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Brisbane - bus network proposal

Started by ozbob, November 05, 2014, 02:06:22 AM

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Is there any reason the same media release has been quoted 5 times in a row in this topic.
On my phone and literally have to flick like mad to get to the most recent posts?


Quote from: Gazza on June 21, 2015, 13:53:44 PM
Is there any reason the same media release has been quoted 5 times in a row in this topic.
On my phone and literally have to flick like mad to get to the most recent posts?

Just the way the sequence is.  Prefer to have it that way as casual readers only follow a link.

Sorry about that, but that is the way it is at times.  ;D
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In future  it may be better to just do it like a news article and only quote the first paragraph, with a link to the full release in the media forum.

Not sure a casual reader is gonna sit there and read the same thing 5 times in a row lol.


Journos etc. go to a link.  Needs to be complete.  Such is life.

Have you got Tapatalk?  This forum is designed for a normal PC.  Phones you are much better off with Tapatalk.


I use Tapatalk on my phones.

There is a WAP2 link at the bottom as well.
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Sent to all outlets:

2nd July 2015


Deputy Premier Jackie Trad Must Fix Broken Bus Network

Experts and Mitchelton's local residents are raising concerns about the Brisbane City Council's inefficient bus network. Why can other cities like Auckland (NZ) make genuine reforms, but we can't? We need better answers than simple recapitulation of what poor services are already existing in the area.

Deputy Premier Jackie Trad must intervene and fix Lord Mayor Graham Quirk's broken bus network. Remove Brisbane Transport from Brisbane City Council and nationalise it. Lord Mayor Graham Quirk is not interested in genuine bus network reform in our opinion.

An inefficient bus network places enormous pressure on resources, pushing fares up for families, the unemployed and minimum wage workers. Falling patronage threatens bus driver jobs because without passengers, there can be no drivers.

RAIL Back on Track's interactive service quality map (which can be viewed here http://tiny.cc/checkyourbus ) - shows that bus services in and around Mitchelton are substandard. Almost all buses in the Mitchelton area run once an hour or only during peak hour. And Eatons Hill and Albany Creek residents have it so bad - those residents are living in a public transport black hole.

RAIL Back on Track members spent 12 months working out how to make bus services better for Brisbane. Our proposal is a new bus network for Brisbane, which can be viewed here > http://tiny.cc/newnetwork

Our new bus network means better services for Mitchelton. For example, we propose a new 903 CityConnector bus service connecting Ferny Grove Station, running along Patricks Rd to Arana Hills Shopping Centre, connecting Grovely Train Station, Mitchelton Station, Brookside Shopping Centre, Stafford City Shopping Centre, Kedron Brook Busway station and Toombul Shopping Centre. That would relieve car parking problems and increase access.

Introducing smart connections will boost bus service quality, bringing relief to suffering Albany Creek residents. We can upgrade the 359 Albany Creek bus service from hourly to a bus every 15 minutes, all day, by feeding 359 bus services into Mitchelton station. People who insist on driving the buses all the way to the CBD don't realise that they are signing themselves and their neighbours up to very poor hourly bus services. While you are spending a moment or two walking from a bus to a train, smart connections save huge amounts of time by sparing passengers from having to wait up to an hour at bus stops.

RAIL Back on Track's New Bus Network proposal is affordable because it recycles existing bus resources. Brisbane's bus network is clearly broken!
It's time Deputy Premier Jackie Trad and the Queensland Government stepped in and sorted it!

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


Different Directions: How to solve Mitchelton's Transport Crisis
1 Jul 2015, North-West News Alicia Nally

Brisbane Buses: Call for CityGlider in Centenary suburbs
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Sent to all outlets:

6th July 2015

Lord Mayor Quirk Drops Ball on Brisbane Bus Network

Good Morning,

Another fun week?

Tasmania is showing Queensland how to do bus reform.

Read here >> http://www.metrotas.com.au/communication/blog/2015/hobart-network-review-2015/

This is embarrassing.  At at time when Brisbane and Queensland is attempting to project itself as a ' new world city ' and a ' smarter state ' we cannot even manage something as basic and fundamental as bus network reform for Brisbane.

I hope delegates to the Asia Pacific Cities Summit 2015 can find time to observe the daily ' bus jam ' of near empty buses.  Now that would be enlightening hey?

Best wishes,

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org

Quote from: ozbob on June 07, 2015, 03:57:37 AM
Sent to all outlets:

7th June 2015


With any infrastructure solutions years and years away it is time to reform the Brisbane bus network.

Lord Mayor Quirk Drops Ball on Brisbane Bus Network

RAIL Back On Track (http://backontrack.org) a web based community support group for rail and public transport reveals that Brisbane City Council's aversion to a new bus network isn't even supported by its own research.

The Courier-Mail reported the Lord Mayor's views on a new bus network, indicating that passengers didn't like connections:

... Mr Quirk has ruled out another review and remains opposed to the interchanges approach. "Feedback from commuters is they prefer direct journeys,'' he said.

Actually, Brisbane City Council's own research shows the exact opposite. We refer the Lord Mayor to council's own Lord Mayor's Mass Transit Investigation Report where it states explicitly on page 12:

"A significant number of comments indicated that direct services were not always required and they accepted the need to transfer to reach their destination."

Over 3000 submissions were made to that review. Perhaps it is time Brisbane City Council took its own advice? Our own in-house research for our New Bus Network Proposal http://tiny.cc/netwnetwork also shows people will choose connections if it means affordable fares and more buses more often.

Our New Bus Network Proposal implements Brisbane City Council's own transport recommendations, which we reproduce here:

"System wide recommendations"

* Feeder services: High frequency feeder services, with adequate priority, are required to/from rail and busway line-haul corridors.

* A significant number of comments indicated that direct services were not always required and they accepted the need to transfer to reach their destination.

* Multi Door Access: Minimising embarking/disembarking times is critical in achieving faster journey times. This outcome needs to be facilitated with multiple door access to buses and mass transit vehicles.

* Cross-town services: Cross town services linking major centres outside the CBD and surrounds, new employment nodes such as Australia Trade Coast, railway, busway and BUZ corridors are required to cater for increased diversity of travel. Cross-town routes should have adequate priority and services must be frequent to make them a viable travel choice.

* The busway network needs to be operated with higher capacity buses in the short term. Articulated and/or bi-articulated Bus Rapid Transit vehicles, which could operate exclusively on the busways, need to be priorities in fleet acquisition plans. In the long term, busways will need a larger capacity vehicle that may be readily adapted to light rail or similar vehicle with comparable capacity and performance.

* There is a need for a partnership between Brisbane City Council, State Government and potentially the private sector in proposing to develop new or innovative public transport improvements.

If the Mayor of Auckland, Brisbane's sister city, and Auckland City Council can reform Auckland's bus network so that buses work with trains, ferries and other buses, why can't our Lord Mayor do it?

In our opinion, the Lord Mayor's so-called bus 'evolution' is phoney. It would take five decades to reform the bus network this way.

The time has come for Deputy Premier Jackie Trad to call in Lord Mayor Graham Quirk's bus network and nationalise Brisbane Transport.

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


#GetMovingSEQ: Empty buses clogging Brisbane streets

Lord Mayor's Taskforce: Brisbane Mass Transit Investigation

Taskforce: The taskforce consisted of Cr David McLachlan (LNP, Taskforce Chair), Mr John Gralton and Mr Stephen Lonie supported by a working group from the Brisbane City Council's Urban Transport Section of Transport and Traffic (City Policy and Strategy Division) performing project secretariat and coordination activities.

c.a. 200 bus routes divided by 4 bus route changes per year is 50 years.

Auckland Transport New Bus Network

Transferring is Good For You and Your City

Report: Frequency is Freedom

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Sent to all outlets:

6th July 2015


New Zealand Mayor Len Brown - HELP US!!

RAIL Back on Track calls on visiting New Zealand Mayor Len Brown to help Brisbane solve its public transport woes. Mayor Len Brown is the mayor of Auckland, New Zealand, Brisbane's official sister city. He is visiting Brisbane for the Asia Pacific Cities summit.

Our Lord Mayor, Graham Quirk doesn't seem to know how to fix our bus network. Due to rising bus costs, inefficiency, duplication and fear of bus passengers transferring to trains or other buses at interchanges, Brisbane's fares are now some of the highest in the world. This hurts families, minimum wage workers and welfare recipients.

We recognise Auckland Transport under the leadership of Mayor Len Brown and Auckland City Council as a leader in bus service reforms.

Unfortunately here in Brisbane, our buses compete against with trains, the bus network is a total mess, services do not properly connect with trains and entire suburbs suffer a poverty of decent service.

Mayor Len Brown, Please help us!  Have a word with our Lord Mayor Graham Quirk. He really needs to talk to  someone who knows how to run a bus system, particularly one with connections in it.


Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org



"Len Brown was elected Mayor of Auckland, Australasia's largest territorial authority, in 2010 and re-elected in 2013.

Mayor Brown has a vision for Auckland to be the world's most liveable city. He is committed to improving Auckland's transport network; quality compact urban design and more affordable housing; keeping rates low while improving Auckland's economic performance; and building an inclusive culture in a city of 1.5 million people."

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Latest: 'New Zealand Mayor @mayorlenbrown - HELP US!!"
> http://railbotforum.org/mbs/index.php?topic=11047.msg158408#msg158408 ... #qldpol #2015APCS #busreform

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Len Brown

Sister city bilateral meeting with Brisbane Lord Mayor and good friend to Auckland Graham Quirk #2015APCS http://fb.me/7wuhrCvb1

5:31 PM - 5 Jul 2015

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Sent to all outlets:

9th July 2015

Los Angeles Announces Bus Reform. Brisbane??


Brisbane is falling further behind the international pack. Joining Houston (USA), Hobart (AUS) and Auckland (NZ), Los Angeles (USA) will be conducting a whole of network bus reform process (1).

Lord Mayor Graham Quirk needs to come to the table and fix the bus network. Graham Quirk said that there would be no bus review last financial year. Well Lord Mayor we now have a new financial year. Where is the bus review? Or is bus reform going to become a council election issue?

Our New Bus Network Proposal is available for all the see on the internet ---> http://tiny.cc/newnetwork

Voters know about the poor state of the bus network:

"Although public transport is economical for Mr Burgess, he said more money should be spent on additional routes throughout the South-East.

In his suburb of Morningside it was a "dead zone" and train arrival times were unreliable due to track maintenance" (2).

It is not too late to properly reform the bus network. Don't miss the bus Brisbane!

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


1. Los Angeles Eyes a More Frequent Bus Network for No New Cost

2. What Queenslanders want from the state budget
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From the Couriermail Quest Wynnum Herald 8th July 2015 page 5

And the loser is ... bus

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Been booked for an interview at 3.45pm today, 4BC Drive.

Topic bus network reform Brisbane.
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Just caught the tail end of the talk - BCC apparently sent a response saying that their would be 'no review this financial year'. They seem to not realise that was LAST financial year they said that. And it was 'TransLink's responsibility'.

This is getting silly!

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Quote from: ozbob on July 10, 2015, 13:30:42 PM
Been booked for an interview at 3.45pm today, 4BC Drive.

Topic bus network reform Brisbane.

Thanks for the opportunity 4BC and Mark Braybrook.  BCC said in a statement that they have no plans for a bus review (this financial year), but a review process is really up to TransLink.  A chink of light in the dark abyss of scary reform?

I think they meant last financial year.  Onwards !!

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Does a recording get put up later?; only caught the last minute or so...
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Quote from: LD Transit on July 10, 2015, 16:29:00 PM
Does a recording get put up later?; only caught the last minute or so...

It might, just depends.
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Quote from: ozbob on July 10, 2015, 13:09:56 PM
From the Couriermail Quest Wynnum Herald 8th July 2015 page 5

And the loser is ... bus

If the silly girl had checked the timetable before she left, she could've caught the 7:27am train to Cleveland, arriving at Cleveland at 7:50am, connecting to route 272 arriving at Redland Hospital at 8:07am (40mins).

There's reasons why there are hourly services in the Redlands at that time - 1: Population density; 2: You are travelling counter peak, to an area that is mostly used by elderly and aged people who have all the time in the world (seriously, the Redlands is full of those sorts of people - I've lived in the area for 25 years to know that!), and the majority of people at that time are heading inbound to the city via the peak hour services which is where all the buses are at that time (on top of school services) and 3: TransLink's own requirements for low density areas like parts of the Redlands is for 30-60min services.  There's no way in hell you'll get 15min 272s running 7 days a week.  :ttp: :bu


Pitty she doesn't live along the 314 route.


Sent to all outlets:

13th July 2015

Re: Bike lane win in Wynnum Road upgrade final plan

New Bus Network Proposal (Updated) ---> http://tiny.cc/newnetwork

Current Brisbane City Council Bus Network ---> http://tiny.cc/checkyourbus

Bus Reform Blueprint ---> http://backontrack.org/docs/bus/reform/BusReformBlueprint.pdf

RAIL Back on Track welcomes Lord Mayor Graham Quirk's inclusion of a dedicated cycleway to the Wynnum Road Corridor.

If Graham Quirk wants to be Lord Mayor after the next council election, he will need to do something about the shocking state of Brisbane City Council's bus network. Here is an opportunity for the Lord Mayor to show some leadership and announce the introduction of a 230 BulimbaGlider that will make use of new T2 lanes on Wynnum Road.

Our 230 BulimbaGlider, serving both Thynne and Riding roads, would benefit greatly from the Wynnum Road upgrade project if T2 lanes were used.

RAIL Back on Track supports the use of the additional lanes as T2 lanes for use by buses, taxis and vehicles with more than one passenger onboard. Waterworks road in The Gap has an arrangement similar to what we are suggesting.

A T2 lane arrangement strikes a fair balance between the needs of bus users and car users.

A full bus carrying 85 passengers obviously has a greater claim to the space on equity grounds than a single car with a single occupant. Any delays to Brisbane City Councils bus fleet is a charge on Brisbane City Council's budget thorough higher fuel bills, more bus purchases and higher labour costs. On the other hand, we recognise the project has been funded by everyone in general, including car users, so a balance needs to be found.

The 230 BulimbaGlider is all part of our new bus network proposal http://tiny.cc/newnetwork

The 230 BulimbaGlider would run at least every 15 minutes all day, more frequently during peak hour and have 24 hour service on Friday and Saturday nights.

Come on Lord Mayor, fix it!!

Best wishes,

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


Bike lane win in Wynnum Road upgrade final plan
http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/bike-lane-win-in-wynnum-road-upgrade-final-plan -20150712-giamrm.html

Brisbane Bus Reform: 230 BulimbaGlider - A Purple CityGlider for Bulimba?
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Sent to all outlets:

21st July 2015

Sydney is moving forward with bus network reform too ...

Good Morning,

Sydney is moving forward with bus network reform.

QuoteMedia:  17th July 2015


New bus services set to roll into Barangaroo and Walsh Bay
Sydney CBD's rapidly-developing western harbourfront will be serviced by buses for the first time, under the new CBD bus network announced today.

Bus changes outside the Sydney CBD
While the new Sydney bus network will see the vast majority of routes continue to service the CBD, a small number of routes will terminate outside the CBD next to transport interchanges.

New cross-city bus routes to ease congestion in the CBD
New bus through-routes will provide direct connections between opposite sides of the city from October 4 to reduce the number of buses parked in the CBD, combating congestion and providing more eff

Preparing for tomorrow's Sydney: New CBD bus network to ease congestion
The NSW Government has announced the route design of the new bus network that will operate from October 4, to combat long-term bus congestion in the CBD and prepare for construction of Sydney's new

Brisbane continues to languish.  Big ticket transport infrastructure besides the failed road paradigm is many many years away. Bus network reform is now one of the few options we have for making public transport a real alternative to the worsening road issues.

Smarter state or failed state?

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org

Quote from: ozbob on July 09, 2015, 09:41:07 AM
Sent to all outlets:

9th July 2015

Los Angeles Announces Bus Reform. Brisbane??


Brisbane is falling further behind the international pack. Joining Houston (USA), Hobart (AUS) and Auckland (NZ), Los Angeles (USA) will be conducting a whole of network bus reform process (1).

Lord Mayor Graham Quirk needs to come to the table and fix the bus network. Graham Quirk said that there would be no bus review last financial year. Well Lord Mayor we now have a new financial year. Where is the bus review? Or is bus reform going to become a council election issue?

Our New Bus Network Proposal is available for all the see on the internet ---> http://tiny.cc/newnetwork

Voters know about the poor state of the bus network:

"Although public transport is economical for Mr Burgess, he said more money should be spent on additional routes throughout the South-East.

In his suburb of Morningside it was a "dead zone" and train arrival times were unreliable due to track maintenance" (2).

It is not too late to properly reform the bus network. Don't miss the bus Brisbane!

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


1. Los Angeles Eyes a More Frequent Bus Network for No New Cost

2. What Queenslanders want from the state budget
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Robert Dow ‏@Robert_Dow  1m

'Sydney is moving forward with bus network reform too ...' > http://railbotforum.org/mbs/index.php?topic=11047.msg158947#msg158947 ...


@jackietrad @Team_Quirk

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Letter to the Editor Queensland Times 23rd July 2015 page 15

Transport system continues to languish

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We all should be very proud of the RBOT team effort on the bus reform proposal. Because of its broad cost neutrality, it looks like it will survive whereas every other infrastructure project that requires any construction and funding will fail or be delayed for another decade or two.
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Sent to all outlets:

29th July 2015 resent 3rd August 2015


Urgent bus network reform needed for Brisbane

With the State Government admitting that congestion and transport planning has stalled

7 News  --> Plans stalled by election: Qld govt

Queensland's Deputy Premier has revealed planning for the south east's growing population has stalled for more than a year because of January's election. Geoff Breusch reports.

It is now time to move head with bus network reform for Brisbane.  TransLink properly wanted to to do this in 2013.

A connected, frequent bus network is not a huge infrastructure cost.  Brisbane City Council must be directed to cooperate fully with TransLink and urgent network reform implemented.

If BCC does not want to cooperate, Brisbane Transport control must be removed from BCC.

Public transport network reform, together with fare reform for SEQ as flagged in the 2015 Budget, is needed urgently.

Planning for more failure is not an option.

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org

Quote from: ozbob on July 21, 2015, 03:24:33 AM
Sent to all outlets:

21st July 2015

Sydney is moving forward with bus network reform too ...

Good Morning,

Sydney is moving forward with bus network reform.

QuoteMedia:  17th July 2015


New bus services set to roll into Barangaroo and Walsh Bay
Sydney CBD's rapidly-developing western harbourfront will be serviced by buses for the first time, under the new CBD bus network announced today.

Bus changes outside the Sydney CBD
While the new Sydney bus network will see the vast majority of routes continue to service the CBD, a small number of routes will terminate outside the CBD next to transport interchanges.

New cross-city bus routes to ease congestion in the CBD
New bus through-routes will provide direct connections between opposite sides of the city from October 4 to reduce the number of buses parked in the CBD, combating congestion and providing more eff

Preparing for tomorrow's Sydney: New CBD bus network to ease congestion
The NSW Government has announced the route design of the new bus network that will operate from October 4, to combat long-term bus congestion in the CBD and prepare for construction of Sydney's new

Brisbane continues to languish.  Big ticket transport infrastructure besides the failed road paradigm is many many years away. Bus network reform is now one of the few options we have for making public transport a real alternative to the worsening road issues.

Smarter state or failed state?

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org

Quote from: ozbob on July 09, 2015, 09:41:07 AM
Sent to all outlets:

9th July 2015

Los Angeles Announces Bus Reform. Brisbane??


Brisbane is falling further behind the international pack. Joining Houston (USA), Hobart (AUS) and Auckland (NZ), Los Angeles (USA) will be conducting a whole of network bus reform process (1).

Lord Mayor Graham Quirk needs to come to the table and fix the bus network. Graham Quirk said that there would be no bus review last financial year. Well Lord Mayor we now have a new financial year. Where is the bus review? Or is bus reform going to become a council election issue?

Our New Bus Network Proposal is available for all the see on the internet ---> http://tiny.cc/newnetwork

Voters know about the poor state of the bus network:

"Although public transport is economical for Mr Burgess, he said more money should be spent on additional routes throughout the South-East.

In his suburb of Morningside it was a "dead zone" and train arrival times were unreliable due to track maintenance" (2).

It is not too late to properly reform the bus network. Don't miss the bus Brisbane!

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


1. Los Angeles Eyes a More Frequent Bus Network for No New Cost

2. What Queenslanders want from the state budget
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Robert Dow ‏@Robert_Dow  12s

Latest: ' Urgent bus network reform needed for Brisbane '

> http://railbotforum.org/mbs/index.php?topic=11047.msg159270#msg159270 ...
#qldpol @jackietrad @TMRQld

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David L. Bragdon ‏@ZephyrBrag  16m

Houston transit offers free rides all next week to show off new network design, led by Jarrett Walker @humantransit
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I wonder if it is worth launching a new bus network on a weekend? Might give people time to look up their trip.
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


Sent to all outlets:

14th August 2015

Houston bus network reform

Good Morning,

Houston USA implements a new bus network from the 16th August. This is a good example of the approach that could be used to sort Brisbane's failed bus network.

> http://www.ridemetro.org/Pages/NewBusNetwork.aspx

From this jumbled network (similar in concept to Brisbane) showing frequent routes:


to this:


Infrastructure solutions are many many years away.  All we have left is proper network reform.  Even simple things like ' all door boarding ' seems too hard in Queensland. Why?

Maybe it is time we had a real shake up with our public transport authority.  Doing nothing is not an option.

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org

Reference: http://www.humantransit.org/2014/05/houston-a-transit-network-reimagined.html
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Sent to all outlets:

16th August 2015


Bus reform: Houston abolishes direct service bus network

RAIL Back On Track calls on Deputy Premier Jackie Trad to launch an inquiry into Lord Mayor Graham Quirk's bus network.

Today, the City of Houston (US) abolished its entire old bus network. Many routes will be removed from the CBD and sent to bus or light rail interchange points. Houston is the latest city to join an international movement to reform citywide bus networks. Rides will be free for 7 days, and changes were introduced on a weekend to ease the transition.

Brisbane's sister city of Auckland (NZ) is doing the same. Buses are being removed from Auckland's CBD and redirected to key interchange points at busway or rail stations across Auckland.

In fact, Auckland's Mayor Len Brown has directed Auckland Transport to work with a Brisbane based consultancy MR Cagney to reform the Auckland bus network. This firm has its head office on Coronation Drive and is headed by a former head of Brisbane Transport, Mr Neil Cagney.

There is just no excuse. Entire areas in Brisbane are transit black holes - Yeronga, Bulimba, the entire Centenary Suburbs and Albany Creek. The Cedar Woods development is also highly likely to be added to this Brisbane bus black hole list.

We don't have the money for expensive bus tunnels and busway extensions, and we don't have enough space in the CBD to fit every peak hour bus in the future.
Lord Mayor Graham Quirk has let this problem fester. Does he expect it will all just quietly go away?

Brisbane's bus network needs a revolution, not Graham Quirk's evolution. At four bus changes per year, it would take five decades to alter all 200 or so bus routes his way.

RAIL Back on Track's New Bus Network Proposal can be found here: http://tiny.cc/newnetwork

Brisbane City Council's Bus Network can be found here: http://tiny.cc/checkyourbus

We call on Deputy Premier Jackie Trad to launch an inquiry into the Lord Mayor's bus network and whether Brisbane City Council should continue to be trusted to operate it. The people of Brisbane deserve better.

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


METRO launches new bus network with simpler routes, better connections

METRO's New Bus Network http://www.ridemetro.org/Pages/NewBusNetwork.aspx

How not to be confused about Metro's new bus network
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Christof Spieler ‏@christofspieler 5 hours ago

.@METROHouston crews have been working since before dawn changing out more than 10,000 bus stops for #newbusnetwork



Jarrett Walker ‏@humantransit  31m

Happy irony: @METROHouston begins new network on Sunday 'cause it's a quiet day. But huge increase in Sunday service will make it less quiet
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Jarrett Walker ‏@humantransit 4 minutes ago

Houston: Welcome to Your New Network http://www.humantransit.org/2015/08/houston-welcome-to-your-new-network.html ...
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Smart Growth America --> Houston, we have a solution

Quote... Houston's bold plan to redesign its bus system—the System Reimagining Project—is akin to a prima-ballerina dancing the final act of Swan Lake. The plan is so elegant, the results so awe-inspiring, that it's easy to miss all the hard work that led to this moment. A comprehensive, creative, and thoughtful public input and outreach process led to broad support for this revolutionary new bus system ...

... The results are nothing short of spectacular. When the new system debuts in August 2015, 73 percent of bus riders will have access to high-frequency service—a 217 percent increase from METRO's current system. The high-frequency routes will have 15 minute headways. An additional 19 percent of riders will be on routes with headways of 30 minutes or less. Almost 60 percent of bus trips to 30 key destinations will be 10 minutes or faster. METRO will accomplish this more frequent, speedier service primarily by shifting to a grid system that allows for more direct routing than the current hub-and-spoke network though downtown. Some of the speed improvements are the result of reducing the number of street-level rail crossings encountered on a bus route, almost eliminating route branching, and moving away from long, delay-prone routes.

To top it off, the frequent routes will run just as often on the weekends, dramatically expanding access for those with weekend shifts or who rely on the bus to make a Saturday grocery run. With Houston's current system, about half of bus riders had access to high-frequency service during the week, that ratio dropped to 25 percent on the weekends ...

We have a solution too, just there is little drive to implement in BrisBANE, backwater of the public transport world .. back to our knitting ...  :P
Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Sent to all outlets:

17th August 2015

Re: Bus reform: Houston abolishes direct service bus network

Good Morning,

Interesting read:

Smart Growth America --> Houston, we have a solution http://www.smartgrowthamerica.org/2015/07/16/houston-we-have-a-solution/

We have a solution too for Brisbane, just seems that political incompetence trumps proper network reform.  Could be costly folks.

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org

Quote from: ozbob on August 16, 2015, 03:17:30 AM
Sent to all outlets:

16th August 2015


Bus reform: Houston abolishes direct service bus network

RAIL Back On Track calls on Deputy Premier Jackie Trad to launch an inquiry into Lord Mayor Graham Quirk's bus network.

Today, the City of Houston (US) abolished its entire old bus network. Many routes will be removed from the CBD and sent to bus or light rail interchange points. Houston is the latest city to join an international movement to reform citywide bus networks. Rides will be free for 7 days, and changes were introduced on a weekend to ease the transition.

Brisbane's sister city of Auckland (NZ) is doing the same. Buses are being removed from Auckland's CBD and redirected to key interchange points at busway or rail stations across Auckland.

In fact, Auckland's Mayor Len Brown has directed Auckland Transport to work with a Brisbane based consultancy MR Cagney to reform the Auckland bus network. This firm has its head office on Coronation Drive and is headed by a former head of Brisbane Transport, Mr Neil Cagney.

There is just no excuse. Entire areas in Brisbane are transit black holes - Yeronga, Bulimba, the entire Centenary Suburbs and Albany Creek. The Cedar Woods development is also highly likely to be added to this Brisbane bus black hole list.

We don't have the money for expensive bus tunnels and busway extensions, and we don't have enough space in the CBD to fit every peak hour bus in the future.
Lord Mayor Graham Quirk has let this problem fester. Does he expect it will all just quietly go away?

Brisbane's bus network needs a revolution, not Graham Quirk's evolution. At four bus changes per year, it would take five decades to alter all 200 or so bus routes his way.

RAIL Back on Track's New Bus Network Proposal can be found here: http://tiny.cc/newnetwork

Brisbane City Council's Bus Network can be found here: http://tiny.cc/checkyourbus

We call on Deputy Premier Jackie Trad to launch an inquiry into the Lord Mayor's bus network and whether Brisbane City Council should continue to be trusted to operate it. The people of Brisbane deserve better.

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


METRO launches new bus network with simpler routes, better connections

METRO's New Bus Network http://www.ridemetro.org/Pages/NewBusNetwork.aspx

How not to be confused about Metro's new bus network
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METRO Houston ‏@METROHouston  3 hours ago Houston, TX

And we're off! #NewBusNetwork

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Sent to all outlets:

26 August 2015

Insanity - doing the same thing over and over again ..

Good Morning,

Road congestion worsening in Brisbane.  What a non-surprise that is .. more roads, more traffic, more congestion.

Brisbane traffic: Worst roads in city for commuter congestion
> http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/brisbane-traffic-worst-roads-in-city-for-commuter-congestion/story-fnihsrf2-1227498667244?sv=ffd9f68133e120a1ad51e0e509fd5841

We have a rapidly deteriorating public transport network - unaffordable fares, poor service frequency, poor connections, constant late and no show buses compounding the congestion as more and more people are forced onto the failing road network.  The authorities do not release publicly what the bus ontime performance is?  Why??

It is time to move forward with bus network reform.  At least a fare review has commenced.  The next step is to find the courage to do what should have been completed in 2013 - proper Brisbane bus network reform.

The citizens of SEQ deserve better than the present transport failure.

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org

Quote from: ozbob on August 17, 2015, 02:56:32 AM
Sent to all outlets:

17th August 2015

Re: Bus reform: Houston abolishes direct service bus network

Good Morning,

Interesting read:

Smart Growth America --> Houston, we have a solution http://www.smartgrowthamerica.org/2015/07/16/houston-we-have-a-solution/

We have a solution too for Brisbane, just seems that political incompetence trumps proper network reform.  Could be costly folks.

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org

Quote from: ozbob on August 16, 2015, 03:17:30 AM
Sent to all outlets:

16th August 2015


Bus reform: Houston abolishes direct service bus network

RAIL Back On Track calls on Deputy Premier Jackie Trad to launch an inquiry into Lord Mayor Graham Quirk's bus network.

Today, the City of Houston (US) abolished its entire old bus network. Many routes will be removed from the CBD and sent to bus or light rail interchange points. Houston is the latest city to join an international movement to reform citywide bus networks. Rides will be free for 7 days, and changes were introduced on a weekend to ease the transition.

Brisbane's sister city of Auckland (NZ) is doing the same. Buses are being removed from Auckland's CBD and redirected to key interchange points at busway or rail stations across Auckland.

In fact, Auckland's Mayor Len Brown has directed Auckland Transport to work with a Brisbane based consultancy MR Cagney to reform the Auckland bus network. This firm has its head office on Coronation Drive and is headed by a former head of Brisbane Transport, Mr Neil Cagney.

There is just no excuse. Entire areas in Brisbane are transit black holes - Yeronga, Bulimba, the entire Centenary Suburbs and Albany Creek. The Cedar Woods development is also highly likely to be added to this Brisbane bus black hole list.

We don't have the money for expensive bus tunnels and busway extensions, and we don't have enough space in the CBD to fit every peak hour bus in the future.
Lord Mayor Graham Quirk has let this problem fester. Does he expect it will all just quietly go away?

Brisbane's bus network needs a revolution, not Graham Quirk's evolution. At four bus changes per year, it would take five decades to alter all 200 or so bus routes his way.

RAIL Back on Track's New Bus Network Proposal can be found here: http://tiny.cc/newnetwork

Brisbane City Council's Bus Network can be found here: http://tiny.cc/checkyourbus

We call on Deputy Premier Jackie Trad to launch an inquiry into the Lord Mayor's bus network and whether Brisbane City Council should continue to be trusted to operate it. The people of Brisbane deserve better.

Best wishes

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


METRO launches new bus network with simpler routes, better connections

METRO's New Bus Network http://www.ridemetro.org/Pages/NewBusNetwork.aspx

How not to be confused about Metro's new bus network
Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
Ozbob's Gallery Forum   Facebook  X   Mastodon  BlueSky


Sent to all outlets:

27th August 2015


Car Congestion Chaos - It's all part of 'The Plan'

RAIL Back on Track members are disappointed, but not surprised by the latest media reports about increasing Brisbane congestion.

People are making a rational choice from their perspective and driving. Public transport costs too much, takes too long and is too infrequent for most. With the Cross River Rail project suspended indefinitely, major changes are now required on Brisbane's bus network.

Brisbane City Council and Lord Mayor Graham Quirk are fully aware that the bus network is failing. Bulimba, Albany Creek, Yeronga and the Centenary Suburbs are all public transport black holes that lack hi-frequency bus options. As these suburbs grow, more will drive further compounding congestion.

What can be done?

Firstly, all door boarding needs to be rolled out across buses, particularly high frequency bus services. This has done wonders in San Francisco and Sydney. It costs next to nothing and can be done virtually overnight.

Secondly, the fares need to come down. We are charging first class fares for second class service frequency for most. People are leaving the network.  We welcome the fare review.

Thirdly, Lord Mayor Graham Quirk and Deputy Premier Jackie Trad need to agree to review the Bus Network and implement reform. The Mayor of Auckland, Len Brown is using the former head of Brisbane Transport, Neil Cagney, to review the Auckland Bus network. The firm's head office is on Coronation Drive. We expect new and old bus networks to cost approximately the same but with improved service, better coverage and frequency, improved connections, which will drive patronage increases and an improved fare box.

Longer term, there needs to be fundamental changes to raising or recapturing revenue (for example value capture and land tax) and stability for the political cycle (4-year fixed terms?) At the moment, there is neither the funds nor the political stability to undertake large, long-term infrastructure projects that the people of Brisbane and Queensland urgently need.

Best wishes,

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


Brisbane traffic: Worst roads in city for commuter congestion

Brisbane Bus Reform: Extend All Door Boarding!

Brisbane - bus network proposal
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Well ... well ...


Media Statements
Deputy Premier, Minister for Transport, Minister for Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning and Minister for Trade
The Honourable Jackie Trad
Thursday, August 27, 2015

Planning moving forward on rail capacity solution for South East Queensland

The Palaszczuk Government is moving ahead with planning to deliver extra capacity on South-East Queensland's rail network.

Deputy Premier Jackie Trad said the Government was committed to transforming and revitalising the rail network to benefit Queenslanders and provide a more efficient public transport system that can cope with forecast demand.

"Increasing the capacity of our rail network is one of our top priorities, we are working to identify solutions," Ms Trad said.

"Our assessment will include an investigation of elements of the Cross River Rail and Bus and Train projects to identify a preferred solution to address these capacity issues.

"It will also include a detailed assessment of the feasibility of introducing New Generation Signalling to the inner city rail network.

"Improved signalling would allow for a higher frequency of services on our most constrained part of the network, unlocking additional capacity that would benefit the entire region.

"Considerable cost and time savings will be achieved during this evaluation phase by using planning prepared as part of the previous projects – that work will not be wasted."

"However, there will be no combination of buses and trains in the Cross River Rail design going forward.

"Buses and trains play different roles in our transport network and combining them in the same corridor does not make sense," Ms Trad said.

Ms Trad said the project team would deliver an updated business case of a preferred project to be considered by Government.

"The Queensland Government will include a complete business case as part of a funding submission to Infrastructure Australia and the Federal Government for this urgently needed project," she said.

"We will also seek to re-establish the ready-to-proceed status previously applied to the Cross River Rail project."
Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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