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Direct Sunshine Coast Rail Line (was CAMCOS, North Coast Connect)

Started by Fares_Fair, March 11, 2018, 16:06:43 PM

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Sunshine Coast News --> Academics call for future stages of rail line to remain firmly on agenda

QuoteFederal government funding for a high-speed (sic)  rail line has been welcomed by the University of the Sunshine Coast, but academics say more needs to be done to address transport issues in the region.

The government on Monday dedicated $1.15 billion towards the line, bringing its total commitment to $2.75 billion, to match the state government's contribution.

The funds should see Stage 1 of the Direct Rail Sunshine Coast project come to fruition, with a track to be built from Beerwah to Caloundra.

But UniSC vice-chancellor and president Professor Helen Bartlett said the line needed to be extended to Maroochydore, with efficient bus connections from stations to the university campus.

"Funding for this first stage is a great start, but we want to ensure that stages two and three remain firmly on the government's agenda," she said. ...
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Via email 17th May 2024:

Direct Sunshine Coast Rail Line

The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) would like to provide an update on the Direct Sunshine Coast (DSC) Rail Line, a new 37.8 kilometre passenger rail line connecting the Sunshine Coast community between Beerwah, Caloundra and Maroochydore to Moreton Bay, Brisbane and beyond.

Funding confirmed

Stage 1 is jointly funded by the Queensland and Australian governments.

The Australian and Queensland governments have each committed $2.75 billion in funding to deliver Stage 1 (Beerwah to Caloundra).

Stage 1 is expected to cost between $5.5 billion and $7 billion. The funding envelope takes into consideration learnings from local and international mega-projects, which state that cost estimates for a project of this size and scale cannot be confirmed until further detailed investigations and industry engagement activities are undertaken, following completion of the business case.

Stage 1 includes:protection of the revised alignment from Beerwah to Maroochydoredelivery of a dual-track rail line (and associated infrastructure, including 1 upgraded and 2 new stations) from Beerwah to Caloundraplanning, design and market engagement to confirm delivery costs and timeframes to deliver the Direct Sunshine Coast Rail Line to Birtinya. Stage 1 also includes an enhanced bus network and will ensure that communities around the Sunshine Coast have convenient and reliable connections to their nearest rail station. Upgrades to active transport facilities and new active travel options will mean that people can also choose to walk or ride to their nearest station.

Preliminary works

Preliminary works for Stage 1 are underway to inform development of the reference design and the environmental referral. This includes additional site survey, public utility investigations and design, flora and fauna mapping, cultural heritage and environmental investigations, groundwater monitoring and contaminated land testing.

Next steps

TMR will protect the updated rail corridor to Maroochydore, with the corridor now considerate of dual tracks and an alignment designed for speeds up to 160km/hr  with six new stations designed to meet modern rail design standards, optimise rail operations and minimise impacts on the surrounding areas.

A high-level project corridor map is available to view online here: www.yoursayprojects.tmr.qld.gov.au/direct-sunshine-coast-rail/proposed-corridor-refinements . Some works are still ongoing to refine the corridor, including surveying. We are expecting to be able to release a more detailed map in 2024.

We will continue to keep you informed as the project progresses via email updates and on the project website at www.yoursay-projects.tmr.qld.gov.au/direct-sunshine-coast-rail.
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Direct Sunshine Coast Rail Line Update from TMR via email 17th May 2024: "The Department of Transport and Main Roads...

Posted by RAIL - Back On Track on Thursday 16 May 2024
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Queensland Parliament 


Question on Notice
No. 427
Asked on 17 April 2024



With reference to the Direct Sunshine Coast Rail Line project, and recent statements indicating
that the State Government intends to 'refine the corridor' originally protected in 2001 as the
Caboolture to Maroochydore Corridor Study (the CAMCOS Corridor)—
Will the Minister advise (a) how any changes to the proposed corridor will impact residents in the
Buderim Electorate and (b) any additional properties located with the Buderim Electorate that are
likely to be acquired as part of the revised corridor?


I thank the Member for Buderim for the question.

The Direct Sunshine Coast Rail Line (DSCRL) is a proposed dual track 37.8km rail line linking
key growth areas and tourist destinations of the Sunshine Coast to Moreton Bay, Brisbane, and
beyond, via a single seat journey.

The Queensland Government has committed $2.75 billion towards delivering Stage 1 of the
DSCRL, subject to a matched funding commitment from the Australian Government (outcome
anticipated by mid-2024). If the project is funded to proceed, Stage 1 would include building rail
to Caloundra, further planning, environmental investigations, and design to Birtinya, and
protecting a refined corridor to Maroochydore. Stage 1 also includes industry engagement to test
the risks, opportunities, construction timeframes and costs for the section from Caloundra to

As part of the business case completed in December 2023, the Department of Transport and
Main Roads identified opportunities for an optimised rail corridor alignment between Beerwah
and Maroochydore. The corridor would still generally follow the protected Caboolture to
Maroochydore Corridor Study corridor, but during the detailed design phase, it is anticipated there
would be opportunities to minimise environmental and community impacts and better allow for
current rail design standards.

Further investigations are required as part of Stage 1 to confirm this optimised alignment and any
associated property impacts, noting the objective is to minimise the property and community
impacts of the project.

(a) Further detailed work, including technical assessments and field surveys, is required to
confirm any potential property impacts along the corridor. Consultation with landowners and
the community will be undertaken once the alignment is confirmed.

Construction of the rail line between Birtinya and Maroochydore prior to 2032 is not
recommended in the business case due to the time required to work through the unique
challenges associated with Stage 3 of the project including crossing the Mooloolah River,
interfaces with large public utilities infrastructure, costs, market capacity, and the time
required for construction of this section of the rail corridor.

(b) Further investigations are required to confirm any potential property impacts in the Buderim
Electorate for a revised corridor for the DSCRL. Once the revised rail alignment is
confirmed, identified land requirements north of Birtinya will be protected under the
Transport Infrastructure Act 1994. However, land is not expected to be actively acquired
until after 2032.
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Quote from: Stillwater on May 17, 2024, 15:12:39 PMThere will need to be a plan to get the crowds to and from the SC Olympic venues, using rail and bus:


and they won't have the option of cutting the trains to the Sunshine Coast by 27% as they did during the 2018 Commonwealth games on the Gold Coast.

Beams Road Motorway

Was this reduction related to the rollingstock uncertainty, the lack of duplication, and/or both?

I think QTMP has a higher risk, since they're starting from a very reduced base in knowledge and experience for manufacturing infrastructure at Maryborough.

There's some big rail problems on the Sunshine Coast, will this finally be the time their solutions are built and completed?


Queensland Parliament Hansard


Ministerial Statements

Transport Infrastructure

Hon. BJ MELLISH(Aspley—ALP) (Minister for Transport and Main Roads and Minister for Digital
Services) (10.00 am): The Miles Labor government is delivering for Queensland. We are the first
government to put real money on the table for what will be the biggest ever investment in public
transport on the Sunshine Coast, the Sunshine Coast direct rail line. I warmly welcomed the Albanese
government's announcement last week, as part of the federal budget, that it will invest a further
$1.1 billion in the project. That takes the Commonwealth's investment to $2.75 billion and the total
investment to $5.5 billion, ensuring that stage 1 of this vital project can be delivered. The project will
bust congestion in the south-east, reducing travel times by around 45 minutes each way during peak
hours and connecting the community to jobs, study, services and Queensland's most famous tourist

Mr Mickelberg: It'll turn Caloundra into a car park.

Mr MELLISH: I note the interjection from the member for Buderim, who believed we did not need
to do a business case. There would have been no business case if it were up to the member for

Honourable members interjected.

Mr SPEAKER: Order! Member for Buderim and Minister.

Mr MELLISH: Essentially, the Direct Sunshine Coast Rail Line will extend the South-East
Queensland rail network from the north coast line at Beerwah to the Sunshine Coast. The first stage
will see a 19-kilometre dual track built from Beerwah to Caloundra—

Ms Simpson interjected.

Mr SPEAKER: Member for Maroochydore.

Mr MELLISH:—making it the longest spur line in the south-east passenger network.

Ms Simpson interjected.

Mr SPEAKER: The member for Maroochydore is warned under the standing orders.

Mr MELLISH: It will also include the protection of the updated rail alignment to Birtinya and
Maroochydore. This project is about providing faster, more reliable and environmentally sustainable
connections between the Sunshine Coast, Moreton Bay and Brisbane. I know the members for
Caloundra and Nicklin are very excited for this project. I know members opposite do not want to see
public transport investment in their electorates. This project will also unlock housing supply, enabling
the construction of at least 3,000 additional homes by 2032 alone. Advice from the department is that
staging the delivery of this megaproject is the best way to ensure it is up and running by the 2032
Olympic and Paralympic Games. We are getting on with delivering it with a $5 million early works
package that includes geotechnical investigations and environmental surveys. We are also undertaking
market sounding for stage 2 to Birtinya and protecting the rail corridor all the way to Maroochydore,
meaning that stages 2 and 3 are futureproofed.

I will always advocate for more funding from the federal government for our road and transport
projects. We do welcome the continued support of the Albanese government for our transport big build.
As well as the direct Sunshine Coast rail project, our key projects including the Beerburrum to Nambour
heavy rail project in the member for Nicklin's electorate, the Coomera Connecter and the Bruce
Highway have all benefitted from funding boosts.

Opposition members interjected.

Mr SPEAKER: Members to my left, I am having a difficult time hearing the minister. Your
interjections are not helping.

Mr MELLISH: Other projects that those opposite do not want to hear about include the Bremer
River bridge upgrade, Mount Crosby Road interchange and Mount Lindesay Highway upgrade; all
received additional funding from the federal government. It was also pleasing to see the previous federal
announcement of funding for the Bruce Highway upgrades locked in.

Despite these positive announcements, we remain committed to changing the Australian
government's position on 80-20 funding for regional roads and we will continue to campaign for this to
be reinstated in future budgets. We will have more to say on these great investments on our key projects
when our state budget is delivered.
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Quote from post above...

As well as the direct Sunshine Coast rail project, our key projects including the Beerburrum to Nambour
heavy rail project in the member for Nicklin's electorate, the Coomera Connecter and the Bruce
Highway have all benefitted from funding boosts

A state budget leak right there, maybe.
A state funding boost for #B2N? or is he talking about the additional federal money?
B2N needs another $226.7 million in state funding to proceed.


Railway towns in Nicklin electorate include Nambour, Woombye, Palmwoods. Eudlo is in the Glasshouse electorate. Incidentally, Cooroy is also in the Nicklin electorate.


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Station precinct planning
Direct Sunshine Coast Rail Line

> https://www.yoursay-projects.tmr.qld.gov.au/direct-sunshine-coast-rail/station-precinct-planning

"Consultation for active transport access around stations

TMR is developing walking network plans for Beerwah, Caloundra and Aroona stations, as part of Stage 1 of the project. You are invited to have your say on these plans to help the Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) plan active transport access around the stations.

Community input helps identify key walking routes, access points, safety issues, locations for road crossing points and seating, and areas for improvement. The plans will also consider running and moving with the help of a mobility device such as a wheelchair, mobility scooter, mobility cane or a walking frame.

You can provide input by pinning comments on interactive maps on the project consultation webpage (there is a map for the area around each station). Consultation closes 16 June 2024.

These plans will inform the design of the DSC Rail Line project, as well as longer term active travel planning undertaken by both the TMR and Sunshine Coast Council (SCC). Once feedback is received from the community, TMR and SCC will work together to determine which upgrades will be delivered as a part of the DSC Rail Line project and which upgrades may be delivered in the future under other programs.

The walking network planning builds on consultation undertaken for the DSC Rail Line in 2023. In case you missed it, TMR published station fact sheets  outlining how previous feedback has been already incorporated into the station planning."
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Queensland Parliament Questions Without Notice


Transport Investment

Mr SKELTON: My question is of the Minister for Transport and Main Roads and Minister for Digital
Services. Can the minister outline how Labor governments are investing in transport solutions for
Queenslanders, including on the Sunshine Coast, and is the minister aware of any risky alternatives?

Mr MELLISH: I thank the member for the question. I know that he is a big backer of our fantastic
Sunshine Coast direct rail project. This project has been talked about for years and this side of the
House is making it happen. We have secured $5.5 billion for the Direct Sunshine Coast Rail Line to
build stage 1 from Beerwah to Caloundra—properly costed, properly planned and with $2.7 billion from
the Queensland government and $2.7 billion from the federal government we are making it happen.

This is not just an imaginary figure drawn up by the opposition on the back of a coaster down at Hotel
Maroochydore; this is a genuine investment in public transport that will revolutionise the way people
travel between the Sunshine Coast and Brisbane. Up to six express trains an hour will run during the
morning and afternoon peak. The trains will travel up to 140 kilometres an hour for more than 80 per
cent of the new line, making a peak-hour trip to Brisbane at least 45 minutes faster than a car. That is
15 days a year in lost time sitting in traffic that regular commuters will get back. I cannot think of a better advertisement to ditch the car and hop on a train.

Stage 1 will help ease pressure on the Bruce Highway, and it will open in time for the 2032
Brisbane Olympic and Paralympic Games—unlike the LNP's empty promise to build all the way to
Maroochydore by 2032 which would result in nothing but bunting and construction sites for spectators
and residents to see. We know that the entire line to Maroochydore cannot be built by 2032, and so
does the LNP. How much is the LNP's Maroochydore mirage going to cost Queenslanders—$15 billion,
$20 billion? Not even their federal LNP counterparts and Peter Dutton want to fund this rail line. How
are they going to fill their multibillion dollar black hole? What projects will they cut to fund it? How many thousands of workers will be sacked? Queenslanders must not forget that, when the LNP were last in
charge, they cut $1.6 billion from Queensland's transport and roads budget, they cut $60 million from
road safety funding, they sacked more than 2,500 transport and main roads workers—20 per cent of
the workforce—and that included 700 RoadTek road builders, and they did not progress a single major
infrastructure project other than a new office for themselves at 1 William Street.

Unlike the opposition, we do not cut, we do not sack and we do not sell; we deliver. We deliver
transport solutions. The LNP's only interest in public transport is to rename it after the Royal Family.
They are so arrogant and out of touch that, if they had a chance, they would probably name it after
themselves. I know the member for Buderim does not believe in business cases. I know the member
for Ninderry wants to win seats off the back of crime. Our members for the Sunshine Coast are focused
on outcomes and solutions for their communities. Their members for the Sunshine Coast are carrying
on with whatever they think will win votes. Our members are committed to their areas. We will deliver
the Direct Sunshine Coast Rail Line which will improve the lives of people on the Sunshine Coast. It is
an outstanding project and I cannot wait to see more on it.
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ABC Local Radio is reporting that an LNP Government, if elected, will build Direct Sunshine Coast Line all the way to Maroochydore by 2032. Interview with Jarod Bleijie where he states same.


I'm not sure if Maroochydore is possible by 2032, but I welcome the commitment.


Good to hear that we have bipartisan support at least. Don't know if getting to Maroochydore by 2032 is physically doable though...


For it to work, they would need to build ~ 4-5 km of rail each year. Project would have to be broken into segments or restaged.

Could be phased. Teams could move from one segment to the next and handover when that segment is complete to the next team. Rinse and Repeat.

Might have to drop the Gympie Road Tunnel to release funds for it (which from the business case looks like it will require public funding).

Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


How's QTMP looking... or are we just going to do another CRR with the fleet?


This is an 'election promise'. The LNP will run into the same problem as the ALP. The LNP will 'discover' the problems of such a large infrastructure build the day after the election - we would have voted by then, so all good as far as LNP is concerned. :(


Sunshine Coast News --> Opposition pledges to build rail line to Maroochydore but timing and costs uncertain

QuoteThe state Opposition has announced its commitment to delivering a rail line to the heart of the Sunshine Coast, if elected later this year.

The deputy Opposition leader and Member for Kawana Jarrod Bleijie issued a media statement late Tuesday pledging that the proposed 37.8km Direct Sunshine Coast Rail Line from Beerwah to Maroochydore would be "built in its entirety" under the LNP.

But he did not say when the line could be completed by and he did not elaborate on how it would be paid for. ...
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Of course the LNP supports the project: they need projects to cut once they're in power!


Vote ALP and we get DSCL to Caloundra. Vote LNP and we get DSCL probably to Birtinya by 2032, with an IOU to get it to Maroochydore. To Maroochydore by the Olympics is a big ask and virtually impossible. The 'to Maroochydore' promise is a political one in support of the local member, Fiona Simpson (LNP).


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The Department of Transport and Main Roads has released two Invitations for Offers (IFOs) on QTenders for the following services on the Direct Sunshine Coast Rail Line project:

Integrated Technical Advisory Partner (TAP) – closing 22 August 2024 at 2pm
Integrated Management Advisor Partner (MAP) – closing 22 August 2024 at 2pm

Please note offerors for the TAP (lead and/or their subcontractors) must be pre-qualified in the following Department of Transport and Main Roads Consultants for Engineering Projects (CFEP) categories:

Bridge Design 3 (BD3)
Geotechnical Engineering 3 (GE3)
Highway Engineering 3 (HE3)
Hydraulic Design 3 (HD3)
Traffic Engineering 3 (TE3)
Transport Planning 3 (TP3)
Transport and Land Use Modelling (TLUM 3)
Cost Estimation 3 (CE3) [Provisional Services]

For further information, including the Service Briefs, please see the links below:
MAP – Display TQ24124818 (epw.qld.gov.au)

TAP – Display TQ24124819 (epw.qld.gov.au)

Information about how to register for QTenders can be found here: Welcome to QLD QTenders (epw.qld.gov.au)

Stage 1 of the Direct Sunshine Coast Rail Line is jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland governments.
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Government Statement


All aboard: Next steps for Direct Sunshine Coast Rail Line as new information and engagement centre opens

7th August 2024


The Honourable Steven Miles

Deputy Premier, Treasurer and Minister for Trade and Investment
The Honourable Cameron Dick

Minister for Transport and Main Roads and Minister for Digital Services
The Honourable Bart Mellish

. Premier Steven Miles has today opened a new information and engagement centre in the heart of Caloundra.

. The centre will also double up as a satellite office for project staff, as the major transport infrastructure project moves through planning and into construction.

. In another milestone for the infrastructure project, two tenders have been released seeking engineering teams and procurement specialists.

. Geotechnical investigations will also begin this week as part of the preliminary works package for Stage 1.

More > https://statements.qld.gov.au/statements/101033
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"Meanwhile, geotechnical investigations from Beerwah to Birtinya are getting underway this week."


...and yet still no contract or works for the 13km Beerburrum to Beerwah heavy rail (aka B2N) promised on 9 June 2018.

It ends where the DSCL will start 🤔


While the Premier opened the Direct Sunshine Coast Line Information Office today (big photo opportunity with 'rail champion' Jason Hunt MP) and some meetings were held there, it is not officially open to the public until tomorrow morning. The office is located in Upper Bulcock Street. Lets hope people get straight answers when they visit and not just 'cock and bull'.

It would be interesting to know the length of the lease period on the office space. About the same period of time as 50c fares?


In Queensland --> Stopping at all stations: Miles forced to defend 'staged' $5.5 billion Coast rail plan

QuoteTransport continues to dominate Queensland's pre-election news with the Premier Steven Miles defending Sunshine Coast direct rail and unions ramping up calls for 50c public transport fares to remain.

The premier, deputy premier and transport minister opened an information and engagement centre for the Sunshine Coast Direct Rail on Wednesday, detailing plans for the line's $5.5 billion first stage that will cover 19km from Beerwah to Caloundra.

Work on the project is set to begin in 2026 that will provide quicker journeys and greater public transport access to the Sunshine Coast from Brisbane. ...

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Facebook ...

Direct Sunshine Coast Rail Line - time line concerns 7th August 2024 Recently Premier Steven Miles was in the media...

Posted by RAIL - Back On Track on Tuesday 6 August 2024
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Couriermail --> Sunshine Coast direct rail: Geotechnical work under way $

QuotePremier Steven Miles has made a bold declaration about the future of Sunshine Coast rail – but it overlooks a critical detail.

The only way to get heavy rail transport all the way to Maroochydore is through a Labor government, Premier Steven Miles now claims – despite not yet committing to a timeline of when that will happen. ...

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" ... Ms Zubrinich also highlighted the need for the Direct Sunshine Coast Rail Line to reach Maroochydore by 2032, rather than the scaled-back Caloundra target set by the state government earlier this year. ... "
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Infrastructure Magazine

Tenders released for Sunshine Coast Rail


QuoteMajor construction on the 37.8km rail extension between Beerwah and Maroochydore is expected to begin in 2026, with engineering teams and procurement specialists to assist in finalising the reference design and support procurement activities.

Two tenders have been released for the Direct Sunshine Coast Rail line, which will enable Transport and Main Roads to call for detailed quotes from the construction industry in 2025 ahead of major construction in 2026, subject to approvals.

The Queensland Government has also opened a new information hub to keep locals informed as the project progresses.

Meanwhile, geotechnical investigations from Beerwah to Birtinya are getting underway, a key milestone in the preliminary works package for Stage 1.

The geotechnical activity will help to provide more certainty about ground conditions along the corridor. These investigations will better inform environmental approvals, the design process and help contractors to price the project with more certainty.  ...

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Project info latest from the Direct Sunshine Coast Line Office in Bulcock Street, Caloundra, arising from visit today:

The information office lease is for six years and it is intended that the space remain operational for the next few years. Project administration / construction white collar workers won't be stationed there permanently, but it provides a meeting space for them when they are on the Sunshine Coast.

The scoping of the project includes the line to Birtinya, but whether the Caloundra-Birtinya section gets built will be determined by budgetary considerations. This is an expensive section, as the line from just north of Caloundra to Aroona Station will be in a tunnel beneath Little Mountain / Sugar Bag Road.

There will be no future station at Pelican Waters and the initial works do not include a train stabling facility or station at Beerwah East, where a whole new 'city' is proposed.

The government recognises the considerable traffic congestion that occurs already at the intersection of Caloundra Road and Nicklin Way, where the Caloundra Station will be positioned. Talks are ongoing between various levels of government to fund and build some traffic works (unspecified) around this location that would relieve traffic congestion. Hopefully these will be built between now and 2032, when the line to Caloundra will open. Construction will start in 2026.

It is acknowledged that the Beerburrum-Beerwah duplication is running 'a little behind' and is in the environmental impact assessment / detailed design stage. Government confident these works on the NCL will be completed before the Caloundra spur is completed.

New crews will be required and need to be trained up. Trains will be the next generation trains and they will have extra luggage racks for people using the train to holiday on the Sunshine Coast.

The '45-minute' travel time saving referred to in publicity represents a saving on the time a train will take to Brisbane versus the time a car will take at peak period in 2032, when traffic volumes will be significant higher than today.

The attendant was not sure, but said she believed that the Caloundra Line will be elevated over the NCL (no at-grade) and would be elevated over the Bruce Highway.

It will be a 'one-seat ride' from Caloundra to Brisbane. As for services between Nambour and Brisbane, there will be a mix of 'through' trains, while some trains might terminate at Beerwah for passengers to transfer to the Caloundra-Brisbane service. She did not know if trains from Nambour to Beerburrum would turn around and operate as a shuttle, thus providing more NCL services to stations between Beerwah and Nambour.

The handouts available at the information centre state: "Passengers will be able to transfer between rail services on the existing NCL and the DSCL at Beerwah station, as well as undertake multi-modal transfers to and from bus, kiss 'n ride, park 'n ride and active transport."

There will be an extra platform built at Beerwah and all three platforms will be able to accommodate longer trains.

Aroona Station will be elevated (as is Caloundra) over Parklands Boulevard. The railway platform also will act as a pedestrian pathway above Parklands Boulevard. Aroona will be an island platform positioned between 2 tracks. The platform will be 'future-proofed' to accommodate 9-car trains. There will be opportunities for public artwork, landscaping and recreational areas under the rail corridor in the vicinity of Aroona Station.

Mountain Creek Station is proposed to be located on the west of the Sunshine Motorway, with east-west connections to enable access to / from Mooloolaba, Mountain Creek and Buderim. The station is proposed to have an active transport connection to Amarina Ave, Mooloolaba (over or underpass – not yet determined).

Birtinya Station (if the line is built that far by 2032) will be the railway station closest to the Sunshine Coast Stadium Olympics venue. Birtinya Station will be built at street level. The plan is flexible, allowing for transfers from trains at Birtinya to the Sunshine Coast Public Transport project.

Maroochydore Station is proposed to be elevated behind Carnaby Street. It will have an island platform between 2 tracks and will be able to accommodate 9-car trains. The platform will be elevated. The publicity blurb states: "Future connections (does not say whether rail or bus) to the Sunshine Coast Airport have been enabled within this design". Clever wording that.

Active transport will apply along the full 37km of the DSCL. All stations will have cycle and scooter storage facilities.


^ thanks for this information Mr Stillwater.  Very interesting.  :ok:
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Thank you SW.

Stations will be designed for 9 car trains - will we have any by then?

The 45 minute time-saving statistic seems like a bit of a made-up future furphy to me.
Why the change in reporting the time saving?

Why not just tell us how long it is expected to take and we can assess the speed/value of it?

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