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So whats TL view on smaller style minibuses for lowly used off peak bus routes?

Started by techblitz, April 10, 2012, 01:06:48 AM

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so does anyone know if translink are seriously considering implementing this in the near future?

Ive used the following during off-peak: 283,466,683,367 only to be the sole person on the bus for virtually the entire route!

TL would need to weigh up the costs of running a full size bus as opposed to a maxitaxi sized vehicle (electric would be the most economical)
Also the vehicle must still provide adequate access for prams as well as impaired individuals.

For the newer untested routes that they bring in where they know there will be low takeup patronage,this would be ideal

EXAMPLE: In the case of the 367....use the minibuses during the off peak and full size buses during school/business peak hour.


Someone else might be able to give more a more detailed answer, but logic would say that it's not really that much more economical as those buses would be limited to that route only.  There's also the DDA issue and any midi bus would need to be low floor.

Based on my own experiences by the way, the 283 can actually get quite packed at around school time from those kids in Carbrook who are heading to Logan Hyperdome.


Minibuses are a false economy for SEQ for a number of reasons:

1. Labour is the main cost - the drivers get paid the same whether they are driving minibuses or full length rigids.
2. No peak carrying capacity, so you need to buy MORE buses to do the same work.
3. Reduces operational flexibility.
4. Fuel consumption is not always proportionately less than a full length rigid based on vehicle mass etc.
5. Available models of minibuses tend to get absolutely flogged on the runs where they would be most suited.  The Surfside and Sunbus experience (which continues even to this day with YourBus) shows that running minibuses on low-patronage routes where most of said low-patronage routes involve hilly terrain means that the buses get flogged, become mechanically unreliable etc.
6. Less important, but passengers tend to hate them for anything other than applications like YourBus.  They have a very bad reputation with operators and the public at present due to the factors above.
Ride the G:


I agree. The main cost is labour. You could have a fixed route taxi and the cost would be similar...
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May be of use for some routes, however the main use I see for midibuses would be getting into the suburbs where full size buses can't. For example, the 362 and 367 go alright with full size buses (although the 362 does have some tight squeezes in the older part of Keperra if there are parked cars) but there are certainly parts of Upper Kedron and Ferny Grove that are poorly served currently by the existing service, which can't really be improved due to the street layouts. I wouldn't support midi buses being used for any decent route however, they should just be feeder services. I'd also think there could be other solutions that you'd want to look into before spending a bunch of money on small buses that could easily turn into white elephants.
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Never argue with an idiot. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.


QuoteMay be of use for some routes, however the main use I see for midibuses would be getting into the suburbs where full size buses can't.

I've always though maxi taxis could be hired for peak hour and used for this purpose. Often these services have low frequency...
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


But the problem with low frequency is that they aren't attractive to use.
There is no silver bullet... but there is silver buckshot.
Never argue with an idiot. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

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