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Article: Pedestrians call for cycle ban

Started by ozbob, March 11, 2011, 07:16:26 AM

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Pedestrians call for cycle ban

QuotePedestrians call for cycle ban
Marissa Calligeros
March 10, 2011 - 4:44PM

A national pedestrian lobby group has called for cyclists to be banned from all Brisbane footpaths shared with walkers and joggers.

Pedestrian Council of Australia chairman Harold Scruby said pedestrians and cyclists should not be forced to co-exist and instead have designated paths.

On "separated paths", similar to Brisbane's Bicentennial Bikeway, cyclists can only ride on the side designated for bikes, while pedestrians must keep to the opposite side.

However cyclists of any age are allowed to ride on any footpath, except where there is a 'No Bicycles' sign.

On shared paths, cyclists must give way to pedestrians and ride in a manner that does not inconvenience or endanger other footpaths users, which includes warning others as they approach them with a bell.

However, Mr Scruby said pedestrians should not be forced to face "lycra lunatics" on footpaths.

"This is the first time since Roman times, that vehicles have been invited to use the footpath," he said.

"Our gripe is that on these shared footpaths suddenly the pedestrian is a second-class citizen. Pedestrians are forced to be on constant alert for a cyclist coming up behind them an ringing a bell.

"Let's put pedestrians first, because we were here first and we out-number cyclists 50 to one. Our rights should be considered first."

Bicycle Queensland manager Ben Wilson said cyclists and pedestrians largely co-existed peacefully.

"There's no evidence or statistics to support these claims," he said.

"We certainly have had no great complaints."

However, police last year were forced to crackdown on cyclist behaviour to ease tensions between pedestrians and riders on the Bicentennial Bikeway.

Cyclists were fined $40 for not having a bell on their bike.

Mr Wilson said more cyclists had become educated since that crackdown.

"It's just a bit of give and take. Cyclists and pedestrians are increasingly learning how to accommodate each other," he said.

If cyclists are not banned entirely from footpaths, Mr Scruby said cyclists should be at least subject to strict regulations including a speed limit of 10 km/h on all shared footpaths.

Some sections of Brisbane cycle paths are already subject to speed limits.

The Story Bridge has a 20 km/h speed limit, while cyclists on the Goodwill Bridge cannot travel faster than 10 km/h.

Cyclists can be fined if they exceed the speed limit and can also be penalised for "causing a traffic hazard" if they are deemed to be using the path in an unsafe way.

A Department of Transport spokesman said it was the responsibility of local councils to ban cyclists from areas around shopping centres, schools and children's playgrounds.

Mr Scruby has also recommended cyclists have third-party insurance, be forced to have registration plates and be barred from footpaths less than three metres wide.

"We need to have rigorous enforcement by police and council so cyclists face realistic penalties just as drivers do in loosing demerit points," he said.

"Authorities need to take notice because authorities might be liable if pedestrians or cyclists are injured.

"Footpaths are designed for pedestrians, not vehicles."
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I'll agree to this ban as soon as pedestrians stop using "bicycle only" paths and wandering in front of cyclists without regard to anyone's safety. It goes both ways.

Also it isn't true that cyclists can be fined for "speeding" on the Goodwill Bridge. It is not a public roadway and Police have no power to enforce the improperly-signed speed limit. 10km/h is a joke, anyway. Many of the joggers that are so concerned for their safety would exceed this.


I wonder if you can be fined for walking or running too fast above the speed limit???  ???
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