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Ask AI - Responses by ChatGPT v4 to PT and other questions

Started by #Metro, April 05, 2023, 13:13:35 PM

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I've started using ChatGPT. Amazing, and very good at clarifying one's thoughts.

Here I will post some responses.
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Imagine that you are an expert public transport planner with extensive knowledge about Brisbane. What is the fastest, cheapest and most impactful measures to improve public transport service within the Brisbane City Council Local Government Area? Provide a list with detailed justification.


As an expert public transport planner with knowledge of Brisbane, I would recommend the following measures to improve public transport service within the Brisbane City Council Local Government Area:

1. Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system: BRT is a bus-based public transport system that operates on dedicated lanes, providing fast and reliable service. Implementing a BRT system in Brisbane would be a fast and cost-effective way to improve public transport service. BRT systems can be implemented relatively quickly and at a lower cost than other modes of public transport, such as rail.

2. Integrated ticketing system: A major barrier to using public transport is the complexity of ticketing systems, especially for those who are infrequent users. Implementing an integrated ticketing system that works across all modes of public transport (bus, train, and ferry) would simplify the process and make it more attractive for people to use public transport.

3. Improved frequency and reliability of services: Improving the frequency and reliability of public transport services would make it more convenient and attractive for people to use public transport. This could be achieved through measures such as adding more buses and trains to the network, optimizing schedules, and investing in better maintenance and infrastructure.

4. Expansion of the network: Expanding the public transport network to cover more areas of Brisbane would make it more accessible to a greater number of people. This could be achieved through measures such as adding new bus routes and train lines, and extending existing lines to cover more areas.

5. Introduction of more sustainable transport options: Encouraging more sustainable transport options, such as cycling and walking, can reduce congestion on the roads and improve public health. This could be achieved through measures such as building more cycle lanes, creating pedestrian-only zones in the city center, and promoting cycling and walking as viable alternatives to driving.

In conclusion, implementing a BRT system, introducing an integrated ticketing system, improving the frequency and reliability of services, expanding the network, and introducing more sustainable transport options would be fast, cost-effective, and impactful measures to improve public transport service within the Brisbane City Council Local Government Area. These measures would make public transport more convenient, reliable, and accessible, and could help to reduce congestion on the roads and improve public health.
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As an expert public transport planner with knowledge of Brisbane, what are the main determinants or factors for public transport patronage? Provide a ranked list in order of highest impact first to lowest impact last, and a detailed justification.


As an AI language model, I do not have access to the most up-to-date data and research on public transport patronage in Brisbane. However, based on general research and understanding of public transport systems, the following are some of the main determinants or factors that can impact public transport patronage, ranked in order of highest impact first to lowest impact last, along with a brief justification for each:

Service frequency and reliability: The frequency and reliability of public transport services is one of the most important factors in determining patronage. People are more likely to use public transport if they know that services will be frequent and reliable, and that they can plan their journey with confidence.

Journey time and convenience: The time it takes to complete a journey, as well as the convenience of the service, can also have a significant impact on patronage. People are more likely to use public transport if it is faster and more convenient than driving or other modes of transport.

Cost and affordability: The cost of public transport can also be a significant factor in determining patronage. People are more likely to use public transport if it is affordable and provides good value for money compared to other modes of transport.

Accessibility and coverage: The accessibility of public transport, including the proximity of stops and stations to people's homes and workplaces, as well as the overall coverage of the network, can also impact patronage. People are more likely to use public transport if it is easily accessible and provides good coverage of the areas they need to travel to.

Comfort and safety: The comfort and safety of public transport services, including factors such as cleanliness, air conditioning, and security, can also impact patronage. People are more likely to use public transport if they feel comfortable and safe while using it.

Environmental concerns: The environmental impact of different modes of transport can also be a factor in determining patronage. People may be more likely to use public transport if they are concerned about the environmental impact of driving, for example.

It is important to note that these factors are not necessarily independent, and can interact with each other in complex ways. Additionally, different factors may be more or less important for different segments of the population, such as commuters versus leisure travelers, or people in different age groups or income brackets.
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Can you provide a detailed explanation of the Downs-Thompson paradox, and provide an example of that. You may use the city of Brisbane as a context to help explain your answer.

The Downs-Thomson Paradox refers to a phenomenon in transportation planning where increasing road capacity can lead to an increase in traffic congestion, rather than a decrease. The paradox is named after two transportation researchers, Anthony Downs and William Thomson, who independently discovered the effect in the 1960s.

The paradox arises from the fact that increasing road capacity can encourage more people to use cars, leading to an increase in total vehicle miles traveled (VMT). This increase in VMT can offset the reduction in congestion that might be expected from the increased road capacity, as more people take advantage of the improved conditions to drive more or take trips they might not have otherwise taken. The end result is that congestion levels can remain roughly the same, or even increase, despite the investment in increased road capacity.

An example of the Downs-Thomson Paradox in Brisbane can be seen with the construction of the Inner City Bypass (ICB) in the early 2000s. The ICB was built to provide an alternative route for traffic moving between the western suburbs and the central business district (CBD), with the goal of reducing congestion on the existing routes. However, after the ICB was opened, traffic volumes on the bypass increased rapidly, and within a few years, congestion levels on the ICB were nearly as bad as they had been on the previous routes.

One reason for this is that the increased road capacity provided by the ICB encouraged more people to use cars to travel to the CBD, leading to an overall increase in VMT. Additionally, the ICB made it easier for drivers to travel across the city, leading to more dispersed trips and further increasing overall VMT. As a result, congestion levels in Brisbane did not improve significantly despite the investment in the new road capacity.

The Downs-Thomson Paradox highlights the need for transportation planners to consider a range of factors beyond just road capacity when trying to reduce congestion and improve mobility. This may include investment in alternative modes of transportation, such as public transit or cycling infrastructure, as well as land use planning and other policies aimed at reducing overall vehicle demand.
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People are very sensitive to price, security and journey times.

Price is ok in some circumstances.

Brisbane fails mostly in overall journey times. There are no direct crosstown routes to save time to help compete with the car.

Definitely need better East West routes like the busway extended from UQ to Indooroopilly.

Security is an issue as there are to many incidents occuring on Townsville  GC and Sunshine Coast buses as well as on trains. This is not a good selling to covert people to travel with public transport. 


Hey Verbatim9, I fed the chatbot some inputs about DST, here's what it came up with:

What are the main arguments for and against daylight savings in Queensland?


In Queensland, the main arguments for and against daylight savings (also known as "summer time") are:

Arguments for Daylight Savings:

Energy Conservation: One of the main arguments in favor of daylight savings is that it can save energy by reducing the amount of electricity used for lighting and heating during the longer daylight hours.

Tourism: Another argument is that adopting daylight savings can help the tourism industry by providing visitors with more daylight hours to enjoy outdoor activities.

Business Opportunities: Daylight savings can also create opportunities for businesses, particularly those in the retail and hospitality sectors, by extending the trading hours during the summer months.

Arguments against Daylight Savings:

Agricultural Impact: One of the main arguments against daylight savings in Queensland is that it can negatively impact the agricultural sector, which relies on natural daylight patterns for activities such as milking cows and harvesting crops.

Disruptive to Daily Life: Daylight savings can also disrupt people's daily routines, particularly those with young children or who work night shifts.

Health Impacts: Some studies have suggested that daylight savings can have negative impacts on human health, such as disrupted sleep patterns and increased risk of heart attacks.

Regional Differences: Queensland is a large state with many different regions, and some argue that daylight savings may not be appropriate for all areas, as it can affect communities differently.

It is worth noting that Queensland does not currently observe daylight savings, and the topic of whether to adopt it has been a matter of debate for many years. The decision to implement daylight savings is ultimately up to the Queensland government and may require a referendum or public consultation to determine the level of support.

Following on from the previous question, why did Western Australia choose to discontinue daylight savings?

Western Australia had a long history of implementing and then abandoning daylight savings. The state initially introduced daylight savings in 1916 during World War I to conserve energy. However, it was discontinued in the same year due to public dissatisfaction.

In 1974, Western Australia reintroduced daylight savings as part of a nationwide response to the energy crisis. The state continued to observe daylight savings until 2009 when a referendum was held, which showed that the majority of Western Australians were against it.

The reasons behind Western Australia's decision to discontinue daylight savings were varied, and some of the most commonly cited factors include:

Agriculture: Western Australia's agricultural sector was one of the strongest opponents of daylight savings. Farmers argued that it disrupted their daily routines, affected their livestock, and increased costs due to the need to modify farming equipment and adjust to different time zones for trading purposes.

Geography: Western Australia is a vast state with different time zones, and daylight savings can cause confusion and inconvenience for residents who live near the border between Western Australia and other states.

Lifestyle: Some Western Australians argued that daylight savings did not suit their lifestyle, with many preferring to wake up earlier to enjoy the cooler hours of the day, rather than staying up late in the evening.

Safety: There were also concerns about the impact of daylight savings on road safety, particularly in the early mornings when the sun rises later, and school children and commuters may be walking or cycling in darker conditions.

Based on the results of the 2009 referendum, the Western Australian government decided to discontinue daylight savings, and the state has not observed it since then.
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


The benefits outweigh the cons. The health impact is minute, if there is any?  Heart attacks and congnitive issues are likely caused from embedded insomnia, not loosing 1 hours sleep on one night per year. 😂


Let's ask ChatGPT about The Sunshine Coast Line!!!  :bg:  :-c


The Sunshine Coast rail line is a planned train line to Maroochydore in Queensland, Australia. It has been delayed a number of times since 1999. Can you please outline a list with the time and name of each plan and reasons why the project is still not built?


The Sunshine Coast rail line has been a proposed infrastructure project for many years, and its development has experienced various delays and setbacks. Here is a timeline of the project's plans and delays:

1999 - The initial proposal for a rail line to Maroochydore was announced by the Queensland Government.
2006 - A feasibility study was conducted, which recommended the construction of a rail line from Beerwah to Maroochydore.
2008 - The Queensland Government announced plans to build the rail line, with construction to begin in 2010.
2010 - The project was delayed due to a lack of funding, and the Queensland Government announced that construction would begin in 2012.
2012 - The project was again delayed due to a change of government and budget constraints.
2016 - A new proposal for the rail line was announced, with the construction of a tunnel through the Sunshine Coast hinterland and a new station at Maroochydore.
2019 - The Queensland Government committed $390 million towards the project, and construction was set to begin in 2020.
2020 - The COVID-19 pandemic caused delays to the project, and construction was pushed back to 2021.
2021 - The project was delayed again due to supply chain issues and labor shortages, with construction now expected to begin in 2022.

The reasons for the delays have varied over the years, including changes of government, budget constraints, lack of funding, and the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the setbacks, the Queensland Government remains committed to the project and plans to continue pursuing its construction in the coming years.
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


There are a number of factual errors in that response, with dates and times, further it was the Federal Govt, NOT the Qld Govt that committed $390 million.

That $390 million was announced in May 2018, not 2019 as stated.

Maroochydore rail was committed funding for construction in 2006-07, not announced (later) in 2008.
That funding is in the budget papers.

It's mostly close but there are quite a few errors.
It needs a bit more intelligence.


It can't distinguish between true and false. It works on correlations between words.

So if a falsehood is repeated a lot or perhaps $390 million appeared in a lot of Queensland Govt material it might draw a general association.

The AI appears to be trained to deliberately moderate its positions. It usually ends in a summary that doesn't take a firm position either way. I think this reduces its usefulness greatly.
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


Quote from: verbatim9 on April 05, 2023, 16:52:41 PMThe benefits outweigh the cons. The health impact is minute, if there is any?  Heart attacks and congnitive issues are likely caused from embedded insomnia, not loosing 1 hours sleep on one night per year. 😂

Why am I not surprised that you dismiss the disadvantages so callously because they don't affect you personally. Your support for DST is basically religious, and you ignore any disadavantges that don't agree with your religion. I'm glad you think that some businesses (potentially, unproven) making more money is more important than people dying. The evidence for increased heart attacks is quite clear, but you ignore it, because it opposes your religion.


I asked it ' Why is rowing a good exercise? '

Rowing is a good exercise because it provides a full-body workout that can improve your cardiovascular health, build strength and endurance, and help you burn calories. Here are some specific benefits of rowing:

Cardiovascular health: Rowing is an excellent form of aerobic exercise that can help improve your heart and lung health. It can increase your heart rate, which strengthens your heart and improves blood flow throughout your body.

Full-body workout: Rowing engages your upper body, lower body, and core muscles, making it a great total body workout. You use your legs to push off the footrests, your back and arms to pull the oar, and your core to stabilize your body throughout the movement.

Low impact: Unlike activities like running or jumping, rowing is low impact, which means it puts less stress on your joints. This makes it a good option for people with joint pain or those who are recovering from an injury.

Increased strength and endurance: Regular rowing can help build strength and endurance in your muscles, particularly in your back, shoulders, and arms. It can also improve your overall endurance and stamina.

Weight loss: Rowing can be an effective way to burn calories and lose weight. Depending on your weight and the intensity of your workout, you can burn anywhere from 400 to 800 calories per hour.

Overall, rowing is a great exercise for improving your fitness and overall health. It's a low-impact, full-body workout that can provide a variety of benefits for people of all fitness levels.
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I prefer Kayaking, similar fitness. They actually have Kayaking tours along the Brisbane River.--->https://riverlife.com.au/project/most-popular-twilight-kayak-tour/


I have long suspected that Queensland Government media releases and ministerial speeches, answers to questions on notice etc are formulaic, import literary tropes, and lack authenticity given the highly processed nature of their texts or speech.

I decided to prompt ChatGPT to produce texts in the similar style as Mark Bailey MP.

This is what ChatGPT produced when I prompted it to write text regarding Cross River Rail:

Cross River Rail

QuoteDear fellow Queenslanders,

I hope this message finds you in good spirits and with a sense of excitement for the future of our great state. As your dedicated Transport Minister, I am honored to have the opportunity to share with you some remarkable developments that will revolutionize our transportation system and breathe new life into our beloved Queensland. Today, I want to talk to you about the transformative project that is Cross River Rail.

Cross River Rail is not just another infrastructure project; it is a game-changer that will shape the way we move and connect across our stunning landscape. With its innovative design and strategic vision, this landmark initiative will enhance our public transport network, improve accessibility, and pave the way for a sustainable and prosperous future.

Imagine a future where commuting is a breeze, where you can effortlessly traverse our vibrant cities and explore all the opportunities they have to offer. Cross River Rail will unlock new possibilities, alleviating congestion, reducing travel times, and ensuring a reliable and efficient transport system for generations to come. It's about embracing progress while preserving our unique Queensland way of life.

This ambitious undertaking will deliver a host of benefits that will resonate with every Queenslander. We'll see more frequent and reliable train services, modern stations equipped with state-of-the-art amenities, and enhanced accessibility for people of all abilities. Cross River Rail will not only transform the way we move, but it will also breathe new life into our communities, fostering economic growth, job creation, and attracting investment.

But the benefits don't end there. Cross River Rail is an embodiment of our commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship. With a strong focus on reducing our carbon footprint, this project will promote greener travel options, encourage public transport usage, and help combat climate change. It's a testament to our dedication to building a more sustainable future for Queensland and leaving a lasting legacy for generations to come.

I invite you to join us on this exciting journey towards progress and opportunity. Stay connected through our official Queensland Government social media channels, where you can find the latest updates, engaging content, and fascinating insights into the development of Cross River Rail. Your feedback and support are invaluable to us as we strive to make this project a resounding success.

Queensland deserves a world-class transport system, and Cross River Rail will make that a reality. Together, let's build a brighter future for our communities, our economy, and our beautiful state. I am confident that with your support, we will achieve greatness and shape a Queensland that is truly connected, sustainable, and prosperous.

Thank you for your unwavering support, and let's embark on this incredible journey together!

So from this text, I think we can isolate a few themes here:

- Revolution and Transformation (seems to be quite common in QLD, remember the Rail revolution? Also seems to be a Fourth Industrial Revolution, Cleantech revolution, Open Data revolution etc.)
- Unique Queensland way of life (do Queenslanders have lives that are very highly divergent to those in other Australian states? How?)
- Benefits for every Queenslander
- "Breathing life into" this is a sort of magic vitalism that the government blows into (pumps up?) something it goes from dead into healthy and living, thriving
- World Class, we have already seen that one on the radar haven't we?

Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.


And just for fun, I then got ChatGPT to do the same thing but this time use the style for flogging QUEENSLAND bananas, pineapples, and mangoes...

QuoteToday, I am thrilled to share with you a trifecta of tropical delights that encapsulate the essence of our magnificent state—the remarkable Queensland pineapples, bananas, and mangoes. Each of these fruits represents a piece of paradise, offering a tantalizing taste of Queensland's abundant beauty and the vibrant flavors that thrive in our sun-soaked land. Join me as we embark on a journey through these tropical treasures and discover the extraordinary bounty they bring to our tables.

Let's begin with the Queensland pineapple—a crown jewel of our agricultural landscape. Imagine the vibrant hues of gold and green, the sweet aroma that permeates the air as you approach this tropical wonder. With its succulent and juicy flesh, the Queensland pineapple is a true symbol of tropical indulgence. From the first bite, your taste buds are greeted with a harmonious blend of sweetness and tang, an explosion of flavors that transport you to the sandy beaches and warm ocean breezes that define our beloved state. Whether enjoyed fresh, grilled to perfection, or as a refreshing addition to a tropical salad, the Queensland pineapple adds a touch of sunshine to every dish, infusing it with its unmistakable tropical charm.

Next, we have the Queensland bananas—a beloved fruit that has become synonymous with our state's vibrant identity. With their vibrant yellow hue and creamy texture, Queensland bananas are a true delight for the senses. Each bite reveals a natural sweetness that evokes memories of carefree days spent under the shade of a palm tree, basking in the sun's golden rays. Not only do these bananas satisfy your cravings with their delectable flavor, but they also provide a burst of sustainable energy that keeps you going throughout the day. Whether enjoyed on their own, blended into smoothies, or incorporated into a variety of culinary creations, Queensland bananas are a versatile and nourishing staple that embodies the tropical essence of our beautiful state.

Last but certainly not least, we have the Queensland mangoes—a crown jewel among tropical fruits. These golden orbs of sweetness are a true testament to Queensland's fertile lands and favorable climate. Each mango holds a promise of sheer tropical bliss, with its succulent flesh and intoxicating aroma. From the first bite, you are transported to a realm of pure indulgence, where the taste of sunshine dances on your palate. Queensland mangoes are a versatile ingredient that can elevate both sweet and savory dishes, from luscious smoothies and refreshing sorbets to tantalizing salsas and exotic salads. Their vibrant flavors and velvety textures make them a must-have addition to any culinary adventure.

Together, the Queensland pineapples, bananas, and mangoes form a trio of tropical treasures that embody the very essence of our beloved state. From their exceptional flavors to their abundant nutritional benefits, these fruits are a testament to Queensland's agricultural prowess and the dedication of our local farmers. When you choose Queensland-grown pineapples, bananas, and mangoes, you not only savor the taste of our land but also support the hardworking individuals who cultivate these fruits with passion and care.

Visit your local markets, grocers, or roadside stalls to experience the joy of selecting these tropical treasures directly from the source. Embrace the flavors, the aromas, and the textures that define Queensland's bountiful harvest. Incorporate these fruits into your daily routine, and let their tropical magic infuse your life with vitality, pleasure, and a taste of paradise.

Queensland pineapples, bananas, and mangoes are not just fruits—they are a testament to our state's natural splendor, the dedication of our farmers, and the vibrant flavors that thrive in our sun-kissed land. Indulge in their deliciousness, celebrate their rich heritage, and let the tropical spirit of Queensland flourish in every bite.
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And because we all want to know the answer to this one:

'World Class'

Quote from: PROMPTGiven the previous prompts, why does the Queensland Government so frequently use the words world class to describe its road and public transport infrastructure and services? Is world class a valid claim here? Why or why not?


QuoteThe Queensland Government frequently uses the term "world class" to describe its road and public transport infrastructure and services because it aims to convey its commitment to providing high-quality, efficient, and modern transportation systems that can rival those found in leading cities around the globe. While the term "world class" can be subjective and open to interpretation, it is intended to emphasize the government's aspiration to create infrastructure and services that meet or exceed international standards and provide a positive experience for residents and visitors alike.

Whether the claim of being "world class" is valid or not depends on various factors and perspectives. Some key considerations include:

Infrastructure Quality: To be considered world-class, infrastructure must demonstrate exceptional quality, efficiency, and innovation. It should incorporate cutting-edge technology, support sustainable practices, and effectively address the needs of the population. Evaluation criteria can include factors such as connectivity, capacity, safety, accessibility, and environmental impact.

Comparative Analysis: Comparing Queensland's road and public transport infrastructure and services with those of other leading cities or regions worldwide can help determine the validity of the claim. Benchmarking against global best practices, performance indicators, and customer satisfaction ratings can provide insights into how Queensland's infrastructure and services measure up on an international scale.

Investment and Development: The level of investment and ongoing development in road and public transport infrastructure is another important aspect. Continuous improvement, expansion, and enhancement of existing systems indicate a commitment to staying at the forefront of transportation standards and adapting to evolving needs.

User Experience: The overall experience of road and public transport users, including factors such as reliability, convenience, comfort, and integration, plays a crucial role in assessing the claim. Efficient and seamless interconnectivity between different modes of transport and user-friendly interfaces contribute to a world-class transportation system.

Stakeholder Feedback: Feedback from residents, commuters, and relevant stakeholders can provide valuable insights into the perceived quality and effectiveness of Queensland's road and public transport infrastructure and services. Public opinion, customer satisfaction surveys, and engagement with industry experts can help gauge the extent to which the "world class" claim resonates with the actual experiences of users.

It is important to note that the term "world class" is often used as an aspirational goal and a marketing message to showcase commitment to improvement and excellence. While Queensland's infrastructure and services may indeed be of high quality, determining their status as truly world-class requires a comprehensive evaluation and consideration of the factors mentioned above.
Negative people... have a problem for every solution. Posts are commentary and are not necessarily endorsed by RAIL Back on Track or its members.

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