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Cross River Rail Project

Started by ozbob, March 22, 2009, 17:02:27 PM

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The present Government can save themselves from political oblivion by actually doing and delivering.

Their time is short.  They need to act now.
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ABC News --> Cross River Rail: Memorandum of Understanding signed with Federal Government

QuoteThe Palaszczuk Government will sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the Commonwealth today formalising their collaboration on Brisbane's Cross River Rail.

Parliament passed laws in the early hours of the morning to set up the delivery authority that will drive the proposed new rail connection across the Brisbane River.

The Authority will be an independent statutory body that will have to source the $5.4 billion needed for the project.

The State Government has already committed $850 million and the Commonwealth has agreed to provide an initial $10 million.

It will also sit on the authority board.

Deputy Premier and Infrastructure Minister Jackie Trad said Cross River Rail was the Palaszczuk Government's highest priority infrastructure project.

"It's an important part of our vision to cater for future growth, unlock economic opportunities and make Queensland a more internationally competitive state," she said.

"It demonstrates that we understand and will fully grasp the catalytic, city-making power of this once-in-a-generation infrastructure project. "

Deputy Opposition Leader Deb Frecklington questioned the need for more bureaucracy.

She said the bill allowed for a delivery authority chief executive and staff who would be paid competitive market salaries outside the restrictions of public service pay scales.

The Liberal National Party also raised concerns that the authority would not be open to scrutiny of Right to Information searches.

"Make no mistake about it — this delivery authority is nothing but another bureaucratic behemoth," she said.

The legislation will take effect in March 2017 and the appointment of the authority's chief executive and board will be announced early next year.

The project will see a 10.2-kilometre link from Dutton Park to Bowen Hills, with 5.9 kilometres of tunnel under the Brisbane River and CBD.

It will connect to both northern and southern rail networks, easing traffic congestion and improving the rail network's reliability.
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Quote from: v6hilux on December 02, 2016, 02:22:52 AMBTW - whom is composing these Media Releases? Quotation Marks at the start of sentences, but none to close at the end of many! It was a complete copy and paste on my part.

That's actually proper English, having the quotation marks at the start of every line, but only at the end of the closing sentence of speech.

As far as CRR is concerned - I'll believe it when the contracts are signed and preliminary works start.
Is it really that hard to run frequent, reliable public transport?


Demonstrates my interest in English when at school (none at all) - thanks James.


I missed out too. I wagged school constantly and left when I was 15. 

It was more important to ride the E class shunter at Newport than study English ... lol

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From Sunday Mail 4th December 2016 page 64 Traps with Peter Cameron

Missing $840M bogs the XRR

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QuoteFrom Sunday Mail 4th December 2016 page 64 Traps with Peter Cameron

This is journalism? What a terrible article!

XRR? A-Pal crew? InfraOZ?
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^ not an article as such.  From the TRAPS Column ... just a grab-bag of interesting snippets.

Peter Cameron was the first to detail the bonuses for QR via this column ...
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Still no updates or anything new at >> http://www.crossriverrail.qld.gov.au/

Last ( and only ) Community Newsletter April 2016 ...

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Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Hey! Look! NEGATIVE BCR Townsville Stadium contracts now awarded. Funding allocated & awarded.
Won't be long before construction begins.

What was that about CRR being highest and best priority in Qld? Marketing fluff...

North Queensland Stadium
Media Releases

QuoteWednesday, December 14, 2016 | Game on for stadium managing contract
The race starts today for the managing contractor for the $250 million North Queensland Stadium.

Thursday, November 17, 2016 | First stadium contracts on schedule for Xmas
The first three contracts for the $250 million North Queensland Stadium – including principal consultant – are on schedule to be awarded by Christmas.
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Nothing going for CRR it seems ...

So enjoy this one!

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Nothing going on.......in WORLD CLASS Brissy...the New WORLD CITY [WORLD CITY....WORLD CITY....WORLD CITY....World City....World City....World City.....world city...world city...world city....]..... you all must have missed it...the only question I have please, is this new station [see video below] in Edward St or Creek St?  I couldn't find it the other day....

:-t Well Done  QT/QR......

Can't wait for the next inner-city line to open....2019 isn't it?

Meanwhile....back at 1 William St.....zzzzzzz.......zzzzzzzz....zzzzzzzzzzz.............zzzzzz.....zzzzzzzzz......zzzzzzz......

SEQ, where our only "fast-track" is in becoming the rail embarrassment of Australia!   :frs:


Quote from: @Metro on December 16, 2016, 09:31:47 AM
Hey! Look! NEGATIVE BCR Townsville Stadium contracts now awarded. Funding allocated & awarded.
Won't be long before construction begins.

What was that about CRR being highest and best priority in Qld? Marketing fluff...

North Queensland Stadium
Media Releases

QuoteWednesday, December 14, 2016 | Game on for stadium managing contract
The race starts today for the managing contractor for the $250 million North Queensland Stadium.

Thursday, November 17, 2016 | First stadium contracts on schedule for Xmas
The first three contracts for the $250 million North Queensland Stadium – including principal consultant – are on schedule to be awarded by Christmas.

Queensland Choices Study

1) Sports "Footy" Stadium - likely use.....15 events a year - be generous 25 [sits there rest of time......yeah....sits there] [you mean to say...the 2 dozen BIGGEST rockbands in the world are not suddenly making a beeline for the cultural icon that is "Townsville"?????  NOOOOOOOOOOO..........mind you, the local CWA Poetry Group is look for some new Tea Rooms!!!!]]


2) 24/7 Light Rail System - adding value to a wide cross-section of Townsville - used by thousands, locals and tourists, EVERY day


Everywhere else on planet took between 0.8secs and 1.3secs to say "Light Rail".....except.......

QQQQqqqquuueeeennnsssllllllaaannnnndddddd - took about 10secs to slowly say "Footy Stadium....Maaaattteeeee"!....'cause....footy  mmmmaaattteeeeee......who's needs serious infra...infra...infraaaa. wot's that big word mmmaaattteeee..... you mean "infrastructure"???......yeah mmmaaattteeee foooty!



Ps Note: In the above "Choices Study" in Quueeennnssslllaaannnd no-one outside of males in pubs no-was interviewed....no women, no thinking men over say 40...just blokes in pubs, who used the words "footy" and "mmmmaaaattteee"....a rather lot!
SEQ, where our only "fast-track" is in becoming the rail embarrassment of Australia!   :frs:


QuoteQueensland Choices Study

1) Sports "Footy" Stadium - likely use.....15 events a year - be generous 25 [sits there rest of time......yeah....sits there] [you mean to say...the 2 dozen BIGGEST rockbands in the world are not suddenly making a beeline for the cultural icon that is "Townsville"?????  NOOOOOOOOOOO..........mind you, the local CWA Poetry Group is look for some new Tea Rooms!!!!]]


2) 24/7 Light Rail System - adding value to a wide cross-section of Townsville - used by thousands, locals and tourists, EVERY day


Everywhere else on planet took between 0.8secs and 1.3secs to say "Light Rail".....except.......

QQQQqqqquuueeeennnsssllllllaaannnnndddddd - took about 10secs to slowly say "Footy Stadium....Maaaattteeeee"!....'cause....footy  mmmmaaattteeeeee......who's needs serious infra...infra...infraaaa. wot's that big word mmmaaattteeee..... you mean "infrastructure"???......yeah mmmaaattteeee foooty!



Ps Note: In the above "Choices Study" in Quueeennnssslllaaannnd no-one outside of males in pubs no-was interviewed....no women, no thinking men over say 40...just blokes in pubs, who used the words "footy" and "mmmmaaaattteee"....a rather lot!

It took a while for me to get the gist of your posts, but now that I have the hang of it, they are hilarious!  :-r

Keep up the good work!  :-t
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


What to get on the Junket Train?

Read this:

13th January 2017

Media Release
Deputy Premier, Minister for Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning and Minister for Trade and Investment
The Honourable Jackie Trad

Search is on for Cross River Rail board

The Palaszczuk Government is on the hunt for experts and innovators to drive Queensland's number one infrastructure priority through the board of the new Cross River Rail Delivery Authority.

Acting Premier and Minister for Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning Jackie Trad said an EOI process would officially start tomorrow with the search for board members to be conducted nationwide.

"Cross River Rail is the most important city shaping project for Brisbane in a generation and we want the Board that will deliver it to be made up of the most talented and experienced people," Ms Trad said.

"In 25 years' time more than five million people will call South East Queensland home and Cross River Rail is critical to managing growth and maintaining our unique lifestyle.

"By removing a bottleneck across the Brisbane River, Cross River Rail will free up the transport network right across South East Queensland - getting commuters home faster, helping to manage growth and creating thousands of jobs.

"But it is not just a transport project – it is a transformational project that will boost the economy by $70 billion and support more than 85,000 jobs.

"With this is mind, we are looking for experts not just in infrastructure delivery, but also those with experience in urban renewal projects and innovation.

"Through their role on the Delivery Authority they will have the opportunity to lead the development, procurement and delivery of Cross River Rail and drive urban renewal within the wider economic corridor.

"We will leave no stone unturned in order to get the right people on board to deliver Cross River Rail.

The Cross River Rail Delivery Authority will be formally established in March and will build on the months of ongoing preparatory work that has been undertaken by the Cross River Rail transition team within the Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning.

The Authority's board will consist of 10 members, including up to six external expert directors, one of whom will represent the Federal Government.

Expressions of interest for the Cross River Rail Delivery Authority board will be open until 3 February with board members to be announced soon after.

For further information visit www.crossriverrail.qld.gov.au



It'd be nice if they spent as much time looking for some money.
Ride the G:


^^ Yep, has the portents of a group of bureaucrats/experts bored out of their brains working and re-working the plans while the government scouts around for some dosh and continues to scream SHOW US THE MONEY in the direction of Canberra.

It is no use 'leaving no stone unturned' in the search for talent while the pollies who rule the show, display little.


Advertisement in the Couriermail 21st January 2017

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Quote from: ozbob on January 21, 2017, 08:07:58 AM
Advertisement in the Couriermail 21st January 2017

Wont half [or MORE] of the self-appointed infrastructure "experts", likely to apply for this type of stuff, have held similar roles, in such acclaimed major project efforts as the FAILED Rivercity Motorway and FAILED Airport Link? [to name but two]

Nice suits but!!!!!    :-t
SEQ, where our only "fast-track" is in becoming the rail embarrassment of Australia!   :frs:


I reckon RBOT members should apply, particularly if you have been on a QR CSG.
We know where all the cut corners have been :)
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


Quote from: SteelPan on January 28, 2017, 03:53:27 AMWont half [or MORE] of the self-appointed infrastructure "experts", likely to apply for this type of stuff, have held similar roles, in such acclaimed major project efforts as the FAILED Rivercity Motorway and FAILED Airport Link? [to name but two]

Nice suits but!!!!!    :-t

Really, I wouldn't go around picking on the experts here - a lot of them are executive-level people or experienced civil engineers being employed because this is their field of expertise.

Airport Link and Clem7 were built because the government told them to. Yes, there were the dodgy traffic forecasts - but with anything in traffic engineering, it is very easy to doctor traffic forecasts to reach a desired outcome, and I suspect that the people preparing the forecasts were encouraged to use exaggerated forecasts with false parameters (congestion charges, a congested ICB, high value of time for users - making the toll road more attractive etc.). With any forecast model, you can achieve any outcome you want, you just need to doctor the parameters.

The main thing to watch here is which people get chosen for these roles. That'll determine how well executed the project is.
Is it really that hard to run frequent, reliable public transport?


It's Gotta get done properly which means putting the portal the full length to yerongapilly


Quote from: QLDBUS on January 28, 2017, 12:30:55 PM
It's Gotta get done properly which means putting the portal the full length to yerongapilly

Not going to happen now.  The project is now very compromised. Best we can hope for is that some future proofing is done for possible further tunnel extensions in the longer term.
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Would beg to differ, putting the southern portal between Fairfield and Dutton Park at this time could well make the difference between getting finance for the project or not, lead tunnels for a future extension to Yeerongpilly can be built at a minimum cost and the future could well see it more cost effective to build alongside the existing alignment than to tunnel to Yeerongpilly.


It is too close to an election now. They will probably release the business case and updated animations. The general trend has been worsening value for money with each iteration.

That said, the increase in parochialism is probably good news for the Sunshine Coast. A good chance that SC line upgrades will be financed to help farmers, tourism and NQ.
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


Getting the tunnel is the most important part. Provided tunnel stubs are included at the northern and southern portals (for Trouts Rd and 5 tracks to Yeerongpilly), I see no issue. Getting the tunnel in separates the Cleveland line from the Beenleigh/Gold Coast line, and the addition in capacity makes a line out to Flagstone a reasonable investment.

Ideally we'd see the tunnel out to Yeerongpilly with all additional works included, but honestly I'd rather have something 3/4 baked with the option to complete the rest later, rather than just walk away.
Is it really that hard to run frequent, reliable public transport?


Can't run infrastructure projects, can't run buses, and can't run trains.

Cross River Rail yet to leave station due to federal funding shortfall


Quote"She still doesn't have a plan to fund it and hasn't even called for tenders.''

Infrastructure Minister Jackie Trad said the timetable developed by Building Queensland had been contingent on federal funding.

$0.85 million / $5.5 billion = 15.5 % of total funding pie

"Fair" funding values

Brisbane City Council - $916 million
Queensland Government - $2.75 billion
Federal Government - $1.83 billion

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Couriermail --> Cross River Rail yet to leave station due to federal funding shortfall

QuoteQUEENSLAND'S top priority infrastructure project, Cross River Rail, appears stranded at the station amid a multibillion-dollar funding shortfall.

The Courier-Mail can reveal the $5.5 billion project linking Bowen Hills to Woolloongabba has fallen behind the timetable laid out by the State Government's infrastructure authority, Building Queensland.

A leaked copy of the business case for the 10.2km rail link shows funding should have been completed by the end of 2016 so early works could begin now.

This was supposed to include finalising the funding streams under so-called "value sharing" arrangements, which include proposals for a raft of new charges on land, fares and rates.

However, the Labor administration's $850 million commitment towards Cross River Rail falls well short of bridging the gap between the money that can be raised through the contentious value sharing proposals and the project's costs.

The Federal Government is also yet to make a funding commitment despite Infrastructure Australia's previous strong support for the project.

Building Queensland advised that major works should begin in April 2018, with the five new stations at Boggo Road, Woolloongabba, Albert Street, Roma Street and Exhibition showgrounds completed by mid-2022.

Opposition infrastructure spokeswoman Deb Frecklington said it "says everything" about the Labor Government that it could not get its priority project off the ground.

"Annastacia Palaszczuk was either remarkably ill-informed or loose with the truth when she said in 2013 that Cross River Rail was shovel ready," she said.

"She still doesn't have a plan to fund it and hasn't even called for tenders.''

Infrastructure Minister Jackie Trad said the timetable developed by Building Queensland had been contingent on federal funding.

"These funding negotiations are ongoing and we anticipate a constructive and positive outcome in coming months," she said.

Ms Trad insisted Cross River Rail would be built and would be a boon for Brisbane.
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Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Meanwhile, up the track, is a good project that could be started almost immediately for a relatively modest sum that would fulfil the Premier's mantra of 'creating jobs for Queenslanders': duplication Beerburrum to Landsborough North.  :fx

If the state government wanted to snooker the feds on this, it could stump up the work for duplication to Landsborough North and call upon the Federal Government to chip in for the track improvements further north to Nambour.  Jacki Trad is good at that sort of thing.

It is unlikely that the feds would provide funds for station upgrades north of Landsborough, but paying for track realignment and longer passing loops certainly within their remit and would be a significant contribution to the overall cost.


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I'm seriously concerned about the impact #RailFail may have on CRR. The longer the fail goes on, the less likely the ALP are going to be re-elected, and if the LNP gets in they're probably going to scrap CRR again and bring in BaT #2 or some terrible alternative. And on top of that, why should the feds cough up any money for a new train line when we're showing that we can't run a network properly in the first place


^ fair comment.  #railfail has set back public transport years in  SEQ.  It has sabotaged any real chance of proper integrated network reform for years.

It has compromised years of hard work in getting the fares for SEQ back on track as well.

More of the same in terms of organisational structure and delivery of PT is just going to make it all degrees worse.  What needs to happen is proper reform with a strong public transport authority.  CRR would properly sit underneath that.

I am not confident that CRR will ever get built to be honest.  It really depends if the present Government can actually get their act together.

Time is running out, fast.   The next bunch of clowns will not go ahead with it more than likely I agree.  It is now or never!!
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It'll probably be built in time to open 10 years after Auckland's, by which time Auckland will have overtaken us for patronage.
Ride the G:


You make a very good point, Dancingmongoose


You know its bad when the RACQ are telling the government to get their sh%t together regarding CRR.


How much money does the state government require from the Federal Government to start tunnelling? 1 billion?

🡱 🡳