Statutory Instrument

--> http://www.parliament.qld.gov.au/documents/hansard/2013/2013_04_17_DAILY.pdf

pages 1089 onwards, well worth a read ...
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Queensland Parliament Hansard 6th June 2013


Questions without notice

QuoteRail Services
Mr KATTER: My question is to the Minister for Transport and Main Roads. With 12 derailments on the Mount Isa-Townsville line from 2010 to 2012 emanating from diminished maintenance levels as a result of privatised rolling stock, will the minister rule out any further privatisation of the line that abrogates the Queensland government's social responsibility to remote communities and industry?
Mr EMERSON: Mr Deputy Speaker, can I get the member to repeat the question?
Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER: Member for Mount Isa, I am sorry but the minister could not hear the question and I could not hear it clearly. Could you please repeat the question more clearly.
Mr KATTER: Yes. My apologies. With 12 derailments on the Mount Isa-Townsville line from 2010 to 2012 emanating from diminished maintenance levels as a result of privatised rolling stock, will the minister rule out any further privatisation of the line that abrogates the Queensland government's social responsibility to remote communities and industry?
Mr SEENEY: I rise to a point of order. My respect for the practices and tradition of this place no longer allows me to remain silent. That question is clearly out of order. It is not just an assertion; it is a statement. The member is making a statement in the question, he is making an accusation in the question, that offends the standing orders. The member must ask a question. He can refer to a matter, but he cannot make a statement. He cannot make an assertion.
Madam SPEAKER: Member for Mount Isa, you need to just simply put a short question to the minister, because we are having difficulty understanding what you are saying and there is quite a longwinded statement there. So put your question to the minister.
Mr KATTER: Yes. Thank you, Mr Deputy Speaker. I will rephrase it. Will the minister rule out any further privatisation of the line from Mount Isa to Townsville that abrogates the Queensland government's social responsibility to remote communities?
Mr EMERSON: I thank the honourable member for the question. Of course, can I also thank the honourable Deputy Premier for his guidance of the House once again.
The member has asked a number of questions about this section of line between Mount Isa and Townsville. In case he did not understand what I said the last time, I will reiterate what I said previously. In terms of that line, as we know that line has been put up as part of our Nation Building Program 2 submission to the federal government. We have asked for money for that. Unfortunately, Swannie—that so-called Queensland Treasurer—has not put the money up for it. Of course—and I am sure I will pre-empt the Premier here before he jumps up—who supports Swannie out there? Who is out there making sure he is there? Who is doing it? Who is keeping Swannie in power?
An honourable member interjected.
Mr EMERSON: That is right. The member for Mount Isa may know the main supporter of Labor in the federal parliament. He may be aware of him. He may know him. He may know him quite intimately. The reality is that he is the leader of the member's party, even though this week I noted in the media that one of the member's former supporters—in fact, one of the federal directors of his party—has now abandoned his party. He was once with the council. Can I say that, unfortunately—
A government member: Do you know what his name is?
Mr EMERSON: Yes. He was once a member of the LNP. Can I say that he did see the light briefly. He went from Logan City Councillor to the LNP, then he turned an Independent, then he turned to the Queensland Party and then he turned to the Katter party. Now—
Mr KATTER: I rise to a point of order. Relevance—the minister is making no attempt to answer the question.
Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER: The minister has been speaking to the question.
Mr EMERSON: I do not want to go through the long list of parties that he has been a member of. Now, I understand he is with the Family First party. Why did he join the Family First party? Because he missed out on that Senate spot that he was craving. But he is not the only one in this chamber—
Mr KATTER: I rise to a point of order—relevance again.
Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER: Member for Mount Isa, the minister very directly and immediately began to answer your question and he is continuing to speak to it.
Mr EMERSON: Thank you, Mr Deputy Speaker. As I said, we all know he was not the only one who missed out—who wanted that job, who wanted that Senate spot, but missed out. The reality is that, in the end, they wanted someone who was living and working on the land, but they could not find anyone. They could not find anyone here, could they? So they had to go for the pop star. That was the reality. So I say to the member for Mount Isa to get daddy to stop supporting Labor.
(Time expired)
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Ride the G:


And why doesn't Xstrata pay for the line? Aren't they are the main users? Cannot any passenger services simply use the line on a marginal cost basis? And can't the govt impose minimum quality standards to ensure the line remains available for third-party users (QR passenger services if it was Xtstrata's line) at all times defined by the third party user agreement.


Questions without notice 19th March 2014


Public Transport
Mr KAYE: My question without notice is to the Minister for Transport and Main Roads. Can the minister please advise the House how the Newman government is improving front-line services for public transport passengers?

Mr EMERSON: I thank the member for Greenslopes, a great advocate for public transport, for his question. Tomorrow marks the two month anniversary of the introduction of our new train timetables and the introduction of 1,000 additional weekly services on our train system.

Ms Trad: A great Labor initiative.

Mr EMERSON: I take the interjection from the member for South Brisbane. She says it is a great Labor initiative. They had 14 years in office—they could've, they would've, they should've, but they didn't. That is the reality. They had 14 years in office and they still could not deliver that. We have delivered 1,000 additional weekly services. Tomorrow is the two month anniversary of that.

I have some good news. I can now confirm and inform the House that we are seeing 27,000 additional passenger trips per week in the last two months compared to the same period last year. That is 27,000 additional passenger trips per week compared to the same period last year. The delivery of front-line services and the delivery of public transport services is the result of good management by the LNP government.

That is what we have done in our time in office compared to Labor's time in office. Let us not forget that while we are delivering extra services we have maintained reliability. It is 10 percentage points higher than what we were seeing under Labor. It is a 10-year high when it comes to rail reliability as opposed to the three-year low under the now Leader of the Opposition when she was transport minister. We have introduced extra services and are seeing 27,000 additional passenger trips per week at the moment. Let us not forget that in terms of affordability we cut Labor's fare increases. We cut the Leader of the Opposition's planned 15 per cent fare increases.

The other week we introduced a change in our policies in terms of boom gates. There was a boom gate strike at Newmarket on Monday. Previously that boom gate would have been down for an hour and services would have been delayed for an hour. Under our new policy, when the lights are working and it is safe to do so we move trains through. That delay was 10 minutes compared to an hour.

Our reliability has been maintained. We have introduced additional services. We cut Labor's planned fare increases. Extra passenger services are now underway. This is what we continue to deliver on as a government as opposed to the appalling record of Labor under the appalling record of the now Leader of the Opposition when she was transport minister. They failed to deliver anything but 15 per cent fare increases. I can confirm that we will not be going back to the bad old days of Labor and 15 per cent fare increases year after year after year after year.


Not as good as painted.  Factor in the additional bus and rail services, not much of a gain in effect ..
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Adjournment 19th March 2014


Gold Coast, Public Transport
Dr DOUGLAS (Gaven—PUP) (10.47 pm): Brisbane is getting the BaT Tunnel. But just like in ancient cultures where bats have long been associated with darkness, witchcraft and black magic, Gold Coast bus commuters are being left in the dark over what is going to happen to their services when the light rail system starts in three months. It will take more than the transport minister's magic to get our bus service running on time, because since the new services started two months ago late running is endemic, and probably worse than before the changes. An expensive and misconceived fare system is a concern affecting the entire network and we cannot rely on Campbell Newman's witchcraft to improve it.

As we know, large bats can give a nasty bite. That is what is happening on the Gold Coast. Just like rabid bats that sometimes become disoriented and unable to fly, our bus commuters are increasingly finding it difficult to get a bus that is running on time. When the light rail starts, there is virtually no information available on what will happen to the buses, apart from a brief diagram which has been described as very high level and not of much use for the most part.

I want to know how many buses this will free up, where are they going, will people out at Clearwater and Nerang get weekend services or buses until 5 pm and 6 pm again and, most importantly, when will the public consultation begin. Since new bus timetables started in January, significant issues have emerged which need to be raised, because I am the only MP on the Gold Coast who has gone in to 'bat' for public transport users. The other nine MPs have apparently been silenced by the LNP government, leaving disgruntled bus users all over the coast coming to my office with their complaints. Frequently commuters tell me that the limited span of hours anywhere west of the Gold Coast corridor will stifle patronage growth as people who formerly relied on buses connecting with trains or with more frequent buses no longer can.

Turning to my own electorate, the operating hours for services to Clearwater are blatantly bad and hard to defend. We need changes, such as running the Nerang to Gold Coast University Hospital route down Lawrence Drive and Brendan Drive, instead of Nerang-Broadbeach Road and Station Street, so that it stops at the Earle Haven bus stop. Services on the Gold Coast Highway bunch up so that services like the 700, 703 and 704, which are meant to operate on even 15-minute separation, are arriving at the same time and snapping at each other's heels. The express operating pattern on route 777, south of Broadbeach, is inadequately signed for people to understand that only certain stops are pick-up and set-down locations. The route should move back to being an all-stops route because the time-saving is not significant and the operational complexity makes it pointless.

Routes 761 and 765 now terminate at Robina Town Centre, rather than continuing to Robina Railway Station like they used to—ostensibly to reduce duplication. The list goes on and on. The minister should restore the old bus routes.
(Time expired)
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27,000 extra pax than last year, huh? I wonder how many of those were QR staff who must now use a 'QR Staff' go-card to/from work, which has only happened in the last few months... (NB: Not all staff have yet been issued this card, however AIUI most office workers have).
All opinions stated are my own and do not reflect those held by my employer.


He's taking a lot of his cues from me it seems - verbatim in places.

Not complaining!
Ride the G:


Quote from: SurfRail on March 20, 2014, 17:32:41 PM
He's taking a lot of his cues from me it seems - verbatim in places.

Not complaining!

Nice work, well done SR  :-t


Sent to all outlets:

21st March 2014

All is not what it seems hey?


Real public disclosure of detailed public transport data is not done in Queensland as for other states. [ SEQ: Call for transparency and accuracy with public transport data --> http://railbotforum.org/mbs/index.php?topic=10357.0 ]

One can only assume this is so that spin statements like the one by the Minister of Transport on 20th March 2014 (below) can remain unchallenged by the majority. Well we are not the majority we care for the future of our public transport network and despise the petty attempts to mislead, spin and bluster.

27,000 extra trips a week hey? How about providing an analysis of how many of those trips are actually the result of rorting on the go card? A failed fare system indeed.

How many of those trips are the result of Queensland Rail staff being moved onto corporate go cards?

What mode are these trips occurring?

Coming clean with the real data would be the correct thing to do. As we have seen this week, doing the right thing in the transport portfolio is a rare event.

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org

Quote from: ozbob on March 20, 2014, 05:23:05 AM
Sent to all outlets:

20th March 2014

All is not what it seems hey?


It is well done that train frequency has been increased. Sadly though the pax gains are barely keeping pace with population increase.

27,000 passengers per week is only an average of 27 per service. Trains can handle up to 1000 pax for short duration.

As the Minister has indicated.  Unless the fare system is sorted we are going to continue to see worsening road congestion, social isolation, stagnating and falling patronage.  This is costly for all.

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org

Quote from: ozbob on March 20, 2014, 05:12:42 AM

Minister for Transport and Main Roads
The Honourable Scott Emerson

More passengers get on board new timetable

Two months on and passengers have embraced the Newman Government's overhaul of the rail timetable with more people choosing to catch public transport.

Transport and Main Roads Minister Scott Emerson said the new timetable included an additional 1000 rail services a week.

"Since the new timetable was implemented more than 27,000 extra trips have been taken a week compared to the same time last year," Mr Emerson said.

"Passengers are clearly taking advantage of the more frequent and consistent services as we continue our efforts to improve front line services for Queenslanders.

"Trains are continuing to run on time with our peak reliability record at 95.36 per cent since the new services started on January 20.

"This is in stark contrast to Labor's poor record of the lowest on-time running in three years."

Mr Emerson said the LNP was delivering its promise to improve the frequency, reliability and affordability of the network and the increase in patronage proves we are well on track.

"While we have made significant improvements to the network we acknowledge more needs to be done, particularly when it comes to affordability," he said.

"I can guarantee passengers that we will not go back to the bad old days of the former Labor Government that saw 15 per cent fare increases year after year.

"We understand affordability remains a challenge and will continue to find the savings to drive down the cost of fares."

[ENDS] 20 March 2014
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Via http://www.scottemerson.com.au/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=474:scott-speaks-in-parliament-about-the-graceville-railway-station-upgrade&catid=11:speeches&Itemid=15

Hansard Thursday 3 April 2014

Hon. SA EMERSON (Indooroopilly—LNP) (Minister for Transport and Main Roads) (2.52 pm): Today I rise to speak about the exciting works that are underway to improve train services in my wonderful electorate of Indooroopilly. I am proud to be delivering an upgrade which will increase accessibility to the Graceville train station as part of the LNP government's plan to target disability black spots. This government remains committed to revitalising front-line services by providing accessible rail services that allow all customers to travel safely and easily.

Graceville is one of four train stations that are receiving $40 million worth of accessibility upgrades. Dinmore, Alderley, Newmarket and Graceville are all key stations on the network that currently have stairs-only access to some platforms. While Labor wasted money on making stations pretty, they failed to properly address access for the disabled, parents with prams and the elderly at 31 train stations across the network. There are currently several areas where up to three stations in a row have stairs-only access. This government's program delivers what is required; not just beautification. 1104 Members' Statements 3 Apr 2014

The program will deliver lifts which will vastly improve safety and access for all, but, importantly, to those who need it the most. Work is underway on the final design and this is expected to be completed in the coming weeks, with construction expected to start later this year. Concept sketches of the proposed station upgrade are now being finalised and will be presented as part of the community consultation process this month. Feedback will be considered in developing the final design of the station upgrade. Community consultation is planned to commence after Easter from 22 April 2014 for a period of two weeks, during which time passengers and the community can have their say on the proposed design through my electorate office. Graceville was prioritised for an upgrade based on a number of factors, including current level of access, customer patronage, nearby accessible stations and facilities in the local community.

We are working closely with our accessibility reference group and community representatives to review our method for prioritising stations to ensure we get it right. This is just one part of the Newman government's efforts to improve travel for train passengers. Since coming to government we have halved Labor's fare hikes and provided free travel after nine journeys. That is a saving of more than $400 this year for a person travelling Monday to Friday from my electorate. We have added 1,000 more services, and passengers have welcomed that with a boost of 27,000 additional rail passengers a week. This Newman government has also fixed reliability, taking it from a three-year low to a 10-year high, and signed a contract to deliver 75 more six-car trains arriving from late next year. They will be a welcome addition, particularly when our BaT project is completed. These improvements, along with our investment to improve access to these four train stations, make a better train network. It is just another way that front-line services have vastly improved under the Newman government.
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Queensland Parliament Hansard 15th October 2014


Cost of living, Transport

Hon. SA EMERSON (Indooroopilly—LNP) (Minister for Transport and Main Roads) (2.15 pm): The LNP has a plan to deliver relief for Queensland families feeling cost-of-living pressures. It is a strong plan to reduce debt, to free up funds for job-creating infrastructure and to lower the cost of living for Queensland families.

In Transport and Main Roads this plan includes ending Labor's waste and ending the exorbitant cost-of-living increases that were delivered by the Leader of the Opposition when she was the transport minister. Gone are the warehouses full of backpacks and gold plating that Labor was so fond of. In its place is responsible management and policies that deliver for Queenslanders.

This government promised to freeze registration fees for the family car over our first term. We have delivered on that. Over the three-year freeze period the initiative will benefit the owners of over 2.5 million light vehicles and will assist most of the 1.15 million families in Queensland. The cost saving to run the family car will be $48 for a four-cylinder vehicle, $72 for a six-cylinder vehicle and $98 for an eight-cylinder vehicle. Under Labor registration fees went up 30 per cent in just four years.

Public transport patronage has increased for the first time since Labor started hiking fares up 15 per cent every year from 2010. We have done this in a responsible way. Firstly, we halved Labor's fare hikes in January 2013 and January 2014. Secondly, we provided free travel after nine weekly journeys—a policy that is providing savings for about 80,000 passengers a week. That is 80,000 passengers who would be slugged if Labor got their way and scrapped that policy. Now, for the first time in Queensland's history we are cutting public transport fares across the state. Under Labor the average weekly passenger saw their fares increase by 52 per cent in just three years. Under the LNP a regular weekly passenger will be paying less now than they were in 2012.

What does that mean? It means savings of up to $1,800 a year for a passenger travelling from Palmwoods station in the member for Glass House's electorate. It means savings of $623 a year for passengers travelling from Ferny Grove station on one of the 15-minute services the member for Ferny Grove fought so hard to secure. It means a saving of $88 a year for those travelling two zones in regional cities like Townsville, Cairns and Toowoomba.

The Leader of the Opposition failed to deliver reliable services. We have. She failed to deliver frequent services. We have. She failed to deliver affordable services. We have.
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^ unchallenged spin

It is despairing, when even the opposition cannot be bothered challenging this spin and mistruths ..



Robert Dow ‏@Robert_Dow

. @scottemerson Is patronage increasing? > http://railbotforum.org/mbs/index.php?topic=10048.msg146933#msg146933 ... where is the data then? Graph confirms fall #qldpol ping @jackietrad
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One would have to delete "fluff" patronage that is a result of (a) QR staff passing through gates with a go card now and (b) induced nonsense trips such as 'bus board and bail' behaviour from the 9-then-waste policy.

My view is that it is going backwards, should be keeping up with population growth within the BCC area as a minimum.
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


What about the savings for those going one or two zones. Not everyone works in the city.



Media Statements
Premier and Minister for the Arts
The Honourable Annastacia Palaszczuk
Friday, February 27, 2015

Queensland Parliament sits from March 24

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk says Queensland's 55th Parliament will begin its sittings on Tuesday 24 March.

Ms Palaszczuk also said the Independent Member for Nicklin, Peter Wellington, had accepted her offer to be nominated for election as the new Speaker.

"I believe Peter Wellington is an ideal nominee because of his independence and integrity, his commitment to our parliamentary processes, and his well-known belief in the rights of MPs to have their say on issues of concern to them and the people they represent," she said.

"I believe my nomination of Peter Wellington for the very important position of Speaker of the Legislative Assembly deserves widespread support."

Ms Palaszczuk said Parliament would sit for a total of 12 weeks this year, with the State Budget being handed down by Treasurer Curtis Pitt on Tuesday 14 July.

She said Budget Estimates Hearings would be held from August 18-21 and 25-27, reversing the former government's use of simultaneous committee hearings and the  contraction of hearing dates.

2015 Queensland Parliamentary sittings:

    March 24-26
    May 5-7 and 19-21
    June 2-4
    July 14 — State Budget
    July 14-17 — Budget Week Sitting
    August 18-21 and 25-27 — Budget Estimates Hearings
    September 15-17
    October 13-15 and 27-29
    November 10-12
    December 1-3

"I look forward to the new Parliament and the opportunity to begin the legislative agenda to implement the commitments I made to Queenslanders in the election campaign," Ms Palaszczuk said.
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