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Cross River Rail Project

Started by ozbob, March 22, 2009, 17:02:27 PM

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Maybe a case of third time lucky. ....  It also must be about time to commission a further feasibility study into the SCL duplication.  Why not -- a few more wonky desk legs need fixing with another thick report shoved underneath.  And for the Minister to don a hardhat and head to the MBRL for another photo opportunity



Project Evaluation Support for the Cross River Rail Project

The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) seeks offers from suitably experienced consultants for the provision of Project Evaluation Support Services for the Preliminary Evaluation phase of the Cross River Rail Project. The Preliminary Evaluation will include project option analysis and preliminary analysis to identify project options for further detailed analysis of a preferred solution during the Business Case phase.
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There is no end there is no beginning ... 

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So .... there are the words that describe the status of CRR:

TMR is preparing support services for a PRELIMINARY EVALUATION
PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS is required even to get to the stage of determining project options

It sounds all the world like preparations for a new set of websites, drive-through, glossy brochures and stubby-holders for the next state election.


Quote from: Derwan on September 12, 2015, 07:54:54 AM

Project Evaluation Support for the Cross River Rail Project

The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) seeks offers from suitably experienced consultants for the provision of Project Evaluation Support Services for the Preliminary Evaluation phase of the Cross River Rail Project. The Preliminary Evaluation will include project option analysis and preliminary analysis to identify project options for further detailed analysis of a preferred solution during the Business Case phase.

Thanks for this information.

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Its got to a stage of infinity planning, there is no stopping it


Quote from: ozbob on September 12, 2015, 08:48:14 AM
Quote from: Derwan on September 12, 2015, 07:54:54 AM

Project Evaluation Support for the Cross River Rail Project

The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) seeks offers from suitably experienced consultants for the provision of Project Evaluation Support Services for the Preliminary Evaluation phase of the Cross River Rail Project. The Preliminary Evaluation will include project option analysis and preliminary analysis to identify project options for further detailed analysis of a preferred solution during the Business Case phase.

Thanks for this information.

They are quoting Utopia surely!!!!!


Translation: Help us with the 2nd river rail crossing for Brisbane CBD .. thanks!

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Political Football - both side have had the ball and neither seems to be able to score a winning goal!  :frs:


Ride the G:


^ very very funny but tragic really ... thanks for sharing it  :bg:

Meanwhile ...


Sent to all outlets:

13th September 2015

Cross River Rail: Back to the Future

After 7 years, we read today that the Transport Department is calling for consultants as part of a 'Preliminary Evaluation phase of the Cross River Rail Project' which includes 'preliminary analysis to identify project options for further detailed analysis of a preferred solution'. So in other words, Cross River Rail from scratch (1).

How did this happen?

After all the animations, reports, analysis we are right back at the start. And it could happen all over again. There is nothing preventing a new administration from tossing out this administration's plans and starting again.

The Queensland Government cannot credibly commit Cross River Rail, or any other large infrastructure project within the state. It has neither the financial capacity nor the political stability that fixed four-year terms would bring.

It seems clear to us that the unofficial government policy is to build no major new public transport infrastructure anywhere for at least three years or longer.

Deputy Premier Jackie Trad needs to proceed with bus reform of the Brisbane City Council Bus Network, otherwise she risks facing the election with effectively nothing on the ground to show for three years in office, besides completion of Moreton Bay Rail Link - itself a mystery concerning bus and train service arrangements (2).

The problems run fast and deep. Queensland seriously needs to consider fixed four-year terms, along with other possibilities such as proportional representation and value capture and land taxation reforms. Without stability and independent financing capacity, there can be no stable governance.

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


1. https://www.hpw.qld.gov.au/qtenders/tender/display/tender-details.do?id=16046&action=display-tender-details

2. 14 Aug 2015: SEQ Moreton Bay: Miss the Bus, Miss the Train
> http://railbotforum.org/mbs/index.php?topic=11603.0
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Look what happened when a certain psychopath that promised and and his own network of toll tunnels and bridges, he called TransApex, that included North South Bypass Tunnel, the Go Between Bridge and the Legacy Way tunnel! At least he got a re-elected. Why don't those in power now just do it? It's so bloody obvious, but the only problem is that other psychopath captaining the country!

I know there is a much bigger picture, like the whole state, but seriously, CRR is going to benefit a whole lot more people and chunk of the economy than say spending $10,000,000 on a cycle bridge over Moggill Rd, as an example. TMR are building it because too many Lycra Wearers complained about crossing the road safely. Based on 800 bikes a day. If the cost of the bridge was spread over ten years per trip (assuming the same 800 people use it it each and every day) that is $1,250 per trip donated to the Lycra Wearers from Registration and Fine income.

PS, I occasionally ride a pushbike and find my 6000 Lumen 7" light bar a far more effective safety device than Lycra.  :-t


What would you like to see for Cross River Rail v3 ... station locations, tunnel portal locations, platform design/length, and anything else you would like incorporated?

Please have your say.

[v1 - original CRR, v2 - as modified for BaT]

Yeerongpilly is probably out now as was proposed. Clapham is still an option I guess

I think original concept  but the southern portal for tunnel commences between Yeronga - Yeerongpilly.  Everything else the same.  This keeps the Tennyson line in play as well.

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My 2c:

- Tunnel dive at Dutton Park, down under George St, terminates under Roma St (I leave open the question of surfacing and where).

- Park Road
- W'Gabba
- Queens Park
- Roma Street

The overhead power supply should be by suspended third rail for reliability in the tunnel section. We cannot have wire snaps and the like which shut down the whole network. Stations should be simple and non-fancy. Architects etc needs to be kept on a short leash - stations should be timeless because they could be around for 100 or so years. Fancy stuff tends to date very quickly. Many European and Canadian systems just have a simple entrance or stairs.

Look at two-level tunnel if desired. I'm not against a bus component or future provision of a SE Busway-Subway conversion.
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


We've already had Plan #1, Plan #2 and now we're looking at Plan #3, what's next....? Plan #4!!!

CRR as it was proposed before was a very sound proposal. I see no issue with reverting back to this plan. Really they might as well resume some of the properties again, I mean, what will it cost? $60 million at the very most? Drop in the ocean for a $4 billion project, remembering the houses to be resumed are in Yeerongpilly - it ain't Ascot or Clayfield. There is no point in wasting time re-doing plans. To me, this reeks of a stalling plan which the current government can take to the 2018 election, with construction likely to commence in 2020. 2020! :fp:
Is it really that hard to run frequent, reliable public transport?


Go back to the original alignment based around dives at Clapham and build a train stabling yard there once the project is complete and it is no longer in use as a works site.  Stations at Boggo Road, the Gabba, Albert St, Roma St and Exhibition. 

Ensure provision is made for Trouts Rd by leaving tunnel stubs near Roma St to enable a route via Kelvin Grove Urban Village / QUT. 

Construct 4 tracks on the surface between Clapham and Coopers Plains, look at realigning the existing section Coopers Plains to Runcorn or building a short tunnel to Runcon for the expresses, then 4 tracks Runcorn to Kuraby.  Do so in such a way to enable a grade-separated connection from the southbound express track to Acacia Ridge.

Grade separate all level crossings from Kuraby north:
- Beaudesert Rd - close and leave the crossing surface intact with a chainlink fence for emergency use
- Boundary Rd - grade-separate
- Stones Rd - close, no replacement
- Nathan Rd - grade-separate
- Bonemill Rd - close, no replacement
- Warrigal Rd - grade-separate
- Beenleigh Rd - grade-separate

Also look at grade-separating Musgrave Rd on the way into Acacia Ridge.

Investigate whether a deviation around Trinder Park can be done at the same time.

Focus should be on an holistic assessment of the needs of the corridor over the next few decades and what kind of layout is needed to support multiple service patterns.
Ride the G:


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CRR version 3 is in the pre pre-feasibility stage -- a far cry from when it was IA's No.1 top priority project, shovel ready.   :fp:

James has a point.  The timing is fascinating.  A business case and project will emerge in time for the next federal election, when the self-proclaimed 'Infrastructure PM' Tony Abbott (I like roads and only fund freight rail) may not be around.  Malcolm Turnbull, on the other hand, loves urban rail.  An LNP government he leads may well promulgate a policy of looking at funding urban rail 'in the next term of government'.

So, at the time the next federal election is due, State Labor can create mischief  by waving around plans for CRR v3 and calling upon the federal Coalition to fund it.  Federal Labor could argue that it had money on the table for CRR v1 and would do so again.  Lots of shaky federal seats would be served by CRR v3.

At the same time, state Labor can say (as it comes up to an election) that it has a plan.  (Premier waves around the new set of plans.)  She can then say Labor has got finances under control in its first term and can now look to build things such as CRR.  The promise then would be to 'make a start on CRR in the next term of government').  Under that scenario, we are talking a sod-turning in March 2018 and completion in 2023-24.

For a project this size, I think the state government would be looking to build in stages, with each stage coming on line progressively, and progressively adding to capacity, rather than the process of massive financial outlay year on year for no gain.  They would want to gain kudos from travellers, and voters, before 2023-24.

Is it possible to open half a tunnel?  You could, for example, connect the southside with Woolloongabba and have trains terminate there -- terribly inefficient, but a proposal that would appeal to politicians because it gives them something to commission and open in the interim.  Rhonda from Utopia would approve.  Hire Carsten for the launch.  Oh, and make sure the tunnelling machine has a name and its own Facebook page.


Ideally, I'd like to see the southern portal around Coopers Plains/Banoon. This way it leaves more capacity for freight to Acacia Ridge as well.


2016 will come and there will be no crisis.

The next crisis point will probably become 2020 ... a nice number ... sounds good in news grabs ...

CRR v3 has as much chance of being built as v1 and v2 ...  basically none to be honest.

The thing that worries me about this is the distraction from tasks, projects and the like that can be achieved.

Network reform being the biggy - this can deliver much patronage gain, improved fare box for relatively little expenditure.

Rather than pie in the sky,  do what Victoria has commenced, a proper program to get rid of level crossings.  This is one of the best bangs for the buck going ...
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Quote from: v6hilux on September 13, 2015, 08:20:21 AM
...I know there is a much bigger picture, like the whole state, but seriously, CRR is going to benefit a whole lot more people and chunk of the economy than say spending $10,000,000 on a cycle bridge over Moggill Rd, as an example. TMR are building it because too many Lycra Wearers complained about crossing the road safely. Based on 800 bikes a day. If the cost of the bridge was spread over ten years per trip (assuming the same 800 people use it it each and every day) that is $1,250 per trip donated to the Lycra Wearers from Registration and Fine income.

PS, I occasionally ride a pushbike and find my 6000 Lumen 7" light bar a far more effective safety device than Lycra.  :-t

...lycra, money wasted, registration...I thought I'd switched tabs to a courier mail cycling article for a second  ;)

Despite the point that infrastructures aim is to increase cycling, not support the current level, I too question the need for this bridge...but on the grounds that it should be going to more basic missing cycling infrastructure....the idea that the money should be pinched from the limited cycling budget rather than reallocated to more worthy cycling projects is a little challenging to swallow.  :pr

More chance that TMR is probably really building the bridge because the cycling budget is being spent by people used to providing a stream of large road and bridge projects to the road building industry. Full of car drivers who only see cycling as a lycra based sport and know little about cycling for transport, despite that being the dominant use for these things. Meanwhile cyclists on the northside wait for a safe separated path through the albion death corridor.

"Registration and Fine income"... the donation of monies is one way from cyclists to car drivers. We could build four of those bridges and it still wouldn't be squared up....


Bicycle infrastructure is very good investment IMHO.  Once set up, very little costs another than basic maintenance (no service costs as such).

To really get significant increases in active transport there must be safe bicycle paths that form a connected network ( not paint on roads, proper protected bicycle lanes and the like ).  Pedestrians also need to be looked after better.

I have ridden bicycles all my life from around 4 years of age. Delivered papers in the morning using the bicycle for years.  I worked as PMG telegram delivery boy for a few years (first permanent job) riding a bicycle for a living.  I don't actively ride on the roads now, but still do exercise bicycle work.
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Quote from: ozbob on September 13, 2015, 18:01:42 PM
Bicycle infrastructure is very good investment IMHO.  Once set up, very little costs another than basic maintenance (no service costs as such).

To really get significant increases in active transport there must be safe bicycle paths that form a connected network (not paint on roads, proper protected bicycle lanes) and the like.  Pedestrians also need to be looked after better.

I have ridden bicycles all my life from around 4 years of age. Delivered papers in the morning using the bicycle for years.  I worked as PMG telegram delivery boy for a few years (first permanent job) riding a bicycle for a living.  I don't actively ride on the roads now, but still do exercise bicycle work.

Yes, they are fabulous value for money. Every time someone commutes on a bike they save us all money.

The BCC crow about their 1100km of connected bikeways and bike paths. Analysing their published data shows that they count all sorts of things that are not at all bikeways or bike paths.

Things like the yellow stencilled bikes painted on the road that according to the BCC mean there is no bike lane, so share the road. Yes, these "no" bike lanes so share the road stencils are counted towards the 1100km bike paths. Around 400km of them. Not only that but, unlike roads, if they whack a yellow stencil on the other side of the road, they count it "twice".

After numerous compaints about this lie council recently made a change. They upped it to 1300km.  :fp:


This tweet by Kylie was timely ..



Kylie ‏@kylie_j_s  9:25 AM - 11 Sep 2015

Unfamiliar with Queensland's unique Bicycle Awareness Zones (BAZ)? Here's one. It counts as infrastructure #beAware


:fp: :fp: :fp:

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Quote from: ozbob on September 13, 2015, 18:12:15 PM
This tweet by Kylie was timely ..



Kylie ‏@kylie_j_s  9:25 AM - 11 Sep 2015

Unfamiliar with Queensland's unique Bicycle Awareness Zones (BAZ)? Here's one. It counts as infrastructure #beAware


:fp: :fp: :fp:

Yellow stencils both sides of the road there Bob so I spy 1km of road infrastructure and 2km of cycling infrastructure  :bna:


BCC is full of political bullsh%t ...  just sayin'   ...

We had better get this back on topic.  CRR stations should be accessible by bicycle ..   :bi  :P
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QuoteI see no issue with reverting back to this plan. Really they might as well resume some of the properties again, I mean, what will it cost? $60 million at the very most? Drop in the ocean for a $4 billion project, remembering the houses to be resumed are in Yeerongpilly - it ain't Ascot or Clayfield.

In 7 years, the cost would have exploded enormously, and by the time planning is done, even more so. I hazard a guess that the cost is now somewhere around 10 - 12 BN.
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


CRR v3, then when LNP are back in government in 3 years, it'll be BaT v2, then when ALP are back in government in 6 years, it'll be CRR v4, and so on...

BrizCommuter's fantasy CRR (as it really is a fantasy now) would be dive around Yeerongpilly to Roma Street. North of Roma Street the alignment should proceed via Trouts Rd corridor. None of this via Exhibition waste of money.


Quote from: BrizCommuter on September 13, 2015, 20:24:21 PM
BrizCommuter's fantasy CRR (as it really is a fantasy now) would be dive around Yeerongpilly to Roma Street. North of Roma Street the alignment should proceed via Trouts Rd corridor. None of this via Exhibition waste of money.

I could not agree more.


Let's see if Team Turnbull will help us get the CCR going!


^ There needs to be a business case and a proposal first!


Media release today;

Deputy Premier, Minister for Transport, Minister for Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning and Minister for Trade
The Honourable Jackie Trad

"Infrastructure Australia has already recognised Cross River Rail is the number one priority infrastructure project for the nation and it remains so for the Queensland Government."

Let's see what happens now?  :conf


Quote from: v6hilux on September 17, 2015, 16:16:41 PM
Let's see what happens now?  :conf

Another request for tenders for "preliminary" stuff:


Economic Advisory Services - Cross River Rail Project

The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) seeks offers from suitably experienced consultants for the provision of Economic Advisory Services for the Preliminary Evaluation phase of the Cross River Rail Project. The Preliminary Evaluation will include project option analysis and preliminary analysis to identify project options for further detailed analysis of a preferred solution during the Business Case phase.
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They are certainly giving the pre feasibility advanced evaluation interim look-see, pre-tender, sub business case scenario overview process a red hot go!


More hope!

The Courier-Mail 21 Sep 2015;
"Malcolm Turnbull will free up hundreds of millions of dollars for public transport projects — likely to include Brisbane's Cross River Rail — after unveiling a crack economic team to spear-head his "21st century" Cabinet yesterday. Malcolm Turnbull plans new federal funding for public transport, including Brisbane's cross-river rail, and is likely to give Queensland access to money without the need to sell off assets as he stamps his authority on the Government."


Need more than 'hundreds of millions of dollars' for CRR Vers.3 unfortunately.  But we could assume GCLR is a shoe-in and perhaps some money for CRR business case.  (Feds paid for business case for CRR Vers.1 -- waste of money).  Let's hope the state government brings on SCL duplication business case in the interim.



Shane Doherty ‏@ShaneDoherty9 41m

@jackietrad encouraged @TurnbullMalcolm reportedly keen to build cross river rail #9News #qldpol
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