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Media Release 5 Sep 2006 Public Transport

Started by ozbob, September 05, 2006, 19:38:44 PM

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Media Release 5th September 2006
Public Transport is an important issue for all

RAIL ? Back On Track (http://backontrack.org)  a web based community organisation for the promotion of rail throughout Australia has suggested that Queensland will need to focus on rapid further development of public transport options.  The Queensland state election campaign by all parties has public transport as a minor issue.

Robert Dow said that ?Reports from all states are indicating a nationwide trend of increasing passenger numbers on all forms of public transport.  A  lack of visionary transport policies are now starting to hurt many Australians.  In Brisbane, the buses and trains are struggling to cope.  Rising fuel costs, and increasing motoring costs generally are forcing many back onto public transport. Public transport is being seen by many as a more convenient and an easier option as traffic congestion causes frustration, delay and cost.?

?The time is now for expanding the rail network throughout the state. Frequent accessible public transport will encourage people to use it.  Fuel price rises will be a big disincentive to private motor vehicle use, let?s prepare now!?


RAIL Back On Track

Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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A Brisbane resident has responded to this media release with these comments.  Thank you for your comments.

QuoteHave to agree with the article (Ed. the media release).
Ferny Grove Station has 2 huge
car parks which are full before 7.30 am weekday mornings & slightly later on
Saturday's. On weekdays the side streets are also full and complaints (I
am led to believe) have been brought up as an issue by local residents. I do
also believe the old Samford rail corridor from Ferny Grove still exists
and should be looked at seriously being brought back into being. This would
ease the parking congestion at Ferny Grove as a lot of those parked come in
from that outer area.
The daily return fare from Ferny Grove (30 mins to city) is $6.00 which
equates 4.2 litres of fuel, then add traffic congestion plus parking fees
why wouldn't people park & train to work???
This also adds to Peter Beaties mega millions of dollars news release last
week for new suburban trains which will ease the traffic problems & get
more people on the trains but further escalate station parking problems.
Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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