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Brisbane - bus network proposal

Started by ozbob, November 05, 2014, 02:06:22 AM

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The bus network also needs rebranding from Noosa to Coolangatta for consistancy. As you have limited stop buses from Noosa to Coolangatta named different names which causing confusion for the travelling public. Rebranding to the Go Network as proposed by the previous Governemt and Limited stop busses from Noosa to Coolangatta as well as in Cairns to "Go Rapid" With busses painted front and back with specific colours for each Rapid service to make it easy for a potential bus user


Quoteif you put 100 more people in an area, you'll increase bus patronage
nailed it......regardless if the route has cr%p frequency or not.....the route only needs to exist and the timetabling to be accurate for it to gain new passengers.....the ipswich rd/pa hospital corridor is clear evidence that you can have a mix of frequencies and still keep passengers.
Yes im well aware that upgrading a routes frequency brings additional patronage...but im also aware that it can backfire....increasing operational/cancellation risks and bad timetabling....effectively nulling the upgrade...
While the alignment of the route has major bearing....rejigging a route does not guarantee success.....the ability to plan and timetable around different traffic levels is the real winner......with this skill you can run a bus route on any frequency and have it turn up on-time and keep its passengers/gain new ones.



Robert Dow ‏@Robert_Dow 8s

Bus reform well overdue ...

> http://railbotforum.org/mbs/index.php?topic=11047.msg161037#msg161037 ... ... #qldpol @jackietrad @Team_Quirk @Rod4Bris

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Sent to all outlets:

10th September 2015

Get cracking with the basics ..


There is no pipeline or plan.  Sad reality for Queensland.

The only thing left is proper network reform for Brisbane, with the flow on benefits for the rest of SEQ.  This process is very cost effective, will increase both patronage and fare box,  hundreds of millions of dollars and massive amounts of concrete not needed.

There is no chance of any new infrastructure.  We must optimise what have as a community.   Is even doing basic network reform too hard for the authorities?

What a circus it is turning out to be hey?

Yours in abject misery,



Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org

Quote from: ozbob on September 08, 2015, 07:35:10 AM
Media release 8th September 2015

Brisbane: Lord Mayor and BCC still cannot be trusted to run city's buses

RAIL Back On Track (http://backontrack.org) a web-based community support group for rail and public transport and an advocate for public transport passengers calls for Deputy Premier Jackie Trad to terminate Brisbane City Council's public transport responsibilities.

Robert Dow, Spokesman for RAIL Back On Track said:

"Almost three years ago we called for public transport to be removed from Brisbane City Council. Council had cancelled proposed bus upgrades to 'black hole' areas such as Bulimba, Yeronga, Albany Creek and The Centenary Suburbs. In our opinion, an inadequate bus review was substituted, which failed to fix any of the major problems such as service duplication, wasteful bus-train competition and network complexity - all factors that drove a fares cost explosion."

"Since then patronage has been going one way: down, down, down.

"The excuses are running out. We had been warning constantly that failure to reform the bus network would lead to mass patronage losses, and a fares and subsidy cost explosion.

"Lord Mayor Graham Quirk's bus 'evolution, not revolution' has hands-down failed. Two years of this failing program is more than enough evidence to judge it by. At 4 bus route changes per year, it would take 50 years to review Brisbane's c.a. 200-route bus network. That is just unacceptable.

"Brisbane needs a modern, reformed public transport network like Houston or Auckland. And it doesn't have to cost much more than the current network. If the Mayor of Auckland can hire the ex-head of Brisbane Transport to comprehensively reform Auckland's entire bus network, which is now registering spectacular growth, we can do also, rather than sit here debating how controversial it must be to have buses pull up to a train station and unload interchange passengers."

"Costs are going through the roof, and patronage is going through the floor. We are actually now paying MORE money for LESS passengers."

Bus reforms must now proceed. We detail our proposals here:

Bus reform - our proposal media releases grouped - http://railbotforum.org/mbs/index.php?topic=11099.0
New Bus Network Proposal - http://tiny.cc/newnetwork
Current BCC Bus Network - http://tiny.cc/checkyourbus

"The sooner the Lord Mayor and Brisbane City Council is stripped of transport functions, the sooner genuine reform of rail and bus networks can go ahead, and the sooner we can look forward to abundant and low-cost public transport for all."


Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


27 Apr 2013: Lord Mayor and BCC can no longer be trusted to run city's buses

6 Jan 2015: Brisbane City Council's Bus Network - What Went Wrong?

Blame game as Brisbane commuters abandon buses
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QuoteThere is no pipeline or plan.  Sad reality for Queensland.

But there are PipeDREAMS!

Really glad bus reform is built to withstand zero budget funding and zero new infrastructure. Winner!!
It's the only thing that looks like it will survive.
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


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Sent to all outlets:

10th September 2015

BCC Deputy Mayor Adrian Schrinner:  Does Deputy Premier Jackie Trad have "the guts?"


Brisbane City Council appears to be a law unto itself. Patronage on the network is actively being destroyed, and the cost to
Queensland Treasury is escalating! Deputy Premier Jackie Trad must terminate Brisbane City Council's bus operations. This could be
achieved by passing legislation amending The City of Brisbane Act 2010, banning BCC from bus operations and nationalising the bus
division, Brisbane Transport.

Deputy Mayor Adrian Schrinner confirms that the State Government has the power to modify the Brisbane City Council bus network.

Another claim made was that Brisbane City Council was spending the highest on public transport, compared with other councils.
The issue here is that all other Australian jurisdictions have public transport organised at the State or Territory Government level. While
it is true that Brisbane City Council spends many millions on bus subsidies, it is also true that at $152 million, the ACT
Government appears to spend more than Brisbane City Council on public transport ($114 million), and is planning to construct Light Rail.

The ACT holds local government powers through its Territory and Municipal Services Department (TAMS).

The Deputy Mayor concluded his tweet by issuing a challenge to the State Government:

"If the State Gov wants to fiddle with the system that is the backbone of SEQ PT, they have the power. Do they have the guts?"

So Jackie Trad, do you have the guts? Or will you too go the way the former transport minister Scott Emerson, who spectacularly lost
control of his own portfolio?

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


BCC Deputy Mayor Adrian Schrinner tweet https://twitter.com/Schrinner/status/641432919236481024

ACT Budget 2015: Government signals $375 million contribution to light rail

Blame game as Brisbane commuters abandon buses
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Media release 11th  September 2015

SEQ: Time to overhaul the Brisbane bus network

RAIL Back On Track (http://backontrack.org) a web based community support group for rail and public transport and an advocate for public transport passengers has said it is time to reform the Brisbane Bus network.

Robert Dow, Spokesman for RAIL Back On Track said:

"TransLink attempted to reform the Brisbane bus network in 2013.  Non-cooperation by BCC, in preventing Brisbane Transport to meet with TransLink during network planning and preparation was very concerning.  Recent comments by the Deputy Mayor on Twitter has confirmed that Council is not interested in reform but is happy to see patronage plummet and continuing network failure (1)."

"The fundamental problem with the Brisbane bus network is best explained by consideration of this graphic for buses running on Coronation Drive (2).


"A direct service model, where in essence every bus from the suburbs is directed to run into the CBD, results in massive overlap, waste, inefficiency, bus-jam, poor connections and consequently poor frequency where it is needed.

"There needs to be consolidation of bus routes so that manageable high frequency trunk corridors are supported by frequent feeder buses in the suburbs. Rail needs proper support with frequent feeder bus.  Park and ride is a costly, finite resource.

"By doing this, more people will have more buses more often.  Connections will be made. Cross suburban runs can be achieved.

"The drop off in bus patronage is not due to fare unaffordability alone. It is also a consequence of a poor network design and poor service , particularly in the suburbs.

"If BCC do not wish to participate in reform, then the correct thing to do is remove control of Brisbane Transport from Brisbane City Council and get on with it.

"Brisbane is no longer surrounded by market gardens, it is constant suburbia at Council boundaries.  SEQ needs a proper integrated network, optimising all modes, bus, rail and ferry.

"The public transport network for SEQ is not the place for petty selfish politics.  We need a much improved outcome for our community, free from political bias.

"Our members have worked for over a year, at no public cost on a new network proposal (3).  It would go a long way to sorting out the problems with our public transport network. It is not ' the ' solution, but ' a ' solution.  It would be a great start point for reform.

"Can BCC please put politics aside, and sit down with TransLink and get the best outcome for Brisbane and SEQ?  Or will selfish politics continue to dominate the failure?"


1. http://i998.photobucket.com/albums/af104/tramtrain/20150910AS_zpshuz3dc3u.jpg

2. http://i998.photobucket.com/albums/af104/tramtrain/BR_wasteogram_zps01c22678.png

3. Brisbane Bus Reform: RAIL Back on Track Launches New Bus Network Proposal


Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org
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Sent to all outlets:

12th September 2015

Re: SEQ: Time to overhaul the Brisbane bus network

Good Morning,

The silence is deafening.   Does anyone really care about fixing up our public transport?  BCC doesn't, that's for sure.

It is time for the right decisions and decisive action, not political cowardice.

Doing nothing is a recipe for political oblivion.  The problems go way past the failed fare structure hey?

You're welcome!

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org

Quote from: ozbob on September 11, 2015, 01:48:10 AM

Media release 11th  September 2015

SEQ: Time to overhaul the Brisbane bus network

RAIL Back On Track (http://backontrack.org) a web based community support group for rail and public transport and an advocate for public transport passengers has said it is time to reform the Brisbane Bus network.

Robert Dow, Spokesman for RAIL Back On Track said:

"TransLink attempted to reform the Brisbane bus network in 2013.  Non-cooperation by BCC, in preventing Brisbane Transport to meet with TransLink during network planning and preparation was very concerning.  Recent comments by the Deputy Mayor on Twitter has confirmed that Council is not interested in reform but is happy to see patronage plummet and continuing network failure (1)."

"The fundamental problem with the Brisbane bus network is best explained by consideration of this graphic for buses running on Coronation Drive (2).


"A direct service model, where in essence every bus from the suburbs is directed to run into the CBD, results in massive overlap, waste, inefficiency, bus-jam, poor connections and consequently poor frequency where it is needed.

"There needs to be consolidation of bus routes so that manageable high frequency trunk corridors are supported by frequent feeder buses in the suburbs. Rail needs proper support with frequent feeder bus.  Park and ride is a costly, finite resource.

"By doing this, more people will have more buses more often.  Connections will be made. Cross suburban runs can be achieved.

"The drop off in bus patronage is not due to fare unaffordability alone. It is also a consequence of a poor network design and poor service , particularly in the suburbs.

"If BCC do not wish to participate in reform, then the correct thing to do is remove control of Brisbane Transport from Brisbane City Council and get on with it.

"Brisbane is no longer surrounded by market gardens, it is constant suburbia at Council boundaries.  SEQ needs a proper integrated network, optimising all modes, bus, rail and ferry.

"The public transport network for SEQ is not the place for petty selfish politics.  We need a much improved outcome for our community, free from political bias.

"Our members have worked for over a year, at no public cost on a new network proposal (3).  It would go a long way to sorting out the problems with our public transport network. It is not ' the ' solution, but ' a ' solution.  It would be a great start point for reform.

"Can BCC please put politics aside, and sit down with TransLink and get the best outcome for Brisbane and SEQ?  Or will selfish politics continue to dominate the failure?"


1. http://i998.photobucket.com/albums/af104/tramtrain/20150910AS_zpshuz3dc3u.jpg

2. http://i998.photobucket.com/albums/af104/tramtrain/BR_wasteogram_zps01c22678.png

3. Brisbane Bus Reform: RAIL Back on Track Launches New Bus Network Proposal


Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org
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Sent to all outlets:

13th September 2015

Re: SEQ: Time to overhaul the Brisbane bus network


Here is the proof of non cooperation by BCC.  This helped to sabotage the 2013 network reform for Brisbane.

Brisbane Transport were invited to participate in strategic network planning sessions
on the following dates to which they declined to attend under instruction;
– 20 November 2012,
– 21 November 2012,
– 27 November 2012,
– 28 November 2012,
– 6 December 2012, and
– 13 December 2012.

> Page 79   http://www.tmr.qld.gov.au/~/media/aboutus/rti/disclog/rti13501772.pdf

RTI TMR briefing note on the review which states that under instruction, Brisbane Transport declined to attend strategic network planning sessions with Translink on at least 6 separate occasions

Do we have any leadership left in Queensland?

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org

Quote from: ozbob on September 11, 2015, 01:48:10 AM

Media release 11th  September 2015

SEQ: Time to overhaul the Brisbane bus network

RAIL Back On Track (http://backontrack.org) a web based community support group for rail and public transport and an advocate for public transport passengers has said it is time to reform the Brisbane Bus network.

Robert Dow, Spokesman for RAIL Back On Track said:

"TransLink attempted to reform the Brisbane bus network in 2013.  Non-cooperation by BCC, in preventing Brisbane Transport to meet with TransLink during network planning and preparation was very concerning.  Recent comments by the Deputy Mayor on Twitter has confirmed that Council is not interested in reform but is happy to see patronage plummet and continuing network failure (1)."

"The fundamental problem with the Brisbane bus network is best explained by consideration of this graphic for buses running on Coronation Drive (2).


"A direct service model, where in essence every bus from the suburbs is directed to run into the CBD, results in massive overlap, waste, inefficiency, bus-jam, poor connections and consequently poor frequency where it is needed.

"There needs to be consolidation of bus routes so that manageable high frequency trunk corridors are supported by frequent feeder buses in the suburbs. Rail needs proper support with frequent feeder bus.  Park and ride is a costly, finite resource.

"By doing this, more people will have more buses more often.  Connections will be made. Cross suburban runs can be achieved.

"The drop off in bus patronage is not due to fare unaffordability alone. It is also a consequence of a poor network design and poor service , particularly in the suburbs.

"If BCC do not wish to participate in reform, then the correct thing to do is remove control of Brisbane Transport from Brisbane City Council and get on with it.

"Brisbane is no longer surrounded by market gardens, it is constant suburbia at Council boundaries.  SEQ needs a proper integrated network, optimising all modes, bus, rail and ferry.

"The public transport network for SEQ is not the place for petty selfish politics.  We need a much improved outcome for our community, free from political bias.

"Our members have worked for over a year, at no public cost on a new network proposal (3).  It would go a long way to sorting out the problems with our public transport network. It is not ' the ' solution, but ' a ' solution.  It would be a great start point for reform.

"Can BCC please put politics aside, and sit down with TransLink and get the best outcome for Brisbane and SEQ?  Or will selfish politics continue to dominate the failure?"


1. http://i998.photobucket.com/albums/af104/tramtrain/20150910AS_zpshuz3dc3u.jpg

2. http://i998.photobucket.com/albums/af104/tramtrain/BR_wasteogram_zps01c22678.png

3. Brisbane Bus Reform: RAIL Back on Track Launches New Bus Network Proposal


Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org
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Sent to all outlets:

14th September 2015

Bicycle spin too ...

Good Morning,

The bus failure is one issue with BCC.  Another is the inflated and deceptive way they promote ' bicycle infrastructure '

Claims that there is ' 1300 kilometres of bikeways and shared pathways across the city ' is just deceptive spin, something the BCC has refined well.

The reality it is that true protected bicycle lanes and pathways are much less.

For example, this thoroughfare is counted in the 1300 kilometres.  It is nonsense.

Pic Kylie ‏@kylie_j_s  9:25 AM - 11 Sep 2015

The BCC crow about their 1300km of connected bikeways and bike paths. Analysing their published data shows that they count all sorts of things that are not at all bikeways or bike paths.

Things like the yellow stenciled bikes painted on the road that according to the BCC mean there is no bike lane, so share the road. Yes, these "no" bike lanes share the road stencils are counted towards the 1300km total. Not only that but, unlike roads, if they whack a yellow stencil on the other side of the road, they count it "twice".

This city is in trouble.  So is the public and active transport network.

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org




Discussion on bicycle paths etc. >> http://railbotforum.org/mbs/index.php?topic=11656.0
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Sent to all outlets:

14th September 2015

Lord Mayor and Brisbane City Council wrong on bus connections


Almost a year ago RAIL Back on Track released the New Bus Network Proposal for Brisbane.

It reorganises Brisbane's outdated bus network, see here: http://tiny.cc/newnetwork

The proposal is effectively cost neutral and requires no new busways, tunnels, bridges or rail lines. It simply reorganises what we already have.

Perth doesn't have a problem with driving buses to the trains stations. Over in Perth, buses and trains work together, rather than against each other like here in Brisbane.

( Video: Starts at 1.12 min)

"We have about 1.3 million people, but they are widely spread to the point to where our city's population density is close to the lowest in the world.

Only three other cities worldwide have a higher vehicle ownership per person, and our love affair with the motor vehicle continues with more than 90% of all private trips made by car.

The solution? An integrated transport system to bring the passengers to the track. The result? A rail spine running the length of the coastal corridor, linking the north to the south, with feeder buses networking the suburbs to the station.

These services complement the Fremantle, Midland and Armadale lines and connect with existing suburban bus routes, including the free CAT bus in the city."

The results speak for itself. Perth's train network carries 13 million more passengers than the comparable Queensland Rail network. Deputy Premier Jackie Trad needs to start work on reorganising the bus network now.

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


The Orange Line: Railway to Mandurah - Segment 1

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You are on a roll today Briz ... thanks!   :-t
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Sent to all outlets:

22nd September 2015

Time to overhaul the Brisbane bus network

Good Morning,

We note that Lord Mayor Quirk is still supporting a bus tunnel.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's PT pledge sparks Brisbane cross-river dispute

Bus network reform for Brisbane will deliver essentially the same thing, saving many billions of dollars. We have shown how this can be achieved.

Brisbane Bus Reform: RAIL Back on Track Launches New Bus Network Proposal

Why is the present BCC administration allowed to run rough shod over public transport, the state Government and the good citizens of Queensland?

It is time BCC cooperated with TransLink and supported bus network reform or stood aside and let others get on with the reform process.

This is becoming an outrage.

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org
Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
Ozbob's Gallery Forum   Facebook  X   Mastodon  BlueSky


Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Sent to all outlets:

23rd September 2015

BaT versus Cross River Rail


This is why we do not support the BaT project.  Here are the reasons, free from spin and bull.

Cross River Rail (CRR):
Net Present Value (2012)
$2.3 Billion in benefits; Cost-Benefit Ratio of 1.42 rising to 1.63 if wider economic benefits were included.

Bus and Train Tunnel (BaT):
Net Present Value (2014) $0.64 Billion in benefits; Cost-Benefit Ratio of 1.16

The numbers speak for themselves. The BaT project is vastly inferior to Cross River Rail.

The cost-benefit ratio of BaT is worse, and it also has a lower quantum of public benefits. Why does Lord Mayor Graham Quirk prefer a project that provides roughly three times lower public benefits for the City of Brisbane?

Deputy Premier Jackie Trad should compel the Lord Mayor and Brisbane City Council to do the right thing: fix up its own inefficient and deficient bus network with bus reform.

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


BaT project Chapter 14, Page 14-48: Socio-economic assessment

Cross River Rail project Coordinator-General's report on the
environmental impact statement December 2012 Page 107

Quote from: ozbob on September 22, 2015, 03:33:29 AM
Sent to all outlets:

22nd September 2015

Time to overhaul the Brisbane bus network

Good Morning,

We note that Lord Mayor Quirk is still supporting a bus tunnel.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's PT pledge sparks Brisbane cross-river dispute

Bus network reform for Brisbane will deliver essentially the same thing, saving many billions of dollars. We have shown how this can be achieved.

Brisbane Bus Reform: RAIL Back on Track Launches New Bus Network Proposal

Why is the present BCC administration allowed to run rough shod over public transport, the state Government and the good citizens of Queensland?

It is time BCC cooperated with TransLink and supported bus network reform or stood aside and let others get on with the reform process.

This is becoming an outrage.

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org
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Sent to all outlets:

23rd September 2015

Cross River Rail: Who Is The Minister for Transport?


It seems Deputy Premier Jackie Trad has competition for control of her Transport Portfolio. With the change of leader, Lord Mayor Graham Quirk is now pushing former Premier Campbell Newman's failed Bus and Train tunnel project. Why?

The BaT project is an inferior project, and we do not support it. The key financial indicators of project viability and public benefit, the net present value and benefit-cost ratio are inferior to that of the original Cross River Rail project. The BaT project is also deficient from an engineering perspective because it lacks an interchange at Park Road station, forcing University of Queensland students and staff to backtrack.

The imprimatur of the Lord Mayor and Brisbane City Council in the success or failure of infrastructure projects are well documented. After the Cross River Rail proposal was scrapped, Lord Mayor Graham Quirk promoted the so-called Cleveland Solution, which proposed replacing the Cleveland Line with trams. The fact that the Riverside Expressway, Goodwill Bridge, Victoria Bridge and Kurilpa Bridge would physically obstruct such a proposal did not seem to matter.

The Lord Mayor and Brisbane City Council was also instrumental in the former transport minister, Scott Emerson, spectacularly losing control of his own Transport Portfolio during the TransLink 2013 bus review. Under instruction, Brisbane City Council officers refused to meet TransLink bus network planners on six separate occasions. In addition, Brisbane City Council took on TransLink's bus review role, drawing up and altering bus routes despite Brisbane City Council formally being only a bus contractor. This is an affront to former Premier Peter Beattie's original vision of what TransLink was to be when he set it up in 2004.

Recently, Deputy Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner succinctly captured the essence of what is wrong with public transport in Queensland: "If the State Gov wants to fiddle with the system that is the backbone of SEQ PT, they have the power. Do they have the guts?"

The Lord Mayor's bus 'evolution not revolution' changes are a hands-down failure. Major proposed bus service upgrades to Yeronga, Bulimba, Albany Creek and the Centenary Suburbs were cancelled, leaving these residential areas as public transport black holes. At four bus changes per year, it would take ca. 50 years to reform the Brisbane bus network. The inefficiencies and deficiencies within the bus network have contributed to extraordinarily high fares, poor service quality, and plummeting patronage.

Rather than follow the Mayor of Auckland's (NZ) lead and hire the ex-head of Brisbane Transport to review the bus network, we are instead expected to pour billions of dollars into building a bus tunnel. The purpose of this appears to be to simply avoid engaging faster and cheaper solutions to busway congestion such basic bus network reforms.

We again call on Deputy Premier Jackie Trad to terminate Brisbane City Council's public transport functions. With both the Lord Mayor and Deputy Premier arguing for different rail projects, we are starting to wonder who actually is The Minister for Transport.

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


City's Public Transport Will Never Improve While Run By Opposing Sides,
Peter Quick, The Courier Mail 11/04/2012

BCC Deputy Mayor Adrian Schrinner:  Does Deputy Premier Jackie Trad have "the guts?"

Cross River Rail (CRR)
Net Present Value (2010)
$2.3 Billion in benefits; Cost-Benefit Ratio of 1.42 rising to 1.63 if wider economic benefits were included.

Bus and Train Tunnel (BaT):
Net Present Value (2014) $0.64 Billion in benefits; Cost-Benefit Ratio of 1.16

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's PT pledge sparks Brisbane cross-river dispute

Light Rail Down Under - Three Strikes and You're Not Out !
Peter Turner, Parsons Brinckerhoff

"The influence of BCC and the personal imprimatur of the Lord Mayor are generally regarded as
prerequisites for project approval in the city. This is particularly the case for projects affecting
the inner-city area. "
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Quote... The Pitfalls of Too Much Technology

Perhaps if there were a bottomless pit of money to spend on public transport infrastructure and services, our planners' obsession with costly technological 'solutions' would be harmless enough. Unfortunately, the technological approach often leads to a destructive conflict between transport modes, as supporters of rival technologies compete for planners' attention.

In Brisbane, for example, the current planning orthodoxy supports busways because these are thought to be an 'optimal' public transport technology. The first of these to be built was the South East Busway, which runs parallel to an existing railway line and actually runs for part of its length on land released by tearing up one of the tracks on this line. Trains in Brisbane are underused for the same reason as trains in Melbourne, because of the lack of feeder bus services to railway stations. Buses that could be feeding people to a faster, higher-capacity rail system are instead taking people on parallel routes all the way into the city, because of the attitude in planning circles that trains and buses are somehow in competition with one another instead of capable of forming a network.

    There are huge levels of rail infrastructure within Brisbane that are not put to good use due to poor frequency, poor interchange facilities and bottlenecks on train lines.... If the South East Busway were operated only two buses per hour and buses were confined to go only up and down the busway with no services feeding into it, there would be uproar and patronage rock bottom. But this is exactly how South East Queensland's train system is being operated.
    ---Reader comment to Brisbane Times, 4 May 2011

In no Australian city, however, are suburban trains as underused and neglected as in Adelaide, which now holds the title of Australia's most car-dominated capital city. In part this is due to Adelaide's 1980s experiment with another pet technology, the 'O-Bahn' guided busway. The O-Bahn technology was imported from the German city of Essen, where it was invented in order to allow buses to share existing tramway tunnels, and has yet to be replicated anywhere else (although other incompatible guided busway technologies are in use in Japan and the UK, and share many of the O-Bahn's drawbacks).

Currently, according to official sources, the dozen or so Adelaide O-Bahn routes together carry around 7 million passengers a year - equivalent to the average for just one of Melbourne's two dozen inner-city tram routes. However, even this modest level of patronage is significantly greater than for any other public transport service in Adelaide, leading to the impression that the O-Bahn is 'successful', even if by world standards this is really not the case.

Like Melbourne, Adelaide has the urban geography and a large part of the established infrastructure necessary to support vastly improved public transport, based on a seamless network of train and bus services. New technology could also play a part where it is appropriate, cost-effective and fulfils a clear need. However, Adelaide's O-Bahn exemplifies most of the pitfalls that can arise when adopting 'novelty' technologies like busways, monorails and Maglev trains:

    Cost. Despite being promoted as a low-cost alternative to 'heavy' rail, the O-Bahn probably cost at least as much to build as a straightforward extension of the existing train network. The O-Bahn opened in 1985 at a cost of $98 million for 12km of busway and bus fleet. The original Northern Suburbs line in Perth opened in 1991; it was nearly three times as long (33km) but cost only a little more than twice as much ($230 million) to build and stock with trains. Allowing for the 50% inflation in prices during the 1980s, this makes the Northern Suburbs line much cheaper in real terms. (It's been pointed out that the cost of the O-Bahn was also inflated due to the unfortunate choice of route along a former freeway reservation, which ensured it has to run on an elevated concrete structure for most of its length. Nonetheless, there is no evidence to suggest that a train line on a similar structure would have been any more costly.)
    Compatibility. The O-Bahn is a standalone system, with a unique vehicle design. It therefore can't be retrofit to connect into the existing train network or to Adelaide's last remaining tram line. It also requires dedicated repair and maintenance facilities (which accounted for much of the high upfront cost), is tied to a single supplier for vehicles and parts, and for many years suffered (as did Essen) from an aging bus fleet due to the relative unavailability of new buses. All this adds up to high operating costs, as well as capital costs: new buses are now being bought for $750,000 each, about 25% more than the typical cost of a conventional bus. The system is poorly integrated with the rest of the public transport network, and lacks priority for buses at the city end, resulting in longer travel times compared with what a conventional train line could achieve.
    Capacity. The theoretical capacity of the O-Bahn is 18,000 passengers per hour in each direction, compared with 30,000 per hour for a train line. (The capacity of the services that currently run on the O-Bahn is about 2,000 passengers per hour.)

Much the same observations applied to the ill-fated 3.6km Sydney monorail. This was built in 1988 at a cost of $70 million (or $20 million per km, three times as much as Perth's Northern Suburbs railway), and catered primarily to tourists, with a carrying capacity less than Melbourne's trams. Ever since 1998 when the original operator decided to sell up, there had been calls to dismantle it due to the unsightly nature of the elevated rail. It was eventually acquired by the NSW Government and decommissioned in 2013.

Brisbane's busways, to be fair, are relatively low-tech. They use ordinary buses and don't rely on specialised technology. But even they, like the O-Bahn and the Sydney monorail, have not lived up to their claim to be a low-cost alternative to rail (which they are largely duplicating). For example, the 4.5 kilometre, $30 million extension of the South East Busway to Springwood had a slightly higher cost per kilometre ($7 million) than the suburban portion of the Mandurah railway in Perth ($6 million). The first section of the Eastern Busway, meanwhile, is a 1km tunnel that cost $465 million, and whose entrance is less than 1km from the nearest station on the parallel train line. For less than $10 million worth of well-designed interchange facilities, buses from the eastern suburbs could have coordinated with the train network instead, saving over $400 million in the process ...
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Couriermail Quest --> Robert Dow of Rail Back on Track says politicians have got to take their focus off roads and put it on public transport.

QuoteA PUBLIC transport advocate says politicians have got to take their focus off road transport.

Robert Dow of Rail Back on Track said affordability of public transport in South East Queensland was well documented.

He said "more buses, more often" were also needed in the suburbs so the wait time was shorter.

Shailer Park resident Lisa Heanue said catching public transport to work at Teneriffe was not affordable or convenient for her as it meant catching two buses.

Mr Dow said a bus network review was needed to get more people on public transport and off congested roads such as the Pacific Motorway.

He said widening the motorway was a temporary fix.

Forde federal LNP MP Bert Van Manen said it would be fantastic to see the State Government upgrade public transport to take cars off the road.

Ms Heanue said the waiting time between catching two buses could be as much as 20 minutes.

"On a good day with public transport, it takes me about 1.5 hours each way to get to work," she said.

"On a good day with my car, it takes about one hour to one hour and 10 minutes.

"I pay $12.80 to park on the street and pay $8 in petrol. The bus costs me $13.38.

"While the bus means I don't pay for petrol, I prefer to pay the extra in order to get to and from work a bit faster."

Bus commuter Rachael Vagg of Shailer Park said she caught the bus because driving into the city took twice as long, but agreed the cost of public transport was expensive costing her $15 a day.

Liddy Vearing of Cornubia also said bus fares were too high, but opts to take the bus in to the city instead of driving as there was no parking in the CBD.
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Sent to all outlets:

26 September 2015

Frequency really is freedom

Good Morning,

One of the very constant and justified criticisms of the public transport in SEQ is the overall poor frequency, of both rail and bus, as you move out from the inner CBD core and surrounding suburbs, frequency drops off rapidly

Jarrett Walker coined the term " Frequency is freedom ". One of the most important determinants of patronage outcomes is that services must be frequent.  Rail services at 30 minutes or hourly, or worse, connected to bus services  at similar poor frequencies make it very difficult for people to use the system.  It matters little if the buses are wrapped in pretty colours, there is free wifi on board trains and buses, and you can see your next train or bus connection is 50 minutes way with real time.  What does drive patronage in the final analysis is how long do we have to wait?

The railway to Springfield Central has 30 minute off peak trains with very poor connecting and feeder bus arrangements.  We do not know what the overall train or bus frequency will be for the Moreton Bay Rail Link, but past experiences in SEQ suggest we are unlikely to be surprised about service frequency, particularly off peak.  Billions of dollars invested for very poor service arrangements.

There are constant claims by the authorities that there are not enough resources to increase frequency where it matters, out in the suburbs.  Well maybe it is time for some new thinking.

Fifteen minute service is the without doubt the real aim.  Perth WA, has generally 15 minute train frequency or better when it matters, supported by frequent feeder and connected bus services.  Patronage on trains in Perth is 13 million more passengers annually than Brisbane, a city with a smaller population.  It shows potentially what can be achieved in SEQ.

OK, how do we proceed from here?  It might be time to think incrementally.  It might be within resources sooner to aim for 20 minute train frequency  as a transition to 15 minutes.  On the outer Caboolture, Ipswich, Shorncliffe Cleveland lines, and Springfield Central and Kippa-Ring lines, a change from 30 minutes to 20 minutes frequency means effectively 3 trains per hour instead of 2.  A significant improvement from the present situation. Twenty minute frequency on the Ipswich line will be still be manageable in terms of the freight train paths required.

Bus network reform for Brisbane will allow for increases in feeder and connecting buses in the suburbs to match the improved train frequency.

Fare reform alone will not drive patronage increases, there needs to be a significant boost in service frequency, particularly out in the suburbs.

Again I stress 15 minutes is the real aim, however if that is beyond the present resources, just maybe 20 minutes might be a good staging point.  Other jurisdictions have done this with excellent results.

For example in Melbourne, both the Pakenham and Cranbourne lines run largely at 20 minute frequency off peak, they overlap at Dandenong, which means a 10 minute frequency between Dandenong and CBD!

Similar things can be achieved for SEQ.

New thinking required Queensland.

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org



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QuoteFifteen minute service is the without doubt the real aim.  Perth WA, has generally 15 minute train frequency or better when it matters, supported by frequent feeder and connected bus services.

of which brisbane is suffering a massive political roadblock....ozbob do you think QR could be more vocal on this political bus network shambles? Lets not forget that they have upgraded services to areas already in competition with citybound bus services.....wouldnt it make sense for them to argue heavily to reduce that competition and in the end gain a lot more fare revenue/patronage?


There is no doubt that it is well recognised by QR and others that BCC is a major issue.  QR themselves cannot publicly do much.

It is up to the likes of us to keep on trying to get some commonsense and best practice outcomes for all of SEQ.

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It is clear to me that BCC under the present ' management ' will not cooperate with proper network reform.  The only real solution is to remove control of BT from them and allow TransLink to manage it properly as for all other operators in effect.  With redeployment into more HF services, better connectors, less direct competition, and frequent feeders we can turn our public transport around, fare box increases patronage booms, community wins wins wins.

It is a scandal of the highest disorder that they continue to get away with it IMHO.  It is stain on the moral character of Queensland.
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1 suggestion.

BT should be taken over by the state government and merged into QR's Citytrain network as one publicly owned identity. 

With QueenslandRail kept as a separate identity for track access & as a operator for long distance Travel train services.

Unless stated otherwise, Opinions stated in my posts are those of my own view only.


If BCC just fixed the network, everybody would move on from the issue. Why are they being so obstructionist?
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


Quote from: techblitz on September 26, 2015, 10:33:26 AM
QuoteFifteen minute service is the without doubt the real aim.  Perth WA, has generally 15 minute train frequency or better when it matters, supported by frequent feeder and connected bus services.

of which brisbane is suffering a massive political roadblock....ozbob do you think QR could be more vocal on this political bus network shambles? Lets not forget that they have upgraded services to areas already in competition with citybound bus services.....wouldnt it make sense for them to argue heavily to reduce that competition and in the end gain a lot more fare revenue/patronage?

They could but its highly unlikely as its all too political and we've seen that many times from infrastructure right up to the Nambour/Petrie timetable p%ss fest. BT is in the same boat. Quite frankly Translink should have the balls and go to town on Brisbanes bus network (including rolling out more pre paid routes ie busway stations) while at the same time backing the railways as the main people carrier when available, pumping out the frequent bus corridors where the railways aren't present along with backing both up with feeder routes and while all this is going on back up the translink customer side with more places to buy and top up go cards, scrapping all the cheap tricks to get people on pt and just offer cheap affordable pricing all day every day, better network maps and promote the hell out of the network advantages such as ways around delays, time saving routes/trips, places of interest etc. Remember the north/north east phase of the original review was to be implemented around the same time the kippa ring line was coming on line so just set another date and lets go at it!


Should attach conditions to the CRR funding such as running decent services on the actual infrastructure, and wider network reforms on rail at least. That would be one approach, and it could work.

'Receipt of X $BN is conditional on service upgrades to lines XYZ by such and such timeframe. Adequate trains to be provided etc etc'.
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


Sent to all outlets:

27th September 2015

Nationalise Brisbane Transport!


It has been almost a year since RAIL Back on Track released the New Bus Network Proposal for Brisbane. What has happened? Fares are high as ever, the black hole areas still don't have decent bus services, there is waste and duplication galore, no new BUZ routes and bus patronage has fallen almost 3 million despite a rising population.

Why is the Queensland Government so reluctant to act? Even the Deputy Lord Mayor, Cr Adrian Schrinner, has openly questioned whether the Queensland Government "has the guts" on bus reform on twitter.

How far does patronage have to plunge before there is action? 5 million? 10 million? Total ruin?

Brisbane is the only city in Australia that has the local council in charge of public transport and riding roughshod over the rest of the public transport network and operators. It is time the Queensland Government stopped outsourcing Brisbane's buses to Brisbane City Council and took direct control of the Brisbane bus network through nationalisation.

Brisbane City Council has been most obstructive to bus reform. It is time the Minister for Transport  moved forward and terminated the council's public transport network functions.

There will be very little to show in achievements in the transport portfolio before the next State election if this is not done. Fare cuts alone are not enough to stop patronage falling, or extend decent service into black hole areas, as the previous transport minister found out.

Reform of the Brisbane bus network will deliver more buses to more people, patronage will rise, the fare box will increase. People will be able to get around more easily on a connected frequent network. Rather than looking at a worsening employment future for Brisbane bus drivers, more will be needed.

Why are BCC Councillors anti-public transport and against network improvements, and delivering more affordable public transport?  This is a question Brisbane residents must ask themselves at the forthcoming Council elections.

Best wishes,

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


New Bus Network Proposal for Brisbane

Bus usage down according to new report

SEQ: Time to overhaul the Brisbane bus network
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Letter to the Editor Queensland Times 28th September 2015 page 21

Rail services must be more frequent

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Sent to all outlets:

29th September 2015

Bus Reform: Lord Mayor Graham Quirk Still Not Listening


Lord Mayor Graham Quirk is still not listening when it comes to bus reforms. The inclusion of the bus tunnel in BaT significantly worsens the public benefits of the project (see below).

Why does the Lord Mayor continue to back a project that has approximately three times lower public benefits than the original Cross River Rail project?

The Lord Mayor continues to cite high bus volumes into the Brisbane CBD as 'proof' that Brisbane needs a bus tunnel, when both the Lord Mayor's Mass Transit Report 2007 and the TransLink bus review 2013 identify Brisbane City Council's inefficient bus operations as the reason why the Brisbane CBD is flooded with buses.

"We have 230 buses in the peak one-hour period in the morning of the cultural precinct and that is one every 15 seconds," he said.

"If the Cross River Rail project was to go ahead it needs to cater for both forms of transport — buses and rail."

The real problem for the Lord Mayor is that his council's bus network carries enormous volumes of air into the Brisbane CBD - around 50% air in peak hour. Also, buses are placed exactly where they are least required in the network, flooding the Brisbane CBD. Our analysis of Coronation Drive, for example, shows this process very clearly.

Coronation Drive Bus Analysis

We call on Deputy Premier Jackie Trad to stop this circus, step in, and terminate Brisbane City Council's transport functions.

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


Brisbane's future: Lord Mayor Graham Quirk pushes for ways to forge ahead with the best river city

BaT versus Cross River Rail

Cross River Rail (CRR):
Net Present Value (2012) $2.3 Billion in benefits;
Cost-Benefit Ratio of 1.42 rising to 1.63 if wider economic benefits were included.

Bus and Train Tunnel (BaT):
Net Present Value (2014) $0.64 Billion in benefits; Cost-Benefit Ratio of 1.16

The numbers speak for themselves. The BaT project is vastly inferior to Cross River Rail.
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Media release 5th October 2015

Bus Reform: Gold Coast already doing what Lord Mayor Graham Quirk says can't be done

RAIL Back On Track (http://backontrack.org) a web-based community support group for rail and public transport and an advocate for public transport passengers calls on Lord Mayor Graham Quirk and Deputy Premier Jackie Trad to reform the Brisbane bus network.

Robert Dow, Spokesman for RAIL Back On Track said:

"There are now multiple Gold Coast bus services that run between train and tram stations, requiring passengers to connect. It's a direct contradiction of what Lord Mayor Graham Quirk and Brisbane City Councillors continually say isn't possible in Brisbane."

Examples on the Gold Coast include:

    704 (Helensvale - Seaworld via Southport)
    709 (Helensvale Station-Southport LRT)
    745 (Nerang Station - Broadbeach LRT)
    740 (Nerang Station- Surfers Paradise)
    750 (Robina station - Bond University - Broadbeach LRT)

"Despite all of these bus services running between train stations and tram stations, 'forcing' connections, Gold Coast bus patronage has increased. And it has done so in the same high-fares environment Brisbane City Council buses operate in. Brisbane does not have light rail, but it does have busways and train stations that could serve the same purpose.

"International cities have a similar approach, notably Vancouver (Canada) and Toronto (Canada). And more recently, Auckland (NZ) and Houston (USA) have done entire network redesigns, also adopting this approach.

"Lord Mayor Graham Quirk and Brisbane City Council are simply wrong on bus reform. They're wrong. And they know it because their own Lord Mayor's Mass Transit Report told them so.

"How far will Deputy Premier Jackie Trad let patronage plunge before there is action? 5 million? 10 million? total ruin?

"The Lord Mayor and Brisbane City Council should stop obstructing bus reform. Fix the bus black-hole areas in Yeronga, Bulimba, Albany Creek and the Centenary suburbs. Introduce a new BulimbaGlider to Bulimba, and a CentenaryGlider to the Centenary suburbs."

Our New Bus Network Proposal shows how it can be done ---> http://tiny.cc/newnetwork

"Only genuine reform of rail and bus networks, together with fare reform will guarantee abundant and low-cost public transport for all."

TransLink Bus Route 740. Passengers interchange at both ends of this service.
Source: http://translink.com.au/sites/default/files/assets/timetables/20140721-740.pdf


Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


Bus Route 704

Bus Route 709

Bus Route 740

Bus Route 745

Bus Route 750
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Re: Bus Reform: Gold Coast already doing what Lord Mayor Graham Quirk says can't be done

5th October 2015


This is how a bus route should look like. Simple, frequent and fast.
There is no reason why this cannot be done in places like Toowong and other parts
of Brisbane. Internationally, Vancouver, Toronto, Houston and Auckland all design their
bus networks this way.

Lord Mayor Graham Quirk and all Brisbane City Councillors need to come out of the
1980s and publicly affirm their unqualified support for bus reform. Either that or we
will need fresh faces at Brisbane City Council that can get the job done.

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org

Exhibit A: Surfside Bus Route 709


Griffith University station to Helensvale station via GCUH station
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Sent to all outlets:

8th October 2015

Bus Reform: NSW Government contradicts Lord Mayor Quirk and Brisbane City Council.


Page 54 of the NSW Long Term Transport Master Plan shows the NSW Government plans
to restructure the Sydney bus network around connections. Cities like Houston, Vancouver,
Toronto and Auckland already do this.

We have previously shown that a connections-based bus network that 'cannot happen here in
Brisbane' already exists on the Gold Coast.

Lord Mayor Graham Quirk and Brisbane City Councillors should explain why they continue to resist
international best practice bus reforms for Brisbane. The Brisbane City Council bus
network is contributing to escalating fares, suburban transport black-holes, and plunging
bus patronage.

The anti-interchange, anti-bus reform politics at Brisbane City Council must end.

We again call on Deputy Premier Jackie Trad to terminate Brisbane City Council's public
transport responsibilities.


Exhibit A

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


NSW Government Transport Masterplan


"Sydney's network is much more of a radial system than a connected system. Our future transport
planning will focus on moving the transport network closer to a connected transport system
to give our customers new travel opportunities and choices through increased interchange. "
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Robert Dow ‏@Robert_Dow 30m

' Time to overhaul the Brisbane bus network '

> http://railbotforum.org/mbs/index.php?topic=11649.msg161163#msg161163 ...


@Rod4Bris @jackietrad @Team_Quirk

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Sent to all outlets:

13th October 2015

Re: The State Government of Brisbane City Council?


Gold Coast City Council showing how to lead with public transport reform.

Lord Mayor Quirk still clinging onto the past and the failed BaT project.  Bus network reform will deliver better results for a fraction of the cost.

How to do it? >>  http://railbotforum.org/mbs/index.php?topic=11047.0  No cost for this year long work, we are happy to help.

In case you missed it, the BaT was just a Newman pipe-dream in the end ...

Senior LNP figures say BaT Tunnel was former premier Campbell Newman's impossible dream


SEQ needs a proper integrated public transport network.  Brisbane City Council is presently not a team player.  Public transport network planning needs to removed from BCC and TransLink be given the authority to get on with it.  The Gold Coast shows with its 25% plus patronage gain what can be achieved when a council is truly a team player.

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org

Quote from: ozbob on October 12, 2015, 16:57:51 PM
Sent to all outlets:

12th October 2015

The State Government of Brisbane City Council?


Deputy Premier Jackie Trad appears to be on the cusp of having her Transport Portfolio functions taken over by Lord Mayor Graham Quirk.

Brisbane Lord Mayor Graham Quirk will bypass the state government and directly lobby Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to provide federal funding for the city's abandoned Bus and Train Tunnel.

(Source: BrisbaneTimes http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/lord-mayor-graham-quirk-to-lobby-federal-government-for-bat-tunnel-funds-20151012-gk71zs.html)

This is not the first time a minister of transport has lost control of their own portfolio functions to Brisbane City Council. The previous transport minister lost control of the bus review, and what should have been a TransLink State Government project ended up being done poorly by the contracted bus operator. This is not how it is supposed to work. Agencies are supposed to plan the network, contracted suppliers are supposed to deliver it. Not the other way around.

Now it is happening again. Brisbane City Council is a bus operator, not the Department of Transport and Main Roads.

This is not the first time The Lord Mayor and Brisbane City Council have simply decided to 'ram through' a project. They did it also with the Maroon CityGlider, giving little notice.

The financials of the BaT tunnel do not stack up. The project has around three times lower public benefit than the original Cross River Rail (compare Net Present Values, higher NPV is better).

Cross River Rail (CRR): Net Present Value (2012) $2.3 Billion in benefits; Cost-Benefit Ratio of 1.42 rising to 1.63 if wider economic benefits were included.

Bus and Train Tunnel (BaT): Net Present Value (2014) $0.64 Billion in benefits; Cost-Benefit Ratio of 1.16

Lord Mayor Graham Quirk is fully aware that Brisbane needs bus reforms.

We again call on Deputy Premier Jackie Trad to terminate all of Brisbane City Council's public transport functions, before she too finds her transport portfolio functions usurped.

Best wishes,

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


Brisbane's future: Lord Mayor Graham Quirk pushes for ways to forge ahead with the best river city

BaT versus Cross River Rail

Cross River Rail (CRR):
Net Present Value (2012) $2.3 Billion in benefits;
Cost-Benefit Ratio of 1.42 rising to 1.63 if wider economic benefits were included.

Bus and Train Tunnel (BaT):
Net Present Value (2014) $0.64 Billion in benefits; Cost-Benefit Ratio of 1.16

The numbers speak for themselves. The BaT project is vastly inferior to Cross River Rail.
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-I don't actually think the toll roads are that expensive. The Eastern Distributor is $6.61 so ours are much cheaper, its more a combination of Brisbane motorists being tightarses, and the fact that congestion in Brisbane isn't as bad as its made out to be, so the usefulness of the tunnels to save time is actually pretty low.

-The advertising space thing is funny, on the 160s/260s the ad is effectively on the roof.


Media release 11th  September 2015 re-released 14th October 2015

SEQ: Time to overhaul the Brisbane bus network

RAIL Back On Track (http://backontrack.org) a web based community support group for rail and public transport and an advocate for public transport passengers has said it is time to reform the Brisbane Bus network.

Robert Dow, Spokesman for RAIL Back On Track said:

"TransLink attempted to reform the Brisbane bus network in 2013.  Non-cooperation by BCC, in preventing Brisbane Transport to meet with TransLink during network planning and preparation was very concerning.  Recent comments by the Deputy Mayor on Twitter has confirmed that Council is not interested in reform but is happy to see patronage plummet and continuing network failure (1)."

"The fundamental problem with the Brisbane bus network is best explained by consideration of this graphic for buses running on Coronation Drive (2).


"A direct service model, where in essence every bus from the suburbs is directed to run into the CBD, results in massive overlap, waste, inefficiency, bus-jam, poor connections and consequently poor frequency where it is needed.

"There needs to be consolidation of bus routes so that manageable high frequency trunk corridors are supported by frequent feeder buses in the suburbs. Rail needs proper support with frequent feeder bus.  Park and ride is a costly, finite resource.

"By doing this, more people will have more buses more often.  Connections will be made. Cross suburban runs can be achieved.

"Data from the Gold Coast shows that patronage is booming on buses as a result of bus network reform.

"The drop off in bus patronage in Brisbane is not due to fare unaffordability alone. It is also a consequence of a poor network design and poor service , particularly in the suburbs.

"If BCC do not wish to participate in reform, then the correct thing to do is remove control of Brisbane Transport from Brisbane City Council and get on with it.

"Brisbane is no longer surrounded by market gardens, it is constant suburbia at Council boundaries.  SEQ needs a proper integrated network, optimising all modes, bus, rail and ferry.

"The public transport network for SEQ is not the place for petty selfish politics.  We need a much improved outcome for our community, free from political bias.

"Our members have worked for over a year, at no public cost on a new network proposal (3).  It would go a long way to sorting out the problems with our public transport network. It is not ' the ' solution, but ' a ' solution.  It would be a great start point for reform.

"Can BCC please put politics aside, and sit down with TransLink and get the best outcome for Brisbane and SEQ?  Or will selfish politics continue to dominate the failure?"


1. http://i998.photobucket.com/albums/af104/tramtrain/20150910AS_zpshuz3dc3u.jpg

2. http://i998.photobucket.com/albums/af104/tramtrain/BR_wasteogram_zps01c22678.png

3. Brisbane Bus Reform: RAIL Back on Track Launches New Bus Network Proposal


Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org
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Quote from: Gazza on October 13, 2015, 20:36:58 PM

-The advertising space thing is funny, on the 160s/260s the ad is effectively on the roof.
Precisely - the train designers completely forgot about a potential revenue resource used on nearly every other urban rail system. 

🡱 🡳