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Cross River Rail Project

Started by ozbob, March 22, 2009, 17:02:27 PM

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Good session. They had USBs with the detailed design docs on them. Hopefully they'll have some for y'all tonight.

I have confirmed that there are NO tunnel stubs for future Trouts Rd connection -- it's such a way-off, future project that it's well out of scope for this one. Likewise at the southern end.

Happy with everything else, though they're counting on the ARTC getting an alternate route to the Port to resolve eventual freight-conflict capacity issues between Yeerongpilly and Dutton Park.

The CRR-bound southbound track at Mayne is grade-separated from the via-Central mains (as it should be). I'm not familiar enough with Dutton Park to know if the setup there is correct or not - I'll give them benefit of the doubt for now.


Sent to all outlets:

16th March 2017

CRR and Brisbane ' Metro ' are an integrated public transport solution

Good Morning,

It is now appropriate to join Cross River Rail (CRR) and the Brisbane ' Metro ' Bus Rapid Transport (BRT) plans together conceptually and promote the integrated public transport solution they are for Brisbane and SEQ. Both projects are integrated from an operational perspective, CRR and BRT ' Metro'  should not be seen as competing projects, but as two elements of the single public transport solution.

Presenting both projects in this light will be seen by many, including the Federal Government and Infrastructure Australia, as the correct path now to public transport resilience, capacity, and hence successful delivery and outcomes. Both projects will provide the economic stimulus that is needed.

It is sad that the  Queensland LNP seem to be the only major player that does not understand the need for Cross River Rail.
[ LNP Opposition Media release  STATEMENT: Brisbane Metro http://www.timnicholls.com.au/statement-brisbane-metro/ ]

The Queensland LNP has previously stamped their public transport credentials as very mediocre with such absurd proposals as the ' Cleveland Solution ' and the ' Bus and Train ' tunnel.  They are consigning themselves to irrelevancy once again unless they come on board with the integrated public transport solution that CRR and the BRT ' Metro ' now promises for SEQ and Brisbane.

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track https://backontrack.org


1. Cross River Rail --> https://www.crossriverrail.qld.gov.au/

2. Brisbane ' Metro ' -->  https://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/traffic-transport/public-transport/brisbane-metro
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Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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If the political game is to 'capture as much money as you can from federal coffers for Queensland' (SHOW ME THE MONEY), the sensible way forward is to treat CRR and Metro as an integrated package.  The feds called for an integrated solution, they now have one - no excuses.  The only stumbling block will be if Minister Trad agrees to both elements being integrated, but attempts, behind closed doors, to win an advantage for CRR (the state component).  She should learn something from her union mates, who support the notion that 'Unity is Strength'.  The largest local authority in the nation and a state government with a burgeoning population hunting as a pack is a powerful team.  It will be a sign of her political maturity that she will be able to suspend the temptation to play politics around CRR/Metro for the sake of the taxpayer and the public, not the political parties' positioning.


I would support the merger of the two projects into one project. Maybe you can call it the Brisbane Transport Makeover or something (help me out here - suggest names!)

Cross River Rail Authority could be renamed to Transport Upgrade Delivery Authority or similar or just go all the way to PTQ.

That way the two projects are not competing against each other for funding at the federal level.

There may also be benefits (modest) from getting the same construction teams working on the project, some back office shared services and project management etc.

The precedent here would be the AirportLink project - delivered by a private consortia, they built both a toll road (AirportLink) and the Northern Busway extension.

If this does not happen, I am afraid that the project is likely to get caught up in all sorts of petty squabbling, like which one should be funded first, etc. which parties just love to get themselves into.

If CRR if $5.4 BN and this metro is a bargain $1BN (some of that paid by BCC, so maybe QLD Gov't contribution might even be more like $500 million) then that is a total of $6.4 billion - entirely possible to do and very reasonable given the costs of major upgrades in Victoria and NSW being around the $10 billion mark.

Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


Due to the way public transport delivery is organised currently in the state there is little real likelihood of both becoming one project.

Fear not.  Both BCC and the State Government are on the same page here.   The only stick in the mud is the Qld LNP opposition in effect.

Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Queensland's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate has shot up to 6.7 per cent.  Ms Trad says she is about 'creating jobs for Queenslanders'.  Time to invest in job-creating infrastructure.  That is, invest in the infrastructure, not the PR campaign that sells the sizzle without the sausage.


^ They need to do public consultation because the EIS is changing and the process requires it.  Period.

They aren't going to magically find $4bn by not sending out some flyers.
Ride the G:


^^Just attended Cross River Rail info session. Very good. Did query integration with Metro. There will be a pedestrian overpass from Ekka station to RBH station. It was mentioned more talks are scheduled with BCC Metro project. Boggo Road will become SE Qld's biggest public  transport interchange second to Roma Street. (Under ground walkway to PA hospital could have Travelators to speed up the walk). Woolloongabba and Roma Street stations can be subsidised with market led proposals? (Still being negotiated) Mixed use retail precinct office space and apartments.


BrizCommuter attended the information session this morning in disguise. Seems that many of the project team are keen followers of the blog.


Quote from: BrizCommuter on March 16, 2017, 13:48:48 PM
BrizCommuter attended the information session this morning in disguise. Seems that many of the project team are keen followers of the blog.

Yes they are  :P

and this forum  ...
Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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^ Oh Gawd, this continues to be a case of who blinks first -- the state or the feds.  Most likely the feds will toss some money at CRR, but will let state Labor sweat until after the Queensland election and Jackie Trad's proposed shovels in the ground publicity stunt.

The premier should follow the lead of a Labor great, Neville Wran, former Premier of NSW.  At the time, Wran's government wanted to build a bypass of Armidale and was prepared to put some money into the project on the New England Highway.  The feds had other plans and delayed its funding commitment.

NSW went ahead and spent its money on the eight bridges along the bypass and named each after a local military man who died in the wars.  Each bridge was opened in turn, with the family of the deceased present; and each time the feds were shamed into not funding the linking bits of road between the bridges.

Eventually the feds caved into community pressure and coughed up the money.

Maybe Anna Palaszczuk and Jackie Trad should have the courage of their convictions and start building a section of CRR using state money -- maybe the underground caverns that will house the stations along the route.  That's ballsy and a bit more substantial than Ms Trad's flinging a bit of dirt with a shovel trick immediately before a state election campaign.



Federal funding is one thing, but RBOT should absolutely be holding the Qld government to account on their inadequate contribution to date.

Its a $5.2 billion project, so they need to be putting up at least $2b to $2.6b , not $800 mil which is a joke commitment for a project of this size.


So the proposed service plan has 6tph commencing at Salisbury.
What do people think of using the existing electrified lines to Acacia ridge, but building new tracks south of the depot, and establishing a station in the vicinity of the Beaudesert road overpass?

Would function like the Thornlie spur in Perth, and would be a precursor to the full line to Browns Plains and Beaudesert.


Agree that an Acacia Ridge spur will be comparatively quick and easy to implement. Just need to frame it in such a way that it's not seen as tacking on a cost to CRR.


Quote from: Gazza on March 21, 2017, 12:38:54 PM
So the proposed service plan has 6tph commencing at Salisbury.
What do people think of using the existing electrified lines to Acacia ridge, but building new tracks south of the depot, and establishing a station in the vicinity of the Beaudesert road overpass?

Would function like the Thornlie spur in Perth, and would be a precursor to the full line to Browns Plains and Beaudesert.

I've thought the same thing myself, would definitely be in favour (budget permitting). No different to what we did with Darra<->Richlands. Salisbury would be a bit of a strange choice of terminus otherwise really.

Where's the service plan located?


Quote from: aldonius on March 21, 2017, 13:32:37 PM
Agree that an Acacia Ridge spur will be comparatively quick and easy to implement. Just need to frame it in such a way that it's not seen as tacking on a cost to CRR.

Agreed, its a nice to have post CRR, though I'd rather have projscts like the Redbank Plains extension done first.


Quote from: Gazza on March 21, 2017, 12:38:54 PM
Federal funding is one thing, but RBOT should absolutely be holding the Qld government to account on their inadequate contribution to date.

Its a $5.2 billion project, so they need to be putting up at least $2b to $2.6b , not $800 mil which is a joke commitment for a project of this size.


So the proposed service plan has 6tph commencing at Salisbury.
What do people think of using the existing electrified lines to Acacia ridge, but building new tracks south of the depot, and establishing a station in the vicinity of the Beaudesert road overpass?

Would function like the Thornlie spur in Perth, and would be a precursor to the full line to Browns Plains and Beaudesert.
Given that an extra track/platform would be required at Salisbury then it may be cost effective to electrify to the first proposed station location on the future Flagstone/Beaudesert Line. Though given the lack of common sense in QLD I wouldn't bank on it.


I expect it should be possible to implement proper (at least 4tph) frequency on an Acacia Ridge spur, seeing that there would only be clashes inbound of Salisbury. 

Fully triplicated track from Dutton Park to Kuraby and 3 platforms at all stations in that stretch, plus full duplication Salisbury to Acacia Ridge and Kuraby to Varsity, should make scheduling a bit more flexible than it is now.  Should be capable of handling 4tph on each of Acacia Ridge (all stops), Beenleigh (limited after Salisbury) and Gold Coast (more or less current pattern), although further upgrades would be needed between Salisbury and Beenleigh for 4tph on both of the outer patterns.
Ride the G:


Queensland Parliament Hansard


Questions Without Notice

Mr KING: My question is directed to the Deputy Premier. Will the Deputy Premier update the
House on the importance of Cross River Rail to South-East Queensland and whether there are any
alternative views?

Ms TRAD: I thank the member for Kallangur for the question, and of course the member for
Kallangur is a great advocate for public transport services and public transport infrastructure projects.
Cross River Rail is our No. 1 infrastructure priority. Following on from what the Premier said, one of the
reasons why Cross River Rail is so important to not only the South-East Queensland corner but also
the Queensland economy as a whole is it will be a fantastic jobs generator not only in construction but
also in creating new workplaces and new services that people in South-East Queensland can rely upon
and new places to live but, most importantly, it will ease congestion across the Brisbane River and
provide faster commutes into work and faster commutes back home so people can spend time with
their families instead of being stuck on the network.

An opposition member interjected.

Ms TRAD: I take that interjection, and we are getting on with the process of building it. The only
people standing in the way are those opposite. We have the federal government sitting at the table in
terms of the delivery authority and providing money to progress the project. The business case is with
Infrastructure Australia. We have Brisbane City Council with its new Metro plan complementing Cross
River Rail—not cannibalising it—and statements from the Lord Mayor have been extremely positive
around support for Cross River Rail and working towards it, as have comments from Mayor Tom Tate,
Mayor Luke Smith and Mayor Paul Pisasale. They all understand the importance of this project for the
South-East Queensland region. The only people standing in the way are those opposite.

Yesterday those opposite talked about the newsletters that had been distributed throughout
South-East Queensland consulting South-East Queenslanders about the change in the EIS and what
they should expect to see, the benefits of Cross River Rail and how they could have their say, because
that is what this government is about. We are about ensuring Queenslanders have a say because that
means we improve services and we improve infrastructure. Even the federal LNP member for Brisbane,
Trevor Evans, understands how important this project is, because on the front page of his recent
newsletter—speaking of newsletters—he put his priority for 2017 as the Cross River Rail project. That
is his top priority for his electorate, and I table a copy of the newsletter. Those opposite have never
seen a public infrastructure project that they did not like, they have never seen a public transport

Tabled paper: Community Newsletter, dated February 2017, by Federal Member for Brisbane, Mr Trevor Evans MP.
(Time expired)
Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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^ it is a sign!
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It's a pothole that's 'shovel ready' for filling in!   :bg:


The cost of the Cyclone Tracey devastation is likely to be large and expensive, with money needing to be found immediately to repair roads and bridges.  In circumstances where the Federal Government might allocate funding to CRR in its 2017-18 Budget, requiring matching Qld Government funding over and above the $800m pledged already, will we see the state government argue that it cannot afford any more?  Queensland is due for special funds under Natural Disaster Recovery arrangements.


Quote from: Stillwater on April 03, 2017, 06:42:41 AM
The cost of the Cyclone Tracey devastation is likely to be large and expensive, with money needing to be found immediately to repair roads and bridges.  In circumstances where the Federal Government might allocate funding to CRR in its 2017-18 Budget, requiring matching Qld Government funding over and above the $800m pledged already, will we see the state government argue that it cannot afford any more?  Queensland is due for special funds under Natural Disaster Recovery arrangements.
Tracey? Did Debbie change her name by deed poll?


^^ lol.  early morning brain fade.  Yes, Debbie.  I think we have paid off the damage bill from Tracey.


Regarding the consultation period being extended for Cross River Rail until 21April17.  Does anyone know exactly what has changed in the concept drawings to have the consultation reopened and extended?

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"it has been brought to the Coordinator-General's attention that there are necessary minor technical amendments to some plans and diagrams in Volume 3 of the request for project change documents. Therefore, the Coordinator-General has decided to extend the public comment period until 21 April 2017.

"A properly made submission received prior to 3 April 2017 will be regarded as a properly made submission for the purposes of the Coordinator-General's evaluation of the proposed change unless a submitter notifies the Coordinator-General they wish to withdraw, amend or replace their original submission."

^^Smacks of not getting the documentation correct ... doing stuff on the run ... the TMR dog chasing its tail etc.  Not a good look.


CRR is long gone ...

The entire transport bureaucracy in Queensland is a mess.  Time that Mr. Scales resigned.  He has overseen failure all the way.
Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Always good for morale to view the good old ' Rail Revolution ' vid hey?

#youarewelcome   :o

That's all we have got troops, vids ...   some of the music ones are neat too hey?

Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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TMR, QR etc drink in their own publicity like Jonestown devotees sucked up the Kool-Ade.  They have become delusional, divorced from the reality that passengers face every day.


Quote from: ozbob on April 05, 2017, 02:20:12 AM
CRR is long gone ...

The entire transport bureaucracy in Queensland is a mess.  Time that Mr. Scales resigned.  He has overseen failure all the way.
Have to agree. He has overseen:
MBRL signalling stuff up
NGR project failure
Failed to see #RailFail coming
Was in charge of QR for Xmas fail, SSHTT fail,  Easter fail planning.


Quote from: Stillwater on April 05, 2017, 06:16:00 AM
TMR, QR etc drink in their own publicity like Jonestown devotees sucked up the Kool-Ade.  They have become delusional, divorced from the reality that passengers face every day.

Nice words there Mr Stillwater!  Concur Sir!!
Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Qic may come to CRR's rescue thanks to Debbie


QuoteDebbie hits Qld Budget, but QIC may help out Government by investing in Cross River Rail

Cyclone Debbie and the floods that followed have tragically resulted in the loss of at least five lives and have done billions of dollars' worth of damage in Queensland and NSW. And through lower coal royalties (largely associated with an important rail line being out of action) and a hefty repair bill (a large part of which will be met by the Commonwealth, though), Cyclone Debbie will also adversely affect the Queensland State Budget, complicating the preparation of what will be the last State Budget before the next election

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Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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How ironic.
Former Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Minister and Deputy Premier, Paul Lucas, reportedly has been appointed by Jackie Trad to the CRR Delivery Authority team.  Paul Lucas was the man who first announced CRR about 10 years ago.  He also promised SCL duplication and CAMCOS rail to Maroochydore and that hasn't happened.  Will CRR be an illusion too?


Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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