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Community Action for Sustainable Transport (CAST)

Started by ozbob, June 30, 2007, 08:14:07 AM

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CAST continues to add constructively to the calls for sustainable transport solutions.
Their release on 27th June is very worthwhile.
"Fast track rail improvements for Southeast Queensland"

Well done CAST!

Check it out here --->  http://sustainable-transport.blogspot.com/

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Another great commentary over at CAST

Housing, transport and planning in southeast Queensland

--> http://sustainable-transport.blogspot.com/

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Thanks to CAST for their continued support for sustainable transport solutions.


Community Action for Sustainable Transport ? Media Release ? 05 October 2007

Springfield Rail Line ? extra stations needed

CAST believe that people in Brisbane?s outer suburbs should have easy access to quality public transport.

Therefore CAST believe that as the State Government builds the heavy rail line from Darra to Springfield they must build the Ellen Grove and Springfield Lakes Railway Stations.

?These stations need to be built as the line is constructed, so people can use the train from these stations at the outset,? said CAST spokesperson Tristan Peach.

?Installing the stations at Ellen Grove and Springfield Lakes will put residents there in walking or cycling distance of a faster, safer and more convenient transport option than what is currently on offer,? said Mr Peach.

?Giving people in Ellen Grove and Springfield Lakes access to rail will mean they might not have to buy that second car, and young people in the area can develop healthy and safe transport habits by walking or cycling to their local train station,? said Mr Peach.

?This will also take pressure off local road networks, as people who normally drive to Gailes or Wacol Station, or who drive all the way to the city, will have a better option,? said Mr Peach.

Queensland Transport have recently stated these stations would be developed later on because these areas have low population densities and there would not be sufficient demand.

But CAST believe Queensland Transport?s approach will be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

?If you don?t give people access to quality public transport then of course they?re not going to use it,? said Mr Peach.

?Having easy access to quality public transport infrastructure can change people?s travel patterns and we believe it is definitely a case of build it and they will come,? said Mr Peach.

?The Goodwill Pedestrian Bridge and the Southeast Busway are both great examples of demand exceeding expectations,? said Mr Peach.

?We would also like to know whether Queensland Transport?s projections have taken into account rising fuel prices, which will lead to higher demand for public transport,? said Mr Peach.

The stations would also allow Ellen Grove and Springfield Lakes residents to access Springfield Town Centre, and workers in the Carole Park industrial area to get to work via train.

Currently a bus ride from Ellen Grove to the city can take between 50-60 minutes, but if residents are able to jump on the train they could get to the city in 30 minutes.
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Feds must buy back Brisbane Air Train

Community Action for Sustainable Transport Media Release 9 October 2007

The Federal Government should buy back Brisbane?s Air Train and contribute funds to fast-track rail extensions from Petrie to Kippa-Ring, Beerwah to Maroochydore, Robina to Cooloongatta and Springfield to Ipswich.

Community Action for Sustainable Transport (CAST) and a national coalition of public transport users groups are sending a message to all Federal political parties that it?s time for them to get serious about funding urban public transport.

The groups believe it is in the interests of human health, the economy and the environment for the Federal Government to provide major funding for urban public transport projects.

On Tuesday 9 October CAST are leading the Queensland launch of ?Moving Australians Sustainably: transport policy in the national interest', a document prepared by the Victorian Public Transport Users Association which highlights the economic, social and environmental imperatives for the Federal Government to put major funding into urban public transport.

Executive summary http://www.ptua.org.au/federal/moving_summary.html

Full report http://www.ptua.org.au/federal/moving_australians-web.pdf

?A Federal Government that is serious about reducing congestion, greenhouse emissions, obesity and Australia ?s growing trade deficit would be funding urban public transport,? said CAST spokesperson Tristan Peach.

?Historically the Feds have spent the vast majority of transport funding on roads, but it is time for them to take a balanced approach to ensure that Australians have access to affordable transport options,? said Mr Peach.

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Rudd a dud on transport

Community Action for Sustainable Transport Inc. Media Release 17 October 07

A group advocating sustainable transport is outraged at Kevin Rudd?s short-sighted and counter productive approach to funding transport in southeast Queensland .

Community Action for Sustainable Transport (CAST) have called on Rudd to immediately withdraw the proposed funding for the Northern Link tunnel in Brisbane ($500 million), Pacific Motorway upgrade ($455 million) and Ipswich Motorway upgrade ($1.1 billion).

?For this amount of money we could have 182 new train carriages to deal with overcrowding issues and to accommodate for the huge increases in patronage that will occur as fuel prices increase,? said CAST spokesperson Tristan Peach

?The ALP?s transport approach is totally flawed and socially inequitable, and will lead to increased congestion, pollution and car dependence at a time when fuel prices are rapidly rising and transport related greenhouse emissions are a huge concern,? said Mr Peach.

?We need major Federal investment in sustainable transport so we can deal with current public transport capacity issues and make it easier for people to walk and cycle,? said Mr Peach.

?Mr Rudd has demonstrated a complete lack of vision, we believe that the money would be far better spent on sustainable transport projects such as buying more train carriages, buying back Brisbane?s Airtrain and extending rail lines from Petrie to Kippa Ring, Beerwah to Maroochydore, Robina to Cooloongatta and Springfield to Ipswich,? said Mr Peach.

?And our cities need comprehensive bikeway networks, not wider roads,? said Mr Peach.

?Labor say they want to ease gridlock, but their policies will increase it,? said Mr Peach.

?This is climate change hypocrisy from Labor ? acting like they?re concerned but then adopting policy that will make it worse,? said Mr Peach.

?If Rudd is genuine about his supposed concern for working families then he would be investing money in affordable transport solutions for our suburbs, rather than keeping people in their cars,? said Mr Peach.

?The best way to save lives on the Ipswich Motorway is to give people a better option to driving ? putting more cars and trucks on the road does not make it safer,? said Mr Peach.

CAST --->  http://sustainable-transport.blogspot.com/
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RAIL Back On Track supports CAST with these calls.  Public transport is a far more important priority.

Good work CAST!

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Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Media 20 Nov

Better public transport essential to combat global warming

This statement has been jointly issued and supported by these State organisations:

- Community Action for Sustainable Transport Queensland
- Public Transport Users Association Victoria
- Action for Public Transport NSW
- People for Public Transport SA
- Sustainable Transport Coalition WA
- ACT Transit Group ACT

An alliance of State transport lobby groups has urged the major political parties to commit to funding public and rail freight transport at a national level. This commitment must be an integral part of a cost-effective and energy-efficient greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction strategy.

The latest report from the International Panel on Climate Change indicates that the next Australian Government must take urgent and decisive action to avoid the destructive and irreversible impacts of climate change.

If Australia is to commit to achieving significant reductions in emissions by 2020 at the Bali conference in December, it will need to start planning now for a substantial reduction in emissions from transport.

"Transport accounts for 36% of household GHG emissions, and over 14% of total
national emissions. Most commuters know we need to fight global warming, but they want attractive transport options to encourage them to leave their cars at home and
walk, cycle or use public transport regularly," said spokesperson David White.

"Governments have to provide those options. Spending billions of dollars on new roads and tunnels will not solve the problem of congestion. It just means that we are not serious about confronting the issue of climate change. Cities overseas where more than 20% of trips are made by public transport have much lower per capita greenhouse emissions than Australian cities," Mr White said.

The major parties have a short-sighted belief that building more roads and tunnels will reduce traffic congestion. But experience has shown that new roads generate more traffic. And more cars mean higher carbon emission levels and accelerated global warming.

The transport groups say that Federal Governments cannot avoid responsibility for funding public and rail freight transport funding by claiming that public and rail freight transport is a State responsibility. As global warming is a national issue that requires a national solution, then Federal funding policy should require the States to meet strict performance, energy and environmental criteria.

New sustainable transport initiatives are required now. Low cost solutions like dedicated bike and bus lanes can be created immediately. New rolling stock, off-road bikeways and freight and passenger rail lines could be constructed and operating successfully within 5 years if balanced Federal transport funding is made available now.

Australia is the only developed country that does not provide direct federal funding of urban public transport, despite a recent survey revealing that 83 per cent of voters support federal funding being introduced.

If Australia is to avoid runaway climate change successfully, high quality public and rail freight transport must be a key part of the solution. We strongly urge the major parties to commit to funding rail freight and public transport at a national level as a matter of urgency.
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RAIL Back On Track also supports the statement Better public transport essential to combat global warming (above) from CAST and others.

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