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16 Nov 2010: SEQ: The next station ... is North Shore

Started by ozbob, November 16, 2010, 03:53:02 AM

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Media release 16 November 2010

SEQ: The next station ... is North Shore

RAIL Back On Track (http://backontrack.org) a web based community support group for rail and public transport and an advocate for public transport commuters believes that Brisbane could have its own North Shore rail line.

Robert Dow, Spokesman for RAIL Back On Track said:

"North Shore Hamilton is set to become Brisbane's next South Bank. And any transport solution must include upgrading and extending the Doomben Line in a cutting under Kingsford Smith to new station(s), including at North Shore Hamilton."

The extension and revitalisation of the existing Doomben line will provide:

* The highest level of capacity (a 6 car SMU 260 train every 10 minutes in peak would move 5496 people, even more if more frequent)
* The highest level of speed (Doomben trains are up to 13 minutes faster to the CBD than the route 305 bus)
* The highest level of reliability
* The highest level of traffic priority (completely separate from the road network and road congestion)
* The highest level of network integration and mobility
* The highest level of support for Transit Oriented Development (TOD)
* The highest level of safety for transport, (train travel is safer than car travel)
* The highest level of passenger comfort (smooth ride, many trains are brand new with more to come)
* The highest level of image and quality of service
* The highest level of cost efficiency
* The highest level of labour productivity (2 staff per 916 passengers) (1)
* The highest environmental benefits, with zero local exhaust
* The reduction in the costs of road trauma
* Quick to implement and value for money by leveraging off existing rail infrastructure
* Significantly improved rail services for Clayfield, Ascot, Hendra and Doomben residents
* Interchange with buses will allow access to rail from street stops

"In the 1950s works pre-prepared the Doomben line for duplication, and an extension to North Shore Hamilton isn't far which makes it a real goer. The rail station and high quality services will transform the land use around the station and is a perfect match for TOD."

"The people in the extra 3000 vehicles in peak hour mentioned in the media articles could easily be carried by the train with room to spare and further prospects for future capacity increases if required (2). A single, quick interchange at Eagle Junction, Central or Roma Street would allow quick access to destinations all over SEQ on rapid ExpressLink, UrbanLink and Cross-River Rail trains and to all destinations on the busway network."

"RAIL Back on Track agrees that all levels of government- councils, state and federal could contribute. (2) As the Moreton Bay Regional Council and Gold Coast City Council have contributed funds ($105 million for heavy rail, $120 million for Light Rail, respectively) a contribution from the Brisbane City Council to make this rail project happen would not be unprecedented. (3)"

"Now is the time to take off the 'road coloured glasses' and look for real solutions that will still work as petrol prices and interest rates continue going through the roof. (4) Many overseas places have already made tracks (5)", Mr Dow concluded.


1. Queensland Rail, Fleet

2. Northshore Hamilton affordable housing development to choke Kingsford Smith Drive

3. SEQ: Rail to Kippa-Ring, just the thing!

4. Road Coloured Glasses

5. Look to Vancouver, town planners told


Robert Dow
Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
Ozbob's Gallery Forum   Facebook  X   Mastodon  BlueSky


Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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From the City North News 25th November pages 1 and 5

Way off track

Front page

Page 5

Thanks for the interest City North News!
Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


I agree that the extension and revitalisation of the existing Doomben line would be an important thing to do. After all it was never ripped up like so many other branch lines. But would the good people who live in Doomben, Ascot and Hamilton use the service when there is the BMW or Mercedes in the garage ?

The other option to road and rail transport for the future "North Shore" is .... wait for it...... river transport. Brisbane River has to be one of the most under-utilised means of providing transport, going. When you see the waterways that are used in Europe for transport, one wonders why our long and apparently navigable river is so under-utilised. I have often wondered why the City Cat service terminates at the University when not far upstream there is the Tennyson tennis complex and residential development ....or would too few people use such a service ? Maybe we have such a good train system in the areas near the river or maybe we simply do not have the population density to warrant more investment in river based public transport.  I've used the City Cat a few times and it is a wonderful means of transport. No congestion, no signals to wait for, but sometimes a queue to get into a ferry landing due to unfortunate scheduling. But there is a downside. One has to be tolerant of river floods and disruptions that occur as a result.

I guess that when Brisbane's population tripples and the roads become so congested, only then will our governments start to take the river more seriously or maybe not. Meanwhile us Brisbaneites who love our cars and the personal freedom they give, will continue to use them and lobby governments for more roads.


Welcome moin-moin!  River transport is always an option, but in terms of capacity is limited relative to rail and bus rapid transit, but certainly has a role to play.  There are a number of considerable residential developments planned along the Doomben line corridor including the Northshore Hamilton.  Once frequency is established the rail becomes a much more attractive option.  The limited services on the Doomben line are used by locals, but the bus alternate is often caught up in traffic so public transport overall becomes unattractive.

One of the reasons that has been rolled out about Tennyson is damage to the river banks (not sure of the bona-fides of that) but as the river narrows the wash of the vessels does become bit more of an issue.  For many years river barges and ferrys plied the river but at relatively slow speeds. 

The rail corridor is there, just waiting to be used.
Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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The CityCat will be very good, but it gives a different menu of travel destinations than rail.

Rail allows ATC workers from the Northside access into the precinct
through single transfer at collection points such as Eagle Junction, Toombul etc.
The CityCat can't do this and neither could BRT directly on KSD.

So IMHO it isn't either/or, an integrated solution to create a network with CityCat, rail and bus options over the area seems like the goer.

Interestingly pressure from residents within the area IMHO forced trains to return to the Doomben Line. (The original intention was just to close it).
A new rail station would also support TOD intensification around it IMHO.

Someone has launched an FOI request (D10/3305) which you can see on the TransLink FOI/RTI disclosure log here: http://www.translink.com.au/about-translink/reporting-and-publications/right-to-information/disclosure-log

Inside this log are many many letters and e-mails from people contacting their local representatives about more services on the Doomben line

Service frequency really is the key here IMHO, as we have seen with the CityGlider Service in West End which runs through the industrial part of West End, its patronage went
from effectively zero to 1million within the space of less than 1 year. Further development will put more people in the area too.

:) :is-
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


Now that the planned road extensions to Kingsford Smith Drive are on hold (perhaps permanently with a bit of luck) time to move forward with the rail corridor!

Brisbanetimes --> Roads, riverwalk delayed to pay for flood

Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
Ozbob's Gallery Forum   Facebook  X   Mastodon  BlueSky


Note that roads in Brisbane are almost entirely the BCC's responsibility to propose and mainly fund. Rail is the State. There's a disconnect here, just as there always was between the trams and commuter rail in the old days. Despite Translink, investment decisions are not being made on a 'whole of government' basis because they are two governments and they don't like each other, and never have, no matter what the political party relations are.

I confidently predict a s**tload of money being wasted by BCC on KSDrive while the state, QR and Translink dither about Doomben.


This is the question I pose: does the type of vehicle matter if the same problem is solved?
My answer is no.

Just because there is an organizational boundary does not mean a free ticket to spend multi-billions. This type of "its not my problem" argument is a flimsy one because it has been mentioned before on this forum councils funding rail. Certainly, responsibility for particular areas does not crop up when getting road funding- KSD and Legacy way are apparently going to be funded by a public debt mix from Federal, State and Local as I understand it.


Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


The art of government is to get another level of government to pay for the solution, even if what's paid is more than reasonably should be the case.  Better still, a PPP, where private enterprise pays.  Even the solution doesn't have to be efficient.  It is in the state's interest to 'dither' / delay duplicating the Doomben railway line while BCC is in the gun to upgrade KSD.  By not spending money on the Doomben line, the government can say it is 'keeping our taxes down'.  The council either makes KSD a toll road (private enterprise pays), but this is unlikely as it already is a 'free' road, so the road upgrade is paid for out of rates.  And who pays the rates?  The same people who pay the state taxes.  So we end up paying more for the least effective outcome.  But don't worry, our transport planning, we are told, is 'fully integrated', intermeshed, with each level of government contributing to the overall coordinated plan within the envelope of an overarching strategy, or whatever the latest buzz words happen to be.


But is is not keeping our taxes down. Not only does it cost more to do, and cost more to drive through (not that I am complaining, since I use PT tolls don't affect me) but worse it is simply shifting the costs to some other level of government's tax bill which eventually comes back to ME anyway. And I don't even use the thing!

Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


TT, it does keep your taxes down.  It is just your rates that go up.  Or vice-versa.  The key to understanding the mess is not to see federal, state and local government as a conglomerate (i.e. 'the government'). 

Just imagine you are walking down the street and have the misfortune of being mugged three times -- the first mugger punches you, causing you to double over with pain, and takes your watch, the second kicks your legs out from under you, forcing you to the ground, and steals your laptop and the third comes along and kicks you in the head before making off with your wallet.  You die from your injuries, but each mugger is able to mount a case in court that they did not inflict the fatal blow.

Welcome to government Australian style.  The efficient way of doing things would be to work together, surround you on three sides, intimidate you without having to inflict blows and have you turn over your valuables for the three to split.  Thet way you live to replace your possessions, only to have the muggers repeat the offence.


If the Council is inefficient, it is incumbent on the state to do something about it.

This problem doesn't really apply to Federal/State matters as they are often enshrined in the constitution.


Sent to all outlets:

19th November2011

SEQ: The next station ... is North Shore


The Doomben rail line is gold.

--->  http://railbotforum.org/mbs/index.php?topic=4852.msg39278#msg39278

Time we make use of our existing infrastructure, rather than fantasise about  dreams in glossy brochures ....

Car sharing schemes have their place ( Car sharing solution for gridlock
http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/car-sharing-solution-for-kingsford-smith-drive-gridlock-20111118-1nmgr.html ), but frequent safe public transport is what is really needed

Best wishes


Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


Media release 16 November 2010 re-released 19 November 2011

SEQ: The next station ... is North Shore

RAIL Back On Track (http://backontrack.org) a web based community support group for rail and public transport and an advocate for public transport commuters believes that Brisbane could have its own North Shore rail line.

Robert Dow, Spokesman for RAIL Back On Track said:

"North Shore Hamilton is set to become Brisbane's next South Bank. And any transport solution must include upgrading and extending the Doomben Line in a cutting under Kingsford Smith to new station(s), including at North Shore Hamilton."

The extension and revitalisation of the existing Doomben line will provide:

* The highest level of capacity (a 6 car SMU 260 train every 10 minutes in peak would move 5496 people, even more if more frequent)
* The highest level of speed (Doomben trains are up to 13 minutes faster to the CBD than the route 305 bus)
* The highest level of reliability
* The highest level of traffic priority (completely separate from the road network and road congestion)
* The highest level of network integration and mobility
* The highest level of support for Transit Oriented Development (TOD)
* The highest level of safety for transport, (train travel is safer than car travel)
* The highest level of passenger comfort (smooth ride, many trains are brand new with more to come)
* The highest level of image and quality of service
* The highest level of cost efficiency
* The highest level of labour productivity (2 staff per 916 passengers) (1)
* The highest environmental benefits, with zero local exhaust
* The reduction in the costs of road trauma
* Quick to implement and value for money by leveraging off existing rail infrastructure
* Significantly improved rail services for Clayfield, Ascot, Hendra and Doomben residents
* Interchange with buses will allow access to rail from street stops

"In the 1950s works pre-prepared the Doomben line for duplication, and an extension to North Shore Hamilton isn't far which makes it a real goer. The rail station and high quality services will transform the land use around the station and is a perfect match for TOD."

"The people in the extra 3000 vehicles in peak hour mentioned in the media articles could easily be carried by the train with room to spare and further prospects for future capacity increases if required (2). A single, quick interchange at Eagle Junction, Central or Roma Street would allow quick access to destinations all over SEQ on rapid ExpressLink, UrbanLink and Cross-River Rail trains and to all destinations on the busway network."

"RAIL Back on Track agrees that all levels of government- councils, state and federal could contribute. (2) As the Moreton Bay Regional Council and Gold Coast City Council have contributed funds ($105 million for heavy rail, $120 million for Light Rail, respectively) a contribution from the Brisbane City Council to make this rail project happen would not be unprecedented. (3)"

"Now is the time to take off the 'road coloured glasses' and look for real solutions that will still work as petrol prices and interest rates continue going through the roof. (4) Many overseas places have already made tracks (5)", Mr Dow concluded.


1. Queensland Rail, Fleet

2. Northshore Hamilton affordable housing development to choke Kingsford Smith Drive

3. SEQ: Rail to Kippa-Ring, just the thing!

4. Road Coloured Glasses

5. Look to Vancouver, town planners told


Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org
Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
Ozbob's Gallery Forum   Facebook  X   Mastodon  BlueSky


Sent to all outlets:

29th November 2011

SEQ: The next station ... is North Shore


Been reported in the media today that the planned upgrade to Kingsford Smith Drive has been delayed to at the earliest 2015.

The Doomben railway line exists, it is in limited use though.  What is needed from here is an improved train frequency of 30 minutes as for most other lines.

Amplification of the line from single to double can done later.

Feed the rail stations now with local feeder buses.

Not rocket science, is it?

Best wishes


Quote19th November 2011


The Doomben rail line is gold.

--->  http://railbotforum.org/mbs/index.php?topic=4852.msg39278#msg39278

Time we make use of our existing infrastructure, rather than fantasise about  dreams in glossy brochures ....

Car sharing schemes have their place ( Car sharing solution for gridlock
http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/car-sharing-solution-for-kingsford-smith-drive-gridlock-20111118-1nmgr.html ),
but frequent safe public transport is what is really needed

Best wishes


Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org


Media release 16 November 2010 re-released 19 November 2011

SEQ: The next station ... is North Shore

RAIL Back On Track (http://backontrack.org) a web based community support group for rail and public transport and an advocate for public transport commuters believes that Brisbane could have its own North Shore rail line.

Robert Dow, Spokesman for RAIL Back On Track said:

"North Shore Hamilton is set to become Brisbane's next South Bank. And any transport solution must include upgrading and extending the Doomben Line in a cutting under Kingsford Smith to new station(s), including at North Shore Hamilton."

The extension and revitalisation of the existing Doomben line will provide:

* The highest level of capacity (a 6 car SMU 260 train every 10 minutes in peak would move 5496 people, even more if more frequent)
* The highest level of speed (Doomben trains are up to 13 minutes faster to the CBD than the route 305 bus)
* The highest level of reliability
* The highest level of traffic priority (completely separate from the road network and road congestion)
* The highest level of network integration and mobility
* The highest level of support for Transit Oriented Development (TOD)
* The highest level of safety for transport, (train travel is safer than car travel)
* The highest level of passenger comfort (smooth ride, many trains are brand new with more to come)
* The highest level of image and quality of service
* The highest level of cost efficiency
* The highest level of labour productivity (2 staff per 916 passengers) (1)
* The highest environmental benefits, with zero local exhaust
* The reduction in the costs of road trauma
* Quick to implement and value for money by leveraging off existing rail infrastructure
* Significantly improved rail services for Clayfield, Ascot, Hendra and Doomben residents
* Interchange with buses will allow access to rail from street stops

"In the 1950s works pre-prepared the Doomben line for duplication, and an extension to North Shore Hamilton isn't far which makes it a real goer. The rail station and high quality services will transform the land use around the station and is a perfect match for TOD."

"The people in the extra 3000 vehicles in peak hour mentioned in the media articles could easily be carried by the train with room to spare and further prospects for future capacity increases if required (2). A single, quick interchange at Eagle Junction, Central or Roma Street would allow quick access to destinations all over SEQ on rapid ExpressLink, UrbanLink and Cross-River Rail trains and to all destinations on the busway network."

"RAIL Back on Track agrees that all levels of government- councils, state and federal could contribute. (2) As the Moreton Bay Regional Council and Gold Coast City Council have contributed funds ($105 million for heavy rail, $120 million for Light Rail, respectively) a contribution from the Brisbane City Council to make this rail project happen would not be unprecedented. (3)"

"Now is the time to take off the 'road coloured glasses' and look for real solutions that will still work as petrol prices and interest rates continue going through the roof. (4) Many overseas places have already made tracks (5)", Mr Dow concluded.


1. Queensland Rail, Fleet

2. Northshore Hamilton affordable housing development to choke Kingsford Smith Drive

3. SEQ: Rail to Kippa-Ring, just the thing!

4. Road Coloured Glasses

5. Look to Vancouver, town planners told



Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org
Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
Ozbob's Gallery Forum   Facebook  X   Mastodon  BlueSky

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