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Network Plan 2011 released

Started by somebody, October 14, 2011, 17:01:57 PM

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It seems that the plan promises almost no improved services at all.  The Garden City-Carindale-DFO route is done, as is the improved service to Carindale & Buranda (222).  Aspley (not sure why, unless it is more 340s or maybe 335s?), UQ Lakes and the North West Corridor are the only real upgrades planned.


sigh, some times it feels like upgrades are staggered for maximum political gain. I really don't understand why nothing has been done to fix bulimba, very similar demographics to new farm, throw T3 lanes on wynnum road and it would take as long as the 199 does to get to the city, Still no western suburbs upgrades (what party holds them). There are still way to many holes in the network.

Also Lol at how they have made it look like the 200/222 are completely separate on the map as if to justify there existance.
"Where else but Queensland?"


Hugely disappointing. Possibly even less service improvements than the last two years, and 15 minutes off-peak services on trains are dead in the water.


Wow! It looks like they copied Transitmaps et al in the report!!  :-w  :is-  ;D

Good to see the Core Frequent Network finally making it in. Focus on the core.
When that's done, upgrade the feeder services, shorten some of the direct city routes to boost the frequency.

Trains need fixing up- badly.

I think overall, despite what people might think, this is very good. 15 minutes to Darra, the 590 is in, BUZ 196 / BUZ 412 / BUZ 120/ BUZ 180 / BUZ 100. I'm happy :)

Bring on 2012 upgrades!!
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


Glaringly the Rail network didn't get too much... Core Frequent Network is mode blind--- note the map--- no sign of the train system.... that's because most of it is invisible...

Trains must be fixed.
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


I cannot imagine how they are going to fit anymore buses into UQ Lakes without an urgent upgrade.

And it's interesting to note that the release of the Network Plan really flew under the radar. No fanfare, no media statement, nothing. Really reflects on the content though. There's no real plan to do anything. It's quite funny to see some of the "future improvements" mentioned which have already happened.

For the record, the seat of Mt Ommaney is a marginal Labor seat. Perhaps we'll see some action with a BUZ route in the area sometime early in the new year?


This release is laughable compared to what they were publishing in 2005.  Half of it is spin and patting-self-on-the-back - virtually no detail at all.  We really need to campaign for them to be more transparent.

In Canberra, their indicative plan shows ALL future bus routes as far as 2031, as near as they can be defined/estimated - including levels of service and operating hours.

Here, we get bupkis.
Ride the G:


Quote from: SurfRail on October 15, 2011, 05:55:24 AM
This release is laughable compared to what they were publishing in 2005.  Half of it is spin and patting-self-on-the-back - virtually no detail at all.  We really need to campaign for them to be more transparent.

In Canberra, their indicative plan shows ALL future bus routes as far as 2031, as near as they can be defined/estimated - including levels of service and operating hours.

Here, we get bupkis.

Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Quote from: SurfRail on October 15, 2011, 05:55:24 AM
This release is laughable compared to what they were publishing in 2005.  Half of it is spin and patting-self-on-the-back - virtually no detail at all.  We really need to campaign for them to be more transparent.

In Canberra, their indicative plan shows ALL future bus routes as far as 2031, as near as they can be defined/estimated - including levels of service and operating hours.

Here, we get bupkis.

old politicians like the element of surprise though, that way they can have big press releases.
"Where else but Queensland?"


Quote from: ozbob on October 15, 2011, 05:56:58 AM
Quote from: SurfRail on October 15, 2011, 05:55:24 AM
This release is laughable compared to what they were publishing in 2005.  Half of it is spin and patting-self-on-the-back - virtually no detail at all.  We really need to campaign for them to be more transparent.

In Canberra, their indicative plan shows ALL future bus routes as far as 2031, as near as they can be defined/estimated - including levels of service and operating hours.

Here, we get bupkis.

+2. With the qualification that we got one page referring to service improvements, most of which have already been done.

Perhaps the UQ Lakes upgrade they are referring to is the already done 29?  That makes it even worse.


Having read through the entire document one must question the level of inteligence of those who compiled it, effectively it says nothing that has not been said previously and in fact selectively omits a number of points that previous documents had included but which were not followed through and provided.
More spin and a further waste of both paper and the public purse by an incompetent and duplicit government that is sufficently delusional to think that the people of this state are a collection of mugs who will believe any espousals made when the track record is lots of talk and no action, sadly particularly true in relation to public transport and the infrastructure needed to provide and support it.


Media release 16 October 2011

SEQ: 2011 TransLink Network Plan – is it a plan?

RAIL Back On Track (http://backontrack.org) a web based community support group for rail and public transport and an advocate for public transport passengers has raised concerns about the transparency of public transport network planning in South-East Queensland.

Robert Dow, Spokesman for RAIL Back On Track said:

"While we do welcome the late public release of the 2011 TransLink Network Plan (TNP) (1), we have reservations about its content and the time taken to release it. A plan for a particular year should be released in advance of that year - financial or calendar (2)."

"The TNP contains much information that belongs in an annual report, only a few pages directly relate to planning. Of those, only a few words relate to upgrades which can feasibly be delivered between now and the end of 2011-12 when the plan is supposedly expired."

"The 2011 TNP hints at network improvements in the near future, but contains no specific details of upgrades, time-frame on delivery or measures to be taken to implement the patronage goals required to support the South East Queensland Regional Plan."

"As with the 2010 TNP, we are concerned that this is little more than a glossy brochure, which tells us little about what TransLink is actually planning for the region apart from some tantalising snapshots."

"We call on TransLink to commit to transparency and forward thinking in its planning and more detail up front for all modes, ferry, bus and rail.  Previous versions of the TNP for example in 2005, contained extremely detailed proposals for route designs and upgrades, together with implementation time-frames.  Now, it is virtually impossible to determine what TransLink's vision is for our network in the short-term."

"TransLink should release more details of its plans for the network in the 2011/2012 financial year, including planned improvements, estimated delivery time-frames and how new infrastructure such as the Northern Busway will be used to deliver better services."

"Pages of self praise and 'spin' presented as a 'plan' do little for the public confidence."


1. http://translink.com.au/resources/about-translink/reporting-and-publications/network-plan-2011.pdf

2. http://railbotforum.org/mbs/index.php?topic=6853.0


Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track http://backontrack.org
Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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