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Cross River Rail Project

Started by ozbob, March 22, 2009, 17:02:27 PM

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PM Kevin Rudd will return to Queensland to re-negotiate with Premier Campbell Newman

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^ Maybe the madness will come to an end. That would be a relief!!!
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Australian Transport News --> Industry supports IA on infrastructure plan and concerns

Quote... "Infrastructure Australia should be the 'productivity commission' of infrastructure and should have its role enhanced to play a greater role in scrutinising major projects as well as facilitating greater levels of private sector investment in nationally significant freight logistics infrastructure.

Construction lobby Infrastructure Partners Australia (IPA) highlighted the modest number of ready or ongoing projects and the need for increased cooperative federalism.

"Australia's major cities are hampered by congestion and hamstrung by inefficient freight networks, but this is not reflected in projects moving quickly through Infrastructure Australia's priority list, or in increased national investment," IPA CEO Brendan Lyon says.

"This year, Infrastructure Australia has prioritised Brisbane's Cross River Rail project and the duplication of the Pacific Highway as ready to proceed, with other priority projects like Melbourne's East West Link and Sydney's WestConnex stuck in earlier stages of assessment ...
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Sent to all outlets:

3rd July 2013

Time to start digging, the Cross River Rail tunnels ...


Cross River Rail is now the highest priority major infrastructure project in Australia as determined by Infrastructure Australia.

Will petty politics be pushed aside for the good of Queensland?

Time to start digging ...  rail tunnels not road tunnels ...

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org



Cross River Rail has been confirmed as the highest priority project for Australia.

June 2013 Report to COAG and Assessments.


Page 103


Quote from: ozbob on June 29, 2013, 04:23:46 AM
Sent to all outlets:

Cross River Rail ...


CM  Rudd wants Cross River Rail back on track


Urban rail and public transport will be a key battleground in the forthcoming federal election.

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


Media release 3 April 2012 re-released 29 June 2013

SEQ: Cross River Rail - A tunnel, for trains

RAIL Back On Track (http://backontrack.org) a web based community support group for rail and public transport and an advocate for public transport passengers again highlights the importance of Cross River Rail (1, 2).

Robert Dow, Spokesman for RAIL Back On Track said:

"Cross River Rail is one of the state's largest and most important state-building projects. The name of the project is perhaps unfortunate as it merely suggests that the project will cross the Brisbane River and is rail. It is so much more than this - the benefits of this project are wide and dispersed across South East Queensland, reaching as far away as Beenleigh, Yarrabilba, Cleveland, Nambour and the Gold Coast for example. It enables rail to become the backbone of the public transport network with the ability to carry large number of passengers."

"By way of analogy, sending cars all to the city on the road system in peak hour will result in congestion as cars queue and get in the way of each other. A similar situation occurs on the rail system - sending trains all to the city on the train system in peak hour will also result in congestion as trains wait to cross the Merivale Bridge into the CBD from the south, and as trains from all lines converge on the core CBD section. The number of additional 'slots' available for trains on this restricted section will exhaust in 2016."

"Around this time, and if nothing is done, our members expect to see trains leaving people behind and a worsening of car congestion on the roads. The bus system already has capacity issues. No government wants to go down in history for deliberately bringing about an avoidable situation like that - just look at Melbourne, Perth or Sydney for examples of transport issues deciding election outcomes."

"At around $6 billion dollars Cross River Rail is costly, but so is lost business productivity and congestion. The benefits of this project also exceed the costs of the project. Multi-billion dollar car tunnels are also costly, both to construct and also to drive through. Indeed they are the highest toll, highest pollution, lowest capacity solution to deal with transport and urban mobility problems, and yet this hasn't prevented them being constructed."

"Cross River Rail decentralises the central part of the rail network, which means increased capacity and reliability. Currently, if there is an incident between Roma Street, Central, Brunswick Street or Bowen Hills, the entire network is plunged into chaos as all trains must currently travel through this 'core' section. Cross River Rail will provide an alternate core rail route through the CBD and give some much needed redundancy to this critical part of the network."

"RAIL Back On Track is confident that Cross River Rail will be seen for the opportunity that it is - a chance for a state to take on a large, important state-building project and important piece of infrastructure, and a chance for government to get it right. Indeed the construction of the Merivale Bridge and electrification of the QR train system are projects that Queenslanders can be proud of. Cross River Rail will allow future generations to come into the Brisbane CBD from the suburbs and afar for work, study and play, rather than sit in congestion on the roads.

"Cross River Rail - think of it as TransApex (3), for trains!"


1. http://www.crossriverrail.qld.gov.au/

2. Brisbane Cross River Rail's future hangs by thread http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/rail-fixs-future-hangs-by-thread/comments-fnbwr276-1226315918783

3. TransApex is the car toll tunnel bypass system purported to relieve congestion on roads.  http://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/traffic-transport/roads-infrastructure-bikeways/tunnels-bridges-major-roads/TransApex/index.htm


Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org
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It really is time for the establishment of two levels of Government!!!


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Minister for Transport and Main Roads
The Honourable Scott Emerson

Labor caught out on Cross River Rail funding

The State Opposition has been caught out claiming Queenslanders should pay more than $1 billion extra for the Cross River Rail project.

Transport and Main Roads Minister Scott Emerson tabled a letter in Budget Estimates showing the former Labor state government wanted three-quarters of the funding for Cross River Rail to come from Canberra.

"Former Transport Minister and current Opposition Leader Annastacia Palaszczuk wrote to Infrastructure Australia in December 2011, asking for them to pay 75 per cent of the cost to build Cross River Rail," Mr Emerson said.

"Now in opposition, they have backflipped – wanting the Federal government to pay just 25 per cent of the overall cost of delivering the project.

"We understand how important this vital piece of infrastructure is for south east Queenslanders, and that is why we are willing to agree to a 50-50 deal."

The letter from the Leader of the Opposition to Infrastructure Australia said: "To ensure that the benefits of the full Cross River Rail project are realised, future submissions will be made to Infrastructure Australia seeking 75% of the cost of the future stages."

"What we don't want is the Federal Government reducing the state's GST payment on one hand and then using the state's money to pay us with the other," Mr Emerson said.

"Deputy Prime Minister and Federal Transport and Infrastructure Minister Anthony Albanese is well aware of our position.

"Kevin Rudd needs to stop talking about being a Queenslander and start delivering this crucial project for Queensland."

[ENDS] 25 July 2013
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Opposition Media Release

Emerson puts Tony Abbott ahead of Cross River Rail

LNP Transport Minister Scott Emerson today revealed he is willing to risk the future of Brisbane's Cross River Rail project to help Tony Abbott become Prime Minister.

Shadow Transport Minister Jackie Trad said Queensland was on track to hit a rail capacity crisis in 2016 because Minister Emerson continues to be more interested in playing politics than finding solutions.

"Minister Emerson today confirmed he rejected Federal Labor's $715 million Cross River Rail offer under the confected excuse of a 100% GST concession, but accepted a 50% concession from the Federal Coalition for the Bruce Highway," Ms Trad said.

"Minister Emerson happily accepts a 50% concession from the Coalition, but is willing to kill of Cross River Rail unless Labor offers more – clearly this is just about politics.

"Letters between the Minister Emerson and Federal Infrastructure Minister Anthony Albanese clearly show Federal Labor agreed to all of the funding principles the Newman Government' requested during negotiations on Cross River Rail.

"But in a base political manoeuvre to help their federal colleagues in an election year – the Newman Government is now holding Cross River Rail hostage."

Ms Trad said Mr Emerson also revealed he has been spectacularly unsuccessful at convincing Tony Abbott to fund the critical project.

"Over 60 days ago, Mr Emerson promised Queenslanders he would fight to convince Tony Abbott to fund Cross River Rail," Ms Trad said.

"After many discussions with Tony Abbott and his Federal counterparts, the Federal Coalition still hasn't put one single cent on the table for Cross River Rail.

"If the Newman Government is serious about getting Cross River Rail done, all Minister Emerson needs to do is pick up the phone, call Anthony Albanese the Deputy Prime Minister and sign the deal he helped broker – it's the only offer on the table."
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We keep hearing how vital it is (from Mr Emerson himself) and yet he's playing ridiculous political games! 


Are we STILL hearing about Labor? Heaven help us all!  >:(
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


Yes, the LNP is a major disappointment.  Anyone who watched today's estimates would be very concerned.

Time for the Premier to sort out his Cabinet IMHO.

Those who follow the Statements from the State Government would have noticed the blatant political broadsides that are the main pre-occupation of the spin army and Ministers (is this a proper use of public funds?).  They are increasingly putting many off side with the constant rear-vision.  They need to grasp the fact that they are responsible now and any blame is on their watch.
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Someone should tell Mr Emerson that the Queensland state election has been held and (guess what!), he is in charge of the transport portfolio.  He is fighting Labor as though we are still in state election mode.  :fp:


Couriermail --> Moreton Bay Rail Link expected to cut congestion by 600 cars for every full train

Quote... Mr Emerson yesterday acknowledged the $742 million contribution by Canberra and said the state had pitched in $300 million and Moreton Bay Regional Council $105 million.

"This is a project that many people talked about in the past (and said) wouldn't occur," he said.

"I acknowledge three tiers of government working together."

Less certain is the proposed Cross River Rail project, which has become something of a political football between the State and Federal governments.

Although the May Federal Budget provided $715 million for the $5 billion rail crossing, Mr Emerson has rejected that on the basis it does not amount to a "genuine 50-50 partnership".

Federal Labor MP Yvette D'Ath yesterday condemned the State Government's stance and urged it to stop playing games.

"We gave them exactly (the funding) they asked for. So the question is why have they changed the goalposts?" Ms D'Ath said.

"Are they waiting for a change of government, because Tony Abbott has said he will not invest one dollar in urban rail across this country."

Mr Emerson said he was continuing to negotiate with the Federal Government and Coalition to obtain a better deal for Queensland on Cross River Rail.
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What's better than the deal he asked for in the first place - which incidentally is the one he received!


Government tends to be inefficient because decisions are made not on a economic rationalist basis but a political rationalist basis. Why be surprised?
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


Quoteand had previously been identified by the state as only suitable for busway route only yet the fed govt funded out of the blue without consultation.
I recall the docs saying the railway was viable too, but they didn't want to fund the running costs of it.


@rtt The business case clearly established rail as the preferred option.  Bus RT was considered, slightly lower initial capital but higher operating costs.   Long haul rail has clear advantages.  http://www.tmr.qld.gov.au/Projects/Featured-projects/Moreton-Bay-Rail-Link.aspx#history
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Old Northern Road

Quote from: rtt_rules on August 03, 2013, 14:24:50 PM
Quote from: ozbob on August 02, 2013, 03:26:55 AM
Couriermail --> Moreton Bay Rail Link expected to cut congestion by 600 cars for every full train

Quote... Mr Emerson yesterday acknowledged the $742 million contribution by Canberra and said the state had pitched in $300 million and Moreton Bay Regional Council $105 million.

"This is a project that many people talked about in the past (and said) wouldn't occur," he said.

"I acknowledge three tiers of government working together."

Less certain is the proposed Cross River Rail project, which has become something of a political football between the State and Federal governments.

Although the May Federal Budget provided $715 million for the $5 billion rail crossing, Mr Emerson has rejected that on the basis it does not amount to a "genuine 50-50 partnership".

Federal Labor MP Yvette D'Ath yesterday condemned the State Government's stance and urged it to stop playing games.

"We gave them exactly (the funding) they asked for. So the question is why have they changed the goalposts?" Ms D'Ath said.

"Are they waiting for a change of government, because Tony Abbott has said he will not invest one dollar in urban rail across this country."

Mr Emerson said he was continuing to negotiate with the Federal Government and Coalition to obtain a better deal for Queensland on Cross River Rail.

MBRL was not on IA list for assessment and funding and had previously been identified by the state as only suitable for busway route only yet the fed govt funded out of the blue without consultation. Sort of destroys the value of IA.

I don't think even if the state accepted the funding for CRR it would matter much, the state is not in a position to build it for a few years, Fed ALP know why that is because it was their party that deferred it. More multi level politics BS! Again why should my federal vote be influenced by a suburban transport project!

MBRL was submitted to IA by Moreton Bay Regional Council. Every report found rail to be the preferred option due to similar construction cost, lower operating cost and it would attract more passengers due to faster speed and more frequent services.


No no no! No to rail, no to busways. No, we need Kippa Ring SEGWAY  :fo:

$5 billion divided by 8 333 333 segways

Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


Maglev segways are all the rage in Japan at the moment


Maglev segways 18 mins wph to 'parrahub'!  :fo: :bna: :fo:

Unless stated otherwise, Opinions stated in my posts are those of my own view only.


What is the thinking of the Queensland Government?  Victoria has signed up to the Gonski education reforms and will receive additional funding from the federal government for schools.  Queensland is the holdout state in the Gonski saga, believing that it will get a better deal under the Coalition.  However, the Coalition has said it will now adopt the Gonski funding model if it comes to power.

Likewise, on Cross River Rail, the state government has rebuffed the federal government party offering money, presumably in favour of the Coalition, which has a policy of not funding urban rail projects at all -- no money for CRR under the Coalition -- at the moment.  The state will have to cough up money even if the federal Coalition put some money on the table.  The federal Coalition perhaps could say that its contribution to CRR is to assist the efficient movement of freight trains through Brisbane.  (This position would be consistent with Coalition policy, while allowing wriggle room to kick in with funding for CRR.)

The Queensland LNP government seems to be in a bind.  It is knocking back big dollars from the feds, it would seem, on the basis that it does not want to kick in the relatively modest amounts that any federal government would expect a state to contribute to these types of initiatives.

In the interests of transparency, perhaps Mr Emerson could give us an insight into his logic and game plan.  Maybe the upcoming federal election campaign will allow that to happen.  It seems a perfect time to start a bidding war between parties on the CRR issue.


Federal government contribution forced the state to fund line to Kippa Ring.  Federal Government largely paid for electrification in urban Brisbane, built the extra tunnels in the city, duplicated to Beenleigh, met a huge chunk of the extension to the Gold Coast, also duplication over the final leg to Caboolture.  Queensland has to be dragged kicking and screaming to put state money into the passenger rail network.


Mr Abbott was interviewed on 612 ABC Brisbane Mornings with Steve Austin.

An interesting comment when questioned re commuter rail.  Mr Abbott " as a general rule we don't fund commuter rail .. "

This is a shift.  CRR deal coming up?
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Media release 6 August 2013

SEQ: Cross River Rail - A tunnel, for trains

RAIL Back On Track (http://backontrack.org) a web based community support group for rail and public transport and an advocate for public transport passengers again highlights the importance of Cross River Rail (1, 2, 3).

Robert Dow, Spokesman for RAIL Back On Track said:

"Cross River Rail is one of the state's largest and most important state-building projects. The name of the project is perhaps unfortunate as it merely suggests that the project will cross the Brisbane River and is rail. It is so much more than this - the benefits of this project are wide and dispersed across South East Queensland, reaching as far away as Beenleigh, Yarrabilba, Cleveland, Nambour and the Gold Coast for example. It enables rail to become the backbone of the public transport network with the ability to carry large number of passengers."

"By way of analogy, sending cars all to the city on the road system in peak hour will result in congestion as cars queue and get in the way of each other. A similar situation occurs on the rail system - sending trains all to the city on the train system in peak hour will also result in congestion as trains wait to cross the Merivale Bridge into the CBD from the south, and as trains from all lines converge on the core CBD section. The number of additional 'slots' available for trains on this restricted section will exhaust in 2016."

"Around this time, and if nothing is done, our members expect to see trains leaving people behind and a worsening of car congestion on the roads. The bus system already has capacity issues. No government wants to go down in history for deliberately bringing about an avoidable situation like that - just look at Melbourne, Perth or Sydney for examples of transport issues deciding election outcomes."

"At around $5 billion dollars Cross River Rail is costly, but so is lost business productivity and congestion. The benefits of this project also exceed the costs of the project. Multi-billion dollar car tunnels are also costly, both to construct and also to drive through. Indeed they are the highest toll, highest pollution, lowest capacity solution to deal with transport and urban mobility problems, and yet this hasn't prevented them being constructed."

"Cross River Rail decentralises the central part of the rail network, which means increased capacity and reliability. Currently, if there is an incident between Roma Street, Central, Brunswick Street or Bowen Hills, the entire network is plunged into chaos as all trains must currently travel through this 'core' section. Cross River Rail will provide an alternate core rail route through the CBD and give some much needed redundancy to this critical part of the network."

"RAIL Back On Track is confident that Cross River Rail will be seen for the opportunity that it is - a chance for a state to take on a large, important state-building project and important piece of infrastructure, and a chance for government to get it right. Indeed the construction of the Merivale Bridge and electrification of the QR train system are projects that Queenslanders can be proud of. Cross River Rail will allow future generations to come into the Brisbane CBD from the suburbs and afar for work, study and play, rather than sit in congestion on the roads.

"Cross River Rail - think of it as TransApex (4), for trains!"


1. http://www.crossriverrail.qld.gov.au/

2. Brisbane Cross River Rail's future hangs by thread http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/rail-fixs-future-hangs-by-thread/comments-fnbwr276-1226315918783

3. http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/kevin-rudd-says-brisbane8217s-cross-river-rail-road-funding-in-doubt-if-he-loses-the-election/story-fnihsrf2-1226691670658

4. TransApex is the car toll tunnel bypass system purported to relieve congestion on roads.  http://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/traffic-transport/roads-infrastructure-bikeways/tunnels-bridges-major-roads/TransApex/index.htm


Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org
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Minister for Transport and Main Roads
The Honourable Scott Emerson

Rudd backs away from Cross River Rail

Kevin Rudd has backed away from his promise to negotiate a deal on Cross River Rail.

Transport and Main Roads Minister Scott Emerson said the Federal Labor Government had refused to budge on their current position that leaves Queensland paying for three-quarters of the project.

"On June 28, shortly after being put back as Prime Minister, Mr Rudd said he wanted to negotiate on Cross River Rail," Mr Emerson said.

"Clearly this message didn't get through to his own party who have since written to me refusing to move their position.

"Any hope I had of coming to a genuine 50-50 deal with Federal Labor is fading fast because of this deceit."

Under the current offer, the Federal Government will take half their contribution from GST funding reserved for the states.

"By reducing GST payments Mr Rudd wants Queenslanders to pay $1 billion more for this project.

"Like his former mate Wayne Swan, Kevin Rudd wants to give funding with one hand then take with the other.

"The Queensland Government has made a genuine attempt to get a deal done."

State Labor, under former Transport Minister and current Opposition Leader Annastacia Palaszczuk, wrote to Infrastructure Australia in December 2011, asking for them to pay 75 per cent of the cost to build Cross River Rail.

[ENDS] 6 August 2013
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Queensland Parliament Hansard 6th August 2013 Questions without notice

QuoteCross River Rail

Mrs MADDERN: My question without notice is to the Minister for Transport and Main Roads. Minister, what has been the federal government's response to the Prime Minister's promise to negotiate a deal on Cross River Rail?

Mr EMERSON: I thank the member for the question. Let me lead on from what the Premier said a bit earlier. The reality is that Kevin Rudd is someone who is all talk but no action. He makes promises but never fulfils them. Members will remember that shortly after becoming Prime Minister, the former, former Prime Minister walks out and says, 'I want to talk about Cross River Rail. I want to negotiate on Cross River Rail.' What do we do? We write to him and say we are happy to talk, let's start to talk. What do we hear? An eerie silence. The reality is that this project is a Labor project that they want to rip off Queensland.

Ms Palaszczuk: Oh.

Mr EMERSON: I hear the Leader of the Opposition say, 'Oh' Let us go back to see what the Leader of the Opposition wanted to talk about in terms of Cross River Rail. When the Leader of the Opposition was transport minister, how much did she want Canberra to pay for cross-river rail? She wanted Canberra to pay 75 per cent. She wrote to Michael Deegan, the head of Infrastructure Australia, and said, 'I want Canberra to pay 75 per cent'. I am very happy to table a letter on this 75 per cent.

Tabled paper: Letter from the then Minister for Transport and Multicultural Affairs to the Infrastructure Australia on 12 December 2011 regarding the Cross River Rail's Infrastructure Australia submission.

What we hear back from Canberra is that they want to pay just 25 per cent. They want to short-change Queensland. State Labor is now saying that we should just sign up to Canberra paying 25 per cent. In government, they want Canberra to pay 75 per cent; in opposition, they want Canberra to pay just 25 per cent.

We have said, 'Let's be fair with a genuine 50-50 agreement'. That is what we put to Canberra, that is what we put to Kevin Rudd and that is what we put to Anthony Albanese. Again, let's go back: Kevin Rudd wants to negotiate; Kevin Rudd wants to talk about it. So we write to Kevin Rudd. We receive a letter from his deputy prime minister, Anthony Albanese, who says, 'We're not going to budge; Canberra is not going to budge'. Kevin Rudd comes out and talks to the cameras. He says, 'We want to talk'. But behind the scenes, nothing is going to happen. They are all talk and no action. In fact, I was supposed to meet with Mr Albanese, first, on 26 July, and he cancels; 30 July, he cancels; 1 August, he cancels. They are not genuine, they do not want to do it and they cancel every meeting we have to talk about it.
The reality is that we have a genuine deal out there, we have a genuine offer out there, but Kevin Rudd is all talk and no action. State Labor should be ashamed of itself. In government they say they want 75 per cent from Canberra, but in opposition it is 25 per cent. That is the hypocrisy of Labor. They just want to look after their Labor mates in Canberra. That is all they are interested in.
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There is no hope for this state while this clown is the transport minister.  :fp: :frs:
Ride the G:


Political Football

The Prime Minister tried to score points by backing Brisbane's much needed, but hugely expensive cross-river rail project. It quickly became a political football as the state government refused Mr Rudd's support.See more at tennews.com.au
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Quote from: rtt_rules on August 06, 2013, 18:51:58 PM
Quote from: SurfRail on August 06, 2013, 17:13:50 PM
There is no hope for this state while this clown is the transport minister.  :fp: :frs:

On phrase, "single source accountability", when we have that we will get action and less political BS

We'll have that when the Constitution is amended to give responsibility for funding decisions to the body which actually collects most of the funding, or allow the bodies with the relevant power to collect the funding, ie "never".  It's about as much use as a concept to us in our present context as "faster-than-light drive", "cold fusion", "room-temperature superconductor" or even "East Coast HSR".

Until then we have to work with what we have.
Ride the G:


All I can say to that video is featuring the Transport Minister is...  :fp: :fp: :fp: :fp:

Seriously, Scott is a serious embarrassment to Queensland.

LNP - going against progress since "insert date here" -  :frs: :frs:


Shafting TransLink like he did clearly indicates it is time for a change.
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What that video clip shows is that the transport network of SEQ is a multi billion dollar failure.  Billions spent upgrading roads which only increased car usage and traffic congestion.  State cannot afford any new infrastructure because it gone broke building ineffective infrastructure for 15yrs.


The state always wants to play hardball on the funding issue with the feds, but usually ends up fouling the nest.  It held out on more schools funding until the Coalition said it would put the same deal to the states as Ruddy Labor, at least for the first four years.  Queensland then caved in and said it would take the millions on offer, reluctantly, but found itself up s**t creek without a paddle when the caretaker period kicked in.  After knocking back the funding offer, Queensland finds itself pounding on the door of the fedbank saying 'please, can we have some money.'

Enter Mr Emerson and the feds on CRR.  Same scenario -- mock indignation from the Queensland Government that the fed money being thrown at the No.1 top priority infrastructure project in the nation is too little.  The state acts like a stallholder in an Arabian bazaar, arguing the price with a customer.  With this Minister (Emerson), the game of politics has higher priority than actually achieving outcomes.  He is rejecting an offer of hundreds of millions of dollars in financial assistance from a government prepared to help in support of a potential new government whose stated position is that it does not support urban rail projects financially.

It's hard to fathom.

🡱 🡳