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Sunshine Coast RAIL - Back on Track Member Numbers (Renamed)

Started by Fares_Fair, May 17, 2011, 22:08:58 PM

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Hello All,

I have often been asked how many of RAIL - Back on Track contributors/members are from the Sunshine Coast.
My answer is that I have no idea.

To that end it would be appreciated if perhaps the Admin at RAIL - Back on Track could post a reply of the numbers (if known or able to be ascertained),
these would be restricted to the area immediately north of Caboolture (i.e. Elimbah Station through to Gympie North) for the purposes of this post.

If this information is not available then perhaps we could start a Poll asking members if they consider themselves a Sunshine Coast commuter.
Thank you.


Edit: Census word in title removed and replaced with the word Numbers to more accurately reflect the information.


To what end is this information required?  To what purpose will the information be put?


I have been asked how many SC people are represented on R-BoT. I don't need or want any details at all, just a number or percentage would suffice.



Quote from: Stillwater on May 17, 2011, 23:46:40 PM
To what end is this information required?  To what purpose will the information be put?

It appears to be a surprising response to a simple question on how many RBoT Sunshine Coast members there are, or am I (and possibly 2 others I know of) it ?
I was asked by a Journalist (not the first time either) how many Sunshine Coast representatives there are on the Rail back on Track website.
I considered it a fair question to ask given the coverage the Sunshine Coast has been receiving in the media of late.

And as I said, a percentage would suffice, or simple numbers.
No names, no details, no identification.
It can be via a message if the results are sensitive.



There are many here who do not wish to disclose information on privacy grounds.  And this is fine.
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The management manuals I have read, or been forced to read as part of one course or another, always make the point that it is better to state a reason for a request rather than just expecting someone to obey unquestionly.  This, it would seem, is especially so in an Australian cultural context.  Thus, the manuals claim, it is better to say: "Don't operate this machinery without first putting on safety goggles because bits of metal could fly out and blind you" rather than say "put your safety goggles on".  Simply, it is more informative to state the reasoning behind the question, because people are more likely to respond positively.


Quote from: ozbob on May 18, 2011, 20:45:43 PM
There are many here who do not wish to disclose information on privacy grounds.  And this is fine.

I understand privacy of information and details and so on, but member numbers ?
Not even the number or percentage of Sunshine Coast people on this site can be revealed without approval ?

IMHO, that does seem overboard, but of course I will respect their right to privacy.
So when the journalist asks me about numbers I shall just have to tell him/her that the information cannot be disclosed.



Hi Fares_Fair
Please include me as Sunshine Coast PT commuter :-t
Dave (Sunbus610)
Proud to be a Sunshine Coaster ..........


Total member numbers are displayed on the bottom of the main forum page.

Any personal information is protected from disclosure (other than self disclosure).  Privacy policy is here.
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Thanks Sunbus,  :-t   that's 2 of us.

Thank you ozbob,

I read the privacy policy, and mere numbers is not personal information IMHO.

So total member numbers only to be shown, but a breakdown that would show a specific region's numbers is not allowed.
Understood and accepted.



I doubt nob would even know. I don't think I put in my location when I signed up. Evenif I did it would be out of date now anyway.

The only way you will find out is by asking.


Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


Yes, good idea tt, and they can all remain anonymous so everyone's happy. I just didn't realise that mere unidentified numbers could breach anyone's privacy. Happy to follow Ref's decision. :-) Will start one later today. Regards, Fares_Fair.

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