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Cross River Rail Delivery Board

Started by ozbob, July 02, 2021, 01:08:25 AM

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Cross River Rail Delivery Board


FamilyName   GivenNames   PositionTitle   AppointmentStartDate   AppointmentEndDate

Director-General   Department of Transport and Main Roads   Ex-Officio   14-04-2017   01-01-2050
Director-General Department of the Premier and Cabinet Ex-Officio 14-04-2017 01-01-2050
Under Treasurer   Queensland Treasury   Ex-Officio   14-04-2017 01-01-2050
Deputy Director-General, Translink Department of Transport and Main Roads Member   14-04-2020 13-04-2023
Deputy Director-General, Innovation   Department of Tourism Innovation and Sport Member 14-04-202013-04-2023
Deputy Director-General, Infrastructure Management and Delivery   Department of Transport and Main Roads Member   02-10-2020 13-04-2023

Last updated:18/11/2020


Accessed 2 July 2021
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Call for proper public scrutiny of the Cross River Rail Delivery Authority

31st July 2020

Good Morning,

RAIL Back On Track Members are concerned that the Cross River Rail Delivery Authority (CRRDA) is not subject to the Right To Information Act 2009.

From  https://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/view/html/inforce/current/act-2009-013#sch.2

Reprint current from 18 November 2019 to date (accessed 28 July 2020 at 16:18)

Schedule 2

Entities to which this Act does not apply:

"the Cross River Rail Delivery Authority established under the Cross River Rail Delivery Authority Act 2016, section 8, in relation to its functions, except so far as they relate to community service obligations under that Act"

Further more the old Cross River Rail Delivery Authority Board was replaced with a board comprised of Senior Public Servants April 2020.
The current Cross River Rail Delivery Board was appointed on 14 April 2020.

Membership of the Board is:
Mr Damien Walker, Director-General, Department of State Development, Tourism and Innovation (Chair)
Mr Dave Stewart, Director-General, Department of the Premier and Cabinet
Ms Rachel Hunter, Under Treasurer, Queensland Treasury
Mr Neil Scales OBE, Director-General, Department of Transport and Main Roads
Ms Liza Carroll, Director-General, Department of Housing and Public Works
Dr Sarah Pearson, Deputy Director-General, Department of State Development, Tourism and Innovation
Mr Matthew Longland, Deputy Director-General, Department of Transport and Main Roads


We have concerns that the Board is no longer independent in our opinion.

The Department of the Premier and Cabinet Roles and responsibilities ( https://www.premiers.qld.gov.au/publications/categories/policies-and-codes/handbooks/welcome-aboard/public-employee-roles/responsibilities.aspx ) states where public service employees are members of Government Boards this in part:

" When appointed to a Government Board in an official capacity, the public service employee should be aware of the government's policy imperatives and should not present a personal opinion or position that is contrary to either the Minister's directives or the government's policy agenda. "

We are therefore rightly concerned that activities of the CRRDA are not subject to proper public scrutiny.  We call on all political parties to consider amending legislation to remove CRRDA from Schedule 2 of the RTI legislation and make it subject to proper scrutiny.

Consideration should also be given to replace the board with members, that are in our opinion, seen to be independent of the Government of the day.

There has been a recent history of major problems with rail and rail related projects in SEQ, expensive to fix.

The last thing we need is another one.

Best wishes,


Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track https://backontrack.org
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Others have identified issues with the make up of the CRR Delivery Board.

Cross River Rail Project Review of Challenges and Opportunities
Australian Institute for Progress 28 October 2020


" 3.5 Governance
The CRR project had an independent Board reporting to the Minister responsible for
Cross River Rail, however the Board was replaced by a board of senior public
servants in April 2020.

Independent governance arrangements need to be instituted for the CRR project to ensure
accountability and value for money.

Agree with this.
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Brisbanetimes --> Cross River Rail board to be sacked as Minister takes the reins  February 26, 2020

QuoteThe 10-member board overseeing the Cross River Rail project will be sacked within two months as Minister Kate Jones takes control to give herself more oversight ahead of the construction phase.

The contracts of the majority of the 10 current board members were due to expire in April, but they were told on Tuesday their contracts would not be renewed. ...



Government Statement: Stronger teeth for Cross River Rail Delivery Authority

26 February, 2020

Minister for Innovation and Tourism Industry Development and Minister for Cross River Rail
The Honourable Kate Jones

Minister for Cross River Rail Kate Jones today announced a major reform package to ensure contractual commitments on the Cross River Rail project are delivered as the project moves to the construction phase.

Ms Jones said her priority was to ensure that Pulse consortium and head contractor CPB Group complied fully with their contract with the State Government to deliver the largest infrastructure project in Queensland's history.

"Right now, CPB is trying to weasel its way out of its contract with the Victorian Government on the multi-billion-dollar West Gate Tunnel.

"Since coming into the role at the end of last year, I have been reviewing the structure of the Cross River Rail Delivery Authority.

"It is clear to me and to Cabinet that now we have moved from the procurement phase to the construction phase of the project we need to beef up compliance.

"Our government has made strong commitments to Queenslanders to deliver long-term benefits to the state's future through our record investment in infrastructure.

"This includes more jobs for locals, more training for young apprentices and trainees and better workplace health and safety, delivering real opportunities for local Queensland businesses to get contracts as well as fair industrial relations practices and environmental compliance.

"While the construction project is currently on track and on budget, it is early days.

"I want to ensure I have the right people with the right skills to deliver this project and hold CPB and Pulse Consortium to account.

"I'm not going to let CPB run roughshod over Queenslanders or the workers on this job."

Ms Jones today announced that Cabinet had agreed to the following reforms:

1. The Cross River Rail Delivery Authority will report directly to the Minister

2. A Compliance Unit will be established to ensure all commitments made by the contractor are met during the construction of the project

3. The board will be restructured once the current term expires in April this year, in line with the transition from procurement to construction

Ms Jones said Queensland will heed the lessons from southern states experiencing massive contractual disputes that were delaying vital infrastructure.

"We've seen delays on the Victorian Government's Melbourne Metro Tunnel project due to on-going disputes with the builder," she said.

"And we have all suffered with the NSW stadiums deal debacle that has seen timelines pushed out and the Grand Final being played at a cricket ground for up to three years."

Ms Jones said that the Compliance Unit would be established immediately.

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Queensland Government
Cabinet – March 2017

Appointment of members of the Cross River Rail Delivery Board
Deputy Premier, Minister for Transport and Minister for Infrastructure and Planning


1. The Cross River Rail Delivery Board is responsible for the Cross River Rail Delivery Authority, which will manage the Queensland Government's highest priority infrastructure project. The Cross River Rail Delivery Authority will lead the development, procurement and delivery of Cross River Rail and support wider economic and social outcomes from this transformational project.

2. The role of the Cross River Rail Delivery Board is to ensure the proper, efficient and effective performance of the Cross River Rail Delivery Authority's functions and decide its objectives, strategies and policies, as well as ensure that it complies with its strategic plan and operational plan under the Financial Accountability Act 2009. The Cross River Rail Delivery Board would also report to the Minister about the performance of the Cross River Rail Delivery Authority's functions. The Cross River Rail Delivery Board has the power to do anything necessary or convenient to be done in performing its functions, and may give a written direction to the chief executive officer about the performance of the officer's responsibilities.

3. Cabinet endorsed that the Honourable Paul Lucas be recommended to the Governor in Council for appointment as part-time deputy chairperson to the Cross River Rail Delivery Board for a term of three years.

4. Cabinet endorsed that Ms Lucy Snelling, Mr John Lee and Mr Mike Mrdak AO be recommended to the Governor in Council for appointment as part-time members to the Cross River Rail Delivery Board for a term of three years.

5. Attachments

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The Cross River Rail Delivery Board is token.  The changes in April 2020 effectively rendered it meaningless in my view.

QuoteMs Jones today announced that Cabinet had agreed to the following reforms:

1. The Cross River Rail Delivery Authority will report directly to the Minister

And the change to just a handful of token public servants to make up the board, who are effectively muzzled.  Not independent in any sense.

There are clearly issues with CRR.  There is a vacuum when it comes to operational details, the PR spin is all based on the construction activities etc.  which is relevant, but is only part of the story.   

There is no real mechanism for effective public scrutiny of CRR or its activities.  The QAG is another waste of space.  Requests to them in the past to examine both the seriously botched NGR project, and more recently CRR rejected.  Timely intervention would have saved hundreds of millions of dollars.  In the case of CRR, fixing up the operational deficits will be a lot more costly.
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Citizens Inquiry into Operational Deficiencies with CRR
Update: 4th July 2021
Cross River Rail Delivery Board - effective?

The Cross River Rail (CRR) Delivery Board membership is presently six Queensland Government Public Servants.

See Cross River Rail Delivery Board https://governmentbodies.premiers.qld.gov.au/BodyDisplay.aspx?Parameter=858

Until recently the membership details were also available on the CRR website at https://crossriverrail.qld.gov.au/about/our-people/
On the 9th June 2021 we highlighted the fact that details for the CRR Delivery Board as displayed then were out of the date.  The response from CRR was to remove the membership details and then hide the complete details and make available on request only.  Hardly transparent is it?

Appointment of members of the Cross River Rail Delivery Board was announced by Cabinet in March 2017  https://cabinet.qld.gov.au/documents/2017/Mar/ApptCRRD/Appointment%20of%20members%20of%20Cross%20River%20Rail%20Delivery%20Board.docx ).
The role of the Board was described as " ... the Cross River Rail Delivery Board is to ensure the proper, efficient and effective performance of the Cross River Rail Delivery Authority's functions and decide its objectives, strategies and policies, as well as ensure that it complies with its strategic plan and operational plan under the Financial Accountability Act 2009. The Cross River Rail Delivery Board would also report to the Minister about the performance of the Cross River Rail Delivery Authority's functions."  Membership then was four public servants and up to a further six independent members. ( https://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/view/html/inforce/current/act-2016-066#pt.3 ).

On the 26th February 2020 the then Minister for Innovation and Tourism Industry Development and Minister for Cross River Rail
The Honourable Kate Jones announced by statement ( https://statements.qld.gov.au/statements/89425 ) in part that " ... 1. The Cross River Rail Delivery Authority will report directly to the Minister 2. A Compliance Unit will be established to ensure all commitments made by the contractor are met during the construction of the project 3. The board will be restructured once the current term expires in April this year, in line with the transition from procurement to construction ".

As a result the independent members of the Board were dismissed, and the Board reformed with the six public servants.

Membership of the Board in July 2020 was:

Mr Damien Walker, Director-General, Department of State Development, Tourism and Innovation (Chair)
Mr Dave Stewart, Director-General, Department of the Premier and Cabinet
Ms Rachel Hunter, Under Treasurer, Queensland Treasury
Mr Neil Scales OBE, Director-General, Department of Transport and Main Roads
Ms Liza Carroll, Director-General, Department of Housing and Public Works
Dr Sarah Pearson, Deputy Director-General, Department of State Development, Tourism and Innovation
Mr Matthew Longland, Deputy Director-General, Department of Transport and Main Roads

We have concerns that the Cross River Rail Board is no longer independent in our opinion, and is limited in its ability to act.

The Department of the Premier and Cabinet Roles and responsibilities state in part ( https://www.premiers.qld.gov.au/publications/categories/policies-and-codes/handbooks/welcome-aboard/public-employee-roles/responsibilities.aspx ) where public service employees are members of Government Boards:

*** " When appointed to a Government Board in an official capacity, the public service employee should be aware of the government's policy imperatives and should not present a personal opinion or position that is contrary to either the Minister's directives or the government's policy agenda. " ***


RAIL Back On Track Members are also concerned that the Cross River Rail Delivery Authority (CRRDA) is not subject to the Right To Information Act 2009 except for very limited community service obligations.

From https://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/view/html/inforce/current/act-2009-013#sch.2

Reprint current from 1 April 21 to date accessed (4 July 2021 4.35am).

Schedule 2

Entities to which this Act does not apply:

"the Cross River Rail Delivery Authority established under the Cross River Rail Delivery Authority Act 2016, section 8, in relation to its functions, except so far as they relate to community service obligations under that Act"


We are therefore rightly concerned that activities of the CRRDA are not subject to proper public scrutiny.  We call on all political parties to consider amending legislation to remove CRRDA from Schedule 2 of the RTI legislation and make it subject to proper scrutiny, particularly for rail network operational details and how it impacts on citizens.

Consideration should also be given to replace the board with members, that are in our opinion, seen to be independent of the Government of the day, and have some operational rail and planning experience and qualifications. The changes to the Board to just a handful of token public servants to make up the board, who are effectively muzzled and are not independent in any sense is very concerning.

There has been a recent history of major problems with rail and rail related projects in SEQ, expensive to fix.

The last thing we need is another one which appears to be case with CRR because of the non-transparency with the operational details of the rail network when CRR is commissioned. There are clearly issues with CRR.  There is a vacuum when it comes to operational details, the public relations spin is all based on the construction activities etc.  which is relevant, but is only part of the story. 

There is no real mechanism for effective public scrutiny of CRR or its activities.

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track https://backontrack.org


Cross River Rail Delivery Authority Act 2016
Part 3 Cross River Rail Delivery Board https://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/view/html/inforce/current/act-2016-066#pt.3


Cross River Rail Delivery Authority Act 2016 — Explanatory Note
PDF https://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/view/pdf/bill.first.exp/bill-2016-098 Part 3 Board
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:-t Fares Fair.  There is much to write about hey?

It is interesting, if not disturbing, chronology.  Wouldn't it be nice to read the Board Meeting minutes?  Particularly with respect to the failure to resubmit an improved business case to Infrastructure Australia.  I think the lack of qualified personnel as Board Members with in-depth rail operational planning experience is now showing with the poor track layouts etc.  It is my personal view that there has also been a failure of Ministerial Leadership since 2017 with regards to CRR.  History is damning, and damned they are!

A real Board would be demanding that the CRRDA/Govt publish an updated SEQ rail network map for operations in 2025.  It is known and contained with the Concept of Operations document which is ' top secret ' ... parts of it obviously are not.  Why can Melbourne publish their network details for Metro Tunnel opening the same year as CRR? Every line has its network diagram too.  CRR cannot! 

They are treating us citizens of Queensland with contempt!

When you turn over Cross River Rail rocks, rats scuttle everywhere ....

"Buy me a ticket on the last train home tonight .."

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BrizCommuter: Cross River Rail - Board Stupid!

Quote... As you can see, CRR's Project Board is 100% Queensland senior public servant "yes men". Not even the rail operator Queensland Rail is represented on the Board. Thus there is absolutely no one on the Project Board who is likely to question the disastrous direction in which CRR is heading. The Cross River Rail Delivery Authority is also exempt from most Right To Information requests.

Unless the CRR Project Board pick their head out from the sand, then expect a Commission of Inquiry into Cross River Rail Fail sometime after its opening in the mid-2020s.
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Quote from: ozbob on July 05, 2021, 00:25:45 AM
:-t Fares Fair.  There is much to write about hey?

It is interesting, if not disturbing, chronology.  Wouldn't it be nice to read the Board Meeting minutes?  Particularly with respect to the failure to resubmit an improved business case to Infrastructure Australia.  I think the lack of qualified personnel as Board Members with in-depth rail operational planning experience is now showing with the poor track layouts etc.  It is my personal view that there has also been a failure of Ministerial Leadership since 2017 with regards to CRR.  History is damning, and damned they are!

A real Board would be demanding that the CRRDA/Govt publish an updated SEQ rail network map for operations in 2025.  It is known and contained with the Concept of Operations document which is ' top secret ' ... parts of it obviously are not.  Why can Melbourne publish their network details for Metro Tunnel opening the same year as CRR? Every line has its network diagram too.  CRR cannot! 

They are treating us citizens of Queensland with contempt!

When you turn over Cross River Rail rocks, rats scuttle everywhere ....

"Buy me a ticket on the last train home tonight .."



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