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BRT - SEQ 2032 - Bold Transport Vision

Started by ozbob, October 19, 2023, 00:50:23 AM

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Connecting SEQ 2031 - Bold T & M - Schematic Map

> https://backontrack.org/docs/jonno/ConnectingSEQ2031BoldT&M_SchematicMap.pdf 0.5 MB


Connecting SEQ 2031 - Bold T, M, L & B - Schematic Map

> https://backontrack.org/docs/jonno/ConnectingSEQ2031BoldTMLB_SchematicMap.pdf 0.4 MB


Brisbane Metro is BRT - Call it What it is and Make the Most of It

19th October 2023

RAIL Back On Track says the results are in "People know the 'Brisbane Metro' is bus rapid transit (BRT)" and there is nothing wrong with that.

BRT is a very important first step towards creating a public transport network where walking, cycling, wheeling and catching public transport are peoples 1st choice not last. It is not necessary the end state but it helps define the network, services and start passenger growth.  Something SEQ needs desperately.

The RACQ in their DRAFT ShapingSEQ 2023 UPDATE submission called for the implementation of dedicated and separate busways, transitways and bus lanes and introduction of frequent bus services.  This is the very definition of BRT.

The current Gliders, BUZ and other frequent bus routes are extremely popular and proof that high frequent all day/all night services get people out of their cars.  Give these routes their own lane and the sky is the limit.

The new Brisbane Metro BRT routes are already called M1 & M2 and can stay being called that. Not because they are a metro but they probably should/will be in the future especially the busway/transit way between Springwood and Chermside.

RAIL Back On Track calls on Translink, the State Government and all SEQ Councils including BCC to start working together immediately to develop a BRT-based network design similar to the network shared in our recent Media Release. This includes the renaming of frequent routes based on their future mode such as:

M1-Mx for future BRT - Metro Routes
L1-Lx for Future Light Rail Routes
B1-Bx for routes likely to always be BRT

There is nothing stopping the implementation of a new BRT Network except a lack of political will, constant bickering/fighting and a lack of good engagement for improved network education with the public.

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track https://backontrack.org

Quote from: ozbob on October 15, 2023, 10:56:15 AMSent to all outlets:

RACQ Transport Ideas Good First Step but Bolder SEQ Vision Needed

15th October 2023

RACQ's submission to the ShapingSEQ 2023 Update calling for public and active transport improvements (1) is a great first step but a far bolder Transport Vision is needed to see off the "LA-style congestion" present and future.

RAIL Back On Track  says the transport planning in SEQ needs a complete overhaul and a Transport Vision that will reverse the last 50 years of focusing on road building first and foremost.

RACQ's submission outlines a great "starting point" with a focus on mid-rise density or 'gentle density' and the extension of the Brisbane Metro network and introduction of the Metro Glider services but these need to be implemented immediately not in 10 years. It also talked of improving active transportation but again so much more can be done ... now.  There is nothing stopping the planning and consultation with the community on a redesigned bus network, fast tracking cycling and pedestrian infrastructure as well as changes to City Plans starting right now.

SEQ needs a bolder Transport Vision similar to Sydney's Metro and Light Rail networks with clear 'leading practice' mode share target of over 60% of trips by active/public transport.  The Metro Glider services above are the first step to establish the network, services and start passenger growth now. The routes can then be converted to real-Metro (aka Sydney Metro) and Light Rail lines over the next 10 years. Ironically this is exactly what LA did with its 30/10 plan. 30 years of public transport construction in 10 years.

This needs to be partnered with the urgent delivery of rail services and infrastructure so that all stations have a train every 15 minutes or better as well as the delivery on the rail lines identified in Connecting SEQ 2031 plan ... and more.

How will SEQ afford it? Easy. Simply stop investing in road projects to "bust congestion" when it has been known for 50 years that it just increases congestion ... leaving a bigger problem to fix and costing tax-payers more in transport and health subsidies.

SEQ has spent 50 years creating this mess but must turn it around in the next 10-15 years.

What could this network look like?  Maybe something like the networks below where walking, cycling, wheeling and catching public transport is peoples' 1st choice not last. The the transport plans and strategies to date have prioritised road building and look where that has got SEQ ... a public transport mode share that has decreased over the last 30 years.

SEQ 2032 - Bold Transport Vision - SEQ Rail and SEQ Metro

High resolution: SEQ 2032 - Bold Transport Vision - SEQ Rail and SEQ Metro

> https://backontrack.org/docs/jonno/ConnectingSEQ2031BoldT&M_SchematicMap.pdf 0.5 MB

High resolution: SEQ 2032 - Bold Transport Vision - SEQ Rail, Metro, Light Rail and BRT

> https://backontrack.org/docs/jonno/ConnectingSEQ2031BoldTMLB_SchematicMap.pdf 0.4 MB


1. ShapingSEQ lacks transport vision to combat population boom

Robert Dow
RAIL Back On Track https://backontrack.org
Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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Half baked projects, have long term consequences ...
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^ Noticed lots of numbers in that article, except the most important one - the project cost. So I looked it up.

TCP puts it at about 54 billion EUR. A similar project in the SEQ context would be fast rail to the Sunshine Coast or R1 Rapid Rail to the Gold Coast.

Transit Costs Project
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


Isn't the Grand Paris express a set of orbital lines?


At 200km long, it would be both Sunshine Coast rapid rail as well as Gold Cpast line down the M1, in purely length terms.

Edit: Actually, thinking about it, it's very close in line length (albeit less stations) as building the whole Brisbane suburban network (not including west of Ipswich, south of Beenleigh or north of Caboolture).

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