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Started by ozbob, July 07, 2010, 09:56:25 AM

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Minister for Education and Training
The Honourable Geoff Wilson


The Department of Education and Training and Brisbane City Council have joined in this week's NAIDOC Week celebrations, rolling out a council bus decorated with children's art work.

Education and Training Minister Geoff Wilson said the Brisbane City Council bus would travel throughout the southern suburbs and into the city for the duration of National Aboriginal and Islanders Day Observance Committee (NAIDOC) Week, which runs until July 11.

"Bus operator Mary Stacy from the Willawong Bus Depot decorated the bus with the help of the Indigenous Schooling Support Unit Library at Inala," Mr Wilson said.

"A rainbow serpent, which runs the length of the bus, was created by Indigenous artist and library assistant Malinda Flynn.

"The pattern on the serpent is a traditional symbol, meaning 'travel' or 'track'.

"NAIDOC Week is marked throughout Australia as the peak national day to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

"The week is a timely reminder of the importance of cultural understanding and the greater awareness to come from embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives in all state schools by 2011."

Mr Wilson said this year the national NAIDOC Week theme was 'Unsung Heroes, Closing the Gap by Leading Their Way'.

"In Queensland the event is being celebrated with the addition this year of a preamble to the Constitution of Queensland which honours Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Australians," Mr Wilson said.

"The department will also host a free public display at NAIDOC Family Fun Day in Musgrave Park on Friday July 9, to promote the department's strategy to close the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous student outcomes."

Brisbane City Council Public and Active Transport Chair Councillor Margaret De Wit said the decorated bus was a great way to showcase the Aboriginal and Islander spirit and culture that existed in the community.

"Passengers travelling between the southern suburbs and the city throughout NAIDOC week will be able to enjoy the amazing artwork the children have created," she said. "Council is pleased to be part of such an important celebration," Ms De Wit said.

The NAIDOC Family Fun Day will be held in Musgrave Park from 9am to 5pm on Friday July 9.

For further information on NAIDOC Week activities, visit http://deta.qld.gov.au/indigenous
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