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New SMU 260 - 280 / IMU 160 - 180 series sightings

Started by yobborobbo21, October 05, 2008, 19:57:38 PM

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Personally I would like to see such mixed-workings made illegal. It's like mating a human female with a male gorilla - something that should only be attempted by Soviet scientists away from the viewing public.


Which ones are the Gorillas and which ones are the Human Females? I'll hazard a guess and put the EMU's up as the Gorilla's and the new SMU's up as the Human Females? ;D


Understandably, someone had said the IMU160s/SMU260s will be running together in revenue service.  But this either hasnt eventuated and/or did not last long.  SMU260s has been working the old HS-SMU220 runsheets on the GC-Airport duties

Unless stated otherwise, Opinions stated in my posts are those of my own view only.


At the risk of continuing the general train-spotting theme - how many of the EMUs have been upgraded with push-button doors???   It's been a while since I've been on the trains (the bus is a 3 minute walk - the train is an 8 minute drive) but I was on EMU 72 this morning and was surprised there was no handle.

And back on the SMU 260 subject - is there any obvious way to tell the 160 series from the 260 series from a distance???   If you're far enough away that you can't read the numbers are there any other obvious differences??? (e.g. air-con placemment, colours, etc)


G'day SockGap!

I have bumped up the thread on the EMUs with the buttons see here --> http://backontrack.org/mbs/index.php?topic=1384.0

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brad C

Hi SockGap
Quote from: SockGap on January 23, 2009, 12:36:59 PM
And back on the SMU 260 subject - is there any obvious way to tell the 160 series from the 260 series from a distance???   If you're far enough away that you can't read the numbers are there any other obvious differences??? (e.g. air-con placemment, colours, etc)

Easiest way to tell a 160 from a 260 is the 'black' panelled section between the leading (or trailing) passenger door and the driver's cab - this is the location of the toilet (lavatory in trainspeak) area on an IMU. The SMU version has all transparent (and unfortunately already scratched) windows in these locations.
The differences are more readily identified at night.
Hope this helps with the 'trainspotting'.


At risk of continuing this as a 260 series sighting thread.  SMU268 and SMU269 coupled together sighted heading outbound from Milton Station around 1pm.  Both had the full "QR CITYTRAIN" stickers on the cabs, and sides.

Ironically both MUs had "Roma Street" on their destos, despite heading the other way on a empty run (assumably either on their test/acceptance runs).

Unless stated otherwise, Opinions stated in my posts are those of my own view only.


Noted SMU263 on the Ipswich - Rosewood services this afternoon.
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Noted 267 / 262 at Wynnum Central Station about 1:30ish on Wednesday..
7 years at Bayside Buses
33 years at Transport for Brisbane
Retired and got bored.
1 year at Town and Country Coaches and having a ball !


I would like to note that I'm not a trainspotter!

However whilst passing Mayne today, I happened to notice a shiny new train with the number 270 on the front.
Evening peak service to Enoggera* 2007 - 7tph
Evening peak service to Enoggera* 2010 - 4tph
* departures from Central between 16:30 and 17:30.


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The 6.35am sweeper Darra  to Bowen Hills 6th Feb was SMU267/266 ...

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There is now a shiny new train at Mayne with the number 271 on the front.
Evening peak service to Enoggera* 2007 - 7tph
Evening peak service to Enoggera* 2010 - 4tph
* departures from Central between 16:30 and 17:30.


Seems that there has been more slipage on the deliveries of these units
269 appears to have been delivered in December and sightings of 270 and 271 in Feburary at Mayne so where is 272 which if one set per month is being delivered as stated by Premier Bligh, 272 should have been at Mayne in the first week of March, anyone sighted it yet?


272 has been at Mayne for around a week.
Evening peak service to Enoggera* 2007 - 7tph
Evening peak service to Enoggera* 2010 - 4tph
* departures from Central between 16:30 and 17:30.


272 has been on test runs on the NCL/Caboolture/Ipswich lines recently as well.

Unless stated otherwise, Opinions stated in my posts are those of my own view only.


Trip to Maryborough over the last few days.  No trains at Maryborough station.  No trains in the commissioning area at Maryborough West.  There was a single carriage outside EDI rail (no number yet).  Looks like slow-goings at EDI Rail.

There was also a single carriage from what I assume to be Perth's rail system.  I'll post a photo when I get a chance.
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The question arises how many more SMU's remain to be delivered to fill the current build order with 272 now having been sighted doing trials but not yet in service.


273 has been sighted at Mayne.  Assumably not in service yet and may be doing trial/acceptance runs very soon.

The original order was 16 IMU and 8 SMU (which is completed).  The second order which is the one currently being fulfilled is 14 SMU and 6 IMU. 

Making it 22 SMU (261-282) and 22 IMU (161-182) all up in the original series of orders announced a few years ago.

Unless stated otherwise, Opinions stated in my posts are those of my own view only.


SMU's 265/269 on Ipswich service 10.05am ex Central 268/261 on Shorncliffe service ex Corinda 1.57pm


SMU-261/262 on 7:13 from manly doomben runa gian this morning
"Where else but Queensland?"


270 on a Cleveland service this morning.

Unless stated otherwise, Opinions stated in my posts are those of my own view only.


The "QR Reds keep your feet off the seats" message that is played on the new SMUs is getting rather annoying. It always plays between Newmarket and Alderley. How about playing the announcement randomly, and not in the same location?
Evening peak service to Enoggera* 2007 - 7tph
Evening peak service to Enoggera* 2010 - 4tph
* departures from Central between 16:30 and 17:30.


Quote from: stephenk on March 18, 2009, 18:18:53 PM
The "QR Reds keep your feet off the seats" message that is played on the new SMUs is getting rather annoying. It always plays between Newmarket and Alderley. How about playing the announcement randomly, and not in the same location?

I hadn't heard this message play on the new IMUs/SMUs on the Sunshine Coast line to or from Landsborough. 

We just get the auto-announce for the next-stations, stopping patterns etc. (with the odd PA announcement from the guard re buses at Landsborough).

Unless stated otherwise, Opinions stated in my posts are those of my own view only.


We dont get get that either though i have heard there is a feets off seats at coomera.
On cleveland line there is stopping patterns with a please exit safely at South brisbane and possessions at manly and ROMA street
"Where else but Queensland?"


25-3-09 264/263 sighted on Ipswich service 12.05 ex Central


Boarded SMU 264/263 at Central at 4.40pm today Ipswich bound   :D

(a few minutes late ...  ;) )
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SMU 264/263 departing Dinmore with a Caboolture service last Wednesday (25th March)

Photograph mufreight 29th March 2009
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14 April 2009, 267/264 sighted departing Roma Street at 1.38pm on Cabolture service


Quote from: ButFli on January 13, 2009, 14:30:02 PM
Personally I would like to see such mixed-workings made illegal. It's like mating a human female with a male gorilla - something that should only be attempted by Soviet scientists away from the viewing public.

an odd sight today was a old IMU with a 160IMU

it looked very off but i think the 160 was getting towed
"Where else but Queensland?"


Apart from the asthetics what is the problem, there would be occasions when such a mixed or hybrid set might mean a six car set being avaliable rather than a services that requires a six car set being operated with a three car set or cancelled.


"Where else but Queensland?"


I just saw SMU 264 /267 Ipswich bound at Oxley at 8.30am.  Unfortunately a bit of graffiti on the side of 264.

Time these vandals were held to account.

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A big boot appropriately applied and a few broken fingers might give them the message that their vandalisim will not be tolerated and the removal of their centerlink payments if caught and charged with graffiti offences might help get their prioities in perspective.  Having no income would restrict their assess to paint.


Quote from: mufreight on April 19, 2009, 11:05:12 AM
A big boot appropriately applied and a few broken fingers might give them the message that their vandalisim will not be tolerated and the removal of their centerlink payments if caught and charged with graffiti offences might help get their prioities in perspective.  Having no income would restrict their assess to paint.

What an excellent idea or why not give them food vouchers and deduct there rent adn bill from there payment before they get anything
"Where else but Queensland?"


Quote from: arnz on March 16, 2009, 15:12:11 PM
273 has been sighted at Mayne.  Assumably not in service yet and may be doing trial/acceptance runs very soon.

Contrary to this report, 273 is actually now sitting at Maryborough Station (as at 25 April).  I wondered why I hadn't spotted it at Mayne!  2 carriages (driver and middle) are sitting outside EDI Rail.  This means that it has been 2 months since the last delivery (272).

Also spotted at EDI Rail were some Pacific National branded locomotives numbered 8307, 8308 and 3501.  8309 and 3504 were spotted at Maryborough West.  Someone who knows what the series numbers mean might be able to fill us in on the specs of the new loco's.  The 35xx series appear to be electric.

Sorry I didn't get any photos this time - it was just a quick check on the status while I was up there.
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Hi all,
It seems 260series are now 270 I saw 273 at Maryborough West yard, still being fitted out on April 15th


SMU 267/264 sighted at Roma Street on Cabolture service 1.31pm 6-5-09


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http://www.citytrain.com.au/about/fleet/imu/imu160.asp also works - but the navigation on the left hasn't been updated.

According to this - there will be 36 SMU's and 28 IMU's making the total 64 (44 original order + the additional 20).
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