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LNP: Brisbane Metro Plan

Started by Stillwater, January 30, 2016, 23:31:52 PM

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Sent to all outlets:

19th June 2016

BCC has lost the transport plot!

Good Morning,

The problem for Lord Mayor Quirk and BCC is no one really believes their duplicitous spin when it comes to transport projects.  It is no surprise to us that they are misrepresenting the true passenger capacity of the absurd proposed Quirk Metro project.

For example they claimed when ' green-washing ' Legacy Way that ' 2000 daily express buses ' would use it.  In actual fact of the promised 2000 today only 27 buses actually use it - 1.3% of what was promised, and that is inbound only because the promised connections with the Inner Northern Busway were not done.

The Quirk Metro is just another in a list of fantasy transport projects that are not sound transport plans and are just political knee-jerk responses from BCC and Lord Mayors - Adelaide Street Bus tunnel, Cleveland Solution, the Bus and Train Tunnel are the recent ones.  All now consigned to fantasy project history.  No doubt soon to be joined in the never-never by the under-capacity under-costed non-deliverable Quirk Metro.

The key project for Brisbane and SEQ is Cross River Rail.  Time to move on with what has a sound transport basis and is actually needed.

Bus network reform will save billions of dollars and can be started this week.   It might be time for the State Government to step in and order BCC to do the right thing from here. BCC has lost the transport plot!

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org

[Attached:  http://railbotforum.org/mbs/index.php?topic=11952.msg175788#msg175788 ]
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Cross River Rail activates the CBD and the SEQ rail network. 

Delivers 30,000 plus mass transit capacity to Brisbane.

The quack metro wrecks inner Brisbane public transport and

reduces capacity by 6,000 on inner busway core ...

Waaaa Haaaaaa   :fp:
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4 car, 1200 pax, driverless = 20,000 pphpd proposed.  6 car would deliver 30,000 pphpd.

quack metro is a glorious 9,000 pphpd.  Waaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa  :fp:
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Ride the G:



In  this case Suruhanjaya Pengangkutan Awam Darat (Malaysian Land Public Transport Commission)

Quack metro will never achieve a SPAD because it will never ever run!   :frs:
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Quote from: ozbob on June 18, 2016, 07:00:13 AM

^ waiting for a quack metro at Herston ...   :P

Bob, stop posting lies, that image is grossly inaccurate. Everybody in that picture is smiling, I really doubt anybody (particularly those studying at QUT KG) are going to find it very amusing transferring to another service mode to only travel an extra 800m!
Is it really that hard to run frequent, reliable public transport?


Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


^^ lol  they are ' Queenslanders ' James  they think quacker is ' world class ' even with a ' world class wait ' ...  they believe anything hey?

Onwards !!

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Found the Lille technical specs. Surprising thing is the signalling at 66 seconds, this is 54 trains/hour, but is still only 17 072 pphd, still only marginally above the current busway, and far from the touted 30,000 pphd. It requires full automation.
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


^  they are upgrading Lille with new longer trains (more carriages) with greater capacity.  Station extensions etc. expected to be finished some time in 2017,  which will then give them a lot more pphpd.  But shows what automatic can do, a train every 66 seconds.  When they go to longer trains it might have to drop to 90 seconds ? ?  (more passengers, longer dwells ? )

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There is going to be a bottom limit as people need to get on and off, doors need to close, particularly at busy stations within the CBD core.

pphd is taken directly from the specs sheet.

17 072 pphd / 54 trains per hour = 316 passengers/train.

If trains were doubled, they would be over 100m long, and therefore not fit into places like Mater Hill etc.
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


The quack metro is pointless unless it can deliver a significant pphpd gain. You do not spend billions of dollars to cut capacity. It needs to be able to achieve at least 30000 pphpd. That of course means greater cost.
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Sent to all outlets:

20th June 2016

Cross River Rail - v3

Good Morning,

Finally a business case for Cross River Rail (v3) appears to be complete (1, 2).  Following its assessment by Building Queensland and Cabinet we look forward to its public release.

Cross River Rail (CRR) is the next and most pressing major essential infrastructure project for SEQ.  CRR will potentially deliver up to 30,000 passengers/hour/direction (pphpd) on each of the twin rail tracks - this is a train every two minutes.  This will activate the CBD and the SEQ rail network generally, with new underground stations at Boggo Road/Park Road, Woolloongabba, Albert Street, and enhanced station precincts at Roma Street and Exhibition stations.

Contrast this to the Quirk Metro - which only delivers 9,000 pphpd which is less capacity than the present busway system (15,000 pphpd).  The money that is planned to be wasted on wrecking Brisbane's inner public transport system should be redirected to Cross River Rail.  BCC stands to reap large benefits from CRR in terms of rates and value capture, and should be prepared to make a contribution to a sound transport plan.

BCC needs to cooperate with TransLink and commence bus network reform today.  There is no need to waste billions on a toy rubber tyre train set.  In any case there is no way a State Government would give over the busway infrastructure for a proposal that delivers less passenger capacity then the present system.

Bus network reform is near cost neutral but will transform Brisbane's failing bus network - reduce the number of near empty buses clogging up the CBD and allow more buses into the suburbs where they are needed.

It is time Brisbane faced up to the fact they that have been done over by BCC and its constant transport failure policies.

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


1.  Brisbanetimes --> Brisbane rail project to cost $5.4b: Trad
> http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/brisbanes-cross-river-rail-project-to-cost-54b-trad-20160619-gpmn27.html

2. Media Statement: Palaszczuk Government welcomes Shorten's $800 million commitment to Cross River Rail
> http://statements.qld.gov.au/Statement/2016/6/19/palaszczuk-government-welcomes-shortens-800-million-commitment-to-cross-river-rail
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Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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6 car 940 pax metro ... real ....

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Sent to all outlets:

21st June 2016

Get on board with CRR Lord Mayor !

Good Morning,

Today's Couriermail has highlighted some approaches to funding Cross River Rail - Couriermail --> Super funds, investors to fund rail (CRR)

It is very clear that the Quirk Metro proposal is nonsense.  Brisbane City Council needs to get on board with Cross River Rail - the council will reap a lot of financial benefit from the project.  The funds that Lord Mayor Quirk and BCC are planning to waste on an a metro non-solution would be better directed to support a real transport outcome.

As characterises public transport in Brisbane and SEQ narrow minded politics takes precedence over real community outcomes and transport improvements.  Brisbane is the only capital that has a despot Council trying to control public transport for pure politics.  The results are catastrophic, Brisbane is now teetering on transport failure.  No amount of spin and bull-dust can hide this fact.

It is time for the Lord Mayor and Brisbane City Council to get onboard with Cross River Rail. It is clearly the best outcome for Brisbane and SEQ.

Community best outcomes or selfish politics?  What is it to be??

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org

Quote from: ozbob on June 18, 2016, 01:28:39 AM

Media release 18th June 2016

Brisbane:  Time to abandon the Metro pipe-dream Lord Mayor

RAIL Back On Track (http://backontrack.org) a web based community support group for rail and public transport and an advocate for public transport passengers has said the Quirk Metro proposal for Brisbane is seriously flawed and needs to be halted before more ratepayers funds are squandered (1).

Robert Dow, Spokesman for RAIL Back On Track said:

"The fundamental flaw with the Quirk Metro proposal is that it only delivers 9,000 passengers/hour/direction (pphpd). The busways deliver around 15,000 pphpd (1)."

"Team Quirk has misrepresented the capacity of the proposed metro to the citizens of Brisbane as being 30,000 per hour.  This is a fraudulent misrepresentation in our opinion.  Using data supplied by Team Quirk (2) we have definitely shown that the peak capacity is only 9,000 pphpd."

"Other transport experts have shown that the route alignment and network effects are very adverse and the proposed metro will actually wreck inner Brisbane public transport (3, 4, 5)."

"We call on Lord Mayor Quirk to abandon this nonsensical project and commence bus network reform.  Continue to work in coordination with TMR and develop a real metro proposal with the passenger capacity (at least 30,000 pphpd) that Brisbane will need down the track."


Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


1. Lord Mayor Graham Quirk's Metro vs Mathematics > http://railbotforum.org/mbs/index.php?topic=11952.msg174616#msg174616

2. Team Quirk ' Metro ' Information Request > http://railbotforum.org/mbs/index.php?topic=11952.msg175060#msg175060

3. Will Graham Quirk's Brisbane Metro become a reality?  7news.com.au #bnetraffic #7News http://snpy.tv/1rrPNhy

4. Four key reasons metro plan is flawed > http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/opinion/news-story/270fcb35a4e60b5379e47ff73893763d

5. Brisbane Metro Subway System - Propaganda Response > http://brizcommuter.blogspot.com.au/2016/06/brisbane-metro-subway-system-cut-crap.html
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Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Quote from: ozbob on March 23, 2016, 01:36:16 AM

Media release 23rd March 2016

Why the Quirk Metro will never happen

RAIL Back On Track (http://backontrack.org) a web based community support group for rail and public transport and an advocate for public transport passengers has said the Quirk Metro will never happen because it does not deliver the capacity required to replace the inner busway network.

Robert Dow, Spokesman for RAIL Back On Track said:

"During the recent Council Election campaign it was touted by Team Quirk that their Metro plan would carry up to 30,000 passengers per hour.  Using Team Quirk's own figures we show that this claim is a falsehood."

"In their response to a series of questions we asked Team Quirk concerning the Metro during the campaign, one related to passenger capacity of the trains:

2. What passenger capacity (pax) would the trains have?

It is expected that a nominal load for a metro train with three carriages would be approximately 220
passengers. During peak periods, it would be expected that a full load could expand to approximately 300 passengers (1).

"The best then that can be achieved with non-automated metro system would be a train every 2 minutes.  This then gives a maximum passenger capacity of 300 x 30 = 9000 passengers per hour per direction. The busways in Brisbane presently transport between 12,000-15,000 passengers per hour per direction (2). "

"The Quirk Metro will not be able to cope with the passenger demands. There would be massive crowds waiting for transport at interchange points! Clearly the plan is not workable. This is the fundamental flaw in the proposed Metro and exposes absolutely the failed nature of the proposal."

"There are a myriad of other issues with the Metro as proposed (3), but basically why would the State allow the Brisbane bus network to be ruined for a sub-optimal solution? Why would they allow billions of taxpayers/ratepayers dollars to be wasted on something that causes chaos and public transport dysfunction?"

"They won't."


1. http://railbotforum.org/mbs/index.php?topic=11952.msg170890#msg170890

2. Busway Turns Ten

"Busways can carry more than 12,000 passengers per hour in each direction."

3. http://railbotforum.org/mbs/index.php?topic=11952.msg171274#msg171274


Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org
Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Quote from: ozbob on May 06, 2016, 02:49:33 AM
Sent to all outlets:

6th May 2016

Lord Mayor Graham Quirk's 'Quack' Metro is a Dead Duck!


Seven News covered Lord Mayor Graham Quirk's 'Quack' metro last night (1). It is a dead duck!

We have comprehensively and exhaustively demonstrated that even under the most extreme assumptions, the Quirk ' Quack Metro ' has less capacity than the current busway (2, 3). This is a very serious flaw with the proposed ' metro '.

Problems with the Quirk ' Metro ' as proposed:

1.  Delivers less capacity than the present busways - fatal flaw.

2.  Is under-costed, grossly in our opinion. We challenge the Lord Mayor to sign a cost explosion indemnification agreement, guaranteeing that any cost overrun on the project ( over $1.5 BN) will be borne solely by BCC.

3.  Absolutely wrecks the inner-city busway network. Stops one station short of RBWH Hospital (to save costs?)

4.  Is very doubtful if Victoria Bridge can be used due to the significant weight of metro trains, track and electrical systems.

5.  Is not driverless as proposed (despite the comment in the news video). If changed to automatic then cost of stations etc. increases massively. Comparisons with Sydney Metro make this abundantly clear (3).

6.  State owns and controls the busway infrastructure.  It is unlikely that a State Government of any political persuasion would allow the busway system to be wrecked for a system that delivers less capacity than the current network!

7.  Proposed ' metro ' depot site is state owned and is actually earmarked for CRR.

The absolute minimum capacity for a train to reach the touted 30,000 passengers/hour quoted in election vote bait material is 750 passengers per train. The Lord Mayor is suggesting trains with a capacity 2.5x lower that is 300 passengers/train.

Bus reform http://tiny.cc/newnetwork is required, now. Bus network reform will allow time for a mature future vision and plan to be developed. Bus network reform is essentially cost neutral, we do not have to waste billions of dollars on pipe dream schemes.  Start bus network reform today!

Best wishes,

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


1. 7 News > https://twitter.com/7NewsQueensland/status/728156831143452673

2. Quirk ' Metro ' Capacity Calculation

1 hour = 60 minutes = 3600 seconds. World's best train throughput is a train every 90 seconds. 3600 seconds / 90 sec = 40 trains per hour.

Therefore 30,000 passengers/hour divided by 40 trains/hour = 750 passengers per train (absolute minimum).

Lord Mayor Graham Quirk's Metro is 300 pax/train as proposed.

This means then if trains run every 90 seconds: 40 trains/hour x 300 pax/train = 12 000 passengers/hour (less than the current busway capacity).
Run every 2 minutes (as announced in election) 30 trains / hour x 300 pax/train = 9000 passengers/hour - a backward step for the network.

Even under the most extreme assumptions, the metro would have less capacity than the busway and be at capacity on opening day.

3. 26th March 2016 The Quirk ' Metro ' is a Quack Metro > http://railbotforum.org/mbs/index.php?topic=11952.msg172675#msg172675
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Sent to all outlets:

22nd June 2016

Quirk Metro - nonsense

Good Morning,

It is amazing that most of Brisbane's media still seems to accept that the proposed Quirk Metro has legs and fails to appreciate that Brisbane has been mislead.

Seriously, it simply does not deliver the required capacity.  These are facts.

Here is some previous correspondence concerning this pipe dream.  Read and you will see why the Quirk Metro is political nonsense.

Cross River Rail is the essential project for Brisbane and SEQ.

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


Media release 23rd March 2016

Why the Quirk Metro will never happen

RAIL Back On Track (http://backontrack.org) a web based community support group for rail and public transport and an advocate for public transport passengers has said the Quirk Metro will never happen because it does not deliver the capacity required to replace the inner busway network.

Robert Dow, Spokesman for RAIL Back On Track said:

"During the recent Council Election campaign it was touted by Team Quirk that their Metro plan would carry up to 30,000 passengers per hour.  Using Team Quirk's own figures we show that this claim is a falsehood."

"In their response to a series of questions we asked Team Quirk concerning the Metro during the campaign, one related to passenger capacity of the trains:

2. What passenger capacity (pax) would the trains have?

It is expected that a nominal load for a metro train with three carriages would be approximately 220
passengers. During peak periods, it would be expected that a full load could expand to approximately 300 passengers (1).

"The best then that can be achieved with non-automated metro system would be a train every 2 minutes.  This then gives a maximum passenger capacity of 300 x 30 = 9000 passengers per hour per direction. The busways in Brisbane presently transport between 12,000-15,000 passengers per hour per direction (2). "

"The Quirk Metro will not be able to cope with the passenger demands. There would be massive crowds waiting for transport at interchange points! Clearly the plan is not workable. This is the fundamental flaw in the proposed Metro and exposes absolutely the failed nature of the proposal."

"There are a myriad of other issues with the Metro as proposed (3), but basically why would the State allow the Brisbane bus network to be ruined for a sub-optimal solution? Why would they allow billions of taxpayers/ratepayers dollars to be wasted on something that causes chaos and public transport dysfunction?"

"They won't."


1. http://railbotforum.org/mbs/index.php?topic=11952.msg170890#msg170890

2. Busway Turns Ten

"Busways can carry more than 12,000 passengers per hour in each direction."

3. http://railbotforum.org/mbs/index.php?topic=11952.msg171274#msg171274


Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


6th May 2016

Lord Mayor Graham Quirk's 'Quack' Metro is a Dead Duck!


Seven News covered Lord Mayor Graham Quirk's 'Quack' metro last night (1). It is a dead duck!

We have comprehensively and exhaustively demonstrated that even under the most extreme assumptions, the Quirk ' Quack Metro ' has less capacity than the current busway (2, 3). This is a very serious flaw with the proposed ' metro '.

Problems with the Quirk ' Metro ' as proposed:

1.  Delivers less capacity than the present busways - fatal flaw.

2.  Is under-costed, grossly in our opinion. We challenge the Lord Mayor to sign a cost explosion indemnification agreement, guaranteeing that any cost overrun on the project ( over $1.5 BN) will be borne solely by BCC.

3.  Absolutely wrecks the inner-city busway network. Stops one station short of RBWH Hospital (to save costs?)

4.  Is very doubtful if Victoria Bridge can be used due to the significant weight of metro trains, track and electrical systems.

5.  Is not driverless as proposed (despite the comment in the news video). If changed to automatic then cost of stations etc. increases massively. Comparisons with Sydney Metro make this abundantly clear (3).

6.  State owns and controls the busway infrastructure.  It is unlikely that a State Government of any political persuasion would allow the busway system to be wrecked for a system that delivers less capacity than the current network!

7.  Proposed ' metro ' depot site is state owned and is actually earmarked for CRR.

The absolute minimum capacity for a train to reach the touted 30,000 passengers/hour quoted in election vote bait material is 750 passengers per train. The Lord Mayor is suggesting trains with a capacity 2.5x lower that is 300 passengers/train.

Bus reform http://tiny.cc/newnetwork is required, now. Bus network reform will allow time for a mature future vision and plan to be developed. Bus network reform is essentially cost neutral, we do not have to waste billions of dollars on pipe dream schemes.  Start bus network reform today!

Best wishes,

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


1. 7 News > https://twitter.com/7NewsQueensland/status/728156831143452673

2. Quirk ' Metro ' Capacity Calculation

1 hour = 60 minutes = 3600 seconds. World's best train throughput is a train every 90 seconds. 3600 seconds / 90 sec = 40 trains per hour.

Therefore 30,000 passengers/hour divided by 40 trains/hour = 750 passengers per train (absolute minimum).

Lord Mayor Graham Quirk's Metro is 300 pax/train as proposed.

This means then if trains run every 90 seconds: 40 trains/hour x 300 pax/train = 12 000 passengers/hour (less than the current busway capacity).
Run every 2 minutes (as announced in election) 30 trains / hour x 300 pax/train = 9000 passengers/hour - a backward step for the network.

Even under the most extreme assumptions, the metro would have less capacity than the busway and be at capacity on opening day.

3. 26th March 2016 The Quirk ' Metro ' is a Quack Metro > http://railbotforum.org/mbs/index.php?topic=11952.msg172675#msg172675

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All a media report  needs to say is "Rail back on Track, a web based community that is nuts about trains and metros is against current metro proposal.   We want a metro for brisbane, but one that will actually be good."


Sent to all outlets:

23rd June 2016

Re: Cross River Rail - v3

Good Morning,

Some positive comments from the Prime Minister re Cross River Rail [ Brisbanetimes --> Qualified support for Brisbane's Cross River Rail: PM in SEQ  ]

Cross River Rail has been exhaustively evaluated a number of times and it stacks up.  Something the Quirk ' quack ' metro doesn't do, as we have conclusively demonstrated.

Cross River Rail will activate Brisbane and the CBD.  It is time Lord Mayor Quirk got behind CRR and abandoned the toy metro pipe-dream.  BCC stands to reap considerable benefit from Cross River Rail, time petty politics was pushed aside and best outcomes for the community become the priority.

The Queensland Government has been tardy with the business case for CRR, however at least wheels are starting to turn now.

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org

[ Attached: http://railbotforum.org/mbs/index.php?topic=2034.msg175882#msg175882 ]
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Media release 18th June 2016 re-released 24th June 2016

Brisbane:  Time to abandon the Metro pipe-dream Lord Mayor

RAIL Back On Track (http://backontrack.org) a web based community support group for rail and public transport and an advocate for public transport passengers has said the Quirk Metro proposal for Brisbane is seriously flawed and needs to be halted before more ratepayers funds are squandered (1).

Robert Dow, Spokesman for RAIL Back On Track said:

"The fundamental flaw with the Quirk Metro proposal is that it only delivers 9,000 passengers/hour/direction (pphpd). The busways deliver around 15,000 pphpd (1)."

"Team Quirk has misrepresented the capacity of the proposed metro to the citizens of Brisbane as being 30,000 per hour.  This is a fraudulent misrepresentation in our opinion.  Using data supplied by Team Quirk (2) we have definitely shown that the peak capacity is only 9,000 pphpd."

"Other transport experts have shown that the route alignment and network effects are very adverse and the proposed metro will actually wreck inner Brisbane public transport (3, 4, 5)."

"We call on Lord Mayor Quirk to abandon this nonsensical project and commence bus network reform.  Continue to work in coordination with TMR and develop a real metro proposal with the passenger capacity (at least 30,000 pphpd) that Brisbane will need down the track."


Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


1. Lord Mayor Graham Quirk's Metro vs Mathematics > http://railbotforum.org/mbs/index.php?topic=11952.msg174616#msg174616

2. Team Quirk ' Metro ' Information Request > http://railbotforum.org/mbs/index.php?topic=11952.msg175060#msg175060

3. Will Graham Quirk's Brisbane Metro become a reality?  7news.com.au #bnetraffic #7News http://snpy.tv/1rrPNhy

4. Four key reasons metro plan is flawed > http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/opinion/news-story/270fcb35a4e60b5379e47ff73893763d

5. Brisbane Metro Subway System - Propaganda Response > http://brizcommuter.blogspot.com.au/2016/06/brisbane-metro-subway-system-cut-crap.html
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Couriermail --> Call to co-ordinate transport plans

QuoteTHE two biggest public transport projects in Brisbane could end up cannibalising their own funding options unless they are co-ordinated and sequenced properly.

The State Government is pushing ahead with its $5.4 billion Cross River Rail project and Brisbane City Council has started undertaking the business case for its $1.5 billion Metro rapid transit system.

METRO: Planning experts point out problems

Both projects are scheduled to be built over the next six to eight years, depending on whether they can secure enough funding to proceed.

Each would rely heavily on funding from the Federal Government, the private sector and potentially value-capture methods.

Engineers Australia infrastructure spokesman Chris Warnock said having two levels of government pursuing different projects could lead to a situation where they cannibalised funding for each other.

"Funding of infrastructure is the big issue at the moment," he said.

"There is a finite amount of money available, and both seem to be trying to attract it from the same places like the Federal Government and the private sector.

"Both projects do different things and are important, but they need to be co-ordinated and sequenced properly to ensure they actually happen."

Mr Warnock said it appeared that each level of government was competing with each other rather than working together to get the best infrastructure outcomes.

"Engineers Australia again calls for an integrated transport plan for the southeast because at the moment we have two levels of government pushing ahead with major projects that don't appear to be talking to each other."

Transport Minister Stirling Hinchliffe said both projects would potentially require funding from similar areas but Cross River Rail needed to come first as it was the state's top infrastructure priority.

"It's a city-changing project that's creating increased and expanded public transport capacity; it's not an enhancement," he said.

"We also want to see enhancements so we are willing to work with Brisbane City Council on this project (Metro) and others."

Brisbane Deputy Mayor Adrian Schrinner said both infrastructure projects could happen, and was confident of getting the Metro up and running by 2022.

"There is room for both projects and funding ability for both projects at a national level when you are talking about all levels of government and the private sector," he said.

Brisbane City Council has pledged to be the majority funder of the Metro, but The Courier-Mail understands the State Government will not commit cash to the project until Cross River Rail is under way. That would leave up to $750 million needed from the Federal Government and the private sector to ensure Metro gets built.

The State Government has committed $800 million to Cross River Rail and a matching commitment from whoever forms the next Federal Government would still leave $3.8 billion unfunded.

Building Queensland, which advises the State Government on infrastructure projects, will have some involvement in developing the business case for Metro.

The Go Print site in Woolloongabba is another key conflict between the two projects, with the Metro needing it for a stabling yard, while the State Government wants it to be a major urban-renewal project to help pay for the Cross River Rail.

"The Go Print is fundamentally important to the delivery of Cross River Rail – not just for a station, but for the whole site in terms of urban renewal," Mr Hinchliffe said.

"It is a very valuable level (of the site) to be turning into a stabling yard."

But the city council claims having three modes of transport feeding into the Go Print site – rail, Metro and buses – will add value and attract a greater level of interest from developers.

"Ultimately, from a transport-planning point of view, having a busway interchange, Cross River Rail and a Metro station is absolutely ideal," Cr Schrinner said.

Metro is expected to be complete in 2022, while the recently completed business case for Cross River Rail states the construction timeline is five to eight years.

What a shambles, BCC still in denial.  One does spend billions of dollars to reduce public transport capacity.
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Robert Dow ‏@Robert_Dow 1m

You are still in denial I note @Schrinner one does waste billions of $$ to reduce PT capacity .... #qldpol the business case will not fly
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QuoteEngineers Australia infrastructure spokesman Chris Warnock said having two levels of government pursuing different projects could lead to a situation where they cannibalised funding for each other.

"Funding of infrastructure is the big issue at the moment," he said.

I stated this argument previously. It is yet another reason to merge both projects into one combined project along the same alignment.

A new alignment for the Metro would solve the Victoria Bridge weight issue, the lack of space issue at Mater Hill and introduce combined

seamless interchange at Woolloongabba, CBD and Roma Street. It would also stop funds being split multiple ways.

Given that the BCR and NPV of CRR3 is similar to that of BaT there would not be much difference in the final numbers for a combined

project IMHO. BCC could also plug the funding gap with $1.5 BN diverted to a combined CRR/Metro tunnel.
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


The Quack metro as proposed is a total nonsense.  Anything other than a toy train will need a proper alignment.  Victoria Bridge is not suitable full stop.  And is it is also very doubtful if the trains could achieve the required curve radii. There is no way a ' stabling yard ' will be done at the 'Gabba.

Engineers Australia, and the State Government have to stop the bullsh%t and call the project out for the nonsense it is. 

Then it might be possible for BQ TMR etc. to look at a realistic solution.

Unless a metro delivers a minimum of 30,000 pphpd simply not worth it.
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The baffling thing is that the state government doesn't want to take on BCC over this.  Note what Mr Hinchliffe said: "We also want to see enhancement, so we are willing to work with BCC on this project (Metro) and others."  The Minister and Ald. Schrinner prove the basic point of the article by saying they are 'willing to work' with each other.  This proves that the state government and council are not, at this point in time, working with each other, but desire a working relationship in the future.  :fp:  :frs:


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this has definitely turned into a bureaucratic mess......

looks like quirk has made his intentions very clear on his metro........by purposely keeping the peak pax flow at a substandard level......it puts BT/BCC in a power position to continue to run as many buses as feasibly possible into the cbd in conjunction with his metro.....


Sent to all outlets:

4th July 2016

Brisbane: We Need Bus Reform Now


The Federal Election result is not clear and Cross River Rail funding remains in doubt. The Queensland Government's
tactic of releasing the business case just days before the election hasn't helped to progress CRR in a timely manner. Funding
is now in the hands of Infrastructure Australia and political uncertainty.

We again call on the Queensland Government and Transport Minister Stirling Hinchliffe to
initiate bus reform of the Brisbane bus network. Lord Mayor Graham Quirk should also come
on board. The basic reality is that even if Cross River Rail is funded, it will not be operating
for many years, and there is a need to take pressure off the bus network right now.

RAIL Back on Track's New Bus Network Proposal was released in November 2014. It will extend
more buses to more places, improve service frequency to 'black hole' areas and is cost-neutral.
The Queensland Government had much success with the fare reform. We believe the same model
can be re-purposed for the bus reform that Brisbane so desperately needs.

Lord Mayor Graham Quirk has proposed a metro. But we believe his proposal, in its current
form, is both physically and mathematically impossible. His 300-person trains simply do not
have the capacity to transport the promised 30,000 passengers/hour. We challenge Brisbane
City Council to provide us with worked calculations proving us wrong. We calculate that a
metro train needs 750 passengers/train capacity to reach 30,000 passengers/hour. That means
longer length trains that won't fit at Mater Hill station and heavier trains that will be too
heavy for the Victoria Bridge to bear.

Transport Minister, our New Bus Network Proposal is here > http://tiny.cc/newnetwork

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org

[ Attached: http://railbotforum.org/mbs/index.php?topic=11952.msg175996#msg175996 ]
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Media release 24th March 2016 re-released 7th July 2016

Brisbane: Start Fixing Bus Network with Five Point Plan

RAIL Back On Track (http://backontrack.org) a web based community support group for rail and public transport and an advocate for public transport passengers has floated a five point plan to fix Brisbane City Council's broken bus network.

Robert Dow, Spokesman for RAIL Back On Track said:

"Proposing a ' metro ' on the Brisbane busways is a clear admission by Lord Mayor Graham Quirk that his bus network is well and truly broken. Brisbane City Council has been in denial about this for years, despite it being clearly foreshadowed in its own 2007 Lord Mayor's Mass Transit Report."

"The ' Quirk Metro ' is a vote bait pipe-dream that would not increase busway capacity in our measured opinion. It is time for the Transport Minister Stirling Hinchliffe to move on with achievable bus reforms. This will be a key opportunity for the Palaszczuk Government to demonstrate that it is capable of fixing broken bus services within the State's capital, or whether it is truly 'frozen at the wheel'."

Our Five Point Plan is:

196 Yeronga BUZ (Every 15 minutes)
230 BulimbaGlider (Every 15 minutes)
359 Eatons Hill (Every 15 minutes)
400 CentenaryGlider (Every 10-15 minutes)
911 Mitchelton to UQ St Lucia via Ashgrove and Toowong

"These bus services would plug Brisbane City Council's 'bus black holes'."

"Services should have all door boarding, and improved frequency up to at least 9 pm on weeknights. These five services could be funded by minor changes to existing routes through amalgamations, simplifications and truncations. As the Quirk Metro will serve none of these areas, there is no reason to delay these service changes."

"Can we wait a decade sitting in bus jam hoping for bus reform?"


Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


1. New Bus Network Proposal

2. Quirk Metro Capacity Calculation

300 pax / train x 30 trains/hour = 9,000 pphd, less than what the busway carries now (12,000-15,000 pphd).
Even if 90 second headways could be achieved, unlikely unless a fully automated system, capacity would only be 300 x 40 = 12,000 pphd.
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Sent to all outlets:

8th July 2016

Letter to the editor: Tell the transport truth ...

Dear Editor,

Serious questions need to be asked now of Brisbane City Council, TransLink and the State Government.

Why is Brisbane's bus network being allowed to continue in a shambolic state?   Brisbane Transport cannot even achieve the minimum on time performance standards demanded of all bus operators in SEQ, this is despite a significant percentage of buses that run on Class A busways, free of traffic congestion.

Lord Mayor Quirk and BCC resisted the bus reform that TransLink attempted to do in 2013, claiming that people would not want to transfer.

Lord Mayor Quirk now proposes a half baked metro proposal that would force massive transfers and in fact demand bus wholesale network reform.

The fundamental flaw with the Quirk Metro proposal is that it only delivers 9000 passengers/hour/direction (pphpd). The busways deliver around 15000 pphpd. It is an absurd proposition to spend billions of dollars to decrease the capacity of the public transport network. Absurd!

Team Quirk misrepresented the capacity of the proposed metro to the citizens of Brisbane as being 30,000 per hour.  Using data supplied by Team Quirk we have definitely shown that the peak capacity is only 9,000 pphpd.

Would it not be more logical to actually carry out bus reform now?  This would save billions of dollars and deliver a functional bus network for Brisbane with flow on benefits to all bus regions in SEQ.

Brisbane is on the precipice of transport collapse - failing administrations, bureaucracy and Government that collectively lack the conviction to detail the truth and consequently act for the community good do not help.

No wonder the public has lost confidence in our political processes.

Yours sincerely,


Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track
Goodna Qld  4300
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Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Robert Dow ‏@Robert_Dow 6 seconds ago Brisbane, Queensland

@Schrinner @Team_Quirk @TransLinkSEQ @StirlHinchliffe

Ultimately yes, a real metro not a toy. Bus network reform today will reduce bus jam.
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It actually shows that you need bus reform. Many ways to interpret and value "facts".

Conveniently, the image doesn't show the loading of the buses, most of which would be carrying air.

Given that the metro would destroy busway capacity, it is the last thing that is needed. Major changes are required to the proposal.
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


Yes, sure does support bus network reform.  What does he really think?  Is everyone is going to sit in ever worsening bus jam in often underloaded buses waiting for a pipe-dreams to materialise?

Brisbane is quite the mess hey what?
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