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Queensland Train Manufacturing Program (QTMP)

Started by JustSomeTrainGuy, October 13, 2020, 10:43:05 AM

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Couriermail --> Premier orders investigation into $2.4bn train cost blowout $

QuotePremier Annastacia Palaszczuk has ordered a high-level review into Transport Minister Mark Bailey's trains manufacturing costs blowout cover-up.

The Premier said on Thursday she had personally asked her director-general to investigate the circumstances around an email sent by Mr Bailey's office to his department asking for a reference to a $2.4bn blowout be "deleted" from public view.

Ms Palaszczuk – who has managed to mostly avoid questions over the ongoing fallout of the alleged cover-up by travelling throughout regional Queensland this week – revealed the review in a press conference at Longreach on Thursday.

But Ms Palaszczuk repeatedly refused to answer what the scope of the investigation would be – saying questions would have to be directed to her director-general, Rachel Hunter. ...
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Just what is being investigated? ... a forensic trawl of email electronic pathways to determine which computer was the source of the email leak to the media perhaps?


Couriermail --> Editorial: Blowout probe a first step toward doing the right thing $

QuoteIt took a fortnight, but Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has finally done the right thing in ordering a review of at least part of her Transport Minister's covering up of a $2.4bn blowout on his watch.

All Queenslanders should be troubled by the evidence that has emerged over the past weeks into how Minister Mark Bailey and his office deliberately covered up the blowout to the cost of the state's trains manufacturing program – because it points to a culture where transparency and accountability are considered optional extras.

When Professor Peter Coaldrake released his landmark review into the culture of the state's public sector a little over year ago, Ms Palaszczuk said she welcomed and embraced all his recommendations – because "once (they are) implemented, Queensland will have the most transparent and accountable government in Australia". ...

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Quote from: Stillwater on August 11, 2023, 00:19:08 AMJust what is being investigated? ... a forensic trawl of email electronic pathways to determine which computer was the source of the email leak to the media perhaps?

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Ahh, so we are heading down the path whereby the Premier can say things like this:

"I have acted appropriately and quickly to set up an inquiry to investigate this matter."
"It would be inappropriate for me to comment on this matter further while the inquiry is underway."
"Ms Hunter has her brief and she is getting on with the job. Let her do that work first. The timeline and the things she wishes to examine are a matter for her."
"My next steps will be governed by what this inquiry uncovers. Should further action be required after that, we will look into it when the time comes."
"It is not a question of whether I should have referred the matter to the Crime and Corruption Commission, because we are not there yet. I am sure Ms Hunter will do a thorough job, then we will see."
"I am being open and honest with the public ... the matter is being dealt with appropriately. I am letting you know what's going on, okay."
"Mark Bailey? He has been a terrific Minister ... as he said Bailey the Builder, presiding over the biggest transport infrastructure program in the state's history ... getting us ready for the Olympic Games. That's what my government is doing - getting on with governing the great state of Queensland."
"Now, if there are no further questions, I have a red ribbon to cut."


"Mark Bailey? He has been a terrific Minister ... as he said Bailey the Builder, presiding over the biggest wrong transport infrastructure program in the state's history"


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Couriermail --> Inquiry into Mark Bailey email may be independently monitored $

QuoteThe state government is considering appointing an independent adviser to monitor the Department of Premier and Cabinet's investigation into Transport Minister Mark Bailey, amid questions about whether the internal review is appropriate.

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk last week ordered a high-level review by Department of Premier and Cabinet Director-General Rachel Hunter into the circumstances around an email sent by Mr Bailey's office to his department asking for a reference to a $2.4bn blowout be "deleted" from public view.

Ms Palaszczuk on Sunday defended the lack of independent oversight in the investigation and said Ms Hunter was appointed to lead the review because she was responsible for the public service staff involved.

However, it is understood Ms Hunter is considering options to ensure oversight of the review. ...
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Annastacia Palaszczuk reveals when she know about Queensland's train building cost blowout | 7NEWS

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Couriermail --> Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk 'planned to reveal' Transport Minister Mark Bailey's billion-dollar train blowout cover-up $

QuoteThe State Government kept secret a $2.4bn cost blowout on its train manufacturing program for eight weeks before The Courier-Mail revealed it – but Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk insists Queenslanders were always going to be told.

Ms Palaszczuk confirmed on Monday the blowout had been approved by Cabinet's Budget Review Committee on May 16, six weeks before Transport Minister Mark Bailey deleted it from a media release and eight before it was first revealed after it was quietly published on the transport department's website.

But Ms Palaszczuk said on Monday: "There was going to be an announcement, and that announcement had not been reached." ...

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This QTMP saga just lurches from one farcical situation to the next.
Their bumbling incompetence has turned a very positive thing into a barbed wire collar around their collective necks.

It is difficult to have much confidence in anything they do these days.   :dntk
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The 'independent oversight' option that Ms Hunter is exploring would lend a veneer of respectability to the exercise.

Otherwise, it might be seen to be a case of Ms Palaszczuk, beforehand, quietly directing Ms Hunter to give her the desired outcome - exoneration for Minister Bailey.

Not a good look as we approach a state election.


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Couriermail --> Mark Bailey train scandal: Minister cleared despite fears $2.4 billion cost blowout affair threatens re-election hopes $

QuoteTransport Minister Mark Bailey and his office have been cleared of wrongdoing following a $2.4 billion blowout in Queensland train manufacturing program.

The Department of Premier and Cabinet late on Monday revealed an investigation by John McKenna KC found Mr Bailey's office had not "directed any public service employee" to remove a reference to the $9.4 billion cost of the program, $2.4 billion higher than forecast.

The investigation, however, did not detail the reasoning behind the deletion or whether Mr Bailey or his office had attempted to cover up the cost blowout, which the opposition has claimed. ...
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Queensland Parliament Hansard

Ministerial Statements

Train Manufacturing Program

Hon. CR DICK (Woodridge—ALP) (Treasurer and Minister for Trade and Investment) (9.50 am):
I would like to start this week by talking about trains because, as Treasurer and Minister for Trade and
Investment and as a member of the Palaszczuk Labor government, I could not be prouder of the
Queensland Train Manufacturing Program. I could not be prouder of the fact that our government is
bringing train manufacturing back to Australia, back to Queensland and back to Maryborough and the
Wide Bay—trains made by Queenslanders for Queenslanders in Queensland.
Sixty-five trains will be built in Maryborough through the Queensland Train Manufacturing

Honourable members interjected.

Mr ACTING SPEAKER: Members, I know we have not seen each other for a number of weeks
so we are keen to reacquaint ourselves with each other. However, I ask that we hear the ministerial
statements in relative silence.

Mr DICK: Sixty-five trains will be built in Maryborough through the Queensland Train
Manufacturing Program and they will support long-term secure skilled jobs for decades to come. There
are girls and boys in Torbanlea State School, Howard State School and Pialba State School who will
be able to get jobs as welders, fitters and turners, boilermakers, engineers and electricians for decades into the future. They will be able to go to TAFE and university to gain a qualification to pursue those careers because of the certainty and security that Queensland train manufacturing provides. Our government's investment is a long-term investment in regional Queensland, in public transport and in Queensland's future.

Of course, like everything else across the world, costs have risen for this project in recent years
and only a fool would suggest otherwise.

Honourable members interjected.

Mr ACTING SPEAKER: Order! Members will cease gesticulating across the chamber.

Mr DICK: I repeat: like everything else across the world, costs have risen for this project in recent
years and only someone stupendously ignorant or a complete fool would suggest otherwise. The ABS
product price index data shows that, in the two years to March 2023, the cost of steel products rose by 60 per cent and the cost of electrical equipment rose by more than 20 per cent over the same period.
The people of Queensland know about increased costs. The people of Queensland know it from
their direct personal experience at the supermarket and the petrol station. They know it because of the major cost escalation in the LNP's signature Brisbane City Council project, the Brisbane Metro. The cost of the LNP's Brisbane Metro has increased from $944 million to $1.7 billion. That is an increase of $756 million or three-quarters of a billion dollars, an increase of 80 per cent on a project that has now been delayed for more than two years.

The people of Queensland know about increased costs because of what I said in my budget
speech in this place just two months ago. In that speech, the most important speech I give as Treasurer,
I told the people of Queensland directly in this House, right in this place, that, even as project costs rise, continuing with our full capital program was a deliberate decision by our government. It is a capital program that is now a record for Queensland. It is a record capital program in the history of this state worth $89 billion over four years. I could not have been clearer to every member of this House and
every Queenslander. As I said on budget day and as I say again today, government either backs these
projects and accepts their higher costs or government walks away, and our government will never walk
away from the people of Queensland.

There are those who describe these increasing costs as blowouts or waste. Anyone who says

Mr Nicholls: Because they are.

Mr DICK: I take the interjection from the member for Clayfield. I make this point, something that
even the member for Clayfield will understand: anyone who describes these cost increases as blowouts
or waste means one thing and one thing alone; they mean cuts.

Opposition members interjected.

Mr DICK: Taking the interjection again, the No. 1 member of this House who knows about cuts
is the member for Clayfield and the Leader of the Opposition is happy to have him as a senior
frontbencher. We know where that story ends. To cut the manufacturing of trains in Queensland would
mean buying those trains from interstate or overseas. We know about the stark difference between
Labor and the LNP. It would mean leaving Queenslanders without the public transport they deserve, in
trains built by Queenslanders for Queenslanders.

Mr Nicholls interjected.

Mr Mellish interjected.

Mr ACTING SPEAKER: Order! Member for Clayfield and member for Aspley, you will cease your
quarrelling across the chamber.

Mr DICK: It would mean depriving the people of Maryborough of the economic security and
certainty that they deserve. Our Labor government will never do that. This is a great project for
Queensland and every day we talk about it is welcomed by our government because it is another day
when we can promote and advocate for the project's many benefits for people across our state. Long
may that continue because it is only the Palaszczuk Labor government that will build trains in
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Queensland Parliament Hansard

Ministerial Statements

Train Manufacturing Program

Hon. MC BAILEY (Miller—ALP) (Minister for Transport and Main Roads and Minister for Digital
Services) (10.08 am): Every member of this House is aware of the Newman government's failed
procurement of 75 NGR trains made overseas that were not disability compliant.

Opposition members interjected.

Mr ACTING SPEAKER: Order, members!

Mr BAILEY: There you have it, Mr Acting Speaker. The needs of Queenslanders with a
disability—almost 20 per cent of our population—

Mr Minnikin: Read the report.

Mr BAILEY:—were ignored—including by the member for Chatsworth, who continues to interject.
Opposition members interjected.

Mr ACTING SPEAKER: Cease your interjections, member for Chatsworth and member for

Mr BAILEY: In stark contrast, the Queensland Train Manufacturing Program is one of the
Palaszczuk government's shining achievements—well paid, long-term, advanced rail manufacturing
jobs for hundreds of Queenslanders for decades to come. The trains will all be disability compliant.
Budget Paper 3 at pages 10 and 104 clearly set out the $4.869 billion in costs for the
manufacturing phase of the Queensland Train Manufacturing Program. The total cost of the 35-year
program, following a highly complex and thorough 2½-year independent procurement process, is
$9.5 billion. This figure was only confirmed following the execution of a contract with Downer on the
evening of 29 June by the acting director-general of Transport and Main Roads. This information was
made public on the TMR website on 30 June.

Our election commitment in 2020 was for 20 trains to be built in Maryborough and in October
2021 the scope was revised upwards to include the manufacture, operation and maintenance of 65
trains over 35 years—more than triple our election commitment. The department's estimate in 2021
was $7.1 billion and the preferred applicant Downer was announced on 6 February this year.
Throughout the negotiations, the project scope was revised, broadened and refined as is a usual
part of contract negotiations. Additions to the scope included the ability for trains to lean into platforms to improve accessibility. We are not going to ignore people with disabilities. That is not what this government is going to do.

Opposition members interjected.

Mr BAILEY: You did.

Mr ACTING SPEAKER: Direct your comments through the chair, Minister.

Mr BAILEY: The implementation of platform bridges to increase accessibility and a 10-kilometre
test track so that—

An opposition member interjected.

Mr BAILEY: I will start again. Additions to the scope included the ability for trains to lean into
platforms to improve accessibility, the implementation of platform bridges to improve accessibility and
a 10-kilometre test track so that trains can be tested close to the manufacturing facility and prior to
entering the contract.

On 30 May 2023 the Cabinet Budget Review Committee approved a package of funding of up to
$9.5 billion to finalise negotiations and execute the contract. This is a usual part of a confidential
government process when contract negotiations are underway and is a necessary part of protecting the
government and suppliers' commercial positions. In the meantime, draft media and communication

Mr Crisafulli interjected.

Mr BAILEY: You sent the jobs overseas, mate.

Mr ACTING SPEAKER: Order! Minister, your comments will be directed through the chair.

Mr BAILEY: In the meantime, draft media and communication materials were prepared for the
anticipated contract execution with Downer in late June. After an extension of negotiations of more than
a week, the contract with Downer was executed at 7 pm on 29 June. The final estimate for the entire
35-year program was confirmed at the contract execution with Downer, which included a $4.6 billion
contract to Downer for the first 15 years, signed on 29 June, and a $9.5 billion estimate for the full
35-year life of the project.
As the acting director-general of the Department of Transport and Main Roads advised at
The $9.5 billion provision provides for maintenance—

Opposition members interjected.

Mr ACTING SPEAKER: Order! Sorry to interrupt, Minister. Members to my left, this is a matter
which you devoted significant time to during the estimates hearings and have made many public
comments on. The minister is giving an explanation. I would have thought you would want to listen to
this so that you can provide further scrutiny of this matter. I will start to warn members.
Mr BAILEY: As the acting director-general of the Department of Transport and Main Roads
advised at estimate—

The $9.5 billion provision provides for maintenance over 35 years. We have not yet contracted that maintenance, so on that basis it is an estimate of a future cost that we expect to incur for the maintaining of those trains over their full life. We have signed one contract with Downer for $4.6 billion, and that includes the scope to build the manufacturing facility at Torbanlea—
which will be publicly owned—

build the rail facility at Ormeau and manufacture the 65 trains at Torbanlea and maintenance of those trains for 15 years.

Mr Hart interjected.

Mr ACTING SPEAKER: Member for Burleigh, you are warned under the standing orders. I gave
clear instructions.

Mr BAILEY: The acting director-general went on to say—

There is also the provision in the $9.5 billion for 20 years of additional maintenance, currently envisaged as four five-year increments. That is not currently contracted.

A media release issued the following day, on 30 June, included the outdated figure of $7.1 billion
erroneously. This should have been updated with the new figure of $9.5 billion. The Premier and I have
both acknowledged this error and as the line minister I accept responsibility and I have apologised for
this error. The Department of Transport and Main Roads updated the Queensland Train Manufacturing
Program webpage at about 9.30 am on 30 June—the day of the media conference—hours before we
held a media conference accompanied by the Assistant Minister for Train Manufacturing, the member
for Maryborough.

Ms Leahy: Bruce didn't do it.

Mr BAILEY: He is the man who saved that town. The 2023-24 budget papers contain the funding
committed for the manufacturing phase of the project. Queensland train manufacturing is back in
Queensland. People with disabilities will never again be ignored by a state government in Queensland
because of the reforms that have been brought in by the Palaszczuk Labor government. Only under
this Palaszczuk Labor government will trains be built in Queensland. Nothing the LNP will do or say will
stop it.
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Queensland Parliament Hansard


Mr ACTING SPEAKER: Question time will conclude today at 11.17 am.

Train Manufacturing Program

Mr CRISAFULLI (10.17 am): My question is to the Premier. Will the Premier finally confirm in
parliament today that the $2.4 billion train blowout was signed off at the Cabinet Budget Review
Committee in May, over a month before the announcement was made?

Ms PALASZCZUK: Obviously the Leader of the Opposition was not listening to Minister Bailey's
ministerial statement at all. I am very proud that we are manufacturing trains in Maryborough. We are
bringing back good, decent jobs to Maryborough. On this side of the House we build trains in
Queensland in Maryborough and those opposite build them overseas. I am happy to talk about trains
because they are being built in Maryborough.

I was at the Ekka the other day and I met a lovely couple from Maryborough. They said, 'Premier,
thanks for building the trains in Maryborough.' They love the member. They love Bruce Saunders. At
the next election the people of Queensland have a choice: do they want to continue to have trains built
in Maryborough, in Queensland, or do they want them built overseas at half the price? That is right.
As I said very clearly the other day—I am happy to give a little lesson to those opposite about
the budget process and the fact that you have estimates to question the budget—as required—

An opposition member interjected.

Ms PALASZCZUK: You wouldn't even know what the CBRC is! Honestly.

Mr ACTING SPEAKER: Order! Premier, your comments will come through the chair.

Mr Bleijie: Hubris!

Ms PALASZCZUK: We know how CBRC used to work. The member for Kawana used to pick
up the phone to Campbell Newman, to the former premier, and say, 'This is what we're going to do
today.' That is how they conducted the CBRC. The famous tunnel—

Opposition members interjected.

Ms PALASZCZUK: No, you wait.

Mr Crisafulli: This is the point where you have to say 'Hear, hear' to help her.

Ms PALASZCZUK: We heard very clearly—

Mr ACTING SPEAKER: Order, Leader of the Opposition.

Ms PALASZCZUK: The member for Broadwater reminds me very much of a former premier—
the same mansions, the same demeanour, the same arrogance, the same hubris. He is exactly the
same. The member for Kawana—a leopard never changes its spots—is exactly the same as he was
back then.

(Time expired)

Mr ACTING SPEAKER: Member for Kawana, you will cease waving that document as a prop. I
did see that. I ask all members to show some greater levels of control and decorum. It is very hard to
hear the Premier on her feet.
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Queensland Parliament Hansard


Train Manufacturing Program

Mr CRISAFULLI: My question is to the Premier. The $2.4 billion train cost blowout has been
described in the media as a 'stuff-up', a 'simple error', an 'honest mistake' by six staff and 'not the theme of the day'. Will the Premier finally admit the government knew all along but decided to keep it from Queenslanders?

Government members interjected.

Mr ACTING SPEAKER: Order! The House will come to order before the Premier commences.

Ms PALASZCZUK: Once again I am more than happy to talk about building trains in
Maryborough and making sure that we have hundreds of jobs there for people in Maryborough. Every
time I go to Downer I am absolutely touched by the fact that there are generations of families there who
have had jobs there, and there are going to be even more jobs into the future.
As I was saying, I was trying to explain to those opposite about the accountability of the budget—
that is, the moneys that are required to be in the budget are in the budget. Here we have the Capital
Statement—I have even highlighted it for the member for Broadwater. This is why you can never put
them in charge again because they absolutely have no idea how budgets work. Here in the Capital
Statement it is very clear in black and white the billions of dollars that are going into train manufacturing in Queensland. It is very clear: the 'Queensland government has committed $4.869 billion for the manufacturing' of trains. By any accounting standard, that is it. It is in the budget. If it were not in the budget, I would be concerned. It is there in the budget, but those opposite do not understand budget processes.

I am glad the Leader of the Opposition asked me about this because those opposite did not even
put things in the budget. Let's have a look at 1 William Street.

Ms Grace: The only thing they built.

Ms PALASZCZUK: The LNP's only project.

Opposition members interjected.

Ms PALASZCZUK: No, listen. All the budget Capital Statement said was something about how
1 William Street would 'enhance Brisbane's reputation as a vibrant city'. The member for Clayfield said
that these costs were commercial-in-confidence.

Mr POWELL: Mr Speaker, I rise to a point of order.

Government members interjected.

Mr ACTING SPEAKER: I will take the point of order in silence.

Mr POWELL: My point of order is on relevance under standing order 118(b).

Government members interjected.

Mr ACTING SPEAKER: Order! I said I would take the point of order in silence.
Mr POWELL: The question was about trains and what the Premier knew about the blowouts and
why that was not shared with the people of Queensland.

Mr ACTING SPEAKER: I will take some advice. The taking of points of order, particularly during
question time, is not an opportunity to add to the question that was asked. I ask the Premier to come
back to the substance of the question.

Ms PALASZCZUK: The substance of the question is that we are building trains in Maryborough.
The money—the $4.86 billion—was put in the budget. Those opposite did not put 1 William Street in
their budget. We had to wait for the Auditor-General to advise that the contracted lease costs and land
contributions were $1.2 billion. Then there was another $237 million lost on the sale of seven CBD
offices and another $1.2 billion in lease costs locked in to justify building 1 William Street. In total, there was $2.6 billion in sunk costs not in the budget—not in the budget.

(Time expired)
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More Bailey mistruths.

Red team had already removed all other options for train manufacturing in Australia before blue team came to power in 2012.
Red team were going to send them overseas.

Jackie Trad ignored disability advocates concerns for 2 years, from 2015.
They did nothing until late 2017.
The delays to fix them also rest with Red team.

There is plenty of shared culpability to go around.


Who cares. They both are total wank jobs when it comes to railways and public transport. Just bloody fix them instead of bickering who was at fault. Yes LNP ordered DOO trains set up as non DOO for a non DOO network but Labor has been just as bad dragging their feet in delaying compliance works. Compliance works that could have been resolved quite quickly had they not gone about outsourcing everything and that's before I mention the privatisation prior that really shot themselves in the foot. And now they've managed to shoot themselves in the foot with a rpg over a basic contract set up as NGR version 2 to cover their ass if something goes wrong in delivery phase. There's nothing major cost blowout about it but adding random projects then trying to hide and deny these projects just makes them look like absolute dickheads that couldn't arrange a pissup at a railway pub. No wonder why pt is so backwards in this state.


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Queensland Parliament Hansard


Questions Without Notice

Train Manufacturing Program

Mr SKELTON: My question is to the Minister for Transport and Main Roads and Minister for Digital Services. Can the minister provide an update on the construction of a train manufacturing facility near Maryborough and is the minister aware of any alternative approaches?

Mr BAILEY: I thank the member for his question. He is a very strong supporter of better public transport and making trains in Queensland. We have our commitment for 65 trains—800 jobs—all made in Queensland and we know that it will only happen under this government.

I report to the chamber that the lead contractor, Downer, has wasted no time in getting to work on the task, with major works due to commence in coming weeks on our Queensland-made train manufacturing facility at Torbanlea. We are already delivering on our commitment.

I can report to the House that we are very proud that these trains will be equipped with features that will make train travel more accessible for all Queenslanders. They include technology that allows them to lean into the platform to make getting on and off easier for people with various mobilities. There will be more accessible seating on every train and wider aisles to enable movement within the carriage for people in wheelchairs. The bathrooms will also meet contemporary accessibility standards— something that was not delivered by those opposite on the NGRs that they ordered and were made overseas and were not disability compliant. We are still fixing their trains to this day in Maryborough with Queensland workers, and they are doing a fantastic job.

What we need to know is: will the Leader of the Opposition respect this contract and make trains in Queensland? He should clarify whether this is in the cuts already announced by the member for Chatsworth. The member for Chatsworth announced in April that there are going to be billions in cuts under the LNP, so what are they? The Leader of the Opposition needs to come clean because his own side says that there are going to be billions in cuts. The member for Chatsworth said that very clearly. Will those cuts include Queensland-made trains? Queenslanders deserve to know the answer to that question.

We went to the election and said we would make a batch of trains in Queensland, and that is exactly what we are doing—65 new trains to be made right here in Torbanlea, in Maryborough, by our workers. They are high-quality trains and a 35-year contract. The whingeing from those opposite indicates to me that they do not support making trains in Queensland and that the first thing they would probably do if they ever got the chance is to cut Queensland-made trains. That is why they continue to whinge and they continue to undermine. The Leader of the Opposition needs to clarify the words spoken by a member on his own side. He was the assistant minister for public transport under Campbell Newman. He is now their shadow transport minister. He said himself that there will be billions in cuts, so what are they, Leader of the Opposition?

(Time expired)
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A better question for the MP for Nicklin would be to ask where are the nine trains that were promised for the Sunshine Coast in 2015?

Why hasn't the rail duplication from Beerwah to Beerburrum started yet after more than 5 years?

If an MP wants to keep their seat won on a very small margin (83 votes) then they need to stand up for their constituents in Nicklin, not pander to be a Dorothy [dixer] for the Transport Minister.


Queensland Train Manufacturing Program

Ormeau rail facility works notice: October 2023

Site establishment works for the Queensland Train Manufacturing Program (QTMP) Ormeau rail facility will continue this month.

From early October 2023, works will involve:

Commencing construction of a temporary road that will link Prairie Road to the rail facility site (when complete it will be the main site access for construction traffic).
Undertaking major earthworks and excavation activities, including the removal of material by trucks.
Delivery of quarry materials to create a level and stable work area.
Undertaking ground surface treatment and compaction works.
Undertaking intermittent piling works.
Upgrading the existing site access at Goldmine Road.
Constructing internal roads, culverts and bridges.
Conducting site investigations, including geotechnical and water testing.
Setting up a parking area on site.
Implementing erosion and sediment control.
Clearing vegetation on site where required.
Install security fences around the rail facility perimeter.
Connecting and relocating essential services to the rail facility site, including power and water.

This phase of work is estimated to continue until early 2024, weather permitting.
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Queensland Train Manufacturing Program

Torbanlea train manufacturing facility works notice: October 2023

Site establishment works for the Queensland Train Manufacturing Program (QTMP) Torbanlea train manufacturing facility will continue this month.

From early October 2023, works will involve:

Manufacturing facility site works

Conducting site investigations, including geotechnical and water testing.

Implementing erosion and sediment control.

Clearing vegetation on site where required.

Installing security fences around the site perimeter.

Connecting and relocating essential services to the manufacturing facility site.

Delivering and installing new site offices.

Installing new temporary haul roads within the site.

Undertaking major earthworks, excavation activities and ground compacting works.

This phase of work is estimated to continue until early 2024, weather permitting.

Bruce Highway site entry works

Works to complete the Bruce Highway site access will continue throughout October.
Road widening and clearing vegetation, where required.

Relocating existing underground utilities, where required.

Installing line marking and signage.

Works are estimated to take up to two months to complete, weather permitting.
Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Question on Notice
No. 1020
Asked on 12 September 2023



With reference to the prototype trains being built in South Korea—
Will the Minister advise the percentage of train components that will be manufactured in Australia
and exported to South Korea for use in the prototypes?


I thank the Member for Theodore for the question.

The Queensland Train Manufacturing Program (QTMP) is bringing train manufacturing and train
manufacturing jobs back to Queensland. The program includes building 65 new six-car
Queensland-made trains at a purpose-built manufacturing facility at Torbanlea, in the
Maryborough region, on the Fraser Coast.

As Downer has indicated in a media release of 2 August 2023, all 65 QTMP Queensland-made
trains will be built at the Torbanlea train manufacturing facility. To help upskill the local
Queensland workforce, two prototypes will be built by Hyundai in Korea to establish the
manufacturing process at Torbanlea. This will enable the transfer of technology and knowledge
to our Queensland based rail manufacturing workforce.

Commercial arrangements between Downer and its joint venture partners are a matter for
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Couriermail --> Qld govt snubs local suppliers for $9.5bn train manufacturing project $

QuoteQueensland's flagship train building program will likely have crucial components manufactured by suppliers from outside the state, despite the government pushing the eye-watering $9.5bn project as being critical to supporting local jobs and business.

The Courier-Mail understands lead contractor Downer has reportedly sidestepped using 106-year-old Queensland glass manufacturer, G.James Glass – a longtime supplier of industrial glass for trains – on the project to build 65 new trains.

A Downer spokesman said while a decision had not yet been made, discussions were underway with an "Australian-based" company.

"Wherever possible, local suppliers will be engaged to deliver the project," he said. ...
Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Couriermail --> Trains blowout 'wasn't one of those Kennedy being shot moments' $

QuoteTransport Minister Mark Bailey has refused to reveal when he knew the Gold Coast Faster Rail project was going to cost $3bn extra, claiming Queenslanders don't care.

Mr Bailey once again came under fire after it was revealed the project had more than doubled in cost, with estimates it was now worth $5.6bn. ...
Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Irony, today 22 November is the anniversary of JFK's assassination, 60 years ago.


While the media are at it, let's hear how many minutes the time savings actually are.

It is not possible to complete the BCR and submit the business case without this information, so it does exist.
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.

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