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Toowoomba’s Railway Parklands transformation

Started by ozbob, February 26, 2015, 05:46:50 AM

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3D fly-through Toowoomba Railway Parklands - long version

This simulation illustrates the vision of the Parklands and includes the existing Toowoomba Railway Station and historic railway shed along with the proposed park areas.
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Deputy Premier, Minister for Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning and Minister for Trade and Investment
The Honourable Jackie Trad
Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Blueprint for Toowoomba's Railway Parklands transformation approved

The transformation of Toowoomba's railway precinct into an urban village and parkland is ready to begin with the Toowoomba Regional Council estimating it will provide up to 3,300 jobs during construction and a further 1,800 jobs in retail and service industries.

In formally adopting the Toowoomba Railway Parklands Priority Development Area development scheme, the Minister for Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning Jackie Trad said the development will reshape the city of Toowoomba and attract visitors and investment.

"The Railway Parklands precinct will renew Queensland's Garden City and the development scheme will ensure important issues such as heritage and public open space are managed in a way that enhances the whole city," Ms Trad said.

The Railway Parklands will provide an exciting inner-city lifestyle for 4,000 residents. It will also provide important economic development opportunities.

Toowoomba Region Mayor Paul Antonio said the Railway Parklands PDA which covers a total area of 51.3 hectares, will see the former rail yards site transformed into a regionally significant, all inclusive, community asset.

"The Railway Parklands PDA will include a generous and integrated series of open spaces for activity, recreation, engagement, interaction and relaxation. A vast network of pathways, cycle ways and new bridge crossings over Gowrie Creek creating a destination as well as an imperative link between areas of Toowoomba long separated by infrastructure and industry", he said.

"We are creating the blueprint for the biggest single transformation the city has seen in the last 100 years," Mayor Antonio said.

The transformation will include a combination of high quality amenities, recreation and entertainment opportunities in close proximity to the CBD which will make the Railway Parklands PDA a real choice for future markets, motivating development and renewal.

"Once you start looking at the bigger picture and the connectivity to the existing CBD and Queens Park you realise the unique opportunity we have in front of us to create an unrivalled inner-city lifestyle in the most family-friendly city in Queensland," he said.

Public consultation was undertaken from 14 September 2015 to 27 October 2015 providing all interested parties, including the community, residents, and business operators, the opportunity to view the proposed development scheme and make a written submission.

All submissions received during public notification were considered and in some cases, amendments were made to the proposed scheme as a consequence of issues raised in submissions.

For further details about the Toowoomba Railway Parklands PDA visit http://www.edq.qld.gov.au/planning/priority-development-areas/toowoomba-railway-parklands.html
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