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New transit authority

Started by ozbob, October 09, 2007, 10:16:06 AM

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Bligh takes over public transport

From brisbanetimes  click here!

The State Government will set-up a new transit authority to co-ordinate all bus, train and ferry services in South-East Queensland.

Premier Anna Bligh told State Parliament this morning the new authority, to be set up by July next year, would be a "one-stop shop" for ticketing, scheduling, inquiries and customer complaints.

Currently, 17 different operators control South-East's Queensland's public transport services.

The State Government will seek the views of SEQ mayors and unions and run a public consultation process before announcing the structure of the new transit authority.

It may replace the existing Translink service, although details are only just now being released.

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Translink have failed to effectively integrate bus train and ferry services. 

Their feedback to customers has also been wanting.

RAIL Back On Track sees this as a great move forward.

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RAIL Back on Track Media release

South East Queensland:  New Transit Authority Welcome!

--> http://backontrack.org/mbs/index.php?topic=249.0

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The Honourable Anna Bligh


Patrons of public transport will benefit from the creation of one new authority to manage all public transport services in south east Queensland, Premier Anna Bligh and Minister for Transport John Mickel, announced today.

Ms Bligh said the new authority would make it simpler and easier for customers offering a one stop shop for scheduling, customer needs and complaints.

"This will be a serious and significant shake up of public transport services in the south east ," Ms Bligh said.

"The new authority will be more accountable to the needs of customers and have greater control over service delivery.

"At the moment there is a lot of confusion from the customer's point of view over who is responsible for public transport.

"Sometimes it is TransLink, sometimes it is the Brisbane City Council, sometimes it is QR or a private operator depending on where you live.

"We are going to create one authority to coordinate the myriad of 17 different bus, ferry and public transport service providers that currently service the region."

Ms Bligh said the State Government would seek the input of SEQ Mayors, unions and service providers on the development of the new authority.

She said a model for public consultation would be released and a new authority up and running by July next year.

"The new authority will have real grunt," Ms Bligh said.

"It will consolidate responsibility for public transport under one organisation, greatly improving accountability to the customer.

"For example, a transit authority will have greater freedom to redeploy resources, like buses, to different areas in South East Queensland as needed based on demand.

"It will also mean the introduction of complex, system wide initiatives such as real-time passenger information and smart card ticketing will be much smoother.

Queensland Rail passenger services - incorporating the Citytrain and TravelTrain division - will be structurally separated from QR's other operations.

The new entity will have primary responsibility for delivering improved rail passenger services and ensuring a renewed customer service focus for our passengers. Its services will be contracted by the new Transit Authority

The focus will be solely on passenger services - unlike current arrangements in which QR passenger services are just one part of a larger organisation incorporating other businesses such as freight and coal.

This will allow Queensland Rail to clearly delineate between their separate businesses and focus on their continued expansion into the national freight market.

Minister for Transport John Mickel said the State Government would look at a number of models for the new transit authority, with the different options to be presented to Cabinet.

"One option is the model used by Transport for London," he said.

"Transport for London ties together public transport in the London area through subsidiaries that operate different activities across the city such as bus, underground, light rail and so on.

"When appropriate, Transport for London also partners with commercial providers to deliver services where specialised expertise is required.

"This model has been very successful and is being considered by a number of other cities around the world such as Dublin."

Minister Mickel said a new transit authority would provide an opportunity for local government to have greater input in the transport decision making process.

"Local government has always been an important stakeholder when it comes to planning for public transport," Mr Mickel said.

"Providing local government with a direct say in how public transport is planned is one option under a new urban transit authority."

Ms Bligh said the new authority would build on the work already undertaken to improve public transport services in the region.

"We have allocated close to $10 billion over the next twenty years to improve public transport infrastructure in SEQ," she said.

"More than $950 million is being spent in the region on bus, train and ferry services this year alone.

"Four years ago we created Translink. Since then they have successfully implemented integrated ticketing, provided additional services including 500 new buses and are rolling out Smart Cards.

"Patronage has grown by more than 30% and trips have increased from 119 million trips per annum to more than 160 million trips per annum.

"However Translink does not undertake scheduling of services across the region.

"The new authority will be a one stop shop that will provide a better and improved service for customers."

9 October, 2007
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Whilst only the first step forward, let me give the Premier a pat on the back - a looonnnnngggggg overdue and glaringly obvious process commenced (kinda makes you wonder what every other "transport minister" has been doing for the past 10-15yrs).

We can only hope this new entity leads to REAL DECISION MAKING, not just 20yr timeframes for more studies and reports!!! ;)
SEQ, where our only "fast-track" is in becoming the rail embarrassment of Australia!   :frs:


My first BIG question re this new authority - is what role will QT continue to have - let's hope this is a new day for all and the Authority can make its own key decisions. ::)
SEQ, where our only "fast-track" is in becoming the rail embarrassment of Australia!   :frs:


Yes, the new Transit authority is focussed on public transport.  Not connected or imprinted with QT culture or style.  We have had enough of that, free of the old ways and ideas.

In fact, I think we should have a Minister for Public Transport.  Own department etc.

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Just listened to Lord Mayor Campbell Newman on 612 Radio Brisbane (ABC).  Refreshing to hear his support for this initiative. 

We agree Cr Newman, with the right board of management they can cut through and make our public transport the best.  The key is to continue the ramp up of infrastructure, manage and attract staff properly, look for high frequency services.  The environmental and energy considerations make this a major priority, as Government has now recognised.

Well done!


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From Brisbanetimes  click here!

QLD looks to London for public transport
Tony Moore | October 9, 2007 - 3:03PM

The State Government is looking at London's public transport network as one potential model for its new Transit Authority, which will manage all buses, trains and ferries in South-East Queensland.

Premier Anna Bligh this morning announced the dramatic shake-up of all public transport in south-east Queensland, telling reporters commuters were confused about who was responsible for public transport.

"Sometimes it is Translink, sometimes it is Brisbane City Council, sometimes it is Queensland Rail, or a private operator depending on where you live," she said.

Ms Bligh said the State Government looked around the world for models to adapt for South-East Queensland.

"We looked around the world. Transport for London is - we think - one of the best examples of how to manage a complex transport system," she said.

"Not only are we looking at transforming Translink into a new and more powerful statutory authority with a direct line straight to Government, this is the first time we have seen a restructure of Queensland Rail."

Currently there are 17 different operators providing public transport in South-East Queensland - each responsible for their own timetables and their own means of handling complaints.

The new Transit Authority will have a new name and specific paintwork and branding, Ms Bligh said.

The Premier - in her first day leading the Government in the State Parliament - said it was clear that public transport services were not well co-ordinated.

"Too often we see that those services don't necessarily connect easily with each other," Ms Bligh said.

"This new restructure is about ensuring integrational scheduling and providing a more powerful body that has the grunt to direct services where they need to be at peak hour, during major events and to considerably improve the integration and experience for passengers."

A model for public consultation will be announced soon and the new Transit Authority will be running by July 1, 2008.

Passenger rail services will be separated from Queensland Rail and instead be managed by the new Transit Authority as will Brisbane City Council's buses and ferry services.

Ms Bligh ruled out selling or "privatising" Queensland Rail.

Employees will remain working for the Brisbane City Council, or private companies but face new guidelines from Transit Authority

The plans means the State Government will begin talks with Brisbane City Council and 16 other providers on how the new Transit Authority should work.

"But we are determined to have a senior part of government with a direct voice to the Minister, who is overseeing the roll-out, the scheduling and the development of public transport," Ms Bligh said.

The new authority will not delay the much-expected pre-Christmas introduction of the Queensland Government's Smart Card system into South-East Queensland, Ms Bligh said.

"The Smart Card will continue to be rolled out in the same way as it would have been before," she said.

However Transport Minister John Mickel said he would meet tomorrow with Cubic, the firm that plans to introduce the Translink Smart Card.

Mr Mickel said he understood the card had already begun its roll-out at the Sunshine Coast and Redcliffe.

"But I want to reassure myself that before we get that full roll-out that this company is in a position to be able to deliver it."

The Opposition said the Smart Card had cost the State Government $100 million over five years and still was not up and running.
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So it looks like TransLink will be "transformed" into this new transit authority.

This means that it will still be part of QT - unless it is moved out as part of the process.
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Personal opinion, I would hope that the Transit Authority is moved out of Queensland Transport. Answerable through its board to the Minister, preferably a new portfolio  and department -->  Minister for Public Transport.

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At the moment, TransLink is headed by a General Manager who reports to the Director-General of Queensland Transport.

The most I can see happening in the long term is for this role to be upgraded to a Deputy Director-General.

Having said that though, we have in the past seen "crisis issues" result in their own portfolios or commissions being created (e.g. Child Safety, Energy and Queensland Water Commission).  I'm not sure if Public Transport has reached that "crisis" stage yet (although a lot of us would think so), but it would be good if an MP was given sole responsibility for the Transit Authority's establishment (i.e. its own Portfolio), which could then be absorbed back into QT or another portfolio once established.
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Interesting story at Brisbanetimes   click here!

Get outer suburbs onto trains: expert

Getting more people out of cars and onto trains in Brisbane's outer suburbs should be the focus of South-East Queensland's new public transport plan, an expert believes.

Griffith University's Urban Research Program has already identified high petrol costs and poor public transport as putting residents of Brisbane's outer suburbs at financial risk.

Dr Jago Dodson from the program said the State Government appeared to be taking a positive step to encourage more people onto the city's trains.   More here!

Also Brisbanetimes Blog  Do we need more train lines? here!
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brad C

In order to get people onto trains from the outer suburbs, incentives need to be given to intice people.
For example, genuine cheaper fares and 'early bird' special prices, as many drivers from the outer suburbs are 'blue collar' workers who do not necessarily travel to the CBD but who start early and finish early.
Look at the farcical new express services from the Sunshine Coast early in the morning which are empty from Caboolture as the majority of early morning commuters work at Geebung or Sunshine so they must transfer to the all stations at Caboolture anyway.
More all stops services in these early morning times from Caboolture would have been smarter rather than providing limited CBD commuters from Caboolture (an Petrie) with yet another express.
Car pooling by these suburban workers presents an attractive and cheaper alternative to individual fares so a 'four for 1' or similar also needs to be considered as a product.
Some younger (or fitter) blue collar workers ride their bikes to or from home or their place of work, and take their bikes on the train in the morning, only to be inconvenienced at 3.30pm on their way home when an over-zealous guard humiliates them off the train - talk about turning away customers!!
The other farce is the large number of workers in the Eagle Farm/ Aviation precinct who have no direct train or bus service so must of necessity drive!!
Consider a worker from Caboolture who works at Eagle farm. If this worker was to catch Public Transport they would need to train it to Toombul and then transfer to the Great Circl Line at Toombul to Eagle farm, or train it to Brunswick street and catch one of 2 morning BCC bus srvices to Pinkenba. Who are the academics kidding!!

Some pondering....

Brad c

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