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9 Aug 2007 Brisbane: Darra to Springfield Railway Line ? More stations needed!

Started by ozbob, August 09, 2007, 08:11:44 AM

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Media Release 9 August 2007

Brisbane: Darra to Springfield Railway Line ? More stations needed!

RAIL ? Back On Track (http://backontrack.org) a web based community organisation for the promotion of rail throughout Australia has said that two additional stations are needed on the Darra to Springfield railway line.

Robert Dow said:

"The Darra to Springfield railway line will be a very welcome addition to South East Queensland's transport infrastructure.  Springfield will be a major population centre in the not too distant future and rail will provide frequent and safe access to and from the Brisbane CBD and other suburbs by Citytrain.  The provision of this vital new infrastructure is the prerequisite for fulfillment of the vision of Springfield as a region with low dependence on private cars for transport.  However aspects for the proposed plans for construction of this railway line represent a false economy for residents and the government alike as only two stations on the line are confirmed to be built from the outset, Springfield and Richlands."

"Without provision of stations within walking distance of the well established residential area?s of Springfield Lakes and Camira the proposal fails to deliver the most significant savings in household expenditure on private car transport that act to could insulate these residents from future raises in petrol and interest rates as it will still be necessary to drive to park and rides at Springfield or Richlands out of walking reach of these stations.  A station at Camira would also provide access the Carole Park industrial area, benefiting both employers and employees.  Building the stations at Springfield Lakes and Camira well after opening of the line is also a false economy for Government as it is likely that costs would be inflated due to the additional construction costs incurred by building around an operational railway line."

"It is to the Queensland Government?s credit that they recognise importance of the providing a sound foundation for future growth of the Western Corridor through construction of the Springfield railway line.  However skimping on the initial construction by not providing required stations on the line will only short change all parties in the medium term.  Rail Back on Track is calling for the construction of Stations at Springfield Lakes and Camira in time for the opening of the line and suggests that local residents should express their concerns to their Government representatives."


Administration RAIL Back On Track


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Queensland Times did a follow up story to this media release.

Story attached below (word doc). 

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A story has appeared in the Springfield News 15th August 2007
Thanks to the Springfield News for highlighting these calls.

QuoteFront page: 'Fight on track'

THE fight for more stations along the Darra to Springfield Rail Line is gathering pace. Commuter group Rail - Back on Track has joined with local councillor David Morrison in calling for stations at Camira and Springfield Lakes to be built as part of the project's initial construction. The rail line is still in the design phase. Report, page 5.

'Station anger rolls on'
By Lisa  Joyce

THE fight to have extra stations along the soon to be  built Darra to Springfield rail line continues. The rail line, to be finished in 2011, is expected to have stations at Richlands and Springfield.  But Ipswich Councillor David Morrison (Div 1) has called for a station at Camira to be included in the rail line's design.
He also has called for a proposed Springfield Lakes station to be built during the line's initial construction rather than at a later date.

Cr Morrison has been joined in his fight by commuter group Rail - Back On Track, a web-based organisation for the promotion of rail throughout Australia. Rail Back on Track administrator Robert Dow said aspects of the government's proposed plan represented a false economy.  "Without stations within walking distance of ... Springfield Lakes and Camira the proposal fails to deliver significant savings on private car transport that could insulate these residents from future rises in petrol," Mr Dow said. "Building the stations at Springfield Lakes and Camira well after opening of the line Is also a false economy for the Government as it is likely the costs would be inflated due to the additional construction costs incurred by building around an operational rail, way line."

A Queensland Transport spokesman said current data indicated a station at Springfield Lakes wasn't immediately necessary, but demand would be monitored so additional stations could be built as needed, He said the proposed stations on the Darra to Springfield line were the result of a detailed study of the region's public transport needs. "The line is planned to pass through the Greenbank military area which is isolated from homes in Camira," he said. "Any station there would be surrounded by the military reserve."  The spokesman said there would be opportunities for community feedback as the project design progressed.

Also in the Satellite, Northern Edition  15th August,  a letter to the Editor was published based on the initial media releases.  Thanks for your support too Satellite!

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Follow up in the South West News

QuoteRail bid off track

SEPTEMBER 19: Queensland Transport has slammed calls by the southwest's Rail Back on Track group for the immediate construction of a train station at Forest Lake.
A Queensland Transport spokesman said initial planning by the Horizon Alliance was continuing for the new Darra to Springfield rail corridor.
"In the '07/08 budget, the Queensland Government provided $77million to complete the design and target cost estimate and build early works,'' he said.
"Initial project proposals include two new QR Citytrain stations, one at Springfield and the other at Richlands. Potential stations have been identified for Ellen Grove and Springfield Lakes.''
Rail Back on Track administrator Robert Dow said the state's highest transport authority was in denial over how to deliver public transport services to these rapidly growing suburbs.
"Queensland Transport claimed that the decision to delay the construction of stations at Ellen Grove and Springfield Lakes was based on current and projected population figures, as well as likely travel patterns, "Mr Dow said.
"QT's position not to immediately build these stations has been shown to be flawed.
"Rail is the real public transport solution for Forest Lake.''
Brisbane City Councillor Les Bryant (Richlands) said he had received very few calls from the local community to build a train station at Forest Lake.
"(The government) has made a decision that at this time they want to establish a station at Richlands,'' Cr Bryant said.
"There might be call for one at Ellen Grove in about five years. It would have to be viable and accessible.''


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CAST have put out a media release on the Darra to Springfield line and lack of stations.

See --> http://backontrack.org/mbs/index.php?topic=137.msg761#msg761


QuoteCommunity Action for Sustainable Transport ? Media Release ? 05 October 2007

Springfield Rail Line ? extra stations needed

CAST believe that people in Brisbane?s outer suburbs should have easy access to quality public transport.

Therefore CAST believe that as the State Government builds the heavy rail line from Darra to Springfield they must build the Ellen Grove and Springfield Lakes Railway Stations.

?These stations need to be built as the line is constructed, so people can use the train from these stations at the outset,? said CAST spokesperson Tristan Peach.

?Installing the stations at Ellen Grove and Springfield Lakes will put residents there in walking or cycling distance of a faster, safer and more convenient transport option than what is currently on offer,? said Mr Peach.

?Giving people in Ellen Grove and Springfield Lakes access to rail will mean they might not have to buy that second car, and young people in the area can develop healthy and safe transport habits by walking or cycling to their local train station,? said Mr Peach.

?This will also take pressure off local road networks, as people who normally drive to Gailes or Wacol Station, or who drive all the way to the city, will have a better option,? said Mr Peach.

Queensland Transport have recently stated these stations would be developed later on because these areas have low population densities and there would not be sufficient demand.

But CAST believe Queensland Transport?s approach will be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

?If you don?t give people access to quality public transport then of course they?re not going to use it,? said Mr Peach.

?Having easy access to quality public transport infrastructure can change people?s travel patterns and we believe it is definitely a case of build it and they will come,? said Mr Peach.

?The Goodwill Pedestrian Bridge and the Southeast Busway are both great examples of demand exceeding expectations,? said Mr Peach.

?We would also like to know whether Queensland Transport?s projections have taken into account rising fuel prices, which will lead to higher demand for public transport,? said Mr Peach.

The stations would also allow Ellen Grove and Springfield Lakes residents to access Springfield Town Centre, and workers in the Carole Park industrial area to get to work via train.

Currently a bus ride from Ellen Grove to the city can take between 50-60 minutes, but if residents are able to jump on the train they could get to the city in 30 minutes.
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Channel 7 Brisbane did a story on 6th October in their 6pm news bulletin.

Thanks Channel 7 it was a great piece of journalism.  Certainly captured and exposed the flawed position of Queensland Transport in their obstinate refusal to build the stations at Springfield Lakes and Ellen Grove right from the outset.

We will continue to seek a common sense outcome to this transport planning failure.

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See further media release

7 Oct 2007: Brisbane - Flawed Queensland Transport planning highlighted.

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Another reason why delays are costly.

This is another example of how flawed our long term infrastructure planning and implementation is.  Delays are costly, exactly why all stations should be built from the outset.

$300m blow-out for rail project

From Brisbanetimes  click here!

Quote$300m blow-out for rail project
Tony Moore | October 19, 2007 - 5:40AM

The State Government will be faced with a cost blow-out of more than $300 million to build a new passenger rail line to Springfield and widen the Centenary Highway.

And there is strong speculation the projects will not be finished by the original 2011 completion date.

Queensland Premier Anna Bligh said the government is soon to receive detailed costs for the two projects ? known as the Springfield Transport Corridor ? but two industry sources say the cost estimates have jumped from $840 million to at least $1.2 billion.

The 16 kilometre rail line will be Queensland newest passenger rail line.

The rising costs will make it more difficult for the State Government to add the new rail stations at Ellen Grove and Springfield Lakes, urgently requested by the local community.

The train line is set to start with stations at Richlands and Springfield only.
The South East Queensland Infrastructure plan estimates the cost of the rail line at $340 million.

The widening of the Centenary Highway from two lanes to four lanes from the Ipswich Motorway to Springfield at $500 million, bringing the twin projects to an estimated cost to $840 million.

However these costs were based on the train line running between two sets of two lanes of road that would make up the new Centenary Highway.

The design brief given to the project partners ?the Horizon Alliance ? is different, asking for the rail line to run on the southern side of the highway, in some places ripping up the existing road and building four new lanes on the northern side of the rail line.

The new Kelliher Road overpass at Richlands has space for the rail line on the southern side of the Centenary Highway.

A spokesman for Main Roads Minister Warren Pitt described the $500 million estimate as ?strategic?.

?The original estimate was a strategic estimate in 2006 before the current detailed planning,? he said.

?It was based on 1990s planning that had the rail line in the middle.?
He said the final costs were being finalised and declined to comment if the $500 million estimate was ?still viable.?

?It was a high-level cost estimate and more detailed costs are now being considered by Queensland Transport after considerable further design,? the spokesman said.

?Queensland Transport is in the final stages of the costing analysis, which includes a number of scoping options for the Darra to Springfield rail corridor.

More click here!
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