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Article: Sustainable transport solutions for Sippy Downs

Started by ozbob, May 12, 2011, 07:54:08 AM

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Sustainable transport solutions for Sippy Downs

QuoteSustainable transport solutions for Sippy Downs
Published May 11, 2011

Sunshine Coast Council is delivering a number of projects in Sippy Downs that will better serve the travel needs of the local community.

Division 6 Councillor Christian Dickson said council is committed to improving safety, lifestyle and the environment through the provision of sustainable transport infrastructure – three such projects currently underway or completed in Sippy Downs include:

a new bikeway and on-road cycle lanes along Ballinger Road, between the main street in Buderim and the Stringybark Road roundabout, due for completion mid May; 

construction of a new off road pathway (pathways are shared zone for both pedestrians and cyclists) on Claymore Road between Albany Street and Fitzwilliam Drive, that will connect existing off road pathways; and

a new bus stop and pedestrian crossing west of Oxford Close on University Way, on behalf of TransLink, which connects with the 615, 617, 618 and 619 routes. This new bus stop was in response to community requests for more bus stops along the University Way.

"The recently adopted Sunshine Coast Sustainable Transport Strategy 2011 – 2031 provides a clear direction for sustainable transport planning and delivery on the Coast, and we will be rolling out actions from the strategy big and small over the next 20 years," Cr Dickson said.

"Delivering these infrastructure improvements is as important as large scale projects because they directly affect local residents and have a multiplying effect.

"There are a great many actions to come out of the recently endorsed Sunshine Coast Sustainable Transport Strategy, across active transport, public transport, parking, road safety and freight – and each one is important. 

"We're aiming to provide safer, more convenient transport options that suit customer needs and deliver a better lifestyle for Coast residents.

"I encourage residents to embrace these practical pieces of infrastructure and consider using them, even if it is only one trip a week.

"Anyone wanting detailed information on sustainable transport or more specifically public transport options on the Coast or pathway planning can head to the traffic and transport pages on council's website.

The development of these infrastructure projects demonstrates council's commitment to delivering a more sustainable lifestyle by managing growth, protecting our environment and serving the community."
Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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