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Article: Warning to speak out or miss out!!

Started by Sunbus610, June 07, 2011, 10:06:55 AM

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Quote'Warning to speak out or 'miss out'
Caloundra Journal
5 June 2011 @ 06:00am by Sherine Conyers

The Sunshine Coast is not locked out on transport planning but it might be locked out of immediate funding if it doesn't speak out that's the message from Infrastructure Australia (IA) on freight, transport and road issues affecting the Sunshine Coast.

IA national infrastructure co-ordinator Michael Deegan (pictured) said that shouldn't stop residents from telling the team what they want fixed.

With the Federal Government allocating $36 billion to infrastructure works over the next four years and the country crying out for between $300-400 billion IA's job is to advise the Federal Government on where that money will be best spent.

The Journal contacted IA after it was revealed Sunshine Coast commuters were so desperate to get their rail services improved, and so disillusioned by the State Government, that they started investigating freight issues to see if they could get the Commonwealth Government to intervene.

For more on this article >>> CALOUNDRA JOURNAL

Also visit http://www.infrastructureaustralia.gov.au/ or contact mail@infrastructure australia.gov.au
Proud to be a Sunshine Coaster ..........


''The reality is, for the next
four years of Commonwealth
funding, in the transport infrastructure
space there is
$36 billion, but the demands
are at least $300-400 billion so
we've got a ''disconnect'' between
what the people need
and want and the capacity
for the country to pay,'' Mr
Deegan said."

''There is not a magic pudding
where you can just come
and get more money.

I can think up a lot of places where HSR money would be better spent...
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


I lodged a submission with Infrastructure Australia on 29th April.

It is all here in a post.

I would certainly allow Rail Back on Track people to read it and use it in whole or part to make a submission to IA.


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