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15 Feb 2012: SEQ: Release public transport timetable data to all - and soon!

Started by ozbob, February 15, 2012, 03:20:39 AM

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Media release 15 February 2012

SEQ: Release public transport timetable data to all - and soon!

RAIL Back On Track (http://backontrack.org) a web based community support group for rail and public transport and an advocate for public transport passengers, has called for TransLink to make good on its commitment to release timetable data to Google, a commitment which is more than a year overdue [1].

Robert Dow, Spokesman for RAIL Back On Track said:

"In the so-called 'smart state', Brisbane commuters can't use Google map functions to plan a journey using public transport, despite this service being provided free of charge and available in more than 500 cities around the world."

"It may come as a surprise to residents of the South East, but Queensland already has many examples of Google Transit – for major regional centres such as Cairns, Townsville, and Toowoomba. Even Maleny has it! The difference? These areas are serviced by qconnect, under the Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR)."

"Furthermore, TransLink should release this data to the general public and third-party tools such as Mapnificent [2], in the form of a General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS)[3]. The GTFS format is also what Google requires, so it's not hard to do both!"

GTFS 'feeds' allow public transit agencies to publish their transit data so that developers can write applications that consume that data in an inter-operable way.
The GTFS specification can provide schedules and geographic information to Google Maps and other Google applications that show transit information.  Complete coverage is available at www.google.com/transit.

"It is time TransLink followed TMR's lead and made the data available."


1.  http://www.lifehacker.com.au/2010/07/brisbane-promises-google-maps-transport-integration-by-year-end/

2.  http://www.mapnificent.net/

3.  http://developers.google.com/transit/gtfs/


Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org
Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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John Fraser

If "Rail - Back On Track" is going to be political party neutral then why not dispense with the derogatory "smart state" line.

It does nothing to advance Queensland in the eyes of the world.


Quote from: John Fraser on February 15, 2012, 12:22:10 PM
If "Rail - Back On Track" is going to be political party neutral then why not dispense with the derogatory "smart state" line.

It does nothing to advance Queensland in the eyes of the world.

'Smart start' is not political, it is used by all sides of the political spectrum.  It is almost a term of endearment these days ... lol
Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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The 'smart state' reference refers to a community expectation of a level of technical sophistication to which the community itself aspires.  It is shorthand for what can be achieved, or should be achieved.  Much is made of the low-hanging fruit advances that can be made versus more costly outcomes that the community may desire, but would be hard-press to implement.  From time to time, and no doubt to show empathy with community aspiration, politicians or political parties catch on to phrases that tap the community sentiment.  'Can-do' is hardly a phrase solely the province of the LNP, for example.  In this case, here is something that can be achieved easily, and with little effort, therefore it is 'smart' to make it happen.


QuoteIf "Rail - Back On Track" is going to be political party neutral then why not dispense with the derogatory "smart state" line.

It does nothing to advance Queensland in the eyes of the world.

Well how about the LNP Scrub off the word's "Back on Track" everywhere - that's OUR motto and they stole it!!  :-w
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


Quote from: John Fraser on February 15, 2012, 12:22:10 PM
If "Rail - Back On Track" is going to be political party neutral then why not dispense with the derogatory "smart state" line.

It does nothing to advance Queensland in the eyes of the world.

Using a cliche back at its' originator, in my opinion, reinforces the public expectation that rhetoric needs to match action.



Was it Beattie who coined "smart state"?  Also adding "Centres of Excellence"

Hawke: "Clever Country"  I think that might have been more like "we need to be the Clever Country"

I don't know.  These things remind me of when Bob Crane (Hogan from Hogan's Heroes) was told "Heroes don't have to try to be heroes, they just are" ...


A couple of those horseless carriage plates with the proud ' smart state ' logo would be worth having too!


Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Maybe they are working on this and releasing it in one big whammy "GTFS-realtime is a feed specification that allows public transportation agencies to provide ... Updates, a feature within Google Maps that provides users with realtime transit information."


Maybe, but they're not Apple, they're a government agency; they don't need to build buzz via a culture of secrecy...

John Fraser

Perhaps if the train used by the Moderator & spokesperson had a number plate with "Smart State" he would have known that it was definately party political.

Looking for where "RBOT" has praised the Bligh government for the upgraded infrastructure at Ferny Grove, in the same way that they have praised the LNP for an election promise from the former Lord Mayor who threw $773 million into the Clem7 tunnel that will never take heavy or light rail.


Quote from: John Fraser on February 15, 2012, 19:28:48 PM
Perhaps if the train used by the Moderator & spokesperson had a number plate with "Smart State" he would have known that it was definately party political.

Looking for where "RBOT" has praised the Bligh government for the upgraded infrastructure at Ferny Grove, in the same way that they have praised the LNP for an election promise from the former Lord Mayor who threw $773 million into the Clem7 tunnel that will never take heavy or light rail.

This is not a newspaper blog John.  Balance is needed, continuing trolling will see you removed.

You have been advised in other posts to read all the media releases.  Just because you are a recent forum member doesn't excuse your ignorance or biases.  The LNP have actually come out with a decent transport policy re Ferny Grove.  One worthy of praise.  The LNP equivocation re Cross River Rail we have savaged, as other silly policy.

The thing is John, increasing train frequency has been an ongoing battle for six years now.  Just because the LNP suggest a good policy doesn't make it bad.

Live with it mate.
Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Also, the 7 car train policy by the LNP a few years ago has also been rubbished by most commentators and commuters, which included most members of this forum.

We judge ideas and suggestions on it's merits, not on their political party.

Unless stated otherwise, Opinions stated in my posts are those of my own view only.

Mr X

And it's not just the two big parties either- we judge good and bad policies about PT from many different parties and candidates.
The user once known as Happy Bus User (HBU)
The opinions contained within my posts and profile are my own and don't necessarily reflect those of the greater Rail Back on Track community.

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