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SEQ TransLink bus fleet

Started by ozbob, September 13, 2023, 09:44:46 AM

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Palaszczuk Government puts Queensland bus manufacturing in motion
13th September 2023


Premier and Minister for the Olympic and Paralympic Games
The Honourable Annastacia Palaszczuk

Treasurer and Minister for Trade and Investment
The Honourable Cameron Dick

Minister for Transport and Main Roads and Minister for Digital Services
The Honourable Mark Bailey

Minister for Regional Development and Manufacturing and Minister for Water
The Honourable Glenn Butcher

. The Palaszczuk Government is backing Queensland bus manufacturers, with a plan to build 200 buses in the Sunshine State

. The contract will ensure the 200 buses are produced in Queensland to support local jobs and manufacturing.

. The plan is backed by a $134 million initial investment.

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has today announced a plan to build 200 buses in Queensland, backing local jobs, skills and training.

An initial $134 million investment will drive the plan, with the Department of Transport and Main Roads currently undertaking an independent procurement process.

It is expected the plan will restore Queensland's bus manufacturing sector, which has been subject to significant pressures due to low order volumes.

Through the $134 million investment, the Palaszczuk Government is expected to support hundreds of local jobs.

The buses will be fully accessible to ensure all Queenslanders have access to public transport, including people in a wheelchair, and people travelling with luggage or prams.

Once built, the buses will be owned by the state and operated by Transport and Main Roads.

The buses will also support transporting rail passengers during periods of disruption or planned track maintenance.

Quotes attributable to Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk:

"This is an investment in Queenslanders and the future of our skilled manufacturing sector.

"We know that when we build here in Queensland, we are supporting local workers, local suppliers and the next generation of skilled bus builders.

"We make no apologies for backing Queensland workers – whether it's trains or buses, they are built better when they're built by Queenslanders.

"I look forward to the procurement process coming to an end and the appointment of a bus builder soon after."

Quotes attributable to Treasurer Cameron Dick:

"When Brisbane City Council made the decision to build its new Metro bus fleet overseas, Queensland manufacturing workers missed out.

"The Palaszczuk Labor Government will always support local manufacturers and local workers to ensure automotive manufacturing remains a strong part of Queensland's diverse economy."

Quotes attributable to Transport Minister Mark Bailey:

"We make no apologies for stipulating these buses must be built here in Queensland to support local jobs and help to ensure the ongoing viability of bus manufacturing in our state.

"The procurement will specify that the first buses delivered will meet Euro-Six emissions standards, which run with 83 per cent fewer emissions than current diesel buses on our network.

"At least a quarter of the buses delivered as part of this procurement will be Zero Emissions Buses which will support the Palaszczuk Government's commitment that all new buses towards a zero emissions fleet.

"Getting commuters to and from home is a big job and we'll need a big fleet to support that work, as well as help keep rail customers moving during construction works.

"The procurement process is being finalised and we will continue to keep industry in the loop."

Quotes attributable to the Minister for Regional Development and Manufacturing Glenn Butcher:

"This is another example of how the Palaszczuk Government is bolstering our manufacturing sector– delivering good jobs and the services we need to support a growing Queensland.

"200 buses will be built in Queensland by Queenslanders, which is absolutely fantastic.

"By putting jobs and opportunities in Queenslanders' hands, the Palaszczuk Government is investing in the local workforce for generations to come.

"This Government supports Queensland manufacturers every day of the week."


The Palaszczuk Government will commit $134 million to build 200 buses as part of a new Queensland built bus fleet.
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^ This is promising.  The fleet used to deliver State contracted bus services should be a State owned asset and procured centrally so we get economies of scale, consistent standard of vehicle etc all throughout the State.  No more cottage purchases based on each operator's own preference or convenience.  Electrification is the perfect opportunity for this to happen as the State is going to have to be involved in rolling out charging infrastructure and supporting that with upgrades to the grid.
Ride the G:


Quote"When Brisbane City Council made the decision to build its new Metro bus fleet overseas, Queensland manufacturing workers missed out.

Well, that's an untruth isn't it? BCC called for competitive tenders, didn't they?

How can you miss out on something QLD doesn't even have the facilities to produce? Is the bi-arctic vehicle even legal to drive on State Roads outside of the BCC LGA?
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


What's the reason its not 100% of the new buses being electric?


^^ Possibly due to the local manufacturers not having the manufacturing capacity at present to deliver an order of this size in 100% electric buses? Or possibly due to operational constraints caused by the so far limited recharging infrastructure that has been built?

At least they are including a set percentage of electric vehicles and, the way I'm reading it, that 25% minimum may be increased.

QuoteOnce built, the buses will be owned by the state and operated by Transport and Main Roads.

Does this mean Dept Main Roads will become an bus operator in their own right?


QuoteDoes this mean Dept Main Roads will become an bus operator in their own right?

Worth following up.
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


Queensland Parliament Hansard


Ministerial Statements

Manufacturing, Buses

Hon. MC BAILEY (Miller—ALP) (Minister for Transport and Main Roads and Minister for Digital
Services) (9.55 am): We need to make more things here in Queensland. The Palaszczuk Labor
government backs our manufacturing industry and its skilled workers. That is why we are backing our
manufacturing industry with a $134 million initial investment in 200 Queensland-made buses. Like our
Queensland-made trains—

Mr Nicholls interjected.

Mr Minnikin interjected.

Mr SPEAKER: Member for Clayfield and member for Chatsworth.

Mr BAILEY:—these new Queensland-made buses will be built by Queenslanders for

Mr Nicholls interjected.

Mr Dick interjected.

Mr SPEAKER: Treasurer, your interjections are not helping. Member for Clayfield, you are
warned under the standing orders. I did try to caution you.

Mr BAILEY: When we came to government, manufacturing industry support was cut and jobs
and contracts were sent overseas. This Premier and this government have turned that around. The
manufacturing industry is growing and now employs more than 180,000 Queenslanders. Our new
Queensland-made bus procurement, announced today, will support more than 100 Queensland
manufacturing jobs right here in Brisbane. We are backing workers in the bus manufacturing sector. It
will also provide further benefits down the manufacturing supply chain.

It was this Palaszczuk Labor government that brought train manufacturing back to Maryborough,
and it is this Labor government that is boosting bus manufacturing right here in our state. These lower
emission buses will also keep our rail passengers moving while the big build on our rail network progresses. The buses will be publicly owned to boost the rail replacement fleet, given the significant
rail infrastructure works underway as part of our rail revolution. We currently rely on contracted bus
services to support passengers during track and station closures for accessibility and general upgrades.
Queensland-made publicly owned busses will provide additional capacity to ensure public transport
users can get to where they need to go.

The new order will start with buses that meet the Euro 6 emission standard to help meet demand,
with later buses transitioning to zero-emission buses. The new locally made buses using Euro 6

Mr Minnikin interjected.

Mr BAILEY: Those opposite do not support manufacturing here in our state. It is very sad.

Honourable members interjected.

Mr SPEAKER: Order, members!

Mr BAILEY: They have learned nothing—absolutely nothing. The new locally made buses using
Euro 6 technology can achieve—

Mr Crisafulli interjected.

Mr BAILEY: The Leader of the Opposition interjects and he sent the trains overseas to be made.
That is his record. The new locally made buses, using Euro 6 technology, can achieve 83 per cent
fewer emissions than the existing diesel bus fleet. Transport and Main Roads and its partners are
currently developing the required infrastructure to support charging capabilities for zero-emission buses
at depots across South-East Queensland. When this zero-emission supporting infrastructure is ready,
this order will transition to zero-emission buses, supporting our renewable transport revolution. We will
also be able to use these lower emission buses to modernise the fleet in our regions and reduce
emissions, while zero-emission infrastructure continues to be developed in regional Queensland. The
newer low-emission Queensland-made buses will be accessible to ensure all passengers have access
to public transport, including people who use a wheelchair, people with luggage, parents with prams
and, of course, our senior citizens.

We also know that the Brisbane City Council has a need for more buses in the short term. We
have extended an offer to council to be part of this procurement, because we want to see more
Queensland-made buses on our roads. The procurement approach for the new buses is currently being
finalised by the Department of Transport and Main Roads. I look forward to seeing our bus
manufacturing industry benefit from the Palaszczuk government's big bus build. Whether it is trains in
Maryborough or buses in Brisbane, they are better when they are made in Queensland.
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Minister's response to my query on Facebook indicates this new fleet will be publicly operated.

It seems a bit like the StationLink fleet built up in NSW to support the Epping - Chatswood shutdown and conversion before Sydney Metro started running, although that was 2 separate fleets jointly managed by 2 existing private operators.

My ideal outcome I think would be that the fleet is not publicly operated, at least in the long run, but forms the nucleus of a new government owned fleet which is supplied to the existing contractors to replace life expired vehicles or grow the fleet (ie operators no longer source their own vehicles).  The SEQ contractors would also eventually be required to supply vehicles for shutdowns.  All the way it happens in Perth and WA already.
Ride the G:


Couriermail --> State government accused of backflip on target for zero emissions buses $

QuoteThe state government has been accused of sensationally backflipping on its own flagship zero emission bus policy, with the Brisbane City Council slamming it as "an embarrassing own-goal".

On Wednesday Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk announced a plan to build 200 new buses in the state, framing it as a bid to "restore Queensland's bus manufacturing sector".

"(The sector) has been subject to significant pressures due to low order volumes," a government statement read, pledging $134m in initial investment.

But while the state government had previously pledged new buses added to the southeast Queensland fleet needed to be zero-emission by 2025, Transport Minister Mark Bailey said: "At least a quarter of the buses delivered as part of this procurement will be zero emissions buses."

Brisbane Civic Cabinet Chair for Transport Ryan Murphy accused the government of a "botched policy", and said the industry had pleaded with the government that the target was unachievable. ...
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Queensland Parliament Hansard


Questions Without Notice

Manufacturing, Buses

Mr BLEIJIE: My question is to the Premier. The government announced it will roll out a new fleet
of 150 diesel buses despite promising all new buses would be electrified from 2025. Is the Labor
government walking away from its commitment to electrify new buses from 2025 and has this
announcement been affected by the well-reported cost overruns occurring on Minister Bailey's watch?

Ms PALASZCZUK: We are happy to build buses and build trains in Queensland.

Opposition members interjected.

Ms PALASZCZUK: No, no, no. That is right: we are happy to do that. We know those opposite
do not support building things in Queensland.

Mr Dick: Schrinner sent them overseas.

Ms PALASZCZUK: That is right. Where is the Lord Mayor building buses? The LNP Lord Mayor
is building them overseas.

Mr Bleijie interjected.

Mr SPEAKER: The member for Kawana will cease his interjections.

Ms PALASZCZUK: Where do the opposition build trains? Overseas. Where are we building

Government members: In Maryborough!

Ms PALASZCZUK: In Maryborough. That is right. This month is Manufacturing Month and we
have a manufacturing minister. Here we want to build things locally. We want to make things locally.
We want to make sure that there are jobs here locally, unlike those opposite who have no plans to build
things here in Queensland.

Honourable members interjected.

Mr SPEAKER: Pause the clock. Minister Bailey, you will cease your interjections. Member for
Bonney will cease his interjections. The member for Gympie and the member for Logan can stop going
back and forwards or you will be warned under the standing orders.

Ms PALASZCZUK: We know that those opposite have no plans to make things in Queensland,
but we will absolutely continue to make sure that buses are made here and also that trains are made
in Maryborough.

Mr BLEIJIE: Mr Speaker, I rise to a point of order with respect to relevance under standing order
118(b). My question was: has the government given up on its electric bus fleet and is this as a result of
Minister Bailey's continual budget blowouts?

Mr SPEAKER: The Premier has made reference to that. I will ask you to come back to the
question as asked.

Ms PALASZCZUK: We will never give up on manufacturing here in Queensland. We are
absolutely proud of our manufacturing. I am also advised by the transport department that there will be
an ability for the order to transition to zero-emission buses.


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Once again - the end of 2025 is more than 2 years away.  There's no point buying buses where the charging infrastructure (including upgrades to the wider grid) does not yet exist.
Ride the G:


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Australasian Bus & Coach --> Queensland government to invest $134m in local bus production

QuoteQueensland premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has announced a plan to build 200 buses in Queensland, with a $134 million investment designed to back local jobs, skills and training.

The initial investment will drive the plan, with the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) currently undertaking an independent procurement process for the buses.

The plan is expected to restore Queensland's bus manufacturing sector, which has been subject to significant pressures due to low order volumes.

The $134 million investment is designed to support hundreds of local jobs. ...

... Once built, the buses will be owned by the state and operated by Transport and Main Roads.

The buses will also support transporting rail passengers during periods of disruption or planned track maintenance. ...
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Queensland Parliament Questions on Notice


Question on Notice
No. 143
Asked on 5 March 2024



With reference to the future SEQ TransLink bus fleet—

Will the Minister provide the forecast total fleet size and the number of buses in the fleet that will
be zero-emission for each year between 2025 and 2050?


I thank the Member for Burleigh for the question.

Following the 20 February 2024 announcement that more than 400 zero emission buses will be
built in Queensland, the Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) has commenced
preparation work for the Zero Emission Bus Program to ensure a smooth transition from the
current diesel bus fleet to a zero-emission bus fleet. This ongoing work will inform the final number
of zero emission buses that will be procured.

TMR also continuously evaluates factors that influence overall fleet size, such as population
growth and the potential impact of major events such as the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and
Paralympic Games. Such factors are dynamic and require the continuous assessment and
adjustment of future fleet requirements, so that evolving community demands are met while
advancing towards our sustainability goals. The future fleet size forecast is pending these
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Queensland Parliament Questions on Notice


Question on Notice
No. 189
Asked on 6 March 2024



With reference to the government's announcement of 20 February 2024 for the delivery of 400
new buses—
Will the Minister advise (a) when the first bus is expected to enter service, (b) when the full
complement of 400 buses will be delivered and (c) how many of the 400 buses will be for
replacement of existing buses in the fleet and how many are for fleet expansion?


I thank the Member for Scenic Rim for the question.

The Miles Government is committed to net zero emissions by 2050. To contribute to this goal,
from 2025, all new urban buses will be zero emission. This means that over the next few decades,
the Department of Transport and Main Roads will replace the existing 2500 diesel and
Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) fleet with zero emission buses.

(a) A total of 79 battery electric buses are already operating on the Translink network. The first
vehicle under the most recent announcement is expected to be delivered in 2025, and will
enter service following a period of testing, with more defined timing dependent on the
outcomes of the bus supply procurement later this year.

(b) The full complement of buses (first tranche) is expected to be delivered over the duration
of the bus supply contract, in line with an optimal bus replacement profile. The contract term
for the bus supply may vary depending on the capacity of the bus manufacturing industry
to ramp up to supply buses assembled in Queensland to support Queensland
manufacturing jobs.

(c) The commitment for the first tranche of buses is at least 400 buses, mostly to replace
existing diesel and CNG buses with some allowance for growth.
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Queensland Parliament Questions on Notice


Question on Notice
No. 211
Asked on 7 March 2024



With reference to the government's announcement on 7 December 2023 that it will be purchasing
200 rail replacement buses—
Will the Minister advise (a) where the vehicles will be deposited and whether this is a State owned
facility, (b) the entity that will be hiring the drivers and maintenance personnel for the rail
replacement fleet and (c) given the large number of Cross River Rail related rail closures
scheduled for 2024, why the government did not plan to have these 200 buses in service by now?


I note the Member's keen interest in the Miles Government's Rail Revolution.

The Miles Government's passenger rail network is undergoing significant transformation in
response to unprecedented population growth and emerging demand. Over the next decade,
various rail infrastructure investment projects and system enhancements will be delivered which
will change the way people move.

(a & b)
The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) has commenced discussions with its
contracted Alternate Transport Service delivery partners, and contract details for the new fleet
are underway. As such, the location and facility that vehicles will be deposited and driver hiring
entity is still to be finalised.

The manufacturing of the new bus fleet in Queensland is to support network disruptions when
other major rail construction projects get underway, like Logan and Gold Coast Faster Rail, Direct
Sunshine Coast Rail and future accessibility upgrades to multiple train stations across South East
Queensland (SEQ). It also ensures the ongoing sustainability of the local bus manufacturing

Translink already has enough rail replacement buses to support rail service interruptions
throughout the year, including Cross River Rail related impacts. For example, TMR has already
introduced StationLink (route 109) to provide an alternative transport option for customers during
these planned closures. These services run at high frequencies providing customers impacted
by the closures with a reliable bus service.

In addition to that, TMR added another five routes this year alone, to support current station
closures for accessibility upgrades across the SEQ rail network.

The arrangement for the new fleet will enable flexible deployment to ensure SEQ public transport
users can travel across the rail network during track closures. TMR will continue to plan for rail
replacement services to ensure it meets the increased demand as major rail construction projects
continue in the coming years.
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Good to see that it's Electric. Will all of them be electric? I recall that the Minister could not confirm how many would be diesel and how many would be electric previously.

Edit: Wait nvm looks like it's diesel. I cannot work out why the Gov would be getting diesel busses at this stage in time...


Government Statement


Manufacturing program delivers first locally built rail replacement bus

9th April 2024

Minister for Transport and Main Roads and Minister for Digital Services
The Honourable Bart Mellish

. 200 replacement buses built in Queensland are being delivered in 2024 as part of an initiative to support the local manufacturing industry and jobs.

. The first bus has been built and handed to the government under a new ownership arrangement.

. The buses will be deployed during track works for major rail projects including Cross River Rail and Logan and Gold Coast Faster Rail.

. Under the LNP, manufacturing jobs will be sent overseas.

The first of 200 rail replacement buses has rolled off the production line as part of the Miles Government's over $130 million investment to support public transport and local manufacturing.

The Euro 6 diesel bus on a Volvo chassis has been built by local workers at Volgren's world-class Eagle Farm manufacturing facility.

The 43-seat bus will now enter service during track closures, helping to reduce impacts on commuters while critical works are undertaken on the South East Queensland (SEQ) train network.

The Miles Government is the proud owner of the new rail replacement bus under an arrangement where it will be deployed by the Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) across SEQ during track closures.

Volgren will produce 165 rail replacement buses in total for the Queensland Government with a new bus being delivered at a rate of around one every day when production reaches full steam. Meanwhile, Scania is building 35 Euro 6 diesel buses with BusTech bodies at its manufacturing facility at Rocklea.

All 200 will be built in Queensland and delivered by the end of 2024 with the investment supporting local manufacturing jobs, skills, and training.

Nearly 50 new local jobs have been created at Volgren as a direct result of the of the rail replacement bus program, which represents a 70% increase in the company's workforce in Queensland.

The buses have been designed to be fully accessible, to ensure everyone has access to public transport, including people in a wheelchair, and people travelling with luggage or prams.

The Euro 6 diesel bus is also the lowest emissions diesel bus available to be made in Queensland in mass production at this time.

The rail replacement bus program is helping to sustain the local manufacturing industry while the Miles Government continues its transition to a zero-emission fleet.

The Miles Government recently announced its plan for hundreds of zero emission buses to be built locally, supported by new zero-emission depots across SEQ.

The government is committed to all new Translink-contracted buses in SEQ procured from 2025 being a zero-emission vehicle.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Transport and Main Roads Bart Mellish:

"It's a big milestone to see the new vehicles built here in Queensland hitting the road.

"We're backing building buses in this state because it's a win for local workers, a win for the manufacturing sector, and a win for commuters as well.

"Our pipeline of rail infrastructure includes major projects such as Cross River Rail, Logan and Gold Coast Faster Rail and Direct Sunshine Coast Rail.

"Our rail revolution will transform the way we travel throughout SEQ and beyond.

"These buses will play a vital role keeping Queenslanders moving while our Big Build continues and these transformational projects come online.

"When critical track works are required to integrate these projects into the existing train network, that's when our fleet of rail replacement buses mobilises to keep communities connected.

"Under the LNP, we know projects like this would be on the chopping block.

"They sacked 700 RoadTek workers and sent jobs for our rail workers overseas.

"Unlike the LNP, we're backing local jobs and manufacturing and supporting the development of clean, renewable buses for Queenslanders."

Quotes attributable to Volgren CEO Thiago Deiro:

"Volgren is thrilled to celebrate the delivery of the first of our 165 rail replacement buses to the Queensland Government.

"For the last 15 years, Volgren has made significant investments in its Eagle Farm facility, transforming it into a unique Australian facility that builds buses in Queensland, made by Queenslanders. Since Volgren's been awarded the Rail Replacement contract, we've expanded our capacity and increased our headcount by 70%.

"The Rail Replacement project highlights the importance of sustaining manufacturing in Queensland and the crucial role of consistent bus programs in supporting local industries.

"We commend the Queensland Government, especially Minister Bart Mellish and the Department of Transport and Main Roads, for their support and investment in locally built products.

"Companies need visibility and consistency of orders to invest and grow.

"This project has enabled us to invest in our local facility and double our production capacity in record time.

"As we meet the challenging delivery schedule, our facility stands as a testament to pride, filled with new buses ready to serve the community.

"Volgren is honored to be part of this amazing project and we are looking forward to leading the transition for Zero Emission Buses to be built here in Queensland when the time comes."

Quotes attributable to Rohan Webb, State Secretary of the Queensland and Northern Territory Branch of the Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union (AMWU):

"For years, the AMWU has fought to bring manufacturing back here to Queensland.

"We started with trains in Maryborough, and now we're seeing buses built in the South-East.

"This isn't just about jobs; it's about keeping work steady and local, making sure Queenslanders and their families have got job security and more work on the horizon.

"It's a solid nod from the Miles Government that they've got the backs of the workers here in Queensland.

"These buses are about to roll out and have been built in Queensland, by Queenslanders, for Queenslanders. This is what happens when we stick to building things right here at home—good for our workers, good for our communities, and damn good for Queensland."

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The first of 200 rail replacement buses has driven off the assembly line in Brisbane. Bus manufacturing in Queensland...

Posted by Bart Mellish MP on Monday 8 April 2024
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Queensland Parliament


Question on Notice
No. 302
Asked on 20 March 2024



With reference to the government's announcement on 7 December 2023 that the preferred
manufacturers had been awarded for 200 rail replacement buses—
Will the Minister advise (a) when the contracts were signed with each of the builders, (b) the
names of the bus manufacturers invited to tender for the work (as asked in Question on Notice
No. 1210 of 2023) and (c) why an 'open offer method' for the process was not adopted (as asked
in Question on Notice No. 1210 of 2023)?


I thank the Member for Scenic Rim for the question.

The Queensland Government has committed to build 200 rail replacement buses locally. These
buses will be used to ensure South East Queensland public transport users can travel across the
network during track closures. All 200 buses are expected to be delivered by the end of 2024.
(a) The contract for Volvo Group Australia Pty Ltd was executed on 27 November 2023, while
the contract for Scania Australia Pty Ltd was executed on 30 November 2023. Volvo is set
to build 165 chassis diesel buses with Volgren Bodies, and Scania will build 35 chassis
diesel buses with BusTech bodies.

(b) There were three bus manufacturers invited to tender for the work: Penske (MAN) Australia
Pty Ltd, Scania Australia Pty Ltd and Volvo Group Australia Pty Ltd.
(c) The procurement was a limited Invitation to Offer to three suppliers. This approach allowed
the Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) to engage with those suppliers that
were able to provide an effective and efficient delivery methodology and to deliver buses
which align to TMR's existing fleet, reducing ongoing maintenance and whole-of-life costs.
The limited supply market strategy was to drive value-for-money and competitive tension
among market leaders, while delivering on the key objective of sustaining the local bus
manufacturing (body builders) industry by fast tracking orders to meet significant internal

To meet the strategic procurement objective of supporting local manufacturing, the Principal
Contractor was required to engage a body builder with a local Queensland presence.
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Cleveland Line

Any ideas on how and who actually operates (or will operate) the buses?

Will DTMR now directly manage a bus fleet and pool of drivers? Or are these buses provided to existing operators under some specific contract specifying they are to be exclusively available for rail replacement?

I kind of get the idea of having this fleet in principle but I don't get how it works in practice given the existing arrangements with a large mix of operators across SEQ.


Government Statement


Made in Queensland: Brisbane built buses ready to roll for 50 cent fares


The Honourable Steven Miles

Minister for Transport and Main Roads and Minister for Digital Services
The Honourable Bart Mellish

22nd July 2024

. Miles Labor Government is gearing up to 50 cent fares, getting the network ready for the nation leading shake up to the Queensland public transport network.

. In Brisbane, 37 of 200 Queensland made buses being delivered by the Miles Government have been built and are ready to redeploy to boost capacity.

. The 200 buses are being delivered as part of an over $133 million investment by the government, and are primarily used to assist commuters during scheduled rail track closures.

Premier Steven Miles and Transport Minister Bart Mellish have today celebrated the construction of 50 of 200 Queensland made buses being delivered as part of a $133.8 million investment.

37 of the 50 Queensland made buses will now be deployed to boost capacity on the Brisbane bus network in anticipation of the landmark 50 cent fares trial kicking off in just two weeks.

The remainder will continue to support commuters during rail track closures, including major accessibility upgrades underway at five South East Queensland train stations.

13 additional buses will be provided by Translink's bus delivery partners, taking the total to 50 additional buses for 50 cent fares.

It's just one of many preparations underway by the State Government to ensure Queensland commuters continue to enjoy reliable and accessible public transport.

This includes collaboration between Transport and Main Roads, Queensland Rail, Translink and delivery partners to ramp up monitoring of the many connected public transport modes across the state.

The government is also exploring increased parking capacity near transport hubs to ensure as many Queenslanders who want to leave the car at home or at the station can do so easily.

50 cent fares is the cheapest public transport has been in Queensland's modern history.

During the six-month trial starting 5 August, people will be able to travel on bus, train, ferry, tram, on demand services in South East Queensland, and all regional urban buses for just 50 cents – putting money back in the pockets of Queenslanders.

For example, an adult commuter who catches the train during peak between Helensvale and Central station eight times per week using a go card would save $2,100 throughout the trial period.

Patronage on the South East Queensland public transport network across all modes remains at about 87 per cent of pre-COVID levels.

Translink modelling is forecasting public transport patronage could re-aligning with pre-COVID levels during the trial.

The Queensland made buses to be used during the 50 cent fares trial are Euro 6 diesel buses on a Volvo chassis, and have been built by local workers at Volgren's Eagle Farm manufacturing facility.

They are accessible and have been designed to ensure everyone has access to public transport, including people in a wheelchair, and people travelling with luggage or prams.

Volgren is producing 165 of the 200 Queensland made buses for the State Government, while Scania is building 35 Euro 6 diesel buses with BusTech bodies at its manufacturing facility at Rocklea.

All 200 buses are on track for delivery by the end of this year.

The government's investment to support good local manufacturing jobs is already paying dividends – supporting hundreds of jobs and training and apprenticeship opportunities through the life of the contract.

The Euro 6 diesel bus is also the lowest emissions diesel bus available to be made in Queensland in mass production at this time.

Public transport users concerned about overcrowding can visit Translink's Service Capacity Tracker to view the predicted patronage on their service based on the day and time they are travelling. 

More information on the six-month trial of 50 cent fares is also available on the Translink website.

Quotes attributable to Premier Steven Miles:

"I am proud to support the Queensland men and women who are building the next generation of Queensland's bus fleet, right here in Brisbane.

"And now, 37 of these buses will hit the road to support our nation leading 50 cent fare trial in just two weeks.

"No other state and territory has our homegrown manufacturing talent, or our 50 cent fares.

"The countdown is on and we're ready to roll."

Quotes attributable to Minister for Transport and Main Roads Bart Mellish:

"We know people are excited for the 50 cent fares trial and we want to ensure a seamless experience for both new and existing public transport users.

"There is still capacity on many bus services but these locally-manufactured rail replacement buses will ensure additional services provide even greater service for our customers.

"Customers who travelled on rail replacement buses during the recent train track closures may have already spotted these buses out and about as they were used to keep people moving during this period.

"They proved their value during those track closures and I have no doubt they will again play an important role during the next six months."

Quotes attributable to Rohan Webb, State Secretary of the Queensland and Northern Territory Branch of the Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union (AMWU):

"The AMWU has proudly stood with the Miles Government as they've brought bus manufacturing back to Queensland, and we're thrilled to see the continued support from the state government.

"These very buses are going to be serving our communities with the new 50 cent public transport fares and rail replacement services.

"It's a strong affirmation from the Miles Government that they stand firmly behind the workers of Queensland.

"These buses, built right here in Queensland, by Queenslanders for Queenslanders, are a testament to the value of local manufacturing. When we commit to building things at home, it's not just beneficial for our workers and communities—it's incredibly good for Queensland."

Queensland made bus fast facts:

The Miles Labor Government has invested $133.8 million to manufacture 200 rail replacement buses in South East Queensland.

The buses were announced in December last year with the first bus hitting the road in April this year.

The buses are primarily used to replace rail services during periods of track and station upgrades, and to support during periods of disrupted travel.

There are already 50 buses built, with 37 to be deployed to Translink delivery partners during the six-month trial of 50 cent fares, which starts on Monday, August 5.

Brisbane City Council will receive 18 of the buses, with four each provided to Caboolture Bus Lines, Clarks and Transdev, three to Thompsons, two to Hornibrook Bus Lines and one each to Park Ridge Transit and Westside Bus Company.

The Euro 6 diesel bus is also the lowest emissions diesel bus available to be made in Queensland in mass production at this time.

The State has committed that all new Translink-contracted buses procured from 2025 for use on the South East Queensland bus network will be a zero-emission vehicle, with regional implementation of this policy from 2025-2030.


Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Poor old Westside and Park Ridge   ...    :eo:
Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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