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Article: Bike lanes a death risk, warn lawyers

Started by ozbob, September 09, 2011, 07:20:21 AM

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Bike lanes a death risk, warn lawyers

QuoteBike lanes a death risk, warn lawyers

    Robyn Ironside
    From: The Courier-Mail
    September 09, 2011 12:00AM

BIKE lanes are being sandwiched between parking spaces and the road in an act of "design stupidity", a personal injury lawyer says.

The example on Margaret St, Toowoomba, is not uncommon in regional centres, says Trilby Misso solicitor Bill Munro.

But he said the design was dangerous and non-compliant with the latest national guidelines, which recommended a "safety strip" between carparking and bicycles.

"Plonking a bicycle lane between parallel parking bays and the roadway has the effect of channelling cyclists into the area close to the side of parked cars," Mr Munro said.

"Motorists should be aware that very serious and even fatal injuries have occurred to cyclists who have had car doors suddenly opened into their paths of travel."

Guidelines set down by the Association of Australian and New Zealand Road Transport and Traffic Authorities (Austroads) say shared bicycle-car-parking areas should include a 40cm to 1m safety strip to prevent cyclists being hit by car doors, or swerving into traffic to miss them.

"It is most important to provide a width that is adequate to accommodate parked vehicles, operating space for cyclists and adequate clearance to accommodate the opened door of parked vehicles," the 2011 guidelines read.

Already this year six cyclists have been killed on Queensland roads.

Mr Munro said more needed to be done to improve safety.

"The increasing number of claims we are receiving highlights the potential risks cyclists face from having to share the roads with motor vehicles and the inadequate design of some roadside bikeways," he said.

Toowoomba Regional Council infrastructure services leader Carol Taylor said the bikeways complied with state and federal guidelines when they were built several years ago.

"It is desirable to separate cyclists from other traffic streams in busy cycling areas where it is economical and practical to implement," Cr Taylor said. "The lane pictured met all standards when designed."

She said all road users had a responsibility to be mindful of each other and show appropriate consideration and care when sharing the roadway.

Ben Wilson, of Bicycle Queensland, said cyclists would always like to have wider bike lanes, but the "addition of bike lanes was a safety bonus".

"We strongly support bikelanes - and drivers obeying the (Road) Traffic Act and checking before opening doors - as they are required to do," Mr Wilson said.

Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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That's why they're not bike lanes in Brisbane... they are BAZes (no not BUZes).... Bicycle Awareness Zones


Condolences to the families of those killed riding a bicycle recently on Queensland roads due to inadeqaute separation between bicycles & vehicles.

I sure hope there is better separation when my son is old enough to ride his bicycle on the road in several years.

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