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Started by ozbob, November 02, 2010, 03:50:57 AM

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Robyn Ironside ‏@ironsider

700 investors in Clem7 tunnel have launched $150M class action against Aecom for "excessive traffic forecasts".

Quote from: ozbob on May 19, 2012, 14:35:51 PM
From the Couriermail 19th May 2012 page 69

Rivercity sues on traffic forecast

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and where is Capbell Newman who pushed/forced this tunnel through?   It was his golden child project?  It was the solution to all our traffic problems?  The silence is deafening!!


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The Clem 7 actions made AM (ABC Radio) this morning.  I heard one comment to the effect that the failure of these road tolls is becoming 'systematic' and reflects the lack of of a 'whole of system planning approach'.  Something I think most of us would agree.  The Clem 7 failure is a classic example of looking at the project at an individual basis rather than part of an integrated system.  If that was done it would have probably not been built IMHO.  The Clem 7 failure is just more reason why transport planning needs to be removed from BCC and done at a proper integrated level.

AM ABC Radio Class action launched over Brisbane tunnel --> http://www.abc.net.au/am/content/2012/s3515845.htm

Contrast the rigour behind Clem 7 versus Cross River Rail.

CRR has effects from Nambour to Gold Coast.  Clem 7, BCC thought bubble ... and it has gone 'pop!'
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From the Couriermail 2nd June 2012 page 18

Newman axe for $400m road projects

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Sent to all outlets:

2nd June 2012

Rural Queensland is falling apart due to rail transport neglect


Today in the Couriermail there is a report of funding shortfalls for roads. (Newman axe for $400m road projects, CM June 2 page 18.)

The roads are being smashed by ever escalating numbers of trucks.  Road trauma is out of control. It has been another very sad week for road trauma - multiple deaths and injuries,  on the roads.

Specifically mentioned in the CM article is the Warrego Highway " .. which is in dangerous disrepair ... ".

The Western rail line to Charleville, with branches to Quilpie and Cunnamulla  runs adjacent to the Warrego Highway.  Prior to the 2011 floods, the Westlander passenger train ran as a mixed train, attached to the passenger carriages for each journey out west to Charleville were 4 or 5 freight wagons. This provided an economical, timely and reliable, safe way of transporting goods along the line to Charleville.  Following the floods the freight service on the Westlander was never restarted.

I travelled on the Westlander in April of this year.  At Charleville I spoke with a number of local citizens who were scathing about the loss of their freight service.  The goods now arrive by road transport, without any reliable time line,  and the damage to the goods is causing significant difficulties, damage that did not occur anything like what is happening by the roads.  Also of great local concern is the ever escalating number of trucks, the massive damage being done to the road system, and the sheer terror of being forced to drive on the roads under such conditions.

It is time that the Minister for Transport and Main Roads directed Queensland Rail to negotiate with QRN with a view to restoring general freight services on the Western line.  Attaching freight wagons back to the Westlander effectively means the the cost of providing the passenger service is largely offset, and there are broader economic benefits for the community.  Their goods will once again arrive on time and without damage.  Less damage to the road system, road trauma costs are lessened, environmental impacts reduced.

It is time we moved bulk and long haul freight back on to rail for the economic and social benefit for all Queenslanders.

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org
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Minister for Transport and Main Roads
The Honourable Scott Emerson

Labor's black hole leads roads to nowhere

The former Labor Government left almost $400 million in road and transport projects without any funding to deliver them.

Minister for Transport and Main Roads Scott Emerson said the Bligh Government had spent its final months recklessly committing projects to the Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program (QTRIP) it knew couldn't be delivered.

"I have ordered my Department to review this financial mess and provide a comprehensive list of unfunded projects promised by the former government," Mr Emerson said.

"An LNP Government will be working hard to improve the budget bottom line to cut waste and find the savings so we can build better roads and deliver more frequent, reliable and affordable public transport for Queenslanders.

"Labor simply kept putting transport and road projects on lay-by long after they maxed out the credit card.

"It was a $382 million con on Queensland communities crying out for roads and transport infrastructure."

Among the $382 million in unfunded promises were:

·$250 million added to QTRIP in 2011-12 by the former government without additional funding

·$75 million added to QTRIP post publication without additional funding

·$57 million in unfunded Regional Infrastructure Fund projects.

"The additional projects weren't in the original detailed program of works for Queensland's transport and road network over a four-year period, but appeared over the following 12 months," Mr Emerson said.

"I understand some of the projects are already underway, which means there is a greater need to find savings because of Labor's mismanagement.

"With a projected $85 billion debt inherited from Labor it is difficult to guarantee that unfunded projects that have not begun will receive funding in the upcoming budget without finding substantial savings across the portfolio.

"We will not mislead or con Queenslanders into believing there is money in the budget to deliver infrastructure projects when we have the largest debt in the state's history."

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What about the big big big whopper that is Connecting SEQ 2031 - $227 billion or $12 billion per year, each year, every year, for the next 20 years. ~ 12x TransLink's annual budget! THAT is IMPOSSIBLE.

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LNP Abandons Cairns Bus Station Project

Shadow Minister for Main Roads and Member for Mulgrave Curtis Pitt says just two months after its election the Newman Government has abandoned Cairns by scrapping proposed major transport and road projects vital to coping with a growing region vital to Queensland's future growth.

Mr Pitt said Transport Minister Scott Emerson had wrongly accused the previous government of not funding projects outlined in the QTRIP (Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program) strategy document.

"Mr Emerson is using this false accusation as an excuse to abandon the $36 million Cairns bus station," Mr Pitt said.

"This was a project the former government listed in its QTRIP strategy precisely because of its importance to the region and its people and industry.

"The facts are that the QTRIP strategy contained approved projects for any current financial year and indicative funding for the following three years.

"It was developed as means to forward plan to cater for the needs of our state's growing regions.

"No other state took the approach of looking that far ahead to set its transport and road priorities."

Mr Pitt said future projects listed in the QTRIP strategy were always subject to the State Budget process and could always be re-evaluated as needs changed.

"For instance, in mid-2011 the projects listed in QTRIP were revised  to take account of the need to prioritise those road and transport projects needed to help communities rebuild after devastating floods and cyclone damage," he said.

"Mr Emerson really must learn to stop playing politics, especially when he doesn't know or deliberately misrepresents the facts."
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Minister for Transport and Main Roads
The Honourable Scott Emerson
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Government to boost transport construction industry

The Newman Government will provide a significant boost to Queensland's road and transport construction industry with changes to tendering by the state-owned RoadTek.

Minister for Transport and Main Roads Scott Emerson said the days of RoadTek taking work from private operators to build government road and bridge construction projects were over.

"In the last decade under Labor, the price of construction works in Queensland has increased at a much quicker rate than the national average," Mr Emerson said.

"According to ABS statistics, the cost to build roads and bridges in Queensland has increased by 77.8 per cent since 1999 compared to a national increase of 69.1 per cent.

"The cause of the cost blow out was the ridiculous situation under Labor where the government used RoadTek in areas of the state where it could have gone with private construction firms or local government that could have delivered better value for money.

"The changes mean RoadTek will no longer take work away from private companies in major markets, such as South East Queensland.

The Queensland Government will spend about $310 million on roads and transports infrastructure in South East Queensland this financial year.

Mr Emerson said that RoadTek would still play an important role in regional and remote areas where its expertise and responsiveness would deliver when private firms were unable to do so – particularly during natural disasters.

The Department of Transport and Main Roads will begin consultation with RoadTek's 2500 staff and contractors, the construction industry and councils to deliver a better tendering process.

"Not only will this deliver taxpayers value for money, it will support small and large businesses that are driving the Queensland economy and be an important part of the Newman Government's drive to deliver four per cent unemployment within six years," Mr Emerson said.

"It is imperative that we reduce the $85 billion of debt left by Labor and find solutions that will deliver more for the same amount of money."

In the current financial year RoadTek will deliver about $1.1 billion in road and bridge construction, and transport systems, including about $340 million in joint Federal-State National Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements.

[ENDS] 13 June 2012

Media Contact: Andrew Berkman 0429 128 637



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There is currently a Queensland Government e-peititon calling for a freeway from Bald Hills to the CBD.


QuoteQueensland citizens draws to the attention of the House to the population and commercial growth in the Moreton Bay Regional Council and Sunshine Coast Council areas, noting the increased commute demand between these areas and the Brisbane central business district.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to take the necessary steps to link the M1 at Bald Hills with a freeway to the Brisbane central business district, replicating infrastructure south of the Brisbane River.


Quote from: achiruel on June 14, 2012, 11:57:22 AM

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to take the necessary steps to link the M1 at Bald Hills with a freeway to the Brisbane central business district, replicating infrastructure south of the Brisbane River.

"Here's an Airport Link Tunnel we prepared earlier".

Mr X

If they want a seamless road link just build one between Airport Link at Kedron and the Bruce Highway.
The user once known as Happy Bus User (HBU)
The opinions contained within my posts and profile are my own and don't necessarily reflect those of the greater Rail Back on Track community.


Quote from: Mr X on June 17, 2012, 22:53:22 PM
If they want a seamless road link just build one between Airport Link at Kedron and the Bruce Highway.

And how many billions would that cost that could be spent on something useful instead?

Another interesting article:



And how many houses would be demolished in the process, just so the rest can have a freeway to the CBD and Sunshine Coast? Imagine how wide it would need to be!

Quote from: morb on June 17, 2012, 16:23:55 PM
"Here's an Airport Link Tunnel we prepared earlier".

More like the Northern Freeway out of the 1965 Wilbur Smith plan.
Unless otherwise stated, all views and comments are the author's own and not of any organisation or government body.

Free trips in 2011 due to go card failures: 10
Free trips in 2012 due to go card failures: 13



Robyn Ironside ‏@ironsider

RiverCity Motorway raising tolls for the Clem7 tunnel (again) to $4.05 for cars, up ten cents. From July 1.
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Quote from: WTN on June 18, 2012, 23:27:20 PM
And how many houses would be demolished in the process, just so the rest can have a freeway to the CBD and Sunshine Coast? Imagine how wide it would need to be!

If they connect the Kedron end of Airport link to a 4km tunnel under stafford that would get them over to the trouts rd coridoor, which you'd then build a surface route on.

The trouts coridoor is 60m wide.
By comparison, the Kwinana/Mitchell freeways are 39m wide, including the twin track railway, and around 50m at stations.
Even if they bump the rail with two central running tracks they should be able to do the lot.


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Quote from: ozbob on June 25, 2012, 06:06:52 AM
National Times --> Should we all pay to alleviate congestion?
It's a good discussion to have. I think a more equitable toll situation would be a cordon toll of sorts. For example, when Airport Link opens, the people who actually use the tunnel will get the most benefit, but those who continue using the surface road will get a benefit in terms of reduced traffic. Tolling both would ultimately be the most equitable, although you'd probably have a slightly higher toll on the tunnel as it has no traffic lights so would still give the most benefit. A good understanding of how the road network works as a network would enable them to work out toll levels.

I feel this would help combat something that I think goes on more than people think where the driving public at large support a road project getting built, even if tolled. Then once built won't pay the toll and then complain that there shouldn't be a toll and that government should buy the tunnel/road and remove the toll. We saw this the other day with old mate from the RACQ suggesting that the State should buy Clem 7.
There is no silver bullet... but there is silver buckshot.
Never argue with an idiot. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.


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Quote from: ozbob on June 26, 2012, 02:18:45 AM
Couriermail Quest --> State Government set to spend $65 mil on Enoggera intersection upgrades
Not yet available on the project website (http://tmr.qld.gov.au/Projects/Name/S/Samford-Wardell.aspx) but from the looks of it, these are fairly similar to the final concept previously proposed. I'd want to have a good look at it before I say much, but this is certainly better than the stupid army barracks flyover Campbell was promising during the election.
There is no silver bullet... but there is silver buckshot.
Never argue with an idiot. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.


From the Brisbanetimes click here!

Confusion over intersection upgrade

QuoteConfusion over intersection upgrade
June 27, 2012 - 5:13AM

The state government's newly unveiled revisions for the planned major upgrade of the Wardell Street and Samford Road intersection at Enoggera may have come in $30 million cheaper than the previous design, but locals have been left confused about the consequences.

Premier Campbell Newman, whose state seat of Ashgrove takes in the intersection, has allocated about $60 million of works, which were billed at about $90 million under the Bligh administration, although few details about how the new plans would impact on property resumptions has been provided to the community.

View the revised plans

brisbanetimes.com.au understands the Department of Main Roads owned 10 properties before the 2011 planning study started, with another 12 properties acquired through mutual agreement at the request of the property owners.

There was one additional property currently under negotiation, with another eight identified for potential requirements, though to date, no properties had been resumed for the intersection upgrade, and no notices of intention to resume had been issued.

Local councillor Andrew Wines said he had not been briefed on how the new proposal would impact residents in his ward, but he had been calling on an upgrade for years.

"I haven't received a briefing on the detail yet but I look forward to having my say along with the rest of the community during the consultation process," Cr Wines said.

Meanwhile Jenny Hung, who has operated the Enoggera Lotus Room Chinese restaurant on the northwest corner of the intersection for 18 years, said she had not been contacted by the government in light of the new plans and was unsure about the impact to her business.

Ms Hung said while the previous government had bought up several properties in the area as part of the project, she did not know whether her shop would be affected.

"Some of the neighbours and local customers are worried," she said.

"We were told there wasn't enough money for the project, and now there seems there is enough money – we don't know what's going on."

A spokesman for Main Roads Minister Scott Emerson said work was expected to start next year on the plan which carried a reduced footprint and maintained buildings on the southeast corner of the intersection.

The spokesman said a narrower road corridor aimed to minimise direct impacts to the houses on the northern side of Samford Road, while the Quartermaster's camping store opposite Ms Hung would also be saved.

"There are several improvements to the previous plan, such as the inclusion of a new access to the Enoggera Barracks on Samford Road, opposite Imbros Street [and] cycle lanes will now only be provided on Samford Road at the approaches to the Wardell and Imbros streets intersections" he said.

"We will make every effort to keep disruptions to the community and local businesses to a minimum during construction."

But Gaythorne and Mitchelton Urban Taskforce member Ian Ferrier said the community had not been provided with enough information to determine whether it was a band-aid fix done on the cheap, or a real solution to traffic congestion fuelled by the Enoggera Army Barracks.

"We haven't had any consultation with the Premier and we'd prefer to have some advice, rather than being fobbed off to the Department of Main Roads," he said.

"We're happy to have the upgrade done, but we'd like more detail to be released."

Mr Newman will seek feedback at a public meeting from 10am at the Wardell Street/Samford Road intersection on July 7.

Anyone with concerns or wanting individual information could call 1800 045 348 on weekdays between 8.30am and 5pm, email samford.wardell@tmr.qld.gov.au or visit www.tmr.qld.gov.au

Read more: http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/confusion-over-intersection-upgrade-20120626-210ag.html
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Are these roads TMR roads while Coro and KSD are council roads!!??


Ok, so this upgrade was always going to be required in some form. The current intersection layout was innefficient. However the new plans are ridiculous! What they've done to reduce the land take along the length of the upgrade is change it so that cycle lanes are only provided on the approach to the intersections. Have a look:http://www.tmr.qld.gov.au/~/media/330fdf7a-f6be-4081-b0ae-1a163b914070/samfordwardellmaplr2pdf.pdf it says so right on their website too:

What has changed from the previous plan?
    new access to the Enoggera Barracks on Samford Road, opposite Imbros Street
    reduced footprint to keep the building on the south-east corner of the intersection, saving businesses
    reduced direct impacts to houses along Samford Road
    cycle lanes will only be provided on Samford Road at the approaches to Wardell Street and Imbros Street intersections
    the Department of Defence's upgrade of the Lloyd Street and Wardell Street intersection will be delivered at the same time to minimise disruption to the community

I saved a copy of the old plan in a community update newsletter, however the file is 750KB so I can't attach it here (filesize limit of 500KB). https://www.dropbox.com/s/y0bqeg1y3lmxgkf/samfordroadandwardellstreetintersectionupgradenewsletter2february2012.pdf
As far as I can see, you can view it there, but I think it's better quality if you download it and view it as a .pdf
There is no silver bullet... but there is silver buckshot.
Never argue with an idiot. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.



Robyn Ironside ‏@ironsider

Brisbane Airportlink to be free for the first three months after opening in late July.
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I wonder if it will turn out like CLEM7, patronage dropped about 50% when they started charging for it.


Quote from: achiruel on June 28, 2012, 10:12:27 AM
I wonder if it will turn out like CLEM7, patronage dropped about 50% when they started charging for it.

I think they are a little nervous, hence a strategy of sorts to wean the car cars  into chronic use .. lol

From the Couriermail click here!

Tolls revealed for Brisbane's new Airportlink route

Tolls revealed for Brisbane's new Airportlink route
Robyn Ironside
From: The Courier-Mail
June 28, 2012 9:58AM

MOTORISTS will be able to use the new Brisbane Airportlink for three months before paying any tolls.

BrisConnections boss Ray Wilson will announce full details of the tolling charges for the tunnel later this morning.

After the toll-free period finishes in late October, motorists will enjoy a further six-months of discounted tolls ranging from $2 for shorter trips to $2.50 for the full Bowen Hills to Toombul stretch.

After that tolls will rise to $2.90 and $3.75 for cars before reaching the full amount of $3.67 and $4.90 in 15 months time.

Dr Wilson said Airportlink was expected to be finished on July 27 and would open on July 31 or August 1, slashing travel times between the CBD and the airport by up to 20 minutes.

He said the toll decision followed 18 months of consultation with groups and indsutry associations to get feedback on their intended usage of Airportlink.

BrisConnections is keen to avoid the mistakes of the Clem7 Tunnel, which has fallen well short of projected traffic forecasts resulting in legal action by investors.

Operators of the Clem7, RiverCity Motorway, were taken into administration last February with debts of more than $1 billion
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From the Couriermail 29th June 2012 page 7

Toll-free extension fails to end air link doubts

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And all the losses will be claimed as tax breaks from the ATO...

The numbers just don't stack up here. I think that it will go bust.
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From the Brisbanetimes click here!

165,000? Tell 'em they're dreaming

Quote165,000? Tell 'em they're dreaming
Matt O'Sullivan
June 29, 2012

Investors expect BrisConnections' $5.6 billion Airport Link to ''miss by a long way'' its traffic forecasts despite it tempting motorists by extending the toll-free period for the Brisbane road.

BrisConnections, the listed operator of the 6.7-kilometre toll road, has released details of its charges for the first 15 months, highlighting the importance of longer toll-free periods and smaller increases in charges during the ramp-up phase.

The decision to extend the discounting will cost BrisConnections millions of dollars in revenue in the first 15 months. Once it opens late next month, motorists will be able to use the road free for the first three months provided they have a valid toll-road account. The introductory tolls for cars during the first six months will range from $2 to $2.50, and it will offer other discounts until October next year.

Andrew Chambers, a research analyst at Legg Mason, said BrisConnections' discounting strategy, aimed at allowing motorists to become familiar with the road, was sensible because the biggest errors made by new toll-road operators had been during the introductory phase.

But he said investors still expected it to struggle to meet traffic forecasts.

"The broking community view is that it is going to struggle. If you look at the last couple of toll roads that have been opened in this country, particularly those ones where traffic forecasts were done in the bull market years ago, the risk seems to be to the downside [for Airport Link]," he said.

"There is absolutely no doubt that it is during the ramp up stage of Australian toll roads where the biggest errors have been made."

BrisConnections, through its traffic forecaster Arup, has predicted the Airport Link will attract about 135,000 vehicles a day just a month after it opens, rising to 291,000 vehicles in 2026.

BrisConnections is sticking to forecasts for the Airport Link, which includes reaching about 165,000 vehicles a day by the end of the ramp-up period.

Chief executive Ray Wilson said yesterday the forecasts were ''eminently achievable given the economic characteristics of this road'', which was more like Melbourne's CityLink and Sydney's Eastern Distributor than Brisbane's failed Clem7 tunnel.

Airport Link was due to be completed by the end of this month but under the latest schedule from Leighton Holdings, whose subsidiary is building the tunnel and road, it will not hand over the project until July 27 at the earliest. It will then be a day or two before BrisConnections opens it to motorists.

Read more: http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/165000-tell-em-theyre-dreaming-20120629-2163u.html
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Memo to the Leader of the Opposition

The electorate is not as dumb as you think.

Same game being played in Melbourne ( Herald Sun --> Tony Abbott pledges to rev up east-west link ... TONY Abbott will today promise to spend $1.5 billion to kick-start the East West Link tunnel if he becomes prime minister ... )

Despairing the quality of leadership at the federal level ...

Coalition pledges $1b for Gateway expansion



Daniel Bowen ‏@danielbowen

Abbott: "almost nothing signifies progress more than new roads" http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/tony-abbott-pledges-to-rev-up-east-west-link/story-e6frf7jo-1226412727853 --well, maybe if you live in the 1950s.



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From the Couriermail click here!

PM slams Abbott for Melbourne roads pledge

PM slams Abbott for Melbourne roads pledge

    From: AAP
    June 30, 2012 2:43PM

Prime Minister Julia Gillard has slammed Opposition Leader Tony Abbott for promising $1.5 billion for Melbourne's East West Link tunnel.

MR Abbott pledged that, if elected, a coalition government would make that contribution to start the $5 billion cross-city project, when he addressed the Liberal Party's federal council in Melbourne on Saturday.

But Ms Gillard, who was also in Melbourne, said Mr Abbott had failed to work out funding arrangements with the Victorian coalition government.

"You can't build a $5 billion project with one-and-a-half billion dollars," she told reporters on Saturday.

"People can't drive on an empty promise. They can only drive on a fully funded, fully costed road.

"For a major project like this, you've got to work with the state government, the Victorian government, and they've got to get their paperwork in and get it right and that hasn't been done yet."

Ms Gillard said an Abbott government would have to make harsh budget cuts in other areas to fund the major infrastructure project.

"Tony Abbott can't tell you where the one-and-a-half billion dollars is coming from," Ms Gillard said.

"Mr Abbott ... goes around making promises he can't fund and he's already in a situation where he's going to need to cut back health and education and pensions and defence."

Mr Abbott also pledged $1.5 billion for Sydney's $10 billion M4 East motorway extension linking the city with the western suburbs and $1 billion for the Gateway Motorway upgrade in Brisbane.

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Heaven help us all - more cash has been thrown at this road than I can imagine, come on how many BILLIONS were spent on it?!
Spend 1.5 billion on upgrading the QR network!
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165,000 vehicles per day for Airport Link?

Someone at BrisConnections needs to lay off the wacky weed  >:D

🡱 🡳