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Started by ozbob, November 02, 2010, 03:50:57 AM

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Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Couriermail --> Huge shortfall in Airport Link revenue leaves BrisConnections in strife

QuoteBRISBANE'S new Airport Link tunnel is costing $1 million a day to operate - about 10 times the daily average being raised by the tolls levied on users.

The startling figures are contained in a December quarter financial statement released by tunnel operators BrisConnections, which also reveals an average of just 47,102 vehicles used the tollway each day in December ...
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Brisbanetimes --> QIC proposal could take toll on Legacy debt

QuoteLord Mayor Graham Quirk has declined to explain how Brisbane City Council would pay off its debt for Legacy Way tunnel and the Go Between Bridge if it accepted Queensland Investment Corporation's offer to acquire the tolling rights to both projects ....

Read more: http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/qic-proposal-could-take-toll-on-legacy-debt-20130205-2dwtm.html
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Have been monitoring traffic reports lately, it does seem road congestion is getting a lot worse ... and not only traditional peak times either ...

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My office window looks out onto Logan Road at Eight Mile Plains. Jams used to happen only briefly on the inbound lanes, in morning peak, on school days. Lately they seem to happen at any time, and in both directions.


My take on it is that during school holiday the reduced traffic volumes encourages a whole swag of commuters into their cars and it takes a few weeks for many to return to public transport.  There is car usage growth as well but overinflated at moment to the above.

Just proves that more capacity = more driving!!


Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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There is no way that amount of road will only cost 1.6 billion.


Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Quote from: rtt_rules on February 19, 2013, 12:18:46 PM
There will be no more road PPP's for sure,
I don't believe that anything is assured.  How many of these projects have gone belly up?  Yet the next one still finds it's private partner!


The message the media is missing is that one of the biggest investor/owner is QIC who manage the QLD Govt Super Funds which are "Defined Benefit" and not linked to the success/failure of the funds investment choices. That is these massive losses in value need to be made up from "Our State Taxes"!!!!

Whilst we might have some concrete tunnels that will only encourage more traffic, pollution, noise, etc. we are paying for it twice!!


Quote from: Jonno on February 19, 2013, 14:15:22 PM
The message the media is missing is that one of the biggest investor/owner is QIC who manage the QLD Govt Super Funds which are "Defined Benefit" and not linked to the success/failure of the funds investment choices. That is these massive losses in value need to be made up from "Our State Taxes"!!!!

Whilst we might have some concrete tunnels that will only encourage more traffic, pollution, noise, etc. we are paying for it twice!!
Hmm, perhaps you should post that in the comments.


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If its via the yards you're going to encounter a few issues.


Quote from: Jonno on February 10, 2013, 08:17:44 AM
There is no way that amount of road will only cost 1.6 billion.
I reckon they might be able to...Tintebar Ewingsdale is costing $862 Mil for 17km (http://www.rta.nsw.gov.au/roadprojects/projects/pac_hwy/ballina_tweed_heads/tintenbar_ewingsdale/index.html )
And that project has a tunnel in it too.

This is the one big project, 2 and a bit times longer, so more of an economy of scale, plus a big section of it will only be 2/3 lanes anyway.


Couriermail --> Demise of BrisConnections casts doubt on the future of private investment in roads

Quote... Urban and Transport economist with the University of Melbourne Chris Hale said successful toll roads usually involved a long period of planning and consultation and filled a demonstrated need in the community.

"What we had in Brisbane was a push out of nowhere that we had to build tunnel projects. I don't think it was about clear transport planning or a need that had to be solved with a tunnel," Mr Hale said in reference to Campbell Newman's "Transapex" tunnel vision, when he was Lord Mayor.

"Political rationales are not good motivations for these projects." ...
Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Brisbanetimes --> Brisbane toll road operator hits the wall



Questions concerning forecasts need be asked, and I expect will probably be the subject of legal actions down the track ..

'We' are a mob of fools ...
Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Great presentation by Brent Toderian ex-Chief Planner of Vancouver http://www.youtube.com/embed/VxB37YrpMGs

Brisbane learning his lesson the hard/stupid way


Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Minister for Transport and Main Roads
The Honourable Scott Emerson

Port of Brisbane Motorway open ahead of schedule

The multi-million dollar Port of Brisbane Motorway upgrade is open to traffic eight months ahead of schedule.

Transport and Main Roads Minister Scott Emerson and member for Lytton Neil Symes commissioned the $385 million project today, and thanked crews for completing the project much earlier than anticipated.

"A large section of this fantastic new motorway opened to motorists in September last year, and today marks the official completion of the whole upgrade," Mr Emerson said.

Mr Emerson said the project would be extremely beneficial to the freight industry, with almost 90 per cent of port trade moved by road.

"Providing these upgrades and duplications will help to minimise traffic disruption and maintain smooth traffic flow for freight and local road users," he said.

"Most heavy vehicles heading to the port are now using the new motorway, with motorists having the option to continue using Lytton Road or the new motorway extension.

"This is a great result for Queensland's growing economy."

Mr Symes said the project delivered a duplication of the existing three–kilometre, two-lane motorway, as well as a three-kilometre, four-lane extension and construction of six bridges.

"This upgraded motorway guarantees a more reliable road access to the Port of Brisbane," Mr Symes said.

"The delivery of this vital new upgrade project could not come fast enough.

"In 2009, the Port of Brisbane Motorway carried approximately 18,000 vehicles per day, with around 5,400 of these being heavy vehicles.

"It is expected these figures will increase to approximately 45,000 vehicles per day, with around 18,000 being heavy vehicles, by 2026.

"With this growth, the original motorway would quickly reach capacity by 2015 and be unable to cater to the demand.

"It's a great achievement for all involved to be able to finish such a significant project eight months ahead of schedule."

The Port of Brisbane Motorway upgrade project has also made Pritchard Street a permanent cul-de-sac, eliminating the 90-degree bend for port-bound traffic.

Local roads also now exclusively service Fort Lytton and local businesses including the Caltex Lytton refinery.

[ENDS] 21 February 2013
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Courier Mail Editorial (ignore the AFL bit at the top) -> click here


THE collapse of BrisConnections, owner of the $4.8 billion Airport Link tunnel, highlights the fact that one of the biggest challenges now facing the Newman Government is how to fund essential new infrastructure.

BrisConnections and Clem7's operator, RiverCity Motorways, which collapsed in 2011, were both creatures of a pre-GFC world, when private sector investors and banks seemed to believe every post was a winner, no matter how optimistic the traffic forecasts.

But the spectacular financial failure of both projects means that if the Government wants to build major new infrastructure projects, such as new rail lines or highway upgrades, it must find the funding itself or work out ways to underwrite the returns of private sector investors.

In some rare instances, it might be able to trade off public land in return for a new piece of infrastructure, which is how it claims to be getting a new $650 million Executive Building at 1 William Street at no cost to taxpayers.

But in the majority of cases, voters will pay for new capital works, either as taxpayers contributing to general revenue or as users paying tolls to use these new assets.

The Government is working hard to find new funding models but in doing so it is determinedly avoiding one obvious, but politically contentious option - congestion taxes, which would be levied on all road users during peak demand periods.

We need a serious investigation of how a congestion tax might work, both as a way to raise funds for essential transport infrastructure and to encourage more use of public transport.

Our political leaders must find the courage to lead us in such discussions.

Queenslanders have always shown themselves ready for such conversation.


The last paragraph makes me think this is actually cunning satire.
Ride the G:


Quote from: SurfRail on February 21, 2013, 15:37:35 PM
The last paragraph makes me think this is actually cunning satire.
Good point.


I'm up for the conversation, but not if developers see a congestion tax as big bucket of money that lays down PT infrastructure to a wet dream development in an inconvenient location that otherwise would not have been viable without a bucketload of public money subsidising its existence.  Looked at it one way, Queensland taxpayers had direct exposure of about $280m in Airport Link..... $280m for 37,000 vpd, not bad.


From the Couriermail click here!

Brisbane tunnel failures drive calls for CBD congestion tax

QuoteBrisbane tunnel failures drive calls for CBD congestion tax

    by: Andrew MacDonald
    From: The Courier-Mail
    February 23, 2013 12:00AM

AN inner-Brisbane congestion charge should be considered as a traffic-busting way to fund future large-scale infrastructure projects, say experts.

The call for the reignition of debate over the politically volatile road-use tariff comes as Airport Link this week became Brisbane's second multi-billion-dollar tunnel project to financially collapse.

University of Queensland economist Professor John Quiggin said current tolling was falling short of revenue and congestion-reduction objectives and debate over introducing targeted charges for drivers on our most clogged roads during peak periods should be restarted.

He said the rethink could also involve reducing or scrapping tolls on the new roads to encourage use and further reduce congestion.

"The basic idea is that if you look at the way we charge for roads at the moment we (toll) the nicest newest roads, which are the ones that we would like people to use," he said. "So we're taking people off the roads that we want them on and putting them on to the roads that we don't want them on. A congestion charge has the merit of (being) relatively straightforward to collect and it picks out the busiest area."

Prof Quiggin said despite logical arguments for a congestion tariff, few politicians or interest groups were willing to champion or initiate debate.

Targeted charges for driving in specific zones near the centres of major cities like London, Stockholm and Singapore have become accepted means of reducing congestion, while also providing revenue for other projects.

In Australia individuals like former Treasury boss Ken Henry have also floated congestion charges to generate revenue for projects.

However, Premier Campbell Newman has strongly opposed such fees and his office yesterday referred a query on the issue to Transport Minister Scott Emerson.

Mr Emerson's office said a congestion charge was not a current consideration.

Brisbane Lord Mayor Graham Quirk "strongly opposed" such a charge, his office said.

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It already had been modelled by TMR. Most traffic not going to CBD...
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


Thu evening after 6pm the northbound traffic queue on the Go Between Bridge was back past the south bank of the river in the right lane - heading towards the ICB.  Maybe use of the bridge is increasing?


Been following traffic reports closely etc. lately and it does seems congestion is getting a lot worse on the roads in 2013 already.  I don't think the 5 year fare fail has helped in this regard ...
Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Penny Cameron ‏@Pennycopter

Fancy a trip on the Western Fwy this morning? I thought not. #bnetraffic http://t.co/2wbVwMMs6U

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Ipswich Rd and Annerley Rd were also awful.  Approximately walking pace.  Where is the T2 lane, or bus lane?


Quote from: Simon on February 28, 2013, 09:16:12 AM
Ipswich Rd and Annerley Rd were also awful.  Approximately walking pace.  Where is the T2 lane, or bus lane?

"But those lanes are always empty!  Unfair!"
Ride the G:



Minister for Transport and Main Roads
The Honourable Scott Emerson

Fix the Bruce

The Prime Minister has again turned her back on Queenslanders by pledging funding for another Sydney motorway rather than the Bruce Highway.

Transport and Main Roads Minister Scott Emerson said the Federal Government had announced a $1 billion commitment to the Western Sydney motorway network but failed to make a commitment to Queensland.

"The Bruce Highway is a critical issue for Queenslanders which is why we committed an additional $1 billion over the next 10 years provided the Federal Government also brings forward their $4 billion as part of the historic 80/20 split for this national highway," Mr Emerson said.

"The investment is not about politics, it is about protecting the lives of all who travel on this 1677km lifeline for Queensland.

"Recent heavy rains have again highlighted the vulnerability of the Bruce Highway, with several sections cut either side of Gympie which stopped all traffic in either direction.

"The RACQ have also gone on the record saying if immediate action was not taken on the Bruce Highway, up to 400 people would die on that stretch of road over the next 10 years."

Mr Emerson said Queenslanders were sick of being ignored by the Federal Government.

"We presented our Bruce Highway Action Plan to the federal government in October but have yet to hear of any funding commitment from the Commonwealth.

"The plan was undertaken by engineers, not politicians, and will provide a safer, more reliable Bruce Highway reducing the impact of flooding.

"It also identifies key projects to improve safety, capacity and flood mitigation for the Bruce Highway.

"The fact is, without the support of the federal government we cannot go ahead with our plan to fix the highway.

"Ms Gillard needs to commit to the safety of Queensland motorists, not just look after her own political fortunes."

[ENDS] 4 March 2013


" ... The plan was undertaken by engineers, not politicians, ... "  <- could be a useful quote down the track ...   :P
Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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